i dont know but ive played on many servers in differnet countries(ger,swe,den,ch,aut,pl,us)
but there is nothing more i hate then french servers!!
am i the only one who thinks that u get instant punish,baserape and hardcore vehicle camp?
10 sec i played mashtuur on a french server. i got into bh and was a minigun!
than we fly over an enemy base an some of my squadmates jumped out while we where shooting at them and before i realised that i killed one of the jumping out players i just read "you where punished for a teamkill"
than flying back to the helipad i see how 1 noob tries to take out the bh with the aa (of course our team) and others (~5) where shooting from the helipad onto us.......
then again we fly over an enemy base and we give surpressing fire cause there where lots of people about 10 nad then i see a friendly car trying to get into the base but unfortunatly there are mines laid on the entrance but luckily the survive driviing into my fire (which lead to 2 tks) and before i could say sorry i was out of the game!!!
I dont know but that really happens to me mostly on french servers. i mean punishment is ok but i mean instantly ?! not waiting even for sorry or something....
dont know but when all french people which are playing Bf2 are like all others than france must be one of the most ignorant and selfish country in the world.....
i dont know but ive played on many servers in differnet countries(ger,swe,den,ch,aut,pl,us)
but there is nothing more i hate then french servers!!
am i the only one who thinks that u get instant punish,baserape and hardcore vehicle camp?
10 sec i played mashtuur on a french server. i got into bh and was a minigun!
than we fly over an enemy base an some of my squadmates jumped out while we where shooting at them and before i realised that i killed one of the jumping out players i just read "you where punished for a teamkill"
than flying back to the helipad i see how 1 noob tries to take out the bh with the aa (of course our team) and others (~5) where shooting from the helipad onto us.......
then again we fly over an enemy base and we give surpressing fire cause there where lots of people about 10 nad then i see a friendly car trying to get into the base but unfortunatly there are mines laid on the entrance but luckily the survive driviing into my fire (which lead to 2 tks) and before i could say sorry i was out of the game!!!
I dont know but that really happens to me mostly on french servers. i mean punishment is ok but i mean instantly ?! not waiting even for sorry or something....
dont know but when all french people which are playing Bf2 are like all others than france must be one of the most ignorant and selfish country in the world.....