I am all that is MOD!

fadedsteve wrote:

al-Qaeda is just doing political posturing. . . .

They both go by the creed of the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" ideology. . . Both hate the US, and both are working to kill Americans.  They might have a little "tiff" between each other as far as sectarianism is concerned, but they are united in their contempt for the USA and her presence in the region.
Yeah, they hate us for our freedom

I always refer to the US as 'he' or 'his'.  After all, its Uncle Sam, not Auntie Samantha right?

Last edited by KEN-JENNINGS (2007-07-09 15:34:35)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6843|Tampa Bay Florida

Kmarion wrote:

I think the point is that these confrontations should be allowed to work themselves out destroy themselves... Hamas vs Fatah, Hezzbolah vs Lebanon, AQ vs Iran.. etc..etc. Putting American soldiers in front of any of those bullets to protect the decayed Middle eastern civilization is not something I am enthused about. I still maintain that we need to do everything possible to protect those innocents caught up in the middle (providing refuge and financial assistance).
I agree.  Violence sucks, but sometimes people need to "work out their differences".  Its kinda like an insane man who goes to a bridge about to jump, you convince him not too, but then he's there the very next day.  Every day you talk him out of jumping, his self-doubt grows even higher.

People need closure.  It sucks, but widespread war over the middle-east has been imminent for a while.  I mean, just look at Iraq.  You can't even call that a country.  The thing that sucks about politics in America tho is that no one has the guts to say what they want to say.  Its all about pandering to the mass-market.  Personally I dont think half of the American people would give two shits about supporting Israel if it didn't provide a defense against being labeled an anti-semite. 

This is going to sound cruel, but the best thing for the world is to let the middle east sort its stuff out.  I mean ALL OF IT.  Including Israel.  If we pick sides, AT ALL, we'll only create more hatred against us.  America isn't as powerful as we like to believe it is.. some things are completely out of our control.  The best we can do is to ensure no nukes a dropped. 

Of course, if I were one of the poor souls living in that part of the world, I might think differently.

Last edited by Spearhead (2007-07-09 19:49:46)

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