well, this is one fucking large glitch... or if its a hack, screw the cheating n00bs, mod, plz move this to BF2: SF complains
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- WTF, Some new hack or am I just insane?
If it was a ranked server with PunkBuster turned on it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to turn both the guy and the server into both EA and PB . . . At least, PB. They might actually try to get a fix/patch/wish list together. Maybe . . . . At least you might feel better. . . .
Some1 mentioned taking a screenshot when u notice something fishy going on but it will only show his name. U cant see from it that he's invinceble or is using hacks. How do u prove this to ea?
the word "noob" originated from the hacking world only people who hack are "allowed" to use that word becuz they think they are gods and cannot dir becuz of hacks so they are the BF2 gods... you know whats funny if these young kids were drafted into the Us army they would be the first fucktards to die! And I being a canadian citizen watching CNN will laugh for hours as his grave site says ADDICTED BF2 PLAYER
Last edited by {504th}T/4.Stryker (2005-12-15 08:23:56)
Here lies ADDICTED BF2 PLAYER, TKed by a friendly
"he really wanted the attack chopper"
"he really wanted the attack chopper"
Is there any special reason why you're being such a blatantly Anti-American troll?{504th}T/4.Stryker wrote:
lol, sooo true and now I have to laugh for about 20 minutes I was just watching my local news channel and some stupid american blew off his own foot becuz he stepped over a friendly mine set or something on his way to the medical tent to see a nurse about his arm...
You're not exactly reflecting well on Canadians.
Ummm......OK. Douchebag.{504th}T/4.Stryker wrote:
lol, sooo true and now I have to laugh for about 20 minutes I was just watching my local news channel and some stupid american blew off his own foot becuz he stepped over a friendly mine set or something on his way to the medical tent to see a nurse about his arm...
Exactly. Idiots like this (stryker) are why guns were invented in the first place. The best part of you dripped down your mothers leg. Your dad should have shot blanks. 1 less of u = better world for the rest of us.RKF77 wrote:
Is there any special reason why you're being such a blatantly Anti-American troll?{504th}T/4.Stryker wrote:
lol, sooo true and now I have to laugh for about 20 minutes I was just watching my local news channel and some stupid american blew off his own foot becuz he stepped over a friendly mine set or something on his way to the medical tent to see a nurse about his arm...
You're not exactly reflecting well on Canadians.
Wrong forum pal. Why don't you go to a political forum and rant on about this crap?{504th}T/4.Stryker wrote:
no I just dont like how "president" bush thinks that this war is worth millions of lives. It's all about oil truly and thats why I hate america. Plus when I went to washington and new york my mother got mugged so I have reasons to hate americans. Plus they think a good christmas dinner or thanksgiving dinner is going out to mcdicks... my friend in california told me that one. but no seriosuly this war that bush is picking is not about terrorism it's about oil and impressing daddy.
This is the BF2 complaints forum. Bitch about the game. To crack a joke about a real soldier getting wounded by a mine is sick and shows that you truly have no concept of reality in anyway. Try actually living a life.
If you are going to rant and rant at least use the proper punctuation in your posts. It would make them easier to read and also give the veil of actual intelligence in you comments.
You had better run now.....the Teletubbies are about to start.
Wow! Since you heard all this from other, and I shall point out "unreliable" sources, you probably think you know all. You state opinions, not FACT! McD's = Thanksgiving dinner??? wtf...never met a person who's done that!...didn't even know they we're open that day! I don't see the correlation between your hate for Bush and you're blatent stupidty at laughing when an American soldier gets maimed or killed. You're an idiot! How would you like it if you're friend in California was that soldier? Or maybe one of your family members?{504th}T/4.Stryker wrote:
no I just dont like how "president" bush thinks that this war is worth millions of lives. It's all about oil truly and thats why I hate america. Plus when I went to washington and new york my mother got mugged so I have reasons to hate americans. Plus they think a good christmas dinner or thanksgiving dinner is going out to mcdicks... my friend in california told me that one. but no seriosuly this war that bush is picking is not about terrorism it's about oil and impressing daddy.
One occurance in NYC/DC of getting mugged, and its unfortunate I agree, does not represent all of the US. I guess because you posted this, I should now hate ALL Canadiens now, huh? No...just you. Go back to school, moron, and try to learn a little before you try to dumb down these forums.
so you guys met my idiotic brother have you, yea that was my brother he is stupid and goes on my PC when I'm at school... I deleted his posts sorry if the douchbag offended anyone. Carl we dont have a local news station you idiot, and why aren;t you at the ATC? I'm on break and always check the site on my break so I found he posted a whole bunch today and pissed people off so I deleted those posts, he truely is an idiot.
Anyways, if there is a hack out there that makes you invincible it is quite sad to the people that devote their time to hackign and not actually palying. stupid buggers. if you cant play it right dont paly at all is what I think
Anyways, if there is a hack out there that makes you invincible it is quite sad to the people that devote their time to hackign and not actually palying. stupid buggers. if you cant play it right dont paly at all is what I think
Last edited by {504th}T/4.Stryker (2005-12-15 09:38:41)
Kaiser|Soze I cant beleive you even stated that Hacking was what ruined that game, many of us actually spent time getting good at it only to be outclassed by super hacking gits, likewise I have spent a lot of time getting good at BF2 and dont want to see it go teh same way.
I know its a bit anal but I even note down names of guys who Punish Tks when they clearly an accident (they never get into my squad that way ) If I meet a sure fire cheater they will get noted down and I will chase it up with EA or whoever needs the info. Name um shame um is what I say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I know its a bit anal but I even note down names of guys who Punish Tks when they clearly an accident (they never get into my squad that way ) If I meet a sure fire cheater they will get noted down and I will chase it up with EA or whoever needs the info. Name um shame um is what I say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
whaha lol.. that sucks for ya.. but yeah if you say your a decent shooter and you blasted 4 clips an grenade and a clip of a pistol and like 8 times knived him and he still didnt die then he probably has some sort of hack.. and it is posible to kill someone with one pistol shot :d did it myself laid down behind someone.. aimed for the head and dead.. so maybe he just hit the head of yur friend there..Cougar wrote:
Alright, last night I'm playing Karkand with some buddies as USA. We had the whole back island with the exception of the MEC main, which curiously enough no one was spawning at. Me and my bro run all the way around the base to flank it from the side and we end up in the gated area near where the Vodnik spawns and where the oil pipe comes out of the ground. It looks like some kind of electrical something or another inside the fence, anyways you get the idea.
So, I'm a Medic and my bros a SpecOp, we run around the corner and I see a guy laying down next to the wall not moving, I figure it must be thier commander. I run up and whip out my knife, lay down practilly on top of him and ..."tink"....MISSED??? Try again, he still aint moving...."tink"......"tink"....."tink tink tink tink", I could not knife the guy!!!!! All the sudden the guy flys into the air while still prone and shoots my friend WITH ONE BULLET FROM HIS PISTOL, and he goes down!!!!! I know he was full health because I healed him right before we went in there, he fuckin got one hit by a pistol. At this point I've pulled out my G36E and I'm crouched down, unloading on this fool and then I noticed I wasn't getting a hit indicator, and after a full clip this fucker still wasn't dead. I'm thinking to myself WTFWTFWTFWTF!!!! This guy still has his pistol out and were both hopping around in a circle at this point while I reload. Long story short, I emptyed FOUR CLIPS INTO THIS GUY AND DIDN"T EVEN GET A HIT INDICATOR!!! I think I'm a pretty decent shot, I know I'm not bad, but the fuckin blind kid off dumb and dumber could have hit someone that close, theres NO WAY I missed with every bullet from 4 CLIPS!!! After I realize I'm completly out of ammo and almost dead from his pistol, I pull out my heal bag and run around the corner, I throw it down and toss a grenade at the corner of the fence. Now until this next event happened, it really hadn't occured to me that he may be hacking, I figured it was just luck or maybe lag, but then it happened.
The guy ran around the corner as the grenade exploded and bounced at least 10 feet into the air only to come down and land on his two feet like Michael Jordon after a dunk. I was FUCKING STUNNED!! I pulled out my pistol and fired as many bullets into his chest as I could before he WALKED up to me and KNIFED ME. I've never been so stunned and paralyzed while playing a game in my entire life. I couldn't do anything but stare at the screen and be motionless. I sat there for at least 5 minutes until the round ended and then I noticed the fucktard hadn't had a death all round but managed to get 37 kills. I don't think I've ever come face to face with a blantent hacker, but I think I have now, I don't see any other way of how it could be in the least bit possible. I should have got screen shots, but I was so stunned all I could think was WTF over and over in my head.
Anyone else ever had something like this happen? WTF is it? If it isn't a hack, how did he live through 4 clips at close range with a G36E, a point blank grenade explosion and a 10 foot fall that resulted from it, a pistol clip to the chest and still be able to knife me. He wasn't even a fucking medic, if he had been I might have some explanation for it, but the FUCKER WAS ANTI-TANK!!!!
One pistol shot, even to the head, can't kill someone with full health. Cougar indicated that he had just healed his partner right before they encountered this guy.RDMC wrote:
and it is posible to kill someone with one pistol shot :d did it myself laid down behind someone.. aimed for the head and dead.. so maybe he just hit the head of yur friend there..
Well it quite depends where you hit the guy... but my question is how far did the guy jump up into the air? was it a normal jump? twice height? and how the **** he survive that grenade blast?
I have seen some stupid shit happen on servers. Some were hackers, like the type you knife, but somehow miss when you hit them right in the broad side of their chest. Also, people should learn to keep their computer's password protected so others can't say shit on your name, whether or not your telling the truth...I live 10 minutes from Canadia in Upstate New York, and I also work in the Hotel/Restaurant industry and haven't met a Canuck yet who wasn't a asshole, or a douchebag. However I have some Canadian clan members who are good shit, so not all Canucks are big, fat, beer drinking retards, who watch Hockey while banging their elks, I mean gf's By the way, your brother is bringing down Canadia's already low standing in the World Community by talking; you should tell him to wait until he is older, don't say he is from Canada, or wait until he actually GRADUATES from whatever "you guys" call high school. Or better yet, College. What the fuck? McDonald's for Thanksgiving dinner? Who the hell does that? Maybe city people down in actual large cities MAYBE...The average American on Thanksgiving and Christmas day for dinner eat turkey, ham, potatoes, and such. It's a real big thing. I think I speak for most American's on this forum when I say, we all look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas in part because of all the good damn food! What do "you guys: in Canadia do for holiday's? Drink a beer, fondle your hockey pucks and travel along the only road in Canadia to see your Prime Minister or Queen?
Also, I hope you got a good sense of humor, because I love stereotypes
Also, I hope you got a good sense of humor, because I love stereotypes
Last edited by [A-51]-.Bond (2005-12-15 10:46:37)
To all you Canadians out there:[A-51]-.Bond wrote:
I have seen some stupid shit happen on servers. Some were hackers, like the type you knife, but somehow miss when you hit them right in the broad side of their chest. Also, people should learn to keep their computer's password protected so others can't say shit on your name, whether or not your telling the truth...I live 10 minutes from Canadia in Upstate New York, and I also work in the Hotel/Restaurant industry and haven't met a Canuck yet who wasn't a asshole, or a douchebag. However I have some Canadian clan members who are good shit, so not all Canucks are big, fat, beer drinking retards, who watch Hockey while banging their elks, I mean gf's By the way, your brother is bringing down Canadia's already low standing in the World Community by talking; you should tell him to wait until he is older, don't say he is from Canada, or wait until he actually GRADUATES from whatever "you guys" call high school. Or better yet, College. What the fuck? McDonald's for Thanksgiving dinner? Who the hell does that? Maybe city people down in actual large cities MAYBE...The average American on Thanksgiving and Christmas day for dinner eat turkey, ham, potatoes, and such. It's a real big thing. I think I speak for most American's on this forum when I say, we all look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas in part because of all the good damn food! What do "you guys: in Canadia do for holiday's? Drink a beer, fondle your hockey pucks and travel along the only road in Canadia to see your Prime Minister or Queen?
Also, I hope you got a good sense of humor, because I love stereotypes
See for yourself. Anyway, I personally do not think what you posted is correct, joke or no joke, your post MIGHT offend someone. Let's see what you think some Canadians are: big, fat, beer drinking retards, banging their elks, I mean gf's (what bullshit), a asshole, or a douchebag, fondle your hockey pucks and travel along the only road in Canadia to see your Prime Minister or Queen.
The next thing we know is poeple coming in to ask if the Canadian flag come in blue or with a Stars and Strips background instead of white.
So do some Canadians.[A-51]-.Bond wrote:
The average American on Thanksgiving and Christmas day for dinner eat turkey, ham, potatoes, and such. It's a real big thing. I think I speak for most American's on this forum when I say, we all look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas in part because of all the good damn food!
I am seriously pissed now.
Last edited by Aquastorm (2005-12-15 10:59:42)
Heh, as you saw, I think I wrote something about stereotypes. They are just that. I know several Canadian's and they are nice people. If your mad because of what I said, go fucking cry about it. I'm not politically correct, I don't hide behind it. I say what is on my mind. People talk trash about American's all the time, do I bitch about it? NO! I make a fucking joke out of it because rather say "Oh, your evil person for picking on American's," I crack a joke back at them. If people don't like it, Or they are offended because I made fun of Canadian's, then make fun back or shut the hell up and stop being a whineass. Boohoo, welcome to the real world. And even though I have met some asshole Canadian's, because I'm a Waiter, and Im also a Culinary/Hotel and Restaurant Management student, doesn't mean all are assholes. I know a few nice Canadian's and I even have a few Canadian family members. People need to learn to relax. Jeez. I saw what Stryker's brother wrote, and I was just making fun of it. Get over it.
Last edited by [A-51]-.Bond (2005-12-15 11:58:06)
Noriveia wrote:
this is just the classic tag indicator prob on a server with FF off this guy was prolly registering as a friendly to your system and not letting you FF him and his system was fine and he saw you as an enemy.
Makes sence, but it still doesn't explain his team mate dying with 1 shot from a pistol
It doesn't make sense. We have FF off on our server, and even if the blue tag bug appears you can still kill him. I've seen it many times on our server. I have yet to see a GOD hack of sorts, but I don't think it's impossible either.
this is just the classic tag indicator prob on a server with FF off this guy was prolly registering as a friendly to your system and not letting you FF him and his system was fine and he saw you as an enemy.
Makes sence, but it still doesn't explain his team mate dying with 1 shot from a pistol
It doesn't make sense. We have FF off on our server, and even if the blue tag bug appears you can still kill him. I've seen it many times on our server. I have yet to see a GOD hack of sorts, but I don't think it's impossible either.
Curious that you didn't get pissed about the Anti-American rant...Aquastorm wrote:
I am seriously pissed now.
Last edited by RKF77 (2005-12-15 12:23:33)
LOOOOOOOOL....weeks best !{504th}T/4.Stryker wrote:
so you guys met my idiotic brother have you, yea that was my brother he is stupid and goes on my PC when I'm at school...
Well said !Diddy_Bongo wrote:
Kaiser|Soze I cant beleive you even stated that Hacking was what ruined that game, many of us actually spent time getting good at it only to be outclassed by super hacking gits, likewise I have spent a lot of time getting good at BF2 and dont want to see it go teh same way.
I know its a bit anal but I even note down names of guys who Punish Tks when they clearly an accident (they never get into my squad that way ) If I meet a sure fire cheater they will get noted down and I will chase it up with EA or whoever needs the info. Name um shame um is what I say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Last edited by BudRell (2005-12-15 12:35:12)
LOL I just plain don't give a flying fuck. If he is a pissed off at me because Im American, then fuck him, his problem not mine. Go drink a beer and eat some poutine. Get a sense of humor. Here is a little piece to occupy your time.
Don't take offense, I didn't make it, I just found it
Don't take offense, I didn't make it, I just found it
LOL I just plain don't give a flying fuck. If he is a pissed off at me because Im American, then fuck him, his problem not mine. Go drink a beer and eat some poutine. Get a sense of humor. Here is a little piece to occupy your time.
Don't take offense, I didn't make it, I just found it
Don't take offense, I didn't make it, I just found it
never heard that one before{504th}T/4.Stryker wrote:
so you guys met my idiotic brother have you, yea that was my brother he is stupid and goes on my PC when I'm at school...

Hahahahahaha!!!!! I jumped here to mention a possible recent hack I encountered, but this made my day. Thanks. I'm off to McD for my l8 Thanksgiving dinner..:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
never heard that one before{504th}T/4.Stryker wrote:
so you guys met my idiotic brother have you, yea that was my brother he is stupid and goes on my PC when I'm at school...
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- WTF, Some new hack or am I just insane?