So you're Danish??? it looks like you didn't take it to well, that dispute over that rocky outcrops of Hans island.Twist wrote:
Funny how only the CANADIANS in the world seems to have these thoughts, and then only the very delusional canadians.
And besides, if you would have the commen deceny to actually read ALL of the post, and maybe also the DISCUSSION FOLLOWING the post, you would PROBABLY have come to the same conclusion ANY sane and logically thinking person would. However, seeing as you're not only dense, but also lazy, I'll recap the discussion for you:
Namely that it's a political move, and totally bereft of ANY long term thinking beyond:
"Denmark threated to kick our arse if we tried to invade their islands again, let's put a couple of more boats in the water to feel safe from those big bullies ! Especially since everyone else took their side in the UN, it's TOTALLY unfair, we just wanted to annex a few islands that were pretty close by." BTW; wasn't that what HITLER did prior to WW2 ? Just annexing Austria....
For the record, this ISN'T the 1800's anymore, you CAN'T go around threatning your political and military allies into surrendering islands, resources or anything else for that matter. And six freggin patrol boats wont be able to do CRAP in the arctic anyway, so why bother when a couple of planes will be a less intrusive option, cheaper, more flexible, and capable of covering MUCH larger areas of the artic, ASSUMING THAT REALLY IS WHAT THEY WANT THE BOATS FOR, as I doubt the amount of piracy and illegal fishing in the area is high enough to warrant this increase in naval activity, and even if that was the case, wouldn't that fall under the coast guard, costums services or harbor patrol, and NOT the navy ?
Research the historical facts. Then go read up on current military history, and force projection scenarios. You'll find that canada is ranked somewhere below ANY other NATO coutry in standing forces, armamant and training... What the fuck happened during WW1 is of no consequence WHATSOEVER. What if aliens attack and the entire world have to rely on canada to save us... What then ? Will you parade around the cities citing that Canada was OH so fortunate to provide ships for a campaign fought 100 years ago ? While we're at it, then why not take credit for wiping out the dinosaurs... It has about the same political and military effect.
In fact, when the US next asks for help from it's allies to eg. build bridges in Iraq, what will canada provide ? Moral support and some old time war stories ?
I could care less about your hurt feelings over your small penis or whatever causes you to think that canada is oh so mighty. Fact is that military power, pride or history has NOTHING to do with those boats. It's ALLLLLLL politics.
Well it should have been taken care of in 1973, when Canada and Denmark have drawn the border between Ellesmere island and Groenland. They decided to leave the question of surrounding island for a later time and voilà!! But this incident you're refering to happened in 2005, and i don't think the purchase of 6 boats and construction of deep water port has anything to do with it.
The northwest passage will be free of ice for a better part of the year in the not so distant future. And many ship will get through on there way to europe or asia. No one cared when it was a patch of ice only good for polar bear, but now everyone as something to say about it..... especially if it's about making it international waters. It's our land, it's our say , now that you may gain from it you have an interest in it.... don't think so. don't get me wrong i don't mind your ship going through there, but shit will happen over there (spills and stuff) and whose gonna foot the bill when it touches shore, bet it won't be you my international friends.