+2|7037|Perth, Western Australia
As I discovered on the TOG forums the 'sprint exploit' is when someone who has zeroed their sprint bar hits the jump and sprint buttons simultaneously (or if they're really serious, uses a macro button) which apparently enabled them to sprint indefinitely. Must admit I can't recall anyone who seemed to sprint forever, not in fact can I remember anyone 'prone spamming' for that matter...
The Tom Cruise of BF2 pilots
+102|7086|California, US
i think this patch is just going to mess the game up more.
all you guys think that you should be able to sit in a stinger for 20 seconds and be able to take down a jet or chopper.... i dont think thats how it is suspose to be. if you have practiced with it you will become good and know when you fire the missles. same with the jets.... if you are chasing some one in a jet you shouldnt be able to pull right behind them and shoot twice and get a kill that easy..... its suspose to be a dog fight.

i think you should still be able to shoot and jump at the same time. no i dont do it that often but dont go complaining when everyone else has done it and it has worked to their favor.

the bunny hopping im glad they fixed that and also glad with the shock paddles fix.

you guys are making the game where the tank, chopper and jets have the same health has a person in the game. it should still have alot to kill a tank and apc. BH are already easy to take down with a jet or a tank if they are flying that low.
all i can say is come on people.
i think ea should really think about what some of the changes they are doing here

Last edited by Stun_Gun (2005-12-14 00:06:30)

Thank god I'm so sick of plane and heli retards. Real men play infantry.

Last edited by Fearnight (2005-12-14 00:13:45)

The Tom Cruise of BF2 pilots
+102|7086|California, US

Fearnight wrote:

Thank god I'm so sick of plane and heli retards. Real men play infantry.
if you feel that way about it play some sf or play city maps.
i dun like bunny hoppers, but being unable to jump and shoot is not the answer. With all the stuff an infantry carries, what i like to see, is that each jump take half or a third of your stamina, so u can only jump twice. U can't bunny hop with only 2-3 jumps...and can't jump at all if you have sprinted there.

leave the ability to shoot and jump alone. it is someting that should remain do-able.

For noob tubes, i think you just need the minimal arm distance. other than tat, i have no complaints even if i am killed by one. Being kill by a person using a GL a metre away is...

Helis do need to be nerfed, but I don't think the number of missiles need to be reduced. They shld stay powerful in attack but not so powerful defensively. I am not going to use the realism arguement coz this is a GAME. but just to balance the forces a bit.

Now if one team has air superiority, it is almost going to win. While this is true in RL, we are playing a GAME. As everyone SHOULD know, a BALANCED game is the best game. Hence, there should be a counter to everything there is in the game. There should be an infantry answer to everything, coz everything can kill them. if there isn't going to be a stinger unit, then degrading the Air armor or having improve AA is the correct answer.
Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
- Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time

Great!!!! Bunny hopping = gay!!
+0|7066|Seattle, WA
While some issues are addressed in this patch, they way they've been solved seems ... lazy. As others have mentioned, there are much more effective methods of solving some of these problems.

Bunny Hopping - First of all, I've never found this much of a problem in BF2. In CS, it was a problem because you gained a phenomenol speed boost. In BF2, you have a limited a sprint bar, you dont gain an increase in speed, and the bunny hoppers accuracy goes to hell. I dont know what you people complain about, shooting bunny hoppers is a walk in the park.

Dolphin diving - Its only marginally effective at short range, and even then, their accuracy goes to hell and if you manage an accurate spray in the face, they're dead.

With the above two, there may be a problem, but its mostly blown out of proportion, fueled by the frustrations of folks who cant aim. If anything, just put a severe hamper on accuracy while in the air. Something like trying to fire a sniper rifle while mid-air works.

Grenade Launcher - I'm not sure. Sure, its frustrating, but I got over it. I tried to shoot them before they shot me and tried to keep some range from the enemy. As any soldier knows, distance is life. However, the idea of a grenade that doesnt explode on contact may be worth considering.

Nerfing the attack choppers - Bad move. A GOOD tank driver is pretty hard to kill as it is. As a logical vehicular heirarchy, the chopper should be able to take out tanks with relative ease. Thats why there is generally only 1 attack chopper yet multiple tanks on most maps. I think this tweak was made because of complaints of aerial vehicles dominating the battlefield. In my experience, this really only occurs when the opposing side steals the other team's planes/choppers. Just turn that ability off.

Increasing the accuracy of the AA - Awesome, they suck. Killing with SAMs is possible with skill, but any skilled pilot, whether jet or chopper knows how to evade those missiles with relative ease. While aerial vehicles dont need to be nerfed, the ability for SKILLED infantry to take out skilled pilots should be increased somewhat.

I dont have any real opinions on any of the other proposed changes.

Last edited by Nostrils (2005-12-14 01:43:30)

Umbra Acciptris
I rather like this change set
Oh great, they're messing with two of my favorite classes. Wonderful.
One issue they didn't think of with the no jumping and shooting: think of the snipers. In close combat, all they have is pistols, and the one plus side to pistols is that they can still move a lot and be accurate. If they can't even jump, then using a pistol head on against an AR will be even HARDER.

Stun_Gun wrote:

all you guys think that you should be able to sit in a stinger for 20 seconds and be able to take down a jet or chopper....
...we all do?  News to me. 

One of the reasons the jets are so overpowered in this game is because the pilots are thoroughly unconcerned with the AA.  How many times have we jumped in a stinger, and watched a fighter-bomber poke along at us, gear out, putzing along while strafing the whole area with the cannon?  Why do they do that?  Because they have nothing to worry about from the AA.

Making them more effective will simply separate the good pilots from the bad.  Pilots will have to think tactically.  Instead of taking the most direct route to a spawn at 300 knots with their gear out and raping for 5 easy kills because they have absolutely nothing to worry about, they'll have to alter attack patterns, use the ground for cover, and put space between them and the stinger emplacement quicker.

I doubt anyone wants to be able to shoot down a jet 9 times out of 10.

Stun_Gun wrote:

i dont think thats how it is suspose to be. if you have practiced with it you will become good and know when you fire the missles.
Not true.  The missiles simply are not effective enough to make a real difference.  Even waiting until the jet is past you so you're looking at the burners, waiting until he's dropped flares, and firing at a small envelope, maybe one missile in four will hit, if the lock holds long enough for a reload.  By then he's out of range and on his way to his magical "fix-me-at-700-knots" runway".  Lather, rinse, repeat.

All I hope for with the patch with regard to AA is a little bit of effectiveness against the bad pilots.  Good pilots, like Zenmaster,will still be able to own.  I doubt that will change.
Yeah, I think, out of all my stinger kills I think that there's maybe....one jet kill?
I had some more. But for every ememy jet I shoot down I shoot two friendly ones. Stupid Stinger.
hell yes. great changes. air assets are overpowered. its about time to keep balance. exploit is exploit. they should be fixed. i play with sniper kit alot. for me bunny hoppers are no problem. they are just easy one shot kills. aim their chest and shoot and one less enemy for 15 secs. if sniper primary weapon's accuracy is going to be improved snipers gonna rule the game.

and again. great fixes. looking forward
I have an idea, lets get rid of all the vehicles, both air and ground, then release the game again as Metal of Honor 2.

Would that make all you fucking cry babies happy?

The game is modern warfare with modern weapons and vehicles for christs sake. You knew that when you bought it, if you dont like it then go play with your fucking nintendo.
if they really wanted to make this all realistic, the chopper blades would whack into things and pilots would not be able to fly into confined spaces and tunnels.  but hey, for the umpteenth time, it's about balance.  should a direct sraw hit be able to take a chopper down?  yes.  just one.  that would lend itself more to realism and stop choppers from taking flags.  i know probably noone will agree with this, but i don't think choppers should be able to take flags, infantry and ground vehicles only.  if a chopper jock knew one shot from a sraw in the rotors was gonna bring him down, i guarantee he wouldn't be hovering around a flagpole for too long.  he'll be out flying around killing things like he's supposed to do.  and don't anyone try to say that that wouldn't happen.  how many apaches has the army lost to rpgs in iraq?  a few i know.
as for the stingers... yeah, the suck and they really need an improvment.  rkf77 was right on with that one.  i would never want to fly low and slow over a grail or a stinger, but it's the norm in this game.  realism would demand that one stinger up the poop chute would drop a plane like a lead balloon, but for the sake of balance, i don't want to see that either.  what i do want to see is a stinger that'll hit something more than a stationary hovering chopper.  and anyone that says you just need to practice with it is only partly right.  lining up and timing the shot properly helps, but it's really not that helpful.  try it a few times and see how much 20mm lead and gbu shrapnel you get lodged in your grape.
balance... balance...
Rules over Sesamestreet
+5|7068|The Netherlands
hey this was not a complete list was it?
<b|k> lukie

lobo76 wrote:

i dun like bunny hoppers, but being unable to jump and shoot is not the answer. With all the stuff an infantry carries, what i like to see, is that each jump take half or a third of your stamina, so u can only jump twice. U can't bunny hop with only 2-3 jumps...and can't jump at all if you have sprinted there.

leave the ability to shoot and jump alone. it is someting that should remain do-able.

For noob tubes, i think you just need the minimal arm distance. other than tat, i have no complaints even if i am killed by one. Being kill by a person using a GL a metre away is...

Helis do need to be nerfed, but I don't think the number of missiles need to be reduced. They shld stay powerful in attack but not so powerful defensively. I am not going to use the realism arguement coz this is a GAME. but just to balance the forces a bit.

Now if one team has air superiority, it is almost going to win. While this is true in RL, we are playing a GAME. As everyone SHOULD know, a BALANCED game is the best game. Hence, there should be a counter to everything there is in the game. There should be an infantry answer to everything, coz everything can kill them. if there isn't going to be a stinger unit, then degrading the Air armor or having improve AA is the correct answer.
120% agree.

zimmer92 wrote:

Sturmvogel wrote:

So, um where are the OFFICER RANKS?? Having the ranks end at 2nd Lieutenant is just plain dumb. The point descrepancy between Sergeant Major and 2nd Lieutenant is flawed also. There is no way I'm going to be playing for another 120,000 points just so I can be a 2nd Lieutenant. I know ranks arn't really important or anything but it is just one more thing you can look forward to attaining.

Other than that the new patch sounds really good. I CAN'T WAIT to play with this patch during the first few days it comes out. I can picutre it now.. running down one of the ally ways in Karkand and an enemy Assault peeks around the corner, he charges towards me, JUMPS! "Oh wait... no noob toob? WHAT THE HELL!" But alas, it is too late I've already gutted him with the G3. <3
true because 2nd liutenant is a pathetic rank in the high ranks in us army. theres 1st liutenant. theres not even CAPTAIN!!!!!! i think the highest rank in ea should be the highest rank in the us army that commands from the ground at the battle. this of course would be MAJOR. that would be real good.   

http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/ins … aptain.gif    captain

http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/ins … _major.gif     major

http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/ins … olonel.gif    colonel
dude, stop acting like you know the military.  you got punked on another forum for thinking that the rank system on battlefield was the army's.  then you said enlisted airforce ranks were for pilots.  you're an idiot.
I agree with what most of you are saying.  Pretty much all the changes sound good to me.  A lot of the pilots here are saying that the helicopters are going to be "nerfed" now... think about it... do you really think that a Cobra attack chopper should be able to take a hit from a tank cannon and still be able to fly?  Really?  How many hits do you think a Blackhawk should be able to take from an Eryx before it goes down?  5?  6?  That's just ridiculous.  Helicopters are fairly fragile pieces of machinery, that's just a fact. 

And you jet pilots have just gotten too accustomed to flying around the map uncontested bombing at will and shooting infantry with your machine guns.  Prepare to FINALLY be challenged.  Sorry if it's going to hurt your 5.87 k/d ratio... deal with it, and try fighting on the ground for a change.

The only change I'm not in favor of, and most of you seem to be the same, is the no shooting while jumping "fix".  I'm not a bunny hopper or a dolphin diver, but as many of you have pointed out, the ability to throw something or shoot while jumping is sometimes necessary.

RatedM.Muffy wrote:

Oh dear.  It would appear that Dice and EA have officially decided to kill their game.
Now, before you decide to call me a noob and tell me how bad I am, hear me out.
It is true, yes, that some of these 'improvements' are both necessary and beneficial.  However, for the most part, they are merely catering to the complaints of the few, rather than the gratification of the many.
First of all, about the 14 missles turning into 8, did you know that a real AH-1Z has a payload of 72 missles?  Now, let's see. Turning 14 into 8.  I personally think 14 needs to be turned into 72.  "OMG BUT CHOPPERS ARE ALREADY TOO GOOD"  Have you ever faced a battle chopper 1 v 1?  I'm sorry, but if a battle chopper (IRL) would even APPROACH you, you would be dead before you had time to scratch your ass.
As for dolphin diving, this is a good fix, on one condition: You can go prone once while jumping.  Contrary to popular belief, it IS possible for someone to dive while jumping.  What is impossible is jumping and diving in mid air and then standing up straight again.  hopefully that is all they have done.
Have you ever held a gun?  believe it or not, once again, contrary to popular belief, you can shoot a gun while you are jumping.  Are you going to be accurate? of course not.  But the fact is, it is still possible.  Perhaps they need to review this change and just make it so you can shoot, but not to much effect.  The only reason I decided to pick on this is because I am a C4 whore.  I am the type of C4 whore who knows the sacred tactic of detonating a c4 before it hits the ground.  If i can't throw a c4 while jumping, I'll just have to complain, and for the most part, I dislike complaining (even though that's kind of what I am doing now).
Have you ever seen a real m134? (that is the gun on the black hawk)  The gun is about twice the size of a child.  The damage should not, in anyway, be decreased.
I'm sorry, I just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.
Please feel free to heckle and harass me over the internet, I say this because I know it does many of you great pleasure to insult one another.  Have a wonderful day.

Your Coherent Friend,
Hmmm...where to start?

I f you pursue realism so much keep in mind the following things also:

1. An approaching attack chopper won't kill you.

2. In real life a direct hit with a portable rocket launcher would bring down any chopper.

3. There are shoulder mounted - mobile - Stinger launchers with IFF (Identification-Friend-or-Foe) in real life which won't miss your butt in a chopper/plane and you'll sweat all over the cockpit till you get rid of them. (In case you're out of flares)

4. A dive in mid air after a jump will result in:
a) a "tiger spin" (sommersault) you need both hand to perform it while you roll over your gun, therefor you won't be able to fire instantly.
b) a totally smashed jaw -> "I NEED A MEDIC HERE!"

5. If you would throw and blow satchel charges in a real life combat situation, you'll probably end up shot dead by your CO for risking your squadmembers life.

6. You're right about the minigun on the Black Hawk but again read No. 2 & 3.

7. Additional info.
A heavily injured man won't heal himself with a medic bag he just found unless he's a "self-repairing" doctor. It'd be better if heal could only be done by the medic himself, with bag in the hand...as it is in real life.

....but again...it's just a game...not perfect, has annoying bugs, still we all play with it and love it for some of it's aspects.

This patch will create better balance which is more needed than realism.

PS: That wasn't an insult just some minor corrections.

Have a nice day for you too:)

Fearnight wrote:

Thank god I'm so sick of plane and heli retards. Real men play infantry.
WTF are you talking about? You've played 86 hrs and have been killed twice by a plane and 39 times by a chopper.

I'm guessing another 10 yr old who thinks if he talks shit with the older crowd he looks cool.

Scorpian65 wrote:

Fearnight wrote:

Thank god I'm so sick of plane and heli retards. Real men play infantry.
WTF are you talking about? You've played 86 hrs and have been killed twice by a plane and 39 times by a chopper.

I'm guessing another 10 yr old who thinks if he talks shit with the older crowd he looks cool.
I think you're reading those stats wrong.  He's been killed WHILE IN a jet twice and killed WHILE IN a chopper 39 times.  I don't think there's anything that says how many times you've been killed by specific vehicles/kits.
People who complain about jets and choppers, do so because they suck with them themselves.

Kobrakai wrote:

People who complain about jets and choppers, do so because they suck with them themselves.
I'm sure that's true in some cases, but more than that is the fact that I'm not willing to TK/get TKed over a chopper or jet.  I fly them when the opportunity arises, and I'm sure I'd be better if I flew more often, but I'm just not going to bother fighting my teammates over the stupid things.

I actually get more irritated with my own teammates in jets as opposed to enemy planes.  For instance, right when I'm about to turn a flag neutral or friendly, and my lovely teammate decides to drop a payload of bombs right on the capture point... yes, I'm going to complain about that, and yes, I'm going to punish.

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