Thanks for sharing some of your political editorializing in the Gaming section.Flecco wrote:
Creationists argue that everything just magically appeared in the garden of eden.
My church teaches guided evolution, not some magic crap...Flecco wrote:
But that is evolution... Just guided.SEREMAKER wrote:
"At first glance, Spore is a "teleological evolution" game, or a "God game". The player molds and guides a species across many generations, growing it from a single-celled organism into a more complex "
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm maybe this is Gods way on telling us that evolution never existed
Creationists argue that everything just magically appeared in the garden of eden.
Then later God added fossils to test our faith. Or they claim that scientests forge them.
I was really looking forward to Spore though, now that BF2 is noobed to death.