+2|7002|Montreal, QC. Canada

Twist wrote:

Funny how only the CANADIANS in the world seems to have these thoughts, and then only the very delusional canadians.
And besides, if you would have the commen deceny to actually read ALL of the post, and maybe also the DISCUSSION FOLLOWING the post, you would PROBABLY have come to the same conclusion ANY sane and logically thinking person would. However, seeing as you're not only dense, but also lazy, I'll recap the discussion for you:

Namely that it's a political move, and totally bereft of ANY long term thinking beyond:
"Denmark threated to kick our arse if we tried to invade their islands again, let's put a couple of more boats in the water to feel safe from those big bullies ! Especially since everyone else took their side in the UN, it's TOTALLY unfair, we just wanted to annex a few islands that were pretty close by." BTW; wasn't that what HITLER did prior to WW2 ? Just annexing Austria....

For the record, this ISN'T the 1800's anymore, you CAN'T go around threatning your political and military allies into surrendering islands, resources or anything else for that matter. And six freggin patrol boats wont be able to do CRAP in the arctic anyway, so why bother when a couple of planes will be a less intrusive option, cheaper, more flexible, and capable of covering MUCH larger areas of the artic, ASSUMING THAT REALLY IS WHAT THEY WANT THE BOATS FOR, as I doubt the amount of piracy and illegal fishing in the area is high enough to warrant this increase in naval activity, and even if that was the case, wouldn't that fall under the coast guard, costums services or harbor patrol, and NOT the navy ?

Research the historical facts. Then go read up on current military history, and force projection scenarios. You'll find that canada is ranked somewhere below ANY other NATO coutry in standing forces, armamant and training... What the fuck happened during WW1 is of no consequence WHATSOEVER. What if aliens attack and the entire world have to rely on canada to save us... What then ? Will you parade around the cities citing that Canada was OH so fortunate to provide ships for a campaign fought 100 years ago ? While we're at it, then why not take credit for wiping out the dinosaurs... It has about the same political and military effect.
In fact, when the US next asks for help from it's allies to eg. build bridges in Iraq, what will canada provide ? Moral support and some old time war stories ?

I could care less about your hurt feelings over your small penis or whatever causes you to think that canada is oh so mighty. Fact is that military power, pride or history has NOTHING to do with those boats. It's ALLLLLLL politics.
So you're Danish??? it looks like you didn't take it to well, that dispute over that rocky outcrops of Hans island.

Well it should have been taken care of in 1973, when Canada and Denmark have drawn the border between Ellesmere island and Groenland. They decided to leave the question of surrounding island for a later time and voilà!! But this incident you're refering to happened in 2005, and i don't think the purchase of 6 boats and construction of deep water port has anything to do with it.

The northwest passage will be free of ice for a better part of the year in the not so distant future. And many ship will get through on there way to europe or asia. No one cared when it was a patch of ice only good for polar bear, but now everyone as something to say about it..... especially  if it's about making it international waters. It's our land, it's our say , now that you may gain from it you have an interest in it.... don't think so. don't get me wrong i don't mind your ship going through there, but shit will happen over there (spills and stuff) and whose gonna foot the bill when it touches shore, bet it won't be you my international friends.

usmarine2005 wrote:

Manicalwizard wrote:

even the Mighty United States cannot take on thousands of missiles from hundreds of countries!
Please show me all these missiles and from what countries.  Just curious.
Russia still has the largest Nuclear operational missile aresenal. Great Britain has an array of warheads, France does, India does, China does not to mention other countries. (North Korea at present) Now I'm not saying these countries are going to turn against the United States by any stretch of the imagination, but maybe If the US pissed enough countries off other countries would rush into kill an injured animal........ Either way I am not an American hater I just don't like elements of their foreign policy etc.

On a side note.... JTF2 FTW (Join Task Force 2)

BTW I'm beginning to like these forums... who'd a thunk it that on a bf2 sites were having debates on American foreign policy etc. +1 BF2s
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North
amazing how fast this thread spiraled from being half joking and funny into zomg serious business
+1,175|6876|British Columbia, Canada

Twist wrote:

Roger Lesboules wrote:

Twist wrote:

*sigh* Another claim on Danish islands ?
I thought the Cannucks were starting to realize that their military forces are inferior to just about ANY other force in the world... Maybe excepting Andorra or Lichtenstein, but I'm not even sure that THOSE nations wont be able to kick Canadas collective arses if they needed to.
Let them just save their petty cash and NOT buy new patrol boats seeing as it wont make any difference.
Too you my dear! You dont know shit about the Canada History...World War 1 was won pretty much because Canada was in it! Yes we are little but we fight like we would be thousand of thousand. We are one of the best trained army in the world. Sorry to burst your bubble but we can kick many many asses on this fucking planet. KThx
Funny how only the CANADIANS in the world seems to have these thoughts, and then only the very delusional Canadians.
Blah Blah blah.. more shit..
Ya.. I mean, Canadians had nothing to do with winning WW1 right..

I mean, hey.. where did you get all your food and supplies from during the war, who shipped it over and protected the Vessels from U-boats?

Not Canada for sure, couldn't have been..

And you guys didn't need any help from Canada in taking Vimy Ridge from the Germans.. Cause I mean, the french tried it and lost 150,000 men,  and then the British tried it and couldn't capture it and lost thousands more over the period of 2 years..  And then when the task was given to the Canadians, we took it in a matter of hours.. But Na, you guys didn't need our help at all...

Ungrateful SOBs
+1|6444|Sweet home Chicago
Look out for the New Kids on the Block! lol. Ahhh you crazy Canadians, don't let all that cold weather
start affecting your mental stability.

     I mean, we all gotta start somewhere, right? Don't get me wrong, but just because you got a couple
of shiny new dingys that doesn't mean your badass! It takes allot of experience and hard work,
and an honorable record of victories to be cool like U.S.  heheheh eat it!

   Nahh, I'm not hatin', you guys do have a good country, and some very beautiful land up there, great fishing so on so forth.
but just remember, keep it nice, for if the U.S. ever feels the need to expand her boundaries, we'll have a nice clean chunk of
real estate to take over.

jk/jj/good game good game, much love. carry on Canucks! Blame Canada haha ;p

Last edited by Radical-Archetype (2007-07-16 08:37:02)

+572|6972|BC, Canada

Radical-Archetype wrote:

It takes allot of experience and hard work,
and an honorable  record of victories to be cool like US....
+1|6444|Sweet home Chicago
And... you may continue now sir. Maybe you didn't understand what I said because your CAN-AD-I-AN!
+1,175|6876|British Columbia, Canada

Radical-Archetype wrote:

It takes allot of experience and hard work,
and an honorable  record of victories to be cool like US....
I'd like to know what Victories you're talking about..
Now i understand why the Danish love the usa so much, licking theire buttcrack at every chance.
Denmark, ur colonization days are over, just grow up and realize that fact, even with help from usa u cant held back time.
I can understand the need for new highetec ships for any navy. In these days its more important then ever to protect the territorial borders at sea. Both if a nation wants to extract oil and gass. And more important if they want to protect the i natural environment, something thats we should, its the artic areas we are talking about here, and operation here must be executed with surgical caution and precision to prevent a global contamination. Something thats boud to happend if the wrong nations are involved.

And back to the army talk. HAHAHA Denmark. Even the norwegian army could beat ur asses. Just trick the Danish to a winterwar, have u ever seen a Danish on snow, most of them would be set out by selfinflicted injurys during their first steps on snow and ice. And to the US, no sane person takes the US side over the Canadian. The US have no cred in the world today, thougt even u knockleheads had understaning of that now. We dont even like or trust ur own police, why the hell should we like the ones that for a far to long time have seen themselvs as worldpolice as ok.
Fuck the authority, come sweep me of my feet sweet anarcy...............hehe
+1|6444|Sweet home Chicago
Hey Lt.Victim what Wake server do you usually play on? I think I've killed you a few times your name sounds familiar.
+572|6972|BC, Canada

Radical-Archetype wrote:

And... you may continue now sir. Maybe you didn't understand what I said because your CAN-AD-I-AN!
umm. the honorable record of victories part....
+1,175|6876|British Columbia, Canada

Radical-Archetype wrote:

Hey Lt.Victim what Wake server do you usually play on? I think I've killed you a few times your name sounds familiar.
Wake Wake Axxium
   Nahh, I'm not hatin', you guys do have a good country and some very beautiful land up there, so keep
it nice for if the U.S. ever feels the need to expand her boundaries, we'll have a nice clean landscape to take over.

HAHAHAHA. Dumass american.
Yepp thats the mentalety that the whole world hate u for. If the americans ever should be so stupid, they would see a new rising of a whole new breed of freedomfighters gathering form all over the globe to slay u. And the patetic thing is that duck and cower dont work, so for u fuckin morrons who think that the nuk would help u, think again, the dictanse is to short so it would heavely affect urselves aswel

Radical-Archetype wrote:

Hey where'd you learn to spell/speak like that? Oh, In Canada! Ahahahahaa lolollolololll blahahahahhhhhh Fuck Canada
HEHE. at least i can make myself understood in a couple of different languages, and i know a little bit more about the world then what the propaganda the religious influenced schoolsystem have tought u. So im sorry if my spellig is not to your satisfaction.

Drakef wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Don't mess with canada

Our military is small but undefeated

We fought two world war and won both of them.

We even burned down the white house last time America attacked us ------>

You guys should be thankful that we are the good guys.. we could conquer the world if we wanted to
Oh, no, not this nationalist crap about the War of 1812.

I could go at lengths to explain why it was barely a Canadian war, or explain to you that to have pride on behalf of men who fought two hundred years ago is foolish, but the simple facts should end this silly claims about the White House. To even take information from your article, we can assert that the British burned down the White House, along with most of Washington. Additionally, the Americans burned the Parliament Buildings! Take that, Canadians!

Uur military is the best in the world, our weapons are deadly and our soldiers have no fear.. take a look at this video.. and fear the firepower of CANADA!!

Last edited by AutralianChainsaw (2007-07-16 05:46:23)

+1|6444|Sweet home Chicago
A thing about the British (not the Can't cunt Canadians) burning down most of Washington, D.C, is that they left the U.S. Marines Barracks right there in the heart of the city untouched, out of respect. That and they knew if they touched it they'd be dog meat!
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North
and yet another thread goes down in flames due to nationalistic ignorance


EDIT: stupid damn quote button

Last edited by krazed (2007-07-16 05:52:01)


Radical-Archetype wrote:

A thing about the British (not the Can't cunt Canadians) burning down most of Washington, D.C, is that they left the U.S. Marines Barracks right there in the heart of the city untouched, out of respect. That and they knew if they touched it they'd be dog meat!
No you silly,.. marines just like water (well at least they used to originally). The Brittish would have burned down the barracks if they could.
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6890|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Uur military is the best in the world, our weapons are deadly and our soldiers have no fear.. take a look at this video.. and fear the firepower of CANADA!!

As long as i know the Eryx is not produced by the Canadian you dumbass...ANY army can have problem with equip.

krazed wrote:

krazed wrote:

and yet another thread goes down in flames due to nationalistic ignorance
/sadpanda just quoted yourself :S

Last edited by Roger Lesboules (2007-07-16 05:49:49)

Oh Oh ...........canada.......war........?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7093|Great Brown North

Roger Lesboules wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Uur military is the best in the world, our weapons are deadly and our soldiers have no fear.. take a look at this video.. and fear the firepower of CANADA!!
As long as i know the Eryx is not produced by the Canadian you dumbass...ANY army can have problem with equip.

krazed wrote:

krazed wrote:

and yet another thread goes down in flames due to nationalistic ignorance
/sadpanda just quoted yourself :S
i know! i deleted it, i meant to hit edit and im just not paying attention this morning i guess
+1|6444|Sweet home Chicago
hehehee That video says it all.

CAN't ADA- making themselves the butt of jokes so the whole world can laugh.

Roger Lesboules wrote:

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Uur military is the best in the world, our weapons are deadly and our soldiers have no fear.. take a look at this video.. and fear the firepower of CANADA!!
As long as i know the Eryx is not produced by the Canadian you dumbass...ANY army can have problem with equip.

krazed wrote:

krazed wrote:

and yet another thread goes down in flames due to nationalistic ignorance
/sadpanda just quoted yourself :S
Lol easy tiger.. i'm just messing around.. I'm canadian too.

Just don't kid yourself, we would have a lot of problem beating any country in the world militarly not because we suck but because we don't invest in military equipment like most countries.

We have like 50000 soldiers in our army, we don't need more.. if any trouble happens around here and a country dare to attack us, our big brother the USA will come to our rescue!! If they can go around the world to save a country like Koweit, i hope they would travel a couple hundred miles to save us here!! 

Be proud.. the world beat us militarly but we beat the rest of the world with our quality of life and our beautiful girls..(especially in Quebec)
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6890|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!

Radical-Archetype wrote:

hehehee That video says it all.

CAN't ADA- making themselves the butt of jokes so the whole world can laugh.
Because the USA did sooo much better...yeah right...

Lets take for an example...Columbia..what a big failure you did making it!

Also i like how most American are so " Oh yeah im american im so cool...dont say im not else ill nuke your face!"...Dont wonder why most country hate USA that much...fucking bragging prick (I am not talking about ALL the Americans btw..some of ya are nice )

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Be proud.. the world beat us militarly but we beat the rest of the world with our quality of life and our beautiful girls..(especially in Quebec)
Quote for the fucking truth! Quebec is the best place to be in the whole Canada IMO.

Last edited by Roger Lesboules (2007-07-16 06:09:41)

+3,936|6813|so randum
Since when has D&ST been flooded with ignorant muppets?
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

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