Ima Crunchatize you.
+170|6996|The Lou

LaidBackNinja wrote:

You can shove it up your American ass.

My reasoning is this:
Bush sucks. Over half of you voted for bush. So over half of you suck.
Man that was a stupid comment..... i dont know if you understand the US government but.... we may get to vote but our vote means nothing...... the canidate can lose the popular vote and win the electoral colleges vote and still win that state..... sooo dont judge us if you dont know us ok?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

shspunkrockr wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

Here's me serious topic. I read what alot of you have to say about the United States, especially those of you that don't live here (I'm an American), and it appears that you don't like us Yanks too much.

I had a huge rant written, but figured it would fall on deaf ears. So I'll keep it simple. All of you people that don't like my country can kiss my American ass.
Totally agreed, America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, and one of the only countries that treats our women as well as everyone else. America is the best, and that's all I have to say.
I have a few things to say.

1. Please don't triple post.

2. Treats your women as well as everyone else? I doubt it...

3. Mabye you've forgotten that little figure I posted earlier? To refresh your memory...

I wrote:

And please remember, all of the  stuck-up-who-cares-about-other-coutries-Americans, that you are (about) 5% of the worlds population.

5% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So stop thinking you are all that matters. In reality, you hardly matter at all. (apologies to the millioins of decent americans living out there, but i had to say this)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Americans treating women as well as every one else haha.

#1 Most of the guys in the states dont care about girls and just want to "fuck them" they could careless about them so the normal american girls (if there is any) usually end up dreaming for a guy from a different country ive seen them say they think the guys they live with are "evil"

#2 Look at the US and porn all those cock sucking whores letting guys dunk there head in toilets blow 50 wads of cum all over there face and crap on there forhead just for a couple bucks so they dont have to work at mcdonalds wile doing all this plastering and waving there american flag around "weee were proud of are white trash whores"

3. Alot of alcoholic dads and guys who beat there wife.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7071|MA, USA
Spark:  In a rational discussion we do not attack in generalities.  I.e. we don't attack groups or countries.  That is counter productive, and is likely to piss off unintended me (which was, as stated, not your intended purpose).

5% of the worlds population is in fact, incredibly significant.  That makes the US the third largest country in the world, behind only India and China.    When you figure in that 5% also generates 20% of the worlds GDP, and are the most productive workers in the world, you begin to realise that the US is not only significant, but might be the MOST significant country in the world.  Not because 'we rule and you drool' or anything as silly as that, but because if the US economy goes down, the world's economy goes down with it - few other countries can say that (Japan is the second largest economy in the world, and it has less than half the GDP of the US).  It is a fact you may not like, but it is true.  The reason the US is so important has little to do with military or population, and everything to do with economics.

Having said that, if you wish to attack a person, attack the facts they put out.  If you think they are wrong, say why.  Force them to back up what they say.  Make it hard to rebut your argument with anything but insults.

And here is a perfect example:

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

Americans treating women as well as every one else haha.

#1 Most of the guys in the states dont care about girls and just want to "fuck them" they could careless about them so the normal american girls (if there is any) usually end up dreaming for a guy from a different country ive seen them say they think the guys they live with are "evil"

#2 Look at the US and porn all those cock sucking whores letting guys dunk there head in toilets blow 50 wads of cum all over there face and crap on there forhead just for a couple bucks so they dont have to work at mcdonalds wile doing all this plastering and waving there american flag around "weee were proud of are white trash whores"

3. Alot of alcoholic dads and guys who beat there wife.
Berserk_Vampire also said the following in response to hearing about a female US civilian who might be murdered by her kidnappers in Iraq (thread )

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

Shes american right?I dont really care to be honest  if she was canadian or british then i'd care thats what happens when you guys think you own the world and police everything terrorists start getting ticked off and go jihad on you lol.

What i cant stand the most besides chinks is the U.S they are just as bad as the terrorists "land of the free and brave"
I provide that as background on the source.  A racist and a blind (and I mean that in an intellectual sense) hater of the US.

Now to address his points, in order:

1)  Most guys?  What is your source?  Have you seen a survey?  Have you met MOST guys in the US?  Given what a pain in the ass it is to cross the border these days, I'm guessing you have met fewer than 50.  Very talented to extrapolate the few people you have met out to every man in a population of nearly 300 million.  Talented or ignorant.  My guess is you are just applying to the US the same type of judgement you apply to the "chinks."  Sad really.

2)  Um, what does that have to do with anything?  Nonsequitur.  This is simply a distractor; it does not back up your point.  Nevertheless, you seem to have made a very thorough study of are to be congratulated on that at least.

3)  A lot?  How many?  What is your source?  What you call "A lot," may seem like "a lot" to a resident of a country with only 31 million people, without actually being very much at all in a country of almost 300 million.  This also proves nothing.

So, in the end your argument is simply smoke, mirrors and bile.  Worthless.

Oh, and btw, it's "their," not "there"; and "wife" should be plural: 'wives.'  A lesson for everyone else: Don't be a fool, stay in school.

Now we sit back and wait for the insults

Last edited by whittsend (2006-01-21 07:42:34)

well said.... if u never been to the US dont bitch about it, i just hate bush thats all. if u hate the US, what ya gonna do? boycott US products? oh wait... u baught BF2 which is made by EA and DICE... well dice is from sweden? (plz correct me)

Possum61 wrote:

I'm American, proud of it. But our country gets bashed so much that I think we should lock down our Borders and to hell with the rest of the world and let them TRY to get along with out us.
Yeah try to lock down your borders. Try to get along without the rest of the world and look how your economy collapses. You need others (e.g. Europe) just as much as they need you.
Btw. Europe could get along fine without even knowing of the USA until 1492 (i know you cant compare this to the situation today).

Stop thinking you are so special and better than anyone else.
Stop thinking you could kick everyone s ass.
Stop thinking everyone needs you but you need noone.

And what about this "land of the brave" and "greatest country in the world" shit. How could you possibly think your country is in every way better than any other country. Those who believe this are the reason why many people dont like the US.

This is exactly like in WW2. They thought: Our race is the best. We could pwn everyone else. We are better than other races. Those Americans I refered to above would have been the best nazis ever. (a little off topic but: do most people in the USA actually know what nazi means? Dont use google! )

Is this so much different to this "greatest country in the world" stuff? I mean if you really believe in it.....

And we DO KNOW you were among the winners in WW2 stop bragging about it. After all you needed to save your own ass too stop thinking we all should be thankful.  After all we haven t even been born back then right? And dont think you pwned everyone there just look at the map and look how small the country you were fighting against is. Considering their size they "pwned" pretty good.

Last edited by QWERTZUIOP (2006-01-21 10:10:30)

Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7058|I'm worldwide, beotch


Yeah try to lock down your borders.
We won't. We will always take your poor, your hungry, your huddled masses. Forever and ever, Amen.


Stop thinking you are so special and better than anyone else. And what about this "land of the brave" and "greatest country in the world" shit. How could you possibly think your country is in every way better than any other country. Those who believe this are the reason why many people dont like the US. Is this so much different to this "greatest country in the world" stuff? I mean if you really believe in it.....
We're a bit partial to our home country. We won't apologize for it. Sure we have problems, but we admit them by putting them in the open and continue to work and make them better.


Stop thinking you could kick everyone s ass.
Ever wonder why European countries have a surplus of governmental money to spend on the secondary impulses of the nation (welfare, free daycare, free healthcare, etc)? It's because you've relied on America to be your military for 50 years. Not that we're unhappy about our role, but we'd like a little mutual respect.


Stop thinking everyone needs you but you need noone.
Yeah, you've really got your finger on the pulse of our nation.


This is exactly like in WW2. They thought: Our race is the best. We could pwn everyone else. We are better than other races.
"America" is not a race or ethicity. We are a country of many different races and creeds. See a map or encyclopedia for clarification.


Europe could get along fine without even knowing of the USA until 1492 (i know you cant compare this to the situation today).
Yeah.. no shit. That was pretty much the standard for everyone back then. Good comment.


And we DO KNOW you were among the winners in WW2 stop bragging about it. After all you needed to save your own ass too stop thinking we all should be thankful.  After all we haven t even been born back then right? And dont think you pwned everyone there just look at the map and look how small the country you were fighting against is. Considering their size they "pwned" pretty good.
You're right dude. We did win, but still- we didn't really win, because Germany has less square miles of land than us. They kicked your ass for 5 years straight... then we landed in France and it was over in less than a year and a half.. as we fought on two fronts. But you're right, we still got owned.

In summary, your points:
You were and now can be independent, we can't.
You're tolerant, we're not.
Your military can kick ass, we can't.
You're everything that is right, and we are all that is wrong.

Yeah, right.

Last edited by Aegis (2006-01-21 11:02:30)


Aegis wrote:


Yeah try to lock down your borders.
We won't. We will always take your poor, your hungry, your huddled masses. Forever and ever, Amen.
You totally missed my point. I was refering to the guy who said you SHOULD lock down your borders.
In the rest of my post I was talking to those here on the forum (there are some) who indeed think they wouldnt need anyone else but everyone needs them.
I DO KNOW there are MANY if not MOST people who think differently but this post was meant for those "we are the best"-guys out there.

To sum it all up:

Aegis wrote:

You were and now can be independent, we can't.
You're tolerant, we're not.
Your military can kick ass, we can't.
NEVER did I say we can be independent today. Remember when I said "i know you cant compare this to the situation toda"
NEVER did I say EVERYONE in the USA is not tolerant.
And I NEVER said our military kicks ass. I just told those who always say:"We kicked your ass in WW2" to stfu because it was 9999999999999 vs 100.....(i know the numbers arent correct...yes I DO KNOW IT)

In one sentence I wanted to express that the "patriotism" of SOME (remember I said SOME not ALL and not MOST) people in the USA reminds me of the nationalism back then in Europe.

Aegis wrote:

"America" is not a race or ethicity. We are a country of many different races and creeds. See a map or encyclopedia for clarification.
Again: I DO KNOW this but you I will STILL compare it.

Last edited by QWERTZUIOP (2006-01-21 12:19:29)

+3|7070|Austin, Texas
I think that most people dislike America because we go against the norm. I mean, think about it. We pioneered democracy. We showed the world that a major force such as Britian(back in the day) COULD be overthrown. We pioneered individual rights. Americans are innovative. Yeah, we've got a LOT of shortcomings, but everything that us Americans have today, we earned. Becoming the world super power wasn't just a whim. Americans have the motivation to do great things, something that most other countries' citizens don't have.
You pioneered democracy? Wait a minute isnt democracy coming from a greek word? Didn t the greek invent democracy?
You think people dont like you because ur democratic? Isn t Europe democratic too? Not a reason to hate you.
Are there no individual rights in other countries? Not a reason to hate you.
Are there no innovative people in other countries? A reason to hate you if you would really think that.
You earned everything you got today? And what we have just fell from the sky?
"Americans have the motivation to do great things, something that most other countries' citizens don't have." The reason to hate you there is not because YOU are innovative and WE are not, but because you THINK you re innovative and you THINK we are not.

Luckily not everyone in the US thinks like you....

Last edited by QWERTZUIOP (2006-01-21 12:58:38)

Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7058|I'm worldwide, beotch


You pioneered democracy? Didn t the greek invent democracy?
Yes, the Greek pioneered democracy, but unfortunately for you, America is a Republic.
Socrates was executed in the Greek democracy simply because the majority didn't like him.
In the American Republic, individuals are protected regardless of majority opinion.
I don't know how your little country works, and I don't care. I like the modern system here.


Isn t Europe democratic too?
Most European countries are either monarchies or democratic-socialist hybrid states.


Are there no individual rights in other countries?
Less than in America.


Are there no innovative people in other countries?
Sure there are. Why argue a dumb point like that?


You earned everything you got today? And what we have just fell from the sky?
Yes I did. I kept more of it, too. While my free-market healthcare appears to cost more up front, I don't have to pay out the nose in taxes to get on a multi-month long waiting list for a simple procedure like an MRI. I get it done ASAP in America, when I need it. I don't know and don't care how you do it in your country.


"Americans have the motivation to do great things, something that most other countries' citizens don't have." The reason to hate you there is not because YOU are innovative and WE are not, but because you THINK you re innovative and you THINK we are not.
If we're that shitty, why care what we think? You're innovative, right - no need to prove it to us!

Once again, a summation of your Anti-American thought:
America is everything that is wrong, and Europe is everything that is right.

Yeah right.
*double posting*

Last edited by QWERTZUIOP (2006-01-21 13:46:51)

Another great example of you quoting out of context.

Aegis wrote:


You pioneered democracy? Didn t the greek invent democracy?
Yes, the Greek pioneered democracy, but unfortunately for you, America is a Republic.
Oh wow guess what? I know that. But once again I was refering to the last post where someone said that America pioneered democracy. Again you try to make it look like I had said that America is a democracy which I didnt do in this quote.

Aegis wrote:


Isn t Europe democratic too?
Most European countries are either monarchies or democratic-socialist hybrid states.
Ok you seem to be refusing to try getting the gist of what i m saying. Just replave the word democratic with democratic structures and you will see what I am talking about. Some countries in Europe may have monarchs. But they dont have much power. You cant deny that every country in the EU is based on democratic structures.

Aegis wrote:


Are there no individual rights in other countries?
Less than in America.
Now THIS is new to me. You my country it s not allowed to listen to my phone calls without evicendes (this is based on memories and unreliable sources, you may correct me if it s wrong). Name me some individual rights you have got and I dont. Being allowed to bear arms and shooting someone if he annoys you doesnt count.(yes i DO know this is a little exaggerated)

Aegis wrote:


Are there no innovative people in other countries?
Sure there are. Why argue a dumb point like that?
Again an example how you refuse to see what I m saying. In the post above mine someone said the US were more innovative than anyone else. So I said there are innovative people in other countries too. What exactly is dumb in that?

Aegis wrote:


You earned everything you got today? And what we have just fell from the sky?
Yes I did. I kept more of it, too. While my free-market healthcare appears to cost more up front, I don't have to pay out the nose in taxes to get on a multi-month long waiting list for a simple procedure like an MRI. I get it done ASAP in America, when I need it. I don't know and don't care how you do it in your country.
In what way is this related to my quote? Just re-read what I was refering to and try again.

Aegis wrote:


"Americans have the motivation to do great things, something that most other countries' citizens don't have." The reason to hate you there is not because YOU are innovative and WE are not, but because you THINK you re innovative and you THINK we are not.
If we're that shitty, why care what we think? You're innovative, right - no need to prove it to us!
Again you say I would have said ur "shitty". Sorry did I miss something? All I said was that the guy in the post above mine said Americans are innovative and everyone else isn t which is complete crap. Remember that the YOU in my post refers to the person that posted above me and not ALL americans. It s not my fault that you just got one word for "you" meaning several ppl and "you" meaning one person.

Aegis wrote:

Once again, a summation of your Anti-American thought:
America is everything that is wrong, and Europe is everything that is right.
Mhm I can t see any anti-americanism in my post. If you find any plz call me 0190/666666....

I wonder if you read my last sentence which reads:
"Luckily not everyone in the US thinks like you...." (refering to Predator)
I think this shows my attitude isnt anti-american and generalizing at all but seems like you dont want to see statements like this.

Last edited by QWERTZUIOP (2006-01-21 14:14:01)

You dont need to visit the U.S to know there mentality problems and who would want to go there any way?
This is another reason why some people may dislike the USA or US politics:

Rank     Country     CO2 emissions per capita in 2000

1-6     blabla some smaller countries like Quatar..
7     United States of America     20.6
10     Canada     18.7
11     Australia     18.2
17     Czech Republic     12.5
19     Luxembourg     12.4
20     Belgium     12.3
23     Finland     12.0
24     Ireland     11.6
26     Netherlands     10.9
28     Germany     10.4
29     Russia     ± 10.0
30     Denmark     9.9
32     Japan     9.8
33     Greece     9.5
34     United Kingdom     9.3
35     Norway     9.2
41     Poland     8.1
42     Austria     8.0
43     Italy     8.0
48     Spain     7.6
54     France     6.9
57     Portugal     6.3
58     Sweden     6.1
59     Switzerland     6.1
71     Hong Kong, China     4.9
78     Mexico     4.3
79     Jamaica     4.2

-     World average     ± 3.9

source: Wikipedia


Last edited by QWERTZUIOP (2006-01-21 15:39:42)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

whittsend wrote:

Spark:  In a rational discussion we do not attack in generalities.  I.e. we don't attack groups or countries.  That is counter productive, and is likely to piss off unintended me (which was, as stated, not your intended purpose).

5% of the worlds population is in fact, incredibly significant.  That makes the US the third largest country in the world, behind only India and China.    When you figure in that 5% also generates 20% of the worlds GDP, and are the most productive workers in the world, you begin to realise that the US is not only significant, but might be the MOST significant country in the world.  Not because 'we rule and you drool' or anything as silly as that, but because if the US economy goes down, the world's economy goes down with it - few other countries can say that (Japan is the second largest economy in the world, and it has less than half the GDP of the US).  It is a fact you may not like, but it is true.  The reason the US is so important has little to do with military or population, and everything to do with economics.

Having said that, if you wish to attack a person, attack the facts they put out.  If you think they are wrong, say why.  Force them to back up what they say.  Make it hard to rebut your argument with anything but insults.
I accept that completely. I merely made that statement to remind people like these two:

FoodNipple101 wrote:

Fuck france smelly bastards there fucking stupid. They cant win for shit. There language is fucking retarded. So all in all we just xenocide them. there no good for anything.

cwkatl wrote:

For all of you pinko commie liberal faggots, i bet your all from america or france, and are at least under the age of 18............... and also what ever you say is full of shit, cite your sources like the guy who copied and pasted that carbon dioxide bullshit, wtf, america always helps every1 out, and if u hate america that badly and you live here, stop BITCHING AND MOVE OUT FO OUR COUNTRY, and do eevry1 a favor, thankyou and have a nice day you stupid socialist commie liberal bitchez
to stop acting as if They are All That Matters and no-one can tell THEM what to do. I know that 5% is a massive amount of people, but 95%...

Apologies if I offended anyone
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Sailor with no BF2 Navy
+19|7058|I'm worldwide, beotch


Oh wow guess what? I know that. But once again I was refering to the last post where someone said that America pioneered democracy. Again you try to make it look like I had said that America is a democracy which I didnt do in this quote.
America = republic, for clarification, again.


Ok you seem to be refusing to try getting the gist of what i m saying. Just replave the word democratic with democratic structures and you will see what I am talking about. Some countries in Europe may have monarchs. But they dont have much power. You cant deny that every country in the EU is based on democratic structures.
A monarchy is not a democracy. Does that click yet? China has a parliament and a premier. Like your country, these do not qualify it as a friggin' democracy. You are SOCIALIST states.


Are there no individual rights in other countries?

Aegis wrote:

Less than in America.


Now THIS is new to me. You my country it s not allowed to listen to my phone calls without evicendes (this is based on memories and unreliable sources, you may correct me if it s wrong). Name me some individual rights you have got and I dont. Being allowed to bear arms and shooting someone if he annoys you doesnt count.(yes i DO know this is a little exaggerated)
The right to bear arms isn't a right anymore? Not even discussing this one with you. The fact that America's liberties are more numerous than any other western country is well documented. Try Google, it doesn't mind discourse with idiots.

Aegis wrote:


Are there no innovative people in other countries?

Aegis wrote:

Sure there are. Why argue a dumb point like that?
Again an example how you refuse to see what I m saying. In the post above mine someone said the US were more innovative than anyone else. So I said there are innovative people in other countries too. What exactly is dumb in that?
See above. You made a stupid and unbacked comment, and I didn't argue with you. Whatever you want to think man, you're Europe - you're right!


Remember that the YOU in my post refers to the person that posted above me and not ALL americans. It s not my fault that you just got one word for "you" meaning several ppl and "you" meaning one person.
In case you missed it, this is an "America Hates Unite" post. Are you telling me that you really don't hate all Americans, just the guy who posted before you? Funny how that works out.


Mhm I can t see any anti-americanism in my post.
This is an AMERICA HATERS UNITE THREAD where you've been posting in your infinite wisdom what is wrong with America. But, you say you're not anti-American... right.


I think this shows my attitude isnt anti-american and generalizing at all but seems like you dont want to see statements like this.
You're right, you came to this thread to tell us how much you love us. You're so sweet!!

And on the CO2 emissions.. how fucking could we? The most industrialized nation in the world using the most energy and thereby having a large amount of emissions? That makes NO SENSE AT ALL! We're awful!
My car emits CO2 gas, just like yours. What a great reason to hate 300 million people.

Last edited by Aegis (2006-01-22 00:17:57)

America is helping to feed starving rain forests by emitting so much CO2. Do you hate rain forests or something?
I was at a party last night and ended up talking to this American guy called Poncho, from Portland.  Cool guy, and I'm inviting him along to any parties we have at my flat in the future.

I can't speak for the rest of the world, but in New Zealand there is a bit of an anti-american feeling at the moment, it comes in part from the blunder that is Iraq but also because of the ANZUS row about 20 years ago.

History lesson time:
Some time ago, the ANZUS alliance was formed; an attack on Australia, New Zealand or the United States would be considered an attack on all three countries.  All was well and good until we decided to pass anti-nuclear legislation making both nuclear weapons and power illegal.  This lead to problems with visits by US warships; the US refused to tell us which of their ships were nuclear powered or armed, so we denied permission for all US warships to enter NZ waters.  The US didn't like this (and quite rightly so), suspended security obligations under the ANZUS alliance to NZ and imposed some diplomatic/military sanctions.

The average NZer has since grown to resent our treatment by the US with regards to this issue, and I believe this has lead to the bulk of the anti-American sentiment within NZ.  Many other countries have recognised our right to be nuclear-free, and have sent "non-nuclear" warships to visit our ports.  Most NZers don't really care about nuclear power, we object to another country trying to dictate our laws.

The issue seems to come up every few years, and is widely believed to be the reason why we have "missed out" on a Free Trade Agreement with the US.  That said, we're likely to sign an FTA with China soon, I can't imagine the US being impressed with that!

However, in recent years relations have been warming.  A waiver on joint excercises was recently issued and one of our warships has participated in an anti-terrorism excercise alongside US warships.  A US admiral visited recently (when we're not meant to have high-level military ties), though this was downplayed in the media.  We've also been thanked by the US for sending our SAS troops into Afghanistan.  I believe our SAS deplyment may have outnumbered our reconstruction team at one point.

Oh, and cancer rates in NZ skyrocketed shortly after the period of nuclear testing in the pacific and promptly receded when surface testing ended.  So yeah, we've got a reason to dislike "nuclear stuff"
+252|7018|Sextupling in Empire

Hmmm..... one day the USA will no longer be the superpower of the world. If I'm still alive, then perhaps i'll actually care what other countries do or think.

Aspiring Objectivist
We help alot , we hurt alot.  The time has come to redo the govenment , but the monster we created will never allow that because inorder to change it you have to become part of it & after a while you change into them.
It is a serious problem but the people will have to rise up as one if we are ever to be "WE the people" again , I just dont see it happening because of all the red tape , & entertainment sedating the people into a non-caring bliss.
my personal opinion is that if you live in America and hate it so much then why the hell don't you leave. Seriously just sell your house and car then buy a plane ticket to china,or where ever the hell you want to go, and claim citizenship. 

If you don't live here in the US, then honestly i don't give a shit what you think.  Personally i think America has enough of her own problems and should be more interested in domestic affairs rather than foreign.  ::Example- Why send food to people thousands of miles away when you have homeless people in your city in just as bad of shape??::
i remember watching a show on tv once, called cnnnn, a show thats supposed to be like cnn, but full of bullshit, anyway, there was a segment where one of their reporters went to america and was asking a series of people on the street questions. i could not stop laughing when the reporter starting asking "Can you name a country starting with the letter U?" and the ammount of times people didn't get it was hillarious. i nearly pissed myself when one peson said yugoslavia. but the funny thing is that not one of them said United States of America.

Aegis wrote:


Oh wow guess what? I know that. But once again I was refering to the last post where someone said that America pioneered democracy. Again you try to make it look like I had said that America is a democracy which I didnt do in this quote.
America = republic, for clarification, again.
Again it seems like youre not actually reading what I said. You re just throwing in random words which dont fit in the context.

Same with pretty much all of your other arguments. I said every country in the EU is based on democratic structures (no your example of China doesnt fit here China is not part of the EU....not even of Europe). Your reply is that I m wrong (wtf?) and Europe is full of monarchies and socialist states.

You don t seem to be able to discuss. Here s a list for you to take part in a discussion:
1. READ what the other person said
2. THINK about what the other person said. (seems like you missed this step although it s very important)
2. THINK what you could reply
4. SWEAR WORDS do not count as ARGUMENTS

Aegis wrote:

The fact that America's liberties are more numerous than any other western country is well documented.
Which ones do you refer to exactly? If it s so well documented it should not be hard to name some. You could for example take Germany as a comparison. Again: I wouldnt count bearing arms as an individual right. I wouldnt want this right in my country to be honest. But it shouldnt be hard to find another right you have and we dont have, right??

Aegis wrote:

In case you missed it, this is an "America Hates Unite" post. Are you telling me that you really don't hate all Americans, just the guy who posted before you? Funny how that works out.
So because the topic says "America Haters Unite" this means everyone who posts here hates America? Hey you posted here you hate America? If I created the topic "Nazis unite!" will everyone posting there be a nazi?

Aegis wrote:

This is an AMERICA HATERS UNITE THREAD where you've been posting in your infinite wisdom what is wrong with America. But, you say you're not anti-American... right.
No I posted in my infinite wisdom what MIGHT be wrong with SOME Americans.

Aegis wrote:


I think this shows my attitude isnt anti-american and generalizing at all but seems like you dont want to see statements like this.
You're right, you came to this thread to tell us how much you love us. You're so sweet!!
No actually I dont love you sorry. I came to this thread to discuss why some people could hate America and came to the conclusion that it might be because of the exaggerated "patriotism" of SOME (did you read the SOME this time? If you cant read capital letters I ll say it again: some) Americans.

Aegis wrote:

And on the CO2 emissions.. how fucking could we? The most industrialized nation in the world using the most energy and thereby having a large amount of emissions? That makes NO SENSE AT ALL! We're awful!
My car emits CO2 gas, just like yours. What a great reason to hate 300 million people.
No actually I think the reason for the high Co² emissions could also be a different attitude of American politics and SOME people towards pollution. Remember that the numbers are per capita. Do you want to tell me that you are 3 times as industrialized as France and other European countries? .......right......

Again you were trying to make it appear as if i had said I d "hate 300 million people" which is everyone in America. Where did I say so?

I doubt you will be able to understand what I m trying to tell you as you proved in your previous posts so i m thinking about stopping to talk to you at all. (your next point will be I m afraid of losing the discussion and thats why i quit)
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7071|MA, USA

Volatile_Squirrel wrote:

Hmmm..... one day the USA will no longer be the superpower of the world. If I'm still alive, then perhaps i'll actually care what other countries do or think.


Berserk_Vampire wrote:

You dont need to visit the U.S to know there mentality problems and who would want to go there any way?
Squirrel, thanks for making Americans so popular with your well reasoned and lucid arguments.

B_V, thanks for showing that you don't have to be an American to spew worthless drivel.

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