My question is this. As some of you may know by listening to the news and/ or reading the news that threats from Al-qaida are becoming more and more threatening. There was a recent intelligence report stating that this AQ has the people in place and have access to nuclear/ dirty bomb material and the know how to put it to use. Now, no one knows how close they are to actually pulling something off but I do believe that this will happen in Europe or if AQ's wish were to come America. Now here is my question. If a nuclear bomb does go off (big, small or dirty), let's say in the heart of Chicago or some other major city and AQ claims responsibility, if you were the American president....What would you do?

Since AQ does not have a conventional army, does not have borders of any should America respond, especially if YOU were president.
GunSlinger OIF II
invade Iraq

we should pull out and re-invade it.

Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2007-07-15 23:52:48)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS
A. Stop being such a gung-ho fucking sumo wrestler on the world diplomatic stage
B. Change anti-terror policy to reflect a shift from military power to intelligence power.
C. Focus more on regions that could be possible hotbeds: i.e. Talibanistan.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The New Johnnie Cochran
Personally, pre-empt a massive terror attack with a decree that an attack on the US or a US ally with a WMD will result in US action against the group  involved and anyone who we feel was involved with the attack. We will respond at a time and in a manner of our choosing.

If such an attack does occur, first, issue national guard to the area to take care of the survivors, and to insure order. Contain the area and quarantine the survivors. Next, try to find out who pulled off the attack. If it is a state terrorist, Contact UK, India, Russia, France, and then Massive Retaliation. Same thing with state sponsored. If it happens to be a rouge unit without state support, contact suspected state of hiding and go after them. To ease European feelings, make sure to build a UN coalition. Shouldn't be too hard considering the nature of the situation.
+488|6883|Portland, OR, USA
Gtfo and become an isolationist state.

obviously no one wants us to police the world, so why should we?  Make sure we're safe at home, keep our noses out of other peoples business and pump funds into research instead of the military.  Slowly ween ourselves off foreign oil (hopefully those research dollars would pay off here) and then send aid where it's needed and end our imperialist era.
Annex the middle east.  All of it.
+947|6825|Gold Coast
Invade some countries, resign, then laugh.

Rly, keep doing what the current one is doing, but invest more to Iraq so we can GTFO of that fucked up area. And get more oil.
I'll say fuck yall, in that true american cowboy way, then broadcast brokeback mountain on every single channel.
+98|6971|Penrith, N.S.W, Australia
Nuke the whole middle east.
My question is about if an attack of that nature ACTUALLY occured and AQ took responsibility for the attack. I'm seeing a lot about what we should have done concerning Iraq, Im not asking about that or what we should do right now....I want to know what you would do as the American president if such an attack actually occured. I understand that people say "dont stick your nose in everyone's business" but wouldn't an attack of a nuclear/ dirty bomb on our soil be OUR BUSINESS and what would you do? Since a lot of people here are very weary of preemtive attacks or of what America is going to do in the future....then again, if you were the president, how would you handle such an event. Personally, as the president, I won't sit back and close borders and hide! Something should be done.

CommieChipmunk wrote:

Gtfo and become an isolationist state.

obviously no one wants us to police the world, so why should we?  Make sure we're safe at home, keep our noses out of other peoples business and pump funds into research instead of the military.  Slowly ween ourselves off foreign oil (hopefully those research dollars would pay off here) and then send aid where it's needed and end our imperialist era.
I don't understand how this is a response to a nuclear/ dirty bomb attack on American soil and a claim by AQ for doing it.

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

My question is this. As some of you may know by listening to the news and/ or reading the news that threats from Al-qaida are becoming more and more threatening. There was a recent intelligence report stating that this AQ has the people in place and have access to nuclear/ dirty bomb material and the know how to put it to use. Now, no one knows how close they are to actually pulling something off but I do believe that this will happen in Europe or if AQ's wish were to come America. Now here is my question. If a nuclear bomb does go off (big, small or dirty), let's say in the heart of Chicago or some other major city and AQ claims responsibility, if you were the American president....What would you do?

Since AQ does not have a conventional army, does not have borders of any should America respond, especially if YOU were president.
a) Launch an investigation into how the domestic security services failed so monumentally.
b) Divert all funds being used in conflicts that have been shown to fuel extremism and funnel it into domestic security - border controls (priority number one being a manned US-Mexico wall, secondary priority being the Canadian border and tertiary the air and sea ports).
c) Learn from the errors made through an inquiry and implement the findings fully.

There is no reason on earth why fissile material should be able to pass through your national border undetected. If it originated from within then you've got some serious questions to ask about domestic security at nuclear power plants.

Oh I forgot: give geiger counters to all border agents.

An important thing to bear in mind when decrying the cost of my plan: $145m gets spent by the US in Iraq every day. $145M A DAY!!!

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-07-16 01:32:09)

+488|6883|Portland, OR, USA

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

Gtfo and become an isolationist state.

obviously no one wants us to police the world, so why should we?  Make sure we're safe at home, keep our noses out of other peoples business and pump funds into research instead of the military.  Slowly ween ourselves off foreign oil (hopefully those research dollars would pay off here) and then send aid where it's needed and end our imperialist era.
I don't understand how this is a response to a nuclear/ dirty bomb attack on American soil and a claim by AQ for doing it.
Probably should have read the entire post.

But it still makes more sense then something our current president would have thought up.

CameronPoe wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

My question is this. As some of you may know by listening to the news and/ or reading the news that threats from Al-qaida are becoming more and more threatening. There was a recent intelligence report stating that this AQ has the people in place and have access to nuclear/ dirty bomb material and the know how to put it to use. Now, no one knows how close they are to actually pulling something off but I do believe that this will happen in Europe or if AQ's wish were to come America. Now here is my question. If a nuclear bomb does go off (big, small or dirty), let's say in the heart of Chicago or some other major city and AQ claims responsibility, if you were the American president....What would you do?

Since AQ does not have a conventional army, does not have borders of any should America respond, especially if YOU were president.
a) Launch an investigation into how the domestic security services failed so monumentally.
b) Divert all funds being used in conflicts that have been shown to fuel extremism and funnel it into domestic security - border controls (priority number one being a manned US-Mexico wall, secondary priority being the Canadian border and tertiary the air and sea ports).
c) Learn from the errors made through an inquiry and implement the findings fully.

There is no reason on earth why fissile material should be able to pass through your national border undetected. If it originated from within then you've got some serious questions to ask about domestic security at nuclear power plants.

Oh I forgot: give geiger counters to all border agents.

An important thing to bear in mind when decrying the cost of my plan: $145m gets spent by the US in Iraq every day. $145M A DAY!!!
So basically blame ourselves for the attack and do nothing about it?

CommieChipmunk wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

Gtfo and become an isolationist state.

obviously no one wants us to police the world, so why should we?  Make sure we're safe at home, keep our noses out of other peoples business and pump funds into research instead of the military.  Slowly ween ourselves off foreign oil (hopefully those research dollars would pay off here) and then send aid where it's needed and end our imperialist era.
I don't understand how this is a response to a nuclear/ dirty bomb attack on American soil and a claim by AQ for doing it.
Probably should have read the entire post.

But it still makes more sense then something our current president would have thought up.
So basically close our borders, be isolationist and don't respond to an attack of that nature on our soil?

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

My question is this. As some of you may know by listening to the news and/ or reading the news that threats from Al-qaida are becoming more and more threatening. There was a recent intelligence report stating that this AQ has the people in place and have access to nuclear/ dirty bomb material and the know how to put it to use. Now, no one knows how close they are to actually pulling something off but I do believe that this will happen in Europe or if AQ's wish were to come America. Now here is my question. If a nuclear bomb does go off (big, small or dirty), let's say in the heart of Chicago or some other major city and AQ claims responsibility, if you were the American president....What would you do?

Since AQ does not have a conventional army, does not have borders of any should America respond, especially if YOU were president.
a) Launch an investigation into how the domestic security services failed so monumentally.
b) Divert all funds being used in conflicts that have been shown to fuel extremism and funnel it into domestic security - border controls (priority number one being a manned US-Mexico wall, secondary priority being the Canadian border and tertiary the air and sea ports).
c) Learn from the errors made through an inquiry and implement the findings fully.

There is no reason on earth why fissile material should be able to pass through your national border undetected. If it originated from within then you've got some serious questions to ask about domestic security at nuclear power plants.

Oh I forgot: give geiger counters to all border agents.

An important thing to bear in mind when decrying the cost of my plan: $145m gets spent by the US in Iraq every day. $145M A DAY!!!
So basically blame ourselves for the attack and do nothing about it?
How on earth does improving border security amount to 'doing nothing about it'? Please answer me how. That seems like denial of your border security issues - the real threat to America.

One thing I should have added: capture those respsonsible, try them with mass murder and incarcerate them in accordance with US law.

I'm from Ireland - I was brought up in a border county next to the conflict in Northern Ireland - and there is one thing I know for certain: fighting fire with fire doesn't work when it comes to terror. Terrorism CANNOT be treated in the same manner as an attack from a conventional army. The sooner people realise this the sooner they'll stop fuelling it with their stupid backfiring interventionist wars...

Belligerent and more subtle western interference in the politics of the developing world is one of the main drivers of this extremism because the crackpots promulgating anti-western sentiment can point to it for some kind of legitimacy. It won't harm to remove that excuse from their repertoire of 'come blow yourself up' recruitment techniques. We need to play fair. We are partly to blame for the hatred but their response is barbaric and totally unjustifiable. They should bring down their own governments - not fuck with the west. They're as much to blame for allowing their governments be exploited by the west as we are.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-07-16 02:18:22)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6988|Canberra, AUS

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

CommieChipmunk wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

I don't understand how this is a response to a nuclear/ dirty bomb attack on American soil and a claim by AQ for doing it.
Probably should have read the entire post.

But it still makes more sense then something our current president would have thought up.
So basically close our borders, be isolationist and don't respond to an attack of that nature on our soil?
Did he ever suggest that?

He never said don't respond. He said we shouldn't be going on mad, half-planned expeditions to every corner of the earth.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Fuck up kim-jong-il.
Member 5307
have lots of hot interns
A lil' offtopic, or not, you decide...
Got a question, , do you guys know who Lech Kaczynski is?
Pope of BF2s
+355|6939|Sea to globally-cooled sea
stay the course.

make AQ pray that a Dem get elected. 
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

If I were the president, I would find me a cute intern to give me BJs in the oval office. 

CameronPoe wrote:

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

a) Launch an investigation into how the domestic security services failed so monumentally.
b) Divert all funds being used in conflicts that have been shown to fuel extremism and funnel it into domestic security - border controls (priority number one being a manned US-Mexico wall, secondary priority being the Canadian border and tertiary the air and sea ports).
c) Learn from the errors made through an inquiry and implement the findings fully.

There is no reason on earth why fissile material should be able to pass through your national border undetected. If it originated from within then you've got some serious questions to ask about domestic security at nuclear power plants.

Oh I forgot: give geiger counters to all border agents.

An important thing to bear in mind when decrying the cost of my plan: $145m gets spent by the US in Iraq every day. $145M A DAY!!!
So basically blame ourselves for the attack and do nothing about it?
How on earth does improving border security amount to 'doing nothing about it'? Please answer me how. That seems like denial of your border security issues - the real threat to America.

One thing I should have added: capture those respsonsible, try them with mass murder and incarcerate them in accordance with US law.

I'm from Ireland - I was brought up in a border county next to the conflict in Northern Ireland - and there is one thing I know for certain: fighting fire with fire doesn't work when it comes to terror. Terrorism CANNOT be treated in the same manner as an attack from a conventional army. The sooner people realise this the sooner they'll stop fuelling it with their stupid backfiring interventionist wars...

Belligerent and more subtle western interference in the politics of the developing world is one of the main drivers of this extremism because the crackpots promulgating anti-western sentiment can point to it for some kind of legitimacy. It won't harm to remove that excuse from their repertoire of 'come blow yourself up' recruitment techniques. We need to play fair. We are partly to blame for the hatred but their response is barbaric and totally unjustifiable. They should bring down their own governments - not fuck with the west. They're as much to blame for allowing their governments be exploited by the west as we are.
I don't understand your thinking on this DeathBecomesYu, Cam provided a very sensible response to your scenario (a plan that could be implemented right now as a preemptive approach) and you seem more concerned about lashing out at someone in response. If security measures were sufficient the scenario wouldn't be possible in the first place, it seems to me as though you posed the question only to dream up scenarios where the US blows the shit out of countries in response. Serious questions would have to be asked about a Government that wages war half way around the world while allowing a nuclear/dirty bomb attack to take place on its doorstep.
Braddock...what I am trying to point out is that given the situation of an attack, which is would you as the American president react especially considering how we are looked at in this day and age. Honestly, I do not want to bring up what is going on in Iraq and how we reacted last time (9/11). Also, I am not, nor have I ever said that we should lash out and destroy everyone.  I am simply asking how the hell ANY American president could deal with this kind of situation if it arose. Could you imagine the decisions that would have to be made? There would be a huge amount of pressure to retaliate, then there would be the pressure from the international community for its concerns.

There has been a lot of people who have complained that our security was laxed at 9/11 and that we didn't do enough to protect ourselves at that time and undoubtedly that would be the complaint no matter who would be president if such an attack arose. It is not always black and white and honestly I was hoping people would see what I was asking about, but Iraq gets dragged into this. If we were attacked on such a level, I am asking how you would truly handle all the pressure and reactions from all sides especially if you KNEW that AQ did it because they claimed it. I think you would have to go after these can't just sit on your hands or tuck your tail between your legs and scamper away and I am not saying that we should turn the deserts to glass. Seriously, what could be done?

Of course we would have to ask how it happened in the first place...I understand what Poe said completely but that would be hind sight. How would you appease the people who want to retaliate, how would you go after AQ, how far would the military be involved and how much international support and cooperation could be get to get these people. If 300,000 Americans were dead.....I doubt our government or leaders are just going to call hearings to see how it happened...people would demand much more and then how do you deal with that and the international community.

Good luck to whomever will have to deal with would be an impossible situation.

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

Braddock...what I am trying to point out is that given the situation of an attack, which is would you as the American president react especially considering how we are looked at in this day and age. Honestly, I do not want to bring up what is going on in Iraq and how we reacted last time (9/11). Also, I am not, nor have I ever said that we should lash out and destroy everyone.  I am simply asking how the hell ANY American president could deal with this kind of situation if it arose. Could you imagine the decisions that would have to be made? There would be a huge amount of pressure to retaliate, then there would be the pressure from the international community for its concerns.

There has been a lot of people who have complained that our security was laxed at 9/11 and that we didn't do enough to protect ourselves at that time and undoubtedly that would be the complaint no matter who would be president if such an attack arose. It is not always black and white and honestly I was hoping people would see what I was asking about, but Iraq gets dragged into this. If we were attacked on such a level, I am asking how you would truly handle all the pressure and reactions from all sides especially if you KNEW that AQ did it because they claimed it. I think you would have to go after these can't just sit on your hands or tuck your tail between your legs and scamper away and I am not saying that we should turn the deserts to glass. Seriously, what could be done?

Of course we would have to ask how it happened in the first place...I understand what Poe said completely but that would be hind sight. How would you appease the people who want to retaliate, how would you go after AQ, how far would the military be involved and how much international support and cooperation could be get to get these people. If 300,000 Americans were dead.....I doubt our government or leaders are just going to call hearings to see how it happened...people would demand much more and then how do you deal with that and the international community.

Good luck to whomever will have to deal with would be an impossible situation.
Invading countries as a form of retaliation is a waste of time as AQ goes beyond the boundaries of countries, invasion of countries would serve only as an AQ recruiting incentive for people who would otherwise remain on the fence. Covert Intelligence operations in co operation with allies within the region would serve you better, if Saudi Arabia is really your ally then lean on them hard and demand real assistance (same goes for Pakistan). Much as I dislike the Israelis the activities of Mossad shows how covert operations can be much more successful than all out attacks.

Having said all this there still really would be NO excuse for allowing a domestic dirty bomb attack given the amount the US spends on defence around the world, the first thing I'd expect as President in that scenario is to be sacked ...and I'd deserve it.

Last edited by Braddock (2007-07-16 12:12:02)

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