i definately believe he existed. way too much proof outside the bible of that.
if he was the son of god... well, here is my take on it:
we arent meant to know such things. if there is a god, i dont think we are meant to understand his existance until we join him. i dont even think we are supposed to try to understand. organized religion pisses me off, because it causes so much problems, such as ignorance. i have chosen to have an open-mind about all things spiritual. god might exist, he might not. jesus might have been his son, he might not have. i might be the result of some divine creation, or i might be the by-product of some natural explosion that happened in the universe billions of years ago. there is about as much REAL, SOLID evidence that god exists as there is that a giant spaghetti monster existed. the bible condemns sinners, yet it was written by man, who is the very same sinners said bible condemns. so whos to say those men werent just sinning when they wrote the bible? giving people false hope just for the fun of it because they were twisted, sick freaks? or perhaps they were just normal story tellers, who conceived great stories that teach life lessons, and someone down the line took it waayyy too seriously? ive had some spiritual moments, but none that truly pove to me that god does, or for that matter, doesnt, exist.
so really, if there is a heaven, be a good person and be true to yourself, and i believe that is the only requirement to get in. if there is no heaven, then be a good person and be true to yourself anyway so that while your passing away you can be proud that you lead a satisfying life. i would love to see what god says to those super-christians who wish they could legally burn anyone who thinks their religion is even the slightest bit mistaken. "ohh mighty god, we have served you well, what is your judgement?" GOD: "..... wow. you guys are idiots. pack your bags. your goin straight to hell to think about what youve done." A RANDOM JEWISH ONLOOKER IN HEAVEN WHO LEAD A PRODUCTIVE, INSPIRING, AND OPEN LIFE: "hahaha! losers!"
theres my two cents. now im off to bed.
if he was the son of god... well, here is my take on it:
we arent meant to know such things. if there is a god, i dont think we are meant to understand his existance until we join him. i dont even think we are supposed to try to understand. organized religion pisses me off, because it causes so much problems, such as ignorance. i have chosen to have an open-mind about all things spiritual. god might exist, he might not. jesus might have been his son, he might not have. i might be the result of some divine creation, or i might be the by-product of some natural explosion that happened in the universe billions of years ago. there is about as much REAL, SOLID evidence that god exists as there is that a giant spaghetti monster existed. the bible condemns sinners, yet it was written by man, who is the very same sinners said bible condemns. so whos to say those men werent just sinning when they wrote the bible? giving people false hope just for the fun of it because they were twisted, sick freaks? or perhaps they were just normal story tellers, who conceived great stories that teach life lessons, and someone down the line took it waayyy too seriously? ive had some spiritual moments, but none that truly pove to me that god does, or for that matter, doesnt, exist.
so really, if there is a heaven, be a good person and be true to yourself, and i believe that is the only requirement to get in. if there is no heaven, then be a good person and be true to yourself anyway so that while your passing away you can be proud that you lead a satisfying life. i would love to see what god says to those super-christians who wish they could legally burn anyone who thinks their religion is even the slightest bit mistaken. "ohh mighty god, we have served you well, what is your judgement?" GOD: "..... wow. you guys are idiots. pack your bags. your goin straight to hell to think about what youve done." A RANDOM JEWISH ONLOOKER IN HEAVEN WHO LEAD A PRODUCTIVE, INSPIRING, AND OPEN LIFE: "hahaha! losers!"
theres my two cents. now im off to bed.