Thats a rather stupid comment considering you have to get up close and personal to be able to use it effectivly. There is a little chance against an enemy with a rifle who is out of effictive fire range.
I don't think any wussbags would risk it to get close enough to shotgun someone.
when i played engineer i dont know how many times i popped folks with assault rifles from quite a distance...
Not to mention that when capturing a flag there is no such weapon like a shotgun, one shot one kill, while the enemy shots the whole clip like a lunatic but hits nothing...
my opinion ...exactly you have to get close so there area few tactics really .. you either hide till someone gets close, use a trasnport to get next to them .. or if you at medium range you just run at them .. that all fine but whenever you get close to somone, which isnt all that hard, it takes no aim whatsoever you just point and spray if you dao / mk3 .. typically it happens that you spawn next to someone capping a flag then spray in thier general direction ...
i just think its a skilless weapon like the gl people who use it to compensate for thier lack of aim .. just my opinion .. ive seen many retards who cant aim for sh1t get a kill just cuz they happend to be close and sprayed ..go with the pump action at meduim range that takes more skills