Listen to what that guy have to say.

He won the debate but the medias ignore him.

The poll on ABC web site didnt even add him as a choice.. they added him later because of complaints.

The headlines seen from a Google News search using the keyword “debate”, at the time of this writing show only this:

“John McCain Wins First GOP Debate” (Fox News)

“Who Won the First GOP Presidential Debate? (Answer provided in article: “Mitt Romney” - National Review Online)

"Republican Presidential Debate Gives No Clue on GOP Leader in Race” (Axcess News) … ead=104022 … paul_g.htm

Wake up America.. send that guy to the oval office.
I agree he got shafted. Im willing to bet the heads of the news networks weren't Ron Paul's key campaign contributors.

If you give 5 million to Mitt Romney, and Ron Paul kills everyone in the debate, your going to pull the strings you can to get your benefactors face in the news.

True media bias. Not that shit that people claim is media bias.

Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2007-05-09 09:21:01)

X-LG Member
+25|7070|Maine, MA, and PJ concerts
Must admit...never heard of the guy til now but I definitly like his stance.  I'll have to keep a closer eye on this guy from now on.  I'm sure there's also a bad side or some negatives and I'd like to see those before I make a true decision but I think so far he sounds legit.
+25|6971|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
i liked his reasons for his stance but i didn't necessarily agree with all of them, but most of them i can agree with.

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

Listen to what that guy have to say.

He won the debate but the medias ignore him.

The poll on ABC web site didnt even add him as a choice.. they added him later because of complaints.

The headlines seen from a Google News search using the keyword “debate”, at the time of this writing show only this:

“John McCain Wins First GOP Debate” (Fox News)

“Who Won the First GOP Presidential Debate? (Answer provided in article: “Mitt Romney” - National Review Online)

"Republican Presidential Debate Gives No Clue on GOP Leader in Race” (Axcess News) … ead=104022 … paul_g.htm

Wake up America.. send that guy to the oval office.
Pollux is that you?
Junglist Massive

CameronPoe wrote:

Pollux is that you?
Surely it's Aus(tralian)Ch(ainsaw)88 on a new account...

UON wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Pollux is that you?
Surely it's Aus(tralian)Ch(ainsaw)88 on a new account...
Yea its me, i tried to email the admins to unbanned my previous account but got no answer.. My previous name was too controversial so i guess ill be fine with this account..

Didnt deserve a perma ban in my opinion.. i was always polite here and a good guy.. just with a strange name and unpopular opinion about the palestinian/Israel conflict.

But now i want the world to see the guy.. Ron Paul, for what he has to say but also to show how your media are corrupt. Time to wake up now.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6870|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
1) Vietnam was a bad example
2) I think the government should take care of us from cradle to grave (not nanny-state though)

Everything else I generally agree with.  However, he seems too nice and I think his policies (especially on tax) are a bit dreamy and unworkable in the real World.
I personally believe the country is looking for a guy like this.  I am a registered Democrat, but I vote for the best person available.  This country has not had a good choice for President in quite some time in my opinion.  Ron Paul is a breath of fresh air.
I am all that is MOD!

"Do you trust the mainstream media?"
"Some of them." (laughter)
"But I trust the internet a lot more.  And I trust the freedom of expression, and that's why we should never interfere with the internet."

His foreign policy stance is solid.  He will never get elected though.  He's too intellligent and thoughtful.


"Do you trust the mainstream media?"
"Some of them." (laughter)
"But I trust the internet a lot more.  And I trust the freedom of expression, and that's why we should never interfere with the internet."

His foreign policy stance is solid.  He will never get elected though.  He's too intellligent and thoughtful.
IF he receive enough media exposure, i think its posible for him to win.. look at this Poll:

Clearly have an advantage over the other candidates.. But the media ignore him.. even telling that th results of that poll are flawed lol  .. see that article by RICK KLEIN  --->

"Since online polls aren't scientific -- people choose to take them, and many people vote multiple times -- doing well in them doesn't necessarily mean a campaign is on the move"


as a canadian i would love to see him as president of the USA.. its good to see that not all republicans are warmongers.
This guy seems pretty decent, this is the first I've seen of him to be honest. I'm going to keep an eye on him.
He has and has had my vote.

I don't know much about what does on prior to elections in the US, but I assume there is a vote for the candidates? When is that held?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6921|132 and Bush

Do you realize that nearly every other conservative poll (Drudge, Hotair, Fox) does not even have him placing in the top five? MSNBC is not exactly a Republican hub. Pay attention to the GOP intense sites if you want a heads up on who the leaders are, especially those that allow their readers to vote and comment. That was round one, we will have another one in six days. In the mean time you might want to check this out to see who the top GOP guys are from a variety of different places.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
The New Johnnie Cochran
Oh gee, No Taxes and an Isolationist America? Who wouldn't vote for him.........?


Braddock wrote:

This guy seems pretty decent, this is the first I've seen of him to be honest. I'm going to keep an eye on him.
Spread the word.. don't count on the "media" to talk about him.. I think the internet is his only hope
I am all that is MOD!

People don't vote for eloquence and intelligence.  They vote for who throws the most money around and talks loudest.  Our whole election process is flawed.

For Ghetto - Primaries are before the election, held by each party (Dems & Repubs) in different states to decide who the officially endorsed candidate is for the respective parties.
+605|6868|San Diego, CA, USA
A "Policy of non-intervention"...what a puss.  He might as well be Hiliary Clinton's Vice Presidential running mate.

This guy want to tuck tail and run.  You can't run away from terrorism...looks what happened just this week in New Jersey.

To fight terrorism you have to nip it in the bud, and right now that bud is Iran and Saudi Arabia.  Problem is no one in the world wants to help because they believe its "the United States fault" they think by pandering or appeasing to the terrorists will allow them to scurt their ire, but these guys don't think this way - we are all infadels, if we don't convert we will die (i.e. Spain and Turkey in the middle ages - convert or die).
O Canada
+1,596|6725|North Carolina


His foreign policy stance is solid.  He will never get elected though.  He's too intellligent and thoughtful.
Yep...  that pretty much sums it up.  We're addicted to war, fear, and oil.  The terrorists won on 9/11, because they seemed to have successfully stripped us of rational thought and leadership in foreign policy and even budgeting.

America somehow suffers from a schizophrenic mindset of being in imminent danger due to terrorists while still believing their economy is invulnerable to mounting debts.

Simply put, if we don't wake up and become more fiscally responsible, we deserve to fall as a society.
O Canada
+1,596|6725|North Carolina

Harmor wrote:

A "Policy of non-intervention"...what a puss.  He might as well be Hiliary Clinton's Vice Presidential running mate.

This guy want to tuck tail and run.  You can't run away from terrorism...looks what happened just this week in New Jersey.

To fight terrorism you have to nip it in the bud, and right now that bud is Iran and Saudi Arabia.  Problem is no one in the world wants to help because they believe its "the United States fault" they think by pandering or appeasing to the terrorists will allow them to scurt their ire, but these guys don't think this way - we are all infadels, if we don't convert we will die (i.e. Spain and Turkey in the middle ages - convert or die).
Hillary is actually one of the more hawkish Democrats out there.

But hey, you're not alone in your feelings.  A lot of Americans believe that we have to mind all of the Islamic World's business in order to be safe.  Good luck paying for all that....

Harmor wrote:

A "Policy of non-intervention"...what a puss.  He might as well be Hiliary Clinton's Vice Presidential running mate.

This guy want to tuck tail and run.  You can't run away from terrorism...looks what happened just this week in New Jersey.

To fight terrorism you have to nip it in the bud, and right now that bud is Iran and Saudi Arabia.  Problem is no one in the world wants to help because they believe its "the United States fault" they think by pandering or appeasing to the terrorists will allow them to scurt their ire, but these guys don't think this way - we are all infadels, if we don't convert we will die (i.e. Spain and Turkey in the middle ages - convert or die).
You may disagree with his opinions but do you think its ok for the media to completely ignore him? Don't you see in that behavior something very suspiscious?

Can't you realize that the one who put fear in your mind every day tru your TV and papers (the mainstream media) are the same who benefit from those wars? And those same guys don't even take into consideration a candidate who just want to bring your boys back home.

I know you think that the bad muslims in their caves are very dangerous and you think that they want to kill you but just wake up and at least realize that this is all bullshit.. Get out of their countries , stop messing around with them and you will be fine.. if they want to kill each other so be it
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6921|132 and Bush

Maybe he is on the wrong ticket. Conspiracy theorist usually don't align themselves with conservatives.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

Maybe he is on the wrong ticket. Conspiracy theorist usually don't align themselves with conservatives.
Are you saying he's wrong? Doesn't sound like a conspiracy to me, sounds like how governments get things done.

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