I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6436|6 feet under
I have never been into combat. But look at it this way people. If you have never been into combat don't dis the people that have been there becuase the US Military is a strictly voluenteer organization and all the people have the courage to stand up for what they believe in. It also means that they have the courage to stand up for the people that cannot defend themselves. So, if you don't have anything nice to say about the brave, honerable, couragous people in Iraq fighting for other peoples rights, then shove off.
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6692|Lancaster Ohio, USA
I'll second that.
+5,233|6566|Global Command
Me too.

But the rat bastard politicians on the other hand, oh, I dunno, like Bush...kennedy...McCain, Clinton...

They deserve a whole special category of hatred.
I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6436|6 feet under
something else that pisses me off is that people diss the troops even though they get orders to go fight, they don't just go there on their own and the troops are the the ones that fought and died in order for people to have the freedom of speech to be able to say things like that. So thank you men and women of the armed forces for having enough balls to stand up and fight for something that they believed in.

Last edited by theit57 (2007-05-21 18:35:39)

can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6803|Cambridge (UK)
I quite agree.

However, I feel many people think that any anti-war or anti-administration statement is automatically 'dissing' the individual soldiers themselves.

It is possible to have respect for the individual soldiers enganged in combat, but to not have respect for the adminstration that sent them into that combat.
I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6436|6 feet under

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

I quite agree.

However, I feel many people think that any anti-war or anti-administration statement is automatically 'dissing' the individual soldiers themselves.

It is possible to have respect for the individual soldiers enganged in combat, but to not have respect for the adminstration that sent them into that combat.
which is almost exactly what i am saying.
Third it. Fuck you hippies they died so you could smoke your fucken weed!
Metal Godz
preachin the gospel...
I agree.
Rated EC-10
You know what pisses me off? Hypocrites who tell me that because people died for my freedom of speech, I should only use it in a fashion that they approve of. The ass-backwards logic of it is mind-boggling.
+271|6793|United States of America

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

You know what pisses me off? Hypocrites who tell me that because people died for my freedom of speech, I should only use it in a fashion that they approve of. The ass-backwards logic of it is mind-boggling.
No. You can use it any way you like. Just know that you'll be hated for it.
Rated EC-10

Miller wrote:

No. You can use it any way you like. Just know that you'll be hated for it.
Actually you're the first one to say "you can use it any way you like". The rest has been "STFU hippie". I can respect honest hatred. I don't really care if people hate me, but if they openly express it at least there's no pretentions there. I have no respect for people who scream and shout about how wonderful freedom is right before wiping their asses with it in contempt. You either believe in it or you don't; don't give me this watered-down candy-ass State-sanctioned Patriotically Correct version of it and expect me to choke that shit down just because you've conditioned yourself to like the taste of it. That, IMO, is truly disrespectful to those that have died to maintain freedom for all Americans. They didn't die to protect your delicate fucking sensibilities. They didn't die so everybody has the freedom to drop to their knees and fellate the government on command. They didn't die so you can call other Americans traitors for speaking their minds. Demand those things and you have dishonored the legacy of better people than yourself. Enforce those things by law, threat, coercion or physical action and you piss on their memory. Defend those things and you are no defender of freedom.
+271|6793|United States of America
Freedom is exactly what it's supposed to be. The reason we haven't become a dictatorship is because of the opposite opinions to one's own. You may not agree with them all the time, but if they didn't agree. Who would? And if no body did, what would become of everything?
+127|6382|Twyford, UK
I think I agree. I'm not committing to anything, the poster's lack of spelling, grammar, and punctuation make it hard to understand the post, and I've read too many government forms to commit to anything that mangled.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6867|Denver colorado

Miller wrote:

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

You know what pisses me off? Hypocrites who tell me that because people died for my freedom of speech, I should only use it in a fashion that they approve of. The ass-backwards logic of it is mind-boggling.
No. You can use it any way you like. Just know that you'll be hated for it.
I agree with OP.

And just like miller said. You CAN be a dumb ass and tell everyone about your disrespect but people will just hate you for it.
I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6436|6 feet under

Skorpy-chan wrote:

I think I agree. I'm not committing to anything, the poster's lack of spelling, grammar, and punctuation make it hard to understand the post, and I've read too many government forms to commit to anything that mangled.
what do you mean?
Rated EC-10
It's truly comforting to know how many people have such a weak grasp of the idea of freedom.

Last edited by HunterOfSkulls (2007-05-21 20:59:03)

I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6436|6 feet under

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

It's truly comforting to know how many people have such a weak grasp of the idea of freedom.
i assume that was directed at someone? was it at me?

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

It's truly comforting to know how many people have such a weak grasp of the idea of freedom.
Whats worse is people who have such a weak grasp of the sacrifices made by others to secure that freedom, who neither honor nor cherish the fallen, who have paid the price for fools to run their stupid fucking mouths as they damn well please.

That is a damn shame.
+127|6424|Jesus Land aka Canada

David.Podedworny wrote:

Third it. Fuck you hippies they died so you could smoke your fucken weed!
ZOmg no my eyes! the Flower power itches
The Lizzard
Maybe I don't agree with what they believe in.  Unless you're gonna back off on terrorists, you're basically a hypocrite.
less busy
+586|6872|Kubra, Damn it!

theelviscerator wrote:

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

It's truly comforting to know how many people have such a weak grasp of the idea of freedom.
Whats worse is people who have such a weak grasp of the sacrifices made by others to secure that freedom, who neither honor nor cherish the fallen, who have paid the price for fools to run their stupid fucking mouths as they damn well please.

That is a damn shame.
Sounds like someone didn't read the previous post:

HunterOfSkulls wrote:

Demand those things and you have dishonored the legacy of better people than yourself. Enforce those things by law, threat, coercion or physical action and you piss on their memory.
+5,233|6566|Global Command

Bubbalo wrote:

Maybe I don't agree with what they believe in.  Unless you're gonna back off on terrorists, you're basically a hypocrite.
you misunderstand Lizzard.

Soldiers don't do politics. ( deployed, I  mean )
Leave them out of it.
Rated EC-10

theelviscerator wrote:

Whats worse is people who have such a weak grasp of the sacrifices made by others to secure that freedom, who neither honor nor cherish the fallen, who have paid the price for fools to run their stupid fucking mouths as they damn well please.

That is a damn shame.
Yes, a damn shame that fools run their stupid fucking mouths as they damn well please. A damn shame that people would shout down anyone who dares criticize their Glorious Revolutionary American State and then try to claim the mantle of defending freedom from those who actually did defend freedom. Countless thousands dead to free America from English rule. Countless thousands dead to oppose those who would shatter the entire nation and pit brother against brother to preserve their petty little kingdoms. Countless thousands dead to halt the tide of fascism. And how do you honor them? By demanding that people who love their nation and their countrymen enough to speak against what they see as wrong be silent. By telling them that the fight is over when it is never over as long as one single person who wants to lord over or rule others by force still draws breath. By calling them fools because they don't think like you. By demanding that people of a nation founded on the idea of independence and dedicated to never bend the knee to tyrants must now bow to its own government just because your party is in charge. By demanding the near-worship of the flag while ignoring what it stands for. This is honoring their memory? Using their fucking corpses to try and shame people into silence? Some honor.

If there's any justice in the world or at least irony, you'll all get what it is you think you want in this nation before you realize what a mistake it is and after it's too late for you to say 'no' to it.
Dan Havok

David.Podedworny wrote:

Third it. Fuck you hippies they died so you could smoke your fucken weed!
name one instance where soldiers fought so hippies could smoke weed....none.  In fact soldiers fight to protect U.S. law and are therefore fighting to prevent us hippies from smoking our fucken weed.

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