+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

jimmanycricket wrote:

ok ive given up on that computer, i cant find the power button on it any more.

So is this a good watch to use, what sort of performance gains should i see, … -Dress.gif


1 second per second
Goes under water 5 meters
made of metle and glass
Yes it should work beautifully. And smith, thanks!
EBC Member
+56|6808|Cambridge, England
Ill do some bench marks tommorow.

Edit , Kyles making a Tech Squad i thing you should lead it, you obviously know your stuff and provide a simplke and fail save guide anyone can use +1

Last edited by jimmanycricket (2007-07-07 14:49:06)

+1,175|6715|British Columbia, Canada
What the fuck?!? What the fuck is happening to my computer!?!?!

The Title should be renamed "How to make your very own smoke machine for complete and utter morons"

LT.Victim wrote:

What the fuck?!? What the fuck is happening to my computer!?!?!

The Title should be renamed "How to make your very own smoke machine for complete and utter morons"
Guide to making your very own smoke machine.
[#]Poke a box full of holes. (Not Cardboard)
[#]Stuff some tires into it
[#]Obtain some lighter fluid
[#]Pour fluid over tires
[#]Throw a lighted match into the box
[#]Voila! Your very own smoke machine, with REAL, THICK smoke. No pussy water mists!

*Caution* May cause lightheadness, a disgustingly acrid smell, and much much more. Might be too authentic for some. Try at own risk. Do not attempt to move the box while smoking.
+10|6740|Meise, Belgium
love your guide.
I just OC-ed my 225 MHz processor to a 4.0 GHz Dual Core!!!!111!!onehundredandeleven!!
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

LT.Victim wrote:

What the fuck?!? What the fuck is happening to my computer!?!?!

The Title should be renamed "How to make your very own smoke machine for complete and utter morons"
If smoke comes out of it, then you're doing something wrong, like not using a powerful cooler.
As a professional in the field of Superboosting overclocking... I give this article an...


The cranking it up to 11 is originally from Spinal Tap...
Mr. Boombastic
+178|6595|Stealth City, UK

ghettoperson wrote:

The cranking it up to 11 is originally from Spinal Tap...
They were at the Live Earth gig at Wembley....pretty funny.
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

How dare this get moved! This was a masterpiece of technological assistance.
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6494|Atlanta, Georgia
My computer caught on fire and i think i grew another arm. wtf man ima get sue happy... your going down hurricane. your guide will have my name all over it....
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

NeXuS4909 wrote:

My computer caught on fire and i think i grew another arm. wtf man ima get sue happy... your going down hurricane. your guide will have my name all over it....
The power of Niels Bohr will protect me.
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6494|Atlanta, Georgia
Chuck Norris is my lawyer....
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

NeXuS4909 wrote:

Chuck Norris is my lawyer....
Niels Bohr materialized Chucky from his radiation chamber. He can just as easily dematerialize him.
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6494|Atlanta, Georgia
Chuck norris is born from a god not some noob 5th graders science experiment.
+788|6808|Brisbane, Australia

I followed a similar guide a while back where I worked and uhh...
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6494|Atlanta, Georgia
You worked at the Chernobyl facility?
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

Sarrk wrote:

I followed a similar guide a while back where I worked and uhh...
Looks like somebody didn't properly combine the Layman and Copenhagen methods.
+788|6808|Brisbane, Australia

NeXuS4909 wrote:

You worked at the Chernobyl facility?

Lets just say they weren't impressed with my output of radiation.
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

Hurricane wrote:

Sarrk wrote:

I followed a similar guide a while back where I worked and uhh...
Looks like somebody didn't properly combine the Layman and Copenhagen methods.
You were supposed to combine those methods? Oh...
best overclock ever?

I turned this..

into this..

Fuckin a !
+1,230|6996|Alberta, Canada

Ey3 wrote:

best overclock ever?

I turned this..

into this.. … leL337.jpg

Fuckin a !
Shit man, that must need a hell of alot of cooling. What speeds is she running at?
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

Ey3 wrote:

best overclock ever?

I turned this..

into this.. … leL337.jpg

Fuckin a !
Candice michele... got it >.>

Ryan who let you out of the cellar?
Got Lamb?
+56|6427|Outside your Back window

Hurricane wrote:

So, you want to overclock?! Well you've come to the right place.

Overclocking is no easy thing to do. Countless brave men and women have been killed trying to push their CPU another GHz. That's cause they were dumbasses though.

This is a no-nonsense, expert's guide to overclocking. As Sir Kyle of Northern Ireland said, a lot of bad info is given on this forum, which is why I feel we needed an end-all topic to overclocking. This is for processors btw.

1) Boot into BIOS. Hit Delete (Del) or F2 or something a bunch of times as soon as you press the power button.

2) Okay if you see a blue screen with writing on it, you're in the BIOS. Look around a bit for the CPU settings (This is the fun part, it's like a treasure hunt)

3) If you've found it, good. Otherwise just give up now; only the strong survive. The tards end up like Jimmy Braunvurst of Norfolk Island, who accidentally blew his left kidney out trying to overclock.

4) See something that says Frontside Bus or FSB? Select it and crank it up ALL THE WAY. To quote Guitar Hero, "Eleven IS louder than ten!" Likewise, higher FSB IS faster than lower FSB.

5) Just to be safe, ramp the CPU voltage all the way up. *Smart User Tip - You will need some heavy duty cooling at this part, such as a nuclear reactor's cooling system or liquid nitrogen. Some overclocked CPUs have had nuclear meltdowns because they heated up somuch*

6) Boot in to your OS or whatever and enjoy your overclocked CPU


Q: My PC doesn't work!
A: You probably didn't up the voltage enough. Switch your power supply to 220 volts, bigger IS better.

Q: What's the smoke coming from my computer?
A: Your cooling might be failing. Turn off the computer and contact the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. If they think the cooler is fine but you can't afford a stronger one, blow on the CPU a bit.

Q: How can I push it past the limit of the FSB and voltage in the BIOS?
A: This is where the experts are constantly at odds with each other. Ultimately, two methods have been generally agreed upon as effective in SUPERBOOSTING your epic overclock:

The Layman's Method - Invented by watch seller Mikhail Vaskanakov, this is a relatively crude but effective method of superboosting your overclock. It involves taking a wrist watch and taping it near the CPU. To ensure proper function, you might want to make sure your cooling system is also cooling the watch.

The Copenhagen Method - This is a more complicated but generally powerful method. Invented by scientist Niels Bohr, you will need a wrist watch AND a relatively powerful but small FM radio transmitter. Like the layman's method, tape the watch and cool it. Then tune the transmitter to the CPU's frequency (explained in Chris Brown's How to Tune Radio Transmitters for the Blind, Deaf, Dumb, and Moronic). This will increase your CPU speed exponentially AND hyperbolically.

Some have also experimented with combining both methods; essentially culminating in two watches and one transmitter. This has been good and bad. In Switzerland, a powerful particle accelerator is powered by the combination. In contrast, the horrific Chernobyl nuclear meltdown was caused not by mismanagement but by a failing combination of the Layman and Copenhagen method.

I hope this guide has been helpful. Please keep an eye out for Squeezing as Much FPS as You Can Out of a Game, set to release in August!
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6494|Atlanta, Georgia

Ace.O.Lamb wrote:

Hurricane wrote:

So, you want to overclock?! Well you've come to the right place.

Overclocking is no easy thing to do. Countless brave men and women have been killed trying to push their CPU another GHz. That's cause they were dumbasses though.

This is a no-nonsense, expert's guide to overclocking. As Sir Kyle of Northern Ireland said, a lot of bad info is given on this forum, which is why I feel we needed an end-all topic to overclocking. This is for processors btw.

1) Boot into BIOS. Hit Delete (Del) or F2 or something a bunch of times as soon as you press the power button.

2) Okay if you see a blue screen with writing on it, you're in the BIOS. Look around a bit for the CPU settings (This is the fun part, it's like a treasure hunt)

3) If you've found it, good. Otherwise just give up now; only the strong survive. The tards end up like Jimmy Braunvurst of Norfolk Island, who accidentally blew his left kidney out trying to overclock.

4) See something that says Frontside Bus or FSB? Select it and crank it up ALL THE WAY. To quote Guitar Hero, "Eleven IS louder than ten!" Likewise, higher FSB IS faster than lower FSB.

5) Just to be safe, ramp the CPU voltage all the way up. *Smart User Tip - You will need some heavy duty cooling at this part, such as a nuclear reactor's cooling system or liquid nitrogen. Some overclocked CPUs have had nuclear meltdowns because they heated up somuch*

6) Boot in to your OS or whatever and enjoy your overclocked CPU


Q: My PC doesn't work!
A: You probably didn't up the voltage enough. Switch your power supply to 220 volts, bigger IS better.

Q: What's the smoke coming from my computer?
A: Your cooling might be failing. Turn off the computer and contact the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. If they think the cooler is fine but you can't afford a stronger one, blow on the CPU a bit.

Q: How can I push it past the limit of the FSB and voltage in the BIOS?
A: This is where the experts are constantly at odds with each other. Ultimately, two methods have been generally agreed upon as effective in SUPERBOOSTING your epic overclock:

The Layman's Method - Invented by watch seller Mikhail Vaskanakov, this is a relatively crude but effective method of superboosting your overclock. It involves taking a wrist watch and taping it near the CPU. To ensure proper function, you might want to make sure your cooling system is also cooling the watch.

The Copenhagen Method - This is a more complicated but generally powerful method. Invented by scientist Niels Bohr, you will need a wrist watch AND a relatively powerful but small FM radio transmitter. Like the layman's method, tape the watch and cool it. Then tune the transmitter to the CPU's frequency (explained in Chris Brown's How to Tune Radio Transmitters for the Blind, Deaf, Dumb, and Moronic). This will increase your CPU speed exponentially AND hyperbolically.

Some have also experimented with combining both methods; essentially culminating in two watches and one transmitter. This has been good and bad. In Switzerland, a powerful particle accelerator is powered by the combination. In contrast, the horrific Chernobyl nuclear meltdown was caused not by mismanagement but by a failing combination of the Layman and Copenhagen method.

I hope this guide has been helpful. Please keep an eye out for Squeezing as Much FPS as You Can Out of a Game, set to release in August!

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