Pump-Action Pimp
+16|7096|The Hague, Holland
Oh no ! If this is true there's gonna be a whole new learning experience for me and bunny hoppers alike.
- Helicopter now carry 8 missiles rather than 14. Pilots have to get more skilled for this lil joke, not bad
- TV-Guided missile now have a shorter range. Never saw any complaints about this, who would have troubles with this?
- Hit points on all air vehicles has been reduced. Good for infantery, not so good for starting pilots like myself
- AA missile lock has been improved. They say it, but will it be true? If so, good job EA, 'bout time!
- "Dolphin Diving" is no longer possible. Well I may be the only1 to say this but damn I'm gonna miss this . One less trick for me to use.
- Players can no longer jump and shoot at the same time. Crap! No more bunnyhopping! Doesnt matter, I can live without it ..
- "Prone Spamming" is now fixed. Wtf is this?
- "Sprint exploit" is now fixed. Same as above.
- Reload while sprinting has been enabled. Normally I would just push R and then run, I geuss now you can run and press R while your running? Thats fine with me
- Medic defibrillator paddles have been adjusted. They now reload while not in use. Once again it shows, that medics pwn the world
Thats all good and well but they need to add

1. A working server browser.
2. Fuse time on the noob toobs.

Last edited by Sweetmate (2005-12-13 11:24:35)

+7|7029|MoVal, Southern California

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

I guess all the reasons we are still talking about is why this game that I personally love, wasn't nominated for ANYTHING at the VGA's on Spike TV. I was just hoping to see it get mentioned at least, oh well...
Yeah, why no mention of battlefield 2?! The vga awards on spike was pretty lame... Samuel L Jackson was the host, and he was telling some very lame ass jokes. I only watched it for about 5 minutes until i lost interest in it.

the G-phoria awards show was better.

yeah, ea/dice needs to fix the server list search function and all. Sometimes I try to search for a specific server name and the list goes blank! grr...
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7158|United Kingdom
way to screw the attack choppers, leave the missile range as it is, and if they are improving AA, seems like they wont last for long...

other than that everything else is great
+7|7029|MoVal, Southern California
oh yeah and i'm so glad they're lowering the hit points for air vehicles. This will mean bad news for black hawk chopper whores
I don't know if it's just me and my amateur jet combat skills, but i think they need to fix the missle lock. I'll be following a jet, then lock on him, and shoot a couple of missles, but the missles don't even track him and they fly off somewhere else.  I'm a good distance away, too, so the missles should have had perfect range to take the enemy jet down...
Well today 2 stinger hits will make a chopper burning right? So unless they half the hitpoints it's still gonna be 2 hits, except the pilot wont get a chance to escape.
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
That sounds pretty good except for a few things:
- Support kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
- Sniper kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
- Anti-Tank kits have had their primary weapons adjusted for accuracy
What exactly do these mean?  Are they going to increase the accuracy or decrease?  I sure hope they don't decrease the accuracy of the LMGs...
"Aff, Star Colonel!"
Mixed opinion, here. Judging from their previous efforts, you probably won't be able to knife or throw grenades/C4/anything legitimate while jumping anymore. Bad. Very bad.

No more diving, and weaker air vehicles, jets will still probably be immune (how many times have we received an upgraded AA?), but it should be easier to maul choppers. Then again, it's not that hard to do right now. I'm not sure the attack choppers need this much nerfing. Or the transports either.

The G3 and L85 are getting upgraded? I don't think either weapon is that bad, not sure why they need upgrading... but if someone wants to make my favorite gun better, then I suppose I won't complain.

And, the usual confusion about prone spamming and sprint exploiting.
The Tom Cruise of BF2 pilots
+102|7086|California, US

Kanil wrote:

Mixed opinion, here. Judging from their previous efforts, you probably won't be able to knife or throw grenades/C4/anything legitimate while jumping anymore. Bad. Very bad.
better hurry and try to get my veteran explosives badge soon then!
Terror in the Skies
hmm, i don't know what to think about the patch
ok, dolphin diving sucks as hell - its good to cut that
improve AA - ok, if people think they can get down a jet in no time fine - i'm still waiting for more peeps in aa just to shoot them out - its the most simple lesson *lol*
fewer hit points on air vehicles - as long as you cant shoot down a jet with one missle its ok - and if it deters all people who can't fly form air vehicles the better
if they make jets rediculesly weak (i mean come on - jets are very powerful in reality) i will switch back to tank whore in karkand *g*
Official Heckler & Koch ambassador
+8|7030|Veenendaal, The Netherlands
WTF is the M134
fire at will!!!
+76|7026|Leiden, Holland for the n00bs

masterHouse wrote:

WTF is the M134
look in google at images, then you'll get this clue:
. . .
I only think the AA needs fixing;


There is an imbalance in chooper tank battles - loaded on the chopper-side.
a.) Allow tank scopes to go higher + a possble leed indicator
b.) . . . and adjust hit points calculations from choppers; AT guy on ground the same LEAVE as-is;
Chopper requires more hits on a tank.


There is an imbalance in air-power over ground power even if AA is improved a little; air to air combat should do more damage & faster; plus a possible leed indicator for the MG on planes.

This would make 1-team owning the skies more difficult even if they have a couple aces; this would make base-raping more difficult; it would reduces the # of super easy-kills air-guys get on helpless ground
targets; and it would make dog-fights more FUN.

As far as the other crap - could care less. In or out of BF2 doesn't matter to me.

But less player maneuvering capabilty means plain old LESS; your an easier target for everything.
I think this will increase the number of sit on their assess types - who wait for you to be the aggressor.

Now that I think about it - eliminating the hop & shoot is a stupid idea; there have been many times I have jumped over walls; YOU HAVE TO; after spotting an enemy position; it's the only way to get over tiny lips too on some buildings. Great now to get over a 2-inch to 3ft lip my shooting is disabled - BRILLIANT!

Last edited by topal63 (2005-12-13 13:12:40)

the best thing for me is no shooting while jumping.  stupid ass grenade launching noobs wont be able to jump in the air then shoot the ground to kill you
Insert witty comment here
+3|7071|Brixham, UK

look at all the whining cheapass 'competitive' players on the EA forums.



Un Moderador

a_fraudulent_miracle wrote:

Hmmm... they're making reloading while sprinting possible? I've always been able to do that, well at least while playing antitank. I can reload the eryx and run at the same time with no problem.
thats the only weapon you can do it wit.. none other. its real good theyre putting that in
Yeah we shall see.  Ea is killing there own game with the release of SF and their stupid glitchy patch.  Died hard players were lost installing SF.  I was one of them.  If Ea delivers on this patch in a timely manner, then maybe it will salvage some hope of people.  Not being able to shoot while jumping is gonna make a lot of people mad, especially at the palace on warlord in sf.  lol.

Ea still owes me 5 bucks, from the three and a 1/2 days it took me to install Very Special Forces. 

When is this patch due out??
Yay, take out shooting while jumping, it'll be just like Battlefront. Yea, you know, that Star Wars game for the xbox.  Personally, I would think allow shooting while jumping, but disable the ability to prone in mid-air. That would eliminate bunny hopping. If you disable shooting while jumping, that halves the distance for the grenades AGAIN. Right clicking for nades are worthless . . .and if the take away the Sprint + Jump bonus. . .that means as soon as you toss a nade. . run cause it'll land right at your feet. Same with the C4, this means you'll actually have to stand next to the tank to kill it. . .where of which you will be inevitablly run over. Notice I said NEXT not BEHIND.

Nerfing the Choppers, yay why dont we just blot out the sun and called Special Forces. I think if you take away all the choppers missles, that tank armor should be halved. . .or why not just increase the power of the SRAW/EYRX?? Turn off most of the splash damage, so that the SRAW won't over power infantry/act as m203. But give it the increase so tanks have something to hide from. Then, again. . with a little teamwork
(which this game (i thought) was based on) tanks/choppers are no problem what so ever. Me and a friend took out the same chopper twice and the same tank 3 times and an apc as anti-tank on sharqi with out dieing. Just hit the vehicle at the same time and it'll die.

Sniper accuracy? I hope they mean increase. . .aka the bullet goes where the center of your cross hair is.

G3 upgrade? Good god no. It already only takes 1 headshot to kill . . .are they going to make it so that if you look at them they automatically fall over?

Support. . obviously will be increased. . cause if they decrease it. . lmfao good luck

Anti-tank. . .i assume they refer to the mp5. . cause who needs an accuracte shotgun?

Nerf the choppers armor weaponary and its range?? wtf. . .leave the tv giuded alone. . stop fixing things that arent broke. . .

- The Sa80 weapon has been improved - wish they would use the game name for the gun instead of trying to sound smarter then they are. . .I assume they mean the medic gun. . which means you'll have snipers that can heal them selves now. . .
. . .



look at all the whining cheapass 'competitive' players on the EA forums.



A forum is a contribution of information - even when I vehemently disagree with the posters opinion - I still learn from him - even when the comment is stupid in my opinion.

But your comment is both stupid & free of any information content.

Uttterly pointless.
+5|7054|Clinton, MD, USA
This is going to be the best patch ever!!!! Take that, bunny-hoppers!!!!! However ther is some speculation that it may not be true.
+45|7056|Toronto, Canada
I think the AA is pretty effective against helicopters as is. Less missiles for the attack chopper means more time the attack helicopter needs to reload and less time shredding infantry, probably means more action for the gunner though as the ammo can last a good time if used efficiently.  That is fine, the TV missile lifespan shortened? Hmmm... It is because the missile flies so far that I have shot down jets with it, among other cool terrain hugging missile shots that kill tanks.  Oh well... I guess I can live with that.

Air power is too powerful, and even I as a half-decent helicopter pilot can concede that helicopters still stay too long in the air. I can survive sometimes survive 3 SRAW hits (I guess the last ones are glancing hits to the tail or something) and still make it back for repairs.

Everything else I think is pretty good for the game.  Especially the fix for not shooting while jumping, this alone will help negate the n00b tubers from jumping while firing their launchers, causing them to kill themselves and negating any points gain (+2 for kill -2 for suicide).  I think the keyword here is "shoot" whereas grenades, flashbangs, C4 and the knife is a throw or a stab for the latter.

I reload first and then sprint a split second later, so this is just a nice little bonus.  In regards to the weapon accuracy, I think they are going to change that where you aim is where you hit for the sniper rifles, I am guessing more in lines to the M24 accuracy.  The LMGs are probably going to be tweaked to have a closer spray of bullets to what you see through the iron sight.

All this is good to let the skillful players flourish and force the exploiters to use different tactics.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys
great, now im gonna have fucking nooblet privates shooting me down with AA all the time.
wtf no shooting while jumping thats lame there are many legit reasions do jump then shoot like a guy standing on a higher level just out of site -jump pop pop you got him. want to stop bunny hopping put a pause in after a jump i hope this just a pliminary idea and dont do all of it i like most of but not the diving thin or the jump shoot thing.

note- i dont like the diving thing because i often "dive" through windows on warlord gerat way to get around the campers waiting at the front and back of the palace. you cant fit through the windows unless your prone and you have to jump to get out of them.
+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
Instead of making it impossible to shoot while jumping, they could just make your accuracy go to shit when you shoot mid-air.  That would probably be more realistic.
I hope they will still allow you to throw grenades and C4 mid-air.  Its nice to be able to chuck a C4 over a wall...
blast, no more sprint throwing the grenade's on top of buildings i suppose.  Those were always a nice surprise for snipers too.  Oh well, guess i'll just have to stick to l85 or g36e for those pesky guys.

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