Banned - for ever.
+231|6962|Wilmington, DE, US
What's the deal with the "Chunnel" anyway?
[blaq] plague

Horseman 77 wrote:

[blaq] plague wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

* Add ( after being Repeatedly and Savagely attacked )

World Trade Center 1993 Blown to shit

Keneya Embassie Blown to shit

Tanzinia Embassie Blown to shit

Mogadisho Somalia Massacer during a "Feed the staving" mission. PS ( where was your country for that one? )

Pan Amm Flight 007 Blown to shit

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Khobar Towers complex Blown to shit

DD USS Cole Blown to shit

All seven events had a massive loss of life. All seven events were perpatrated buy the same people.
He had 3 THREE chances to take out ( Kill ) the leader of this group.
He turned a blind eye with the sole purpose to end his tenur in a ( state of peace ? ) and secure his failed legacy. It back fired. He is the American Neville Chamberlian or Quisling.

He also sluaghterd his own citizens without a trail in Waco Texas in an effort to look tuff !
So the man had no qualms about taking lives.

He is also the Forgotten President. when Americans say clinton they mean ( Save Viqeus )* Hillary
*What about viceus? did she forget?

When China Rammed our lumbering C130 Herculese Intel plane* with a MiG 21 fighter. Then Enterned the Crew and pirated the Air Craft, Bush didn't go to War then.

*You can call it a spy plane but at best its passive spying. It only records RADAR emisions that it can detect in international air space. Dont want it to hear? simple Dont Turn on your set. 

Also you may noticed the Attacks on the USA Stopped on a Dime.

a simple case of " Fucked with the Wrong Man "

I think it says that you didn't really consider the series of events,

I think you wanted to put fourth your opinion and wanted to sneek it in anywhere you could.

I won't insult you as I think it shows cowardice at best but Clearly I take great issuse with your opinion.
Look at your sources again.

It wasn't a C-130 that was hit, it was a Navy EP-3.

Your Right, its an Electronic Warfare version of the PC 3 Orion Primarely used as a Sub Hunter.

And it's a little more than radar collection, one of it's primary missions is communications interception in enemy territory.

Again dont want it to Collect while Flying in International Air Space? Shut down

Ps its knowing what Radars are EI Search, Active Homing, Guidence ETC,   that lets normal advancend countries properly interpet millatary  actions like

standerd patrol, practice sortie, search and rescue, Hostile luanch ETC.

Most advanced Nations willingly allow others to hear as a reciprocol courtesy, For Safty reasons. Even the USSR did this. China did it too, the intercept was to feel out the New Admin in the USA as the other one had been their "Butt Boy" and they had bankrolled his campain.
It collided with a Chinese F-8. 

The F8 is a Licecensed Copy of the Mig 21 virtually Identical in profile

Collided ,are you kidding?  The Orion frame was desinged as a transport and many were used as passenger planes The Mig copy is a nimble fighter one of the most nimble pure fighters ever produced.
Ya the pilot sucked ( they have Video tape of him attempting to hold formation in a previous intercept.
It was his fualt entirely. If an F8/Mig 21 wants to hit ram bump or do anything to a PC3 Orion there is nothing the latter could do to aviod it. The F8 Mig 21 Could fly outside loops around an Orion all day long.

The Pan Am 103 (not 007...that was a KAL flight shot down by a russian MiG in 1983) bombing was organized and supported by Khadafy.  There weren't any ties to bin Laden.
I was wrong here too. I maent TWA flight 800 over Long Island New York USA. in 96 I believe.
I was on the USS Grapple.

Ps Kadafy did Flight 103 over Lockerbie Scottland. You dont hear from him anymore ethier, We have some expirence in handling this.
You're right...the MiG-21 is a highly nimble fighter, but unfortunately, the F-8 is not an copy of the mig-21, the chinese J-7 is, and that's an entirely different aircraft.  The F-8 (or J-8) is lightly based on the same design, but unlike the mig-21, it's built on a twin engine frame.  As such, it's regarded as not being nearly as maneuverable as a mig-21.
+1|6969|Kettering, Ohio
I posted earlier about how we aren't as bad as Europe thinks, I still feel that way, but I know where they must be coming from because a few Portuguese people I work with here on this damn island have given such a bad outlook on Portugal that I can't help but think, maybe all of Europe is this way. 

- They smoke like chimney's! 
- There average work day consists of this:
      8-9am:  Gossip about BS no one cares about
      9-1030am:  Coffee breaks, smoking, emails
      1030-12:  Work, smoke
      12-2:  Lunch, because lunch is that importnat
      2-3:  Work, smoke
      3-4:  Gossip about what they are doing later that night
      4-5:  On their way home when they are supposed to be working still.

-Everything closes here at 6pm on weekdays and 1pm on Saturdays and a lot isn't even open on Sundays.  And they wonder why there economy is so damn poor?
-Everyone thinks Americans are rich so they can steal from us whenever they feel like.  The police dont do shit but slap them on the ahnd and drive them home.
-VERY SELFISH.  If it doesn't help them, then it helps no one.
-Lastly, stuck up.  They think that Americans have no sense of syle at all.  I think that someone should let them know the 70's was 30 years ago. 
-They should stay off our base and patronize their own stores so they can start making some money here rather than spending it all on base because the exchange rate is better.

It is hard for me to NOT think that maybe ALL Europeans are the same.  I know they aren't but if they are even close, God help us all!
+302|6988|Salt Lake City

cwkatl wrote:

For all of you pinko commie liberal faggots, i bet your all from america or france, and are at least under the age of 18............... and also what ever you say is full of shit, cite your sources like the guy who copied and pasted that carbon dioxide bullshit, wtf, america always helps every1 out, and if u hate america that badly and you live here, stop BITCHING AND MOVE OUT FO OUR COUNTRY, and do eevry1 a favor, thankyou and have a nice day you stupid socialist commie liberal bitchez
Shut the fuck up you inbread, redneck, bible thumping, little boy molester in training, closet homo.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7094|Cologne, Germany

enough with the flaming, please. If we cannot discuss this in an orderly fashion, we are not going to discuss this at all...

swearing has never helped an argument

Erkut.hv wrote:

Here's me serious topic. I read what alot of you have to say about the United States, especially those of you that don't live here (I'm an American), and it appears that you don't like us Yanks too much.

I had a huge rant written, but figured it would fall on deaf ears. So I'll keep it simple. All of you people that don't like my country can kiss my American ass.
I don't like your country. Please point me towards your donkey and I'll kiss it.

EnZym3 wrote:

Erkut.hv wrote:

Here's me serious topic. I read what alot of you have to say about the United States, especially those of you that don't live here (I'm an American), and it appears that you don't like us Yanks too much.

I had a huge rant written, but figured it would fall on deaf ears. So I'll keep it simple. All of you people that don't like my country can kiss my American ass.
I don't like your country. Please point me towards your donkey and I'll kiss it.
Hey, you didn't swear.... good job. You don't like my country huh? Well, that's okay. I suppose live and let live. I'd flame ya, but it's early, and I just got to work.... lol.
I as a Belgian have just one thing to say:

All of you America-trashers can say that out loud thanks to America...  Plz don't forget that....
It's The Land Of The Brave. It The Land Of The Free. God Bless America, And No Others.
Horseman 77
dont wate our space with swedish chix are best Everyone knows that. lol
+27|7024|Atlanta, GA USA
Yeah!  You got any pics of her naked?
Hmm. That would probably get me banned. Perhaps later
Hmm. That would probably get me banned. Perhaps later
+0|7012|Newark, NJ
I don't know where the rest of this topic stands, read the first couple pages.

I was born and raised here in New Jersey, USA. I currently live in Newark, about a block from an area of the city you don't want to walk through in the light of day, let alone at night. I walk to school (college, not high school) every day and pass by people I see whom I'm ashamed to think were given the chance to breathe. Then I get to my classes, and while there are quite a few smart people around campus, there are still a few morons here and there who are very vocal with their stupidity. Their pride in this country that gives both the deserving and the undeserving so much in the way of personal gratification and sustenance is what causes them to blindly hate on those who hate us. Maybe it works both ways, but I can't make any assumptions, as I've never been overseas (although I'd love to get out of this shithole ).

It's unfortunate that children without enough knowledge to see past their own protected worlds are given the means to communicate with people outside our borders and even give them the impression that they represent their countrymen in general. I can assure you, we hate them too.

Many of you hate my country in general because of the government that acts like one giant collective asshat to the outside world, but it is that government you should despise, not people like us. Most of us Americans are uninformed and ignorant f***tards who have nothing better to do than bash back against people who bash at their birthplace. You must understand that we will defend our own country to the death, having the pride we do. I wouldn't be too far off the mark to assume many of you have the same kind of pride in your own county, or your own state of affairs, or your own government, or just in yourself.

I hate the people in my government right now. Every day I read about the things they do in their offices that can potentially fuck over the planet Earth itself. I despise them not necessarily for the policies themselves, but because we are supposed to have a system of government that would prevent such idiocies from occuring in the first place. Our government is based on a principle that every citizen has a say in the government, but that principle was established in a time when to not be aware of the workings of the government or the world around you was very dangerous. We have become so protected by our own system that we cannot see beyond our own scope. We then come to rely on the words of others, and those others usually are the ones in power. Too often those in power are there for the wrong reasons, but the people are too lazy to rise up and do something about it. We, as a nation, do not have the mental capacity to take on the system: it is so ingrained in our thought process that we do not question it.

I try as much as I can to see the truth in this system and inform others about what I discover and what I would like to see done. Try as I might, no one wants to make that effort anymore: no one wants to try. So, they decide to let the system be, try to work their own way through it to a good lot in life, and defend that territory from others who would attempt to discredit that way of life. Persons like yourselves, my overseas friends.

I could care less one way or the other. I am studying for a field that will not take me anywhere near foreign policy, and as such I try not to comment on it. It is not my forte, and I know my place. Try to bunch me with the lot that doesn't understand that, though, and you'll get some harsh words from me to you. Just never from me to your country.

As much as I would love to think the US is the best country in the world, I can't say that for sure. I am not that much of a scholar in terms of worldly events. I only hope that if I enter a room with people from every other nation on the planet that they can be as friendly to me as I wish to be to them.

Somebody in this thread was wanting to give some tasty ice cream to an intelligent American? Could I implore you for a tiny spoonful, perhaps? I'm famished.

NecroSen wrote:

something intelligent..............
manyou guys are sad i could not give a fuck about america or anyother country aslong as i like my own, if you dont like america dont go there, if you dont like any country dont go there, but dont bitch and moan about one stupid fucking president that looks like a monkey and knows how to drop a few bombs, im from the UK ive been in the battlefeild in iraq and met a whole squad of US troops they where one of the finest people ive ever met (although a bit trigger happy i must say)
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6927|Canberra, AUS

M1-Lightning wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

cwkatl wrote:

For all of you pinko commie liberal faggots, i bet your all from america or france, and are at least under the age of 18............... and also what ever you say is full of shit, cite your sources like the guy who copied and pasted that carbon dioxide bullshit, wtf, america always helps every1 out, and if u hate america that badly and you live here, stop BITCHING AND MOVE OUT FO OUR COUNTRY, and do eevry1 a favor, thankyou and have a nice day you stupid socialist commie liberal bitchez
I am over the age of 18. I am not from the US or france.
America always helps everyone out, eh?
I don't think I really have to go into these things.
You keep proving to me that Americans are in fact retarded.
In fact, I didn't even know it was this bad.
Is there not a single American that can respond in an intelligent fashion?
Not when Kyoto is your only argument. You've lost that argument.
Did building thousands upon thousands upon thousands of nukes and starting a Cold War help anyone out.

Note: I am from an 'allied' country according to your CIC
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6927|Canberra, AUS
And please remember, all of the  stuck-up-who-cares-about-other-coutries-Americans, that you are (about) 5% of the worlds population.

5% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So stop thinking you are all that matters. In reality, you hardly matter at all. (apologies to the millioins of decent americans living out there, but i had to say this)

EDIT: (to avoid triple post :S) What I DO hate is this idiotic, destructive pre-emptive strike policy of the Bush admin.. By this logic, every mental patient (no offense meant) and prisoner for greivous bodily harm and attempted murder should be shot.

Last edited by Spark (2006-01-17 21:19:10)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Thread Ender
+58|6976|New Hampshire
I'm an American.  I'm from a blue state; however, the state flip flops colors because we hold the nations first primary. 

I'd love to be a politician.  I get so very angry when I watch the news lately.  How are we supposed to help Iraq create a perfect democracy when their is so much corruption in our own?  If you don't believe our government is corrupt, google these names - Bill Frist, Tom DeLay, Lewis "Scooter" Libby,and other (generally) Republican leaders.  I remember voting in the 2004 elections.  The vast majority of my high school I attended was under 18, and therefore could not vote.  I voted for Kerry - not because I liked the guy a whole hell of a lot, but because I believe that Bush was heading the country in the wrong direction.  Please don't flame me for saying I voted for Kerry, we're all entitled to a vote and an opinion.

Just because I'm an American does not mean I agree with my countries policies.  This also does not mean that if I wish I can change these policies.  The problem most countries have with the United States is with our presidential administration.  I'm sorry to say that i am TERRIFIED of the Alito hearings - and I'm also horrified that so few Americans know what is going on right now.  Voter apathy in the United States is at an all time high, which is also appaling seeing as our country is engaged in what can now be considered my generations Vietnam.

Spark, I'm sorry to tell you this (and I don't want to sound stuck up, but it's pretty much true) that although our country has only 5% of the worlds total population, we hold maybe 75% of the worlds political power.  This can be seen in going to war on Iraq - even though many countries only sent in a token amount of troops, many countries sent troops in for us.  Countries always look to the United States for help when a disaster occurs, and often (unfortunately) the US is forced with a difficult decision to make.  We are often forced into "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situations, in which case whatever our administration chooses we're going to get some bad rap for.  I'm not saying that we don't make wrong decisions, I'm just saying that we're forced to make many decisions and that most of the time someones not going to like the outcome.

We let a genocide occur in Darfur, Africa - people hate us.  We fight in Somalia so the Red Cross can restore food to starving people without rival warlords scooping it up and using it for military purposes - people dislike us.  However, a gigantic earthquake hits Pakistan, killing hundreds of thousands as well as 1,200 or so Indians, and the US goes in and gives aid, with US Seabees building shelters so people will not freeze, and US Marines giving medical assistance where hospitals have been destroyed.  A giant tidal wave hits Asia and the US is looked to for aid, even though we have our own flooding in the southern part of our country.

Please, please do not judge my country because of my administration.  I'm only 1 vote, and many of the people who disagree with the policies are either lazy or too young to vote.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6927|Canberra, AUS

TehSeraphim wrote:

Spark, I'm sorry to tell you this (and I don't want to sound stuck up, but it's pretty much true) that although our country has only 5% of the worlds total population, we hold maybe 75% of the worlds political power.
I realised that. And that needs to change. A country that has a twentieth of the worlds people should not, for example, use a hugely disproportional amount of resources (for example. I don't know the figure, but its something between 30 and 60 percent).

There is some merit in the commie' policy of everyone-equal. And before you redneck fuckwits flame me, please think of what you would say if the foot were on the other shoe (i think thats it anyway). It's little wonder that many of the poor countries in post WWII chose communism over capitalism (which is essentially what the US is, a capitalist state).
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Thread Ender
+58|6976|New Hampshire
No doubt US is a capitalistic state - with the way democracy is, people are out for their own interests, so the majority gets what they want while the minority doesnt. 

As for post WWII communism spread, I don't think that countries "turned" to it - I believe that many countries were subjugated under Communism - you can see this in the 80's with Poland's Solidarity movement.

As for our country using a huge amount of resources, this is true - but I think it's only cuz China doesn't have all their shit together yet 8) .

JaM3z wrote:

manyou guys are sad i could not give a fuck about america or anyother country aslong as i like my own, if you dont like america dont go there, if you dont like any country dont go there, but dont bitch and moan about one stupid fucking president that looks like a monkey and knows how to drop a few bombs, im from the UK ive been in the battlefeild in iraq and met a whole squad of US troops they where one of the finest people ive ever met (although a bit trigger happy i must say)
A buddy of mine was a CB, rolling with a Marine unit. Funny, he said the same thing about you blokes. Very cool, those UK soldiers, but a bit reckless.

Funny how soldiers view each other... lol.

Thanks for helping us, btw.
+18|7012|Os , Norway
Wy is every one blaming the Americans for the f... ups their govermant is doing, the average Amercan is probebly tiered of wath their goverment do, but so am i with mine, and im from Norway, but all rest of europe and the states hates us beacause of whaling we do ! Do i care ! Nope!
+0|6948|Elyria OH

cwkatl wrote:

LaidBackNinja wrote:

Hurray Nehil.
The reason why I had no reply was because I said I would no longer participate in this discussion, purely from the amount of patriotical idiocy poured over me. But I just have to say:
Nehil you rock.
i'm glad you accept your defeat, but not glad that you make up words that you think make you sound smarter, idiocy is not a weord dumabss, and also, if u hate us so much, do somehting about it than bitch on a videa game forum made by americans, and also, if you hate america, dont play our game or buy our stuff, but since you are such a loser and are addicted tot his game, go right ahead and bitch away nmaking us rich
Basically your 16 and you go to high school when your old enough to vote then talk!!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6927|Canberra, AUS

cwkatl wrote:

i'm glad you accept your defeat, but not glad that you make up words that you think make you sound smarter, idiocy is not a weord dumabss, and also, if u hate us so much, do somehting about it than bitch on a videa game forum made by americans, and also, if you hate america, dont play our game or buy our stuff, but since you are such a loser and are addicted tot his game, go right ahead and bitch away nmaking us rich
"The word is derived from the Greek word ιδιωτης, idiôtês, "a private citizen, individual", from ιδιος, idios, "private".

The derived term idiocy describes an extreme folly or stupidity, its symptoms (foolish or stupid utterance or deed) or in psychology the state or condition of an idiot, i.e. profound mental retardation."

According to WIkipedia. Did you even go to school?

We don't hate America. The large majority (ahem) of Americans are decent, tolerant people. We hate its policies, its politicians and their i-dont-give-a-damn-about-other-countries attitude.

Last edited by Spark (2006-01-18 15:53:46)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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