R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn
RPK then PKM the saw, and china one type 88 ? are useless. the chines one shoots out spit balls
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
RPK-74>G36C>G3>The Other Guns>You
I love it when the support gunners actually give you fire support not spam nades all the damn time. Personally it's ok for me if i have either the mg36,Type 95(More accurate then the saw) and Rpk. Pkm not so juch since it over heats easily.

Btw i once played with a guy who was one of the best support gunners i have ever seen. He actually knew how to use the kit well. Support fire! Granted! Ammo! Granted! Covering fire while moving up to cp! Granted! At the end of the round he was in the top 5.
Hooray Beer!
+94|6883|United States
Support blows. I'm not a huge fan. I'll pick up a pack to throw down some ammo for people, but I'll never really pick that pack to play a full game with.
+127|6700|Jesus Land aka Canada

cowami wrote:

Yeah, about the SAW: NEVER USE THE IRONS.

You can't hit shit while using them. Past that, fire in controlled bursts. You can actually kill a person while standing up with the SAW. Sure, it takes more ammo than prone, but you have a 200-round magazine, use it anyway.
Support class pwns to much. and as for the SAW tip; thanks i noted that its was hard to hit close range with the ironsight on.
RPK-74 and easy ammo pts = reason to use support when MEC
PKM for the win.  Use the sights, even at close range, it's pretty much worthless with out them.  Always fire it in controlled bursts, no more than 5 rounds, but preferably 2 or 3.  If you do that it becomes a sniper rifle.  I've been called a hack by more snipers than I can count because I go prone and kill them within 5 or 6 shots, and these are ranges that are hard by sniping standards.

Up close it's a beast, but keep your bursts short, it has an insane shot deviation if you fire too much.  I've wiped out entire 6 man squads many a time from very close range because of it's insane stopping power, just 3 shots kill no matter what, and I can usually get a 3 shot burst all on one target.  Headshots are always a kill as well.  It's fun wiping out medic trains, they keep medding each other like crazy and I keep killing them with the knowledge that I don't need to worry about reloading

I'm almost always in the top 5 when I play support, and I never really nade spam or throw down packs.

Heck a couple nights ago I went 38-6 using the PKM on Karkand IO 64 players.  Was American and all I was doing was providing cover fire for the squad trying to take suburb.  Took first place with 87 points.

Last edited by ts-pulsar (2007-05-06 22:19:46)

Pkm Pwns All!!!!!!
PKM is the best gun in the game. Close range RPK beats it, but medium, and longe range you can single shot anyone with so much ease. PKM>RPK but just barely. The Saw is alright takes ALOT of practice to get used to, I haven't used to MG alot....because the first time I used it I couldn't hit anything, and since then I hate it. The 95 is actually really good better then SAW for sure. The Secret to the PKM is neer shoot more than 3 bullets, ever. People try to use it like the RPK where you burst 5-6 shots, but you'll miss everything if you do that with the PKM. If they're far away, iron sights + shooting one bullet at a time = dead before you even use 5 rounds.
Member 5307
the PKM was god until it got nerfed in patch 1.2something...

ts-pulsar wrote:

PKM for the win.  Use the sights, even at close range, it's pretty much worthless with out them.  .
Not true, the iron sights just make it easier to aim the deviation barley changes, if you put a dot on your computer screen (refer to the thread that talks about the gun models being off center) you own like no one's business.

As you can see the deviations are....

3 (standing)/1.2(crouch)/0.8(prone)   1(zoomed)

prone and zoomed are just .2 away so iron sights aren't 100% nesscary unless your target is a ways away.

Last edited by AudioAtomica (2007-05-06 22:38:56)

Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6853|The Lost Highway
This is somewhat related to the original post...

But has anyone ever noticed that 99% of the people who cry about bunny hopping are support? I say prone spamming with a support gun is just as "cheap" as doing a couple of jumps until you get the kill or find cover.

I usually only use the class when I'm playing with Vehicles on Mashtuur, since it's possible to take down Humvees and Blackhaws with it. Other than that, I'll grab the kit to hook myself and others up with ammo, then go back to Assault, Medic, or Spec Ops.

tthf wrote:

the PKM was god until it got nerfed in patch 1.2something...
It's just as good as it was then, but good in a different way.  Now it's like a sniper rifle, back then it was a true support gun.

Ahh the days of proning to shoot and having NO shot deviation even as you fired the gun till it overheated.

mKmalfunction wrote:

This is somewhat related to the original post...

But has anyone ever noticed that 99% of the people who cry about bunny hopping are support? I say prone spamming with a support gun is just as "cheap" as doing a couple of jumps until you get the kill or find cover.

I usually only use the class when I'm playing with Vehicles on Mashtuur, since it's possible to take down Humvees and Blackhaws with it. Other than that, I'll grab the kit to hook myself and others up with ammo, then go back to Assault, Medic, or Spec Ops.
The only support that whine about hopping are idiots that iron sight at close range and can't turn fast enough to hit people who are jumping. The only cheap things in this game (apart from how it was made) are glitching and hacking.

Note: lawls I spelled "Idiots" wrong.

Last edited by AudioAtomica (2007-05-06 22:52:59)

Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51

cowami wrote:

Yeah, about the SAW: NEVER USE THE IRONS.

You can't hit shit while using them. Past that, fire in controlled bursts. You can actually kill a person while standing up with the SAW. Sure, it takes more ammo than prone, but you have a 200-round magazine, use it anyway.
Bullshit, I made frigging headies with that iron's on 100+ meters, but that only happens on REALLY good days..
Self-loathing narcissist.
+41|6683|QUT, GP.

Havok wrote:

PKM is a sniper rifle on single shot.
PKM used to be that. To me it seems they have made it absolutely pathetic now. It used to be my favourite gun, now that it has been nerfed, I play BF2 a whole lot less. RPK ftw.
Real Хорошо
+826|6833|Adelaide, South Australia

ChevyLee86 wrote:

RPK then PKM the saw, and china one type 88 ? are useless. the chines one shoots out spit balls
Type 100 I think it is, and It's my favourite one

Last edited by Fenris_GreyClaw (2007-05-06 23:07:01)

Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6853|The Lost Highway

AudioAtomica wrote:

mKmalfunction wrote:

This is somewhat related to the original post...

But has anyone ever noticed that 99% of the people who cry about bunny hopping are support? I say prone spamming with a support gun is just as "cheap" as doing a couple of jumps until you get the kill or find cover.

I usually only use the class when I'm playing with Vehicles on Mashtuur, since it's possible to take down Humvees and Blackhaws with it. Other than that, I'll grab the kit to hook myself and others up with ammo, then go back to Assault, Medic, or Spec Ops.
The only support that whine about hopping are idiots that iron sight at close range and can't turn fast enough to hit people who are jumping. The only cheap things in this game (apart from how it was made) are glitching and hacking.

Note: lawls I spelled "Idiots" wrong.
Agreed. Thats why I put cheap in quotations. You still have a chance of killing the enemy, or dieing, whether they're jumping, proning, or taking cover.

With wall glitchers you have no chance at all, and with hackers you have almost no chance. But I haven't really encountered anyone I was 100% sure were hacking on bf2.

But back in my Day of Defeat days, you'd encounter hackers alot more often.

mKmalfunction wrote:

AudioAtomica wrote:

mKmalfunction wrote:

This is somewhat related to the original post...

But has anyone ever noticed that 99% of the people who cry about bunny hopping are support? I say prone spamming with a support gun is just as "cheap" as doing a couple of jumps until you get the kill or find cover.

I usually only use the class when I'm playing with Vehicles on Mashtuur, since it's possible to take down Humvees and Blackhaws with it. Other than that, I'll grab the kit to hook myself and others up with ammo, then go back to Assault, Medic, or Spec Ops.
The only support that whine about hopping are idiots that iron sight at close range and can't turn fast enough to hit people who are jumping. The only cheap things in this game (apart from how it was made) are glitching and hacking.

Note: lawls I spelled "Idiots" wrong.
Agreed. Thats why I put cheap in quotations. You still have a chance of killing the enemy, or dieing, whether they're jumping, proning, or taking cover.

With wall glitchers you have no chance at all, and with hackers you have almost no chance. But I haven't really encountered anyone I was 100% sure were hacking on bf2.

But back in my Day of Defeat days, you'd encounter hackers alot more often.
Hackers can be killed, because aimbots can't make up for bullet drop, and they can't shoot two people at once, so kill them while they're killing your friend.
+127|6700|Jesus Land aka Canada

mKmalfunction wrote:

AudioAtomica wrote:

mKmalfunction wrote:

This is somewhat related to the original post...

But has anyone ever noticed that 99% of the people who cry about bunny hopping are support? I say prone spamming with a support gun is just as "cheap" as doing a couple of jumps until you get the kill or find cover.

I usually only use the class when I'm playing with Vehicles on Mashtuur, since it's possible to take down Humvees and Blackhaws with it. Other than that, I'll grab the kit to hook myself and others up with ammo, then go back to Assault, Medic, or Spec Ops.
The only support that whine about hopping are idiots that iron sight at close range and can't turn fast enough to hit people who are jumping. The only cheap things in this game (apart from how it was made) are glitching and hacking.

Note: lawls I spelled "Idiots" wrong.
Agreed. Thats why I put cheap in quotations. You still have a chance of killing the enemy, or dieing, whether they're jumping, proning, or taking cover.

With wall glitchers you have no chance at all, and with hackers you have almost no chance. But I haven't really encountered anyone I was 100% sure were hacking on bf2.

But back in my Day of Defeat days, you'd encounter hackers alot more often.
Dod rocks, its my most 2nd favourity game, ya i was suspicious when a german used a mg42/34 and know that i am behind a certain wall ie. the red room apt.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
+82|6853|The Lost Highway

agent146 wrote:

mKmalfunction wrote:

AudioAtomica wrote:

The only support that whine about hopping are idiots that iron sight at close range and can't turn fast enough to hit people who are jumping. The only cheap things in this game (apart from how it was made) are glitching and hacking.

Note: lawls I spelled "Idiots" wrong.
Agreed. Thats why I put cheap in quotations. You still have a chance of killing the enemy, or dieing, whether they're jumping, proning, or taking cover.

With wall glitchers you have no chance at all, and with hackers you have almost no chance. But I haven't really encountered anyone I was 100% sure were hacking on bf2.

But back in my Day of Defeat days, you'd encounter hackers alot more often.
Dod rocks, its my most 2nd favourity game, ya i was suspicious when a german used a mg42/34 and know that i am behind a certain wall ie. the red room apt.
Haha, yeah, I had some good times on DoD. The funnest times were going "Rambo" with the MG's and getting hackusations 'cos the recoil's insane unless you're deployed. (Most people didn't realize you just had to pull down on yer mouse. Those things shot out so many bullets one of 'em were bound to hit undeployed at close/medium range.) That and running around with the Shovel.... Lots of Shovel raping.

But I was bummed that I was the only person in the world who sucked with the k98. Garand and k43... My kind of rifle.

I wish bf2 had the ability to prime nades too. Nothing beats priming a nade at the Church top, and jumping down into the middle of the plaza killing half of the enemies team and yelling "LIKE OH MY GOD! TOTALLY JIHADULAR BRAH!!!!!!!"

Last edited by mKmalfunction (2007-05-07 01:03:03)

+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
Fun when you feel completely brain-dead and need something that can get you kills without you actually having to think about what you're doing. In other words every second BF2 player.

I love the support kit. Engy is my favorite, but I've already got 100 hours on that, so I had to move on to support. I'm almost there, but I will say I'll miss it when I'm done. I love the PKM, great for sniping and a pretty powerful gun (it used to be the best sniper rifle in the game before the recent patch). Though support players are known for grenade-spamming, I can't say I partake in that.

Found this out this past weekend: I'd have to say one of the underrated items in support is the tear gas (SF only). I didn't have a competent commander so UAV support was out-of-the-question when capping flags, I just shot a few tear gas canisters all over the flag and then when an enemy would spawn to stop me from capping it, he just stood there like a sitting duck!

Also I'd like to add that I find the M249 SAW completely useless *unless* playing on Iron Gator. What with all the close-quarters combat, that thing is god. And I see a lot of other people put RPK, and I've been getting killed a lot by it. I need to try it out next time I get a chance.

Last edited by mtb0minime (2007-05-07 02:15:06)

+34|6970|Devil's Perch

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

Like the Medic and Engineer - Easy points
Played properly the Support Class is THE most important when in a Squad.
No. That equals with medic. If all squadmembers are down, it doesn't matter if they have 4 unused rifle clips and 4 frag grenades left. On the other hand, a squad at full health without bullets in their primary weapons isn't really helpful.
What else except for resupplying can be accounted in favor of support? The suppressive effect of LMGs in vBF2 does basically not exist and nade spamming to cover your own squad works, if at all, on FF OFF servers only.
So, no, support is not more important for a squad than medics.

What do I personally think about the support class? Seeing that support whoring has been more popular than medic whoring on Karkand, Jalalabad or Sharqi for quite a while already, I think it is quite obvious what one has to think about that class. The kit comes with good body armor and powerful yet accurate weapons with large clips and unlimited supplies. The vast majority of players does spray&pray, they just press the trigger until someone drops or the weapon overheats. In case I didn't make myself clear: that was a nice way to say it doesn't require skill to get somewhere with that kit. While there are some who are actually skilled with it (doing some excellent path clearing for their squad, being at hand with ammo whenever their squad needs some etc.), most just use this kit as their on "give ammo" cheat to endlessly nadespam.
Btw, yes, the weapons seem to be ridiculously accurate every once in a while.
Proud member of a dead community.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Meh. Its an ok class but you have to be prone to hit anything. And I only like the PKM and HK21. Other weapons make me CTD....

Not good.

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