The best BF2 knifer

BattlecryBob wrote:

Seems like some people are still having problems with the PB Losing Key Packets kick, so I thought I'd share something that works for me.

1. Manually update your punkbuster using pbsetup.exe (just to be safe)

2. Download pbsvc.exe from PB.

3. Run it, select the uninstall option.

4. Run it again, select the install option.

5. Reboot if you want, just in case. I didn't and it worked fine for me.

PBSETUP: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=pbsetup.php

PBSVC: http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
if this works ill 43543534+ you

azagthoth666 wrote:

ok   heres one for you     i have the pnkbstra   but not b   explain that to me
A is a service that seems to run all the time. B only starts up when you play. If you uninstall PB, and reinstall you must start the game a couple of times for B to get loaded and installed. It's really weird I know, but trust me. You have to run the game and fail a couple of times and THEN go back and allow B to run (give it firewall permissions). +1 if helpful...
I had this problem all the time, I kept reconnecting to the same server and found it was a very random occurance.  I haven't had the problem for a while now, I don't think I did anything to fix it but it works!
I had the same problem.  Once I gave permission to pnkbstra.exe, I logging into BF2142 server.  I was kicked for the packet loss connection.  I quit BF2142.  Now Mcafee asked what to do with pnkbstrb.exe.  I granted full access and BF2142 works now.

Hope that helps.
+540|6655|Shanghai, ethnicity=German
I don't quiet get it how you should do this all can some body give me a quick crash course?>...
Ok, now what. Ever since the gamespy server fuck ups with peoples stats not updating... im now losing Key packets, always, theres fuck all i can do about it! i just want some fucking help people! all i wana do is play this game but EA are such a bunch of fucking cunts!!!!!

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