Well, sounds odd since the F-22 has 6 aim-120's in the under carriage and 2 aim-9's in the sides i don't see how it killed all 10 simultaneously...twz_stryker wrote:
When I said USMC, I mean the team in the game, the Raptor is an Air Force only jet at this time. Where the F-35 is a Joint Strike Fighter for both US and United Kingdom.
The Raptor has the ability to lock on and fire all missiles even before you noticed it in the air at all. The one scenario that the Air Force ran was 10 F-16's where to take down 1 Raptor in a simulated dog fight. The F-16's hadn't even had time to get their bearings on the Raptor when they all got Kill Msg's. The Raptor had already locked on and fired with out them knowing. Part of the stealth capability of the Raptor. My first response was holy shit. And again this is just the data we are allowed to know. I am really curious as to the full potential of the Jet.
Couldn't of used guns, if your in range for guns chances you cant get a lock on 8 other planes and then gun 2 down...
Yes it can carry external weapons, but that severely reduces its stealth
as someone said the F-22 is not suited to a carrier platform, and DICE may of wanted a VTOL just for kicks, or found that is what the best suited for those maps
Last edited by CodePhoeniX (17 years, 10 months ago)