+10|7034|Kirkland, WA
I'm beginning to brainstorm some ideas for a potential BF2 map that I intend to start working on in a couple months. Currently, I'm trying to finish up a sci-fi level that I'm creating with the Unreal Engine for my portfolio, but when it's finished I wanted to do a BF2 map since I play it a lot more then I do Unreal now.

Professionally, I'm a technical artist and 3d animator that works for a multimedia company, and eventually I plan on getting into level and game design. Basically, I have the skills necessary to create anything you guys can imagine (within reason) so I'm looking for some suggestions. I know how to create the terrain, create static meshes in Maya, make custom textures, and I have scripting experience (although I will probably need to learn how it's done in BF2). A few of my friends/coworkers may help on the project as well.

So far, we've come up with the idea of a valley basin that has somewhat steep cliffs that encircle a plateau that is home to an abandoned European-style castle outfitted for modern war. One vehicle ramp and 2 side bridges connected between the cliffs and the plateau would provide the main entrances to the castle for the attacking force. There would also be a couple small infrantry access points that are more subtle and not easily visible. Additionally, there would be a river running through the valley that actually winds itself through an underground cave below the castle. This underground cave system would also have infrantry access points from the river via boats. Currently, we only plan on making it a 16 or 32 player map since we want the action fairly confined and there will probably only be 5 flags. Any feedback on this idea will be appreciated.

Also I'm looking for any other interesting suggestions. Anything's possible, but more than likely we're going to choose a map concept that is plausible and fits in with the rest of the BF2 maps with the hope that EA may approve it to be used for ranked servers. Hopefully, Dice or EA will come out with a map submission approval process.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
well since all the maps and battles in BF2 are theoretical anyway, i'd really like to see one take place in the states.  i think it'd be interesting to have an american coastal city mapped out and have to defend it from invasion or something.
+10|7034|Kirkland, WA
I thought maybe I should specify the type of feedback I'm looking for. Here's some questions:

What size maps do you most prefer; 16, 32, 64?

What setting do you think there is a demand for; urban, rural, open battlefield?

What environment do you think would be a good addition; desert, forest, jungle, arctic?

What aspects of combat should be emphasized by the map; small arms combat, armor, helicopters, jets?

These are just some of the questions I'm hoping to have answered, but by all means add your own input for any topic relating to BF2 maps.

Another idea I had was an urban level in a high desert/forested setting with a series of rivers and waterfalls running through the city with over passing bridges and towers. I think it would be great for small arms conflicts and snipers, as well as provide interesting terrain and obstacles for helicopter pilots to avoid. It would probably be somewhat of a pain for armor to navigate and I don't think I would include jets.  I was inspired to consider this concept when I recently visited Spokane, Washington a couple months ago. Thoughts?

Edit: Found a site that has some pictures of Spokane. Not the best site, but decent pictures.
I like the concept, layout, and some of the architecture, I just don't know that it makes much sense for an outside force to choose to attack such an seeminly unimportant city that is further inland. If I went this route I would probably just use the concept and not make the level an exact replica of Spokane. Possibly incorporate it's use with a coastal town.

Last edited by LG-MindBullets (2005-12-08 12:32:34)

+10|7034|Kirkland, WA

ThomasMorgan wrote:

well since all the maps and battles in BF2 are theoretical anyway, i'd really like to see one take place in the states.  i think it'd be interesting to have an american coastal city mapped out and have to defend it from invasion or something.
One thing we were considering was actually replicating a real town, geographical area, or city. We thought about recreating the section of the Columbia Gorge occupied by the Bonneville Dam that runs between the states of Oregon and Washington but the area seemed to expansive to make it fun to play. Only jets, helicopters, boats, and buggies would be able to get around decently. Travelling in armor or on foot would be a pain and boring.
Edit:Here's a link to an image of Bonneville Dam if you guys want to get an idea of how much area it covers. http://www.cbr.washington.edu/crisp/hyd … obon1.html
Yes, we already have Kubra Dam, but this is obviously much different in design.

However, the mention of coastal towns has caught my interest. Even though I live in Washington I often visit the Oregon coast. I think recreating Astoria (the town the Goonies was filmed at) would be an interesting environment because it has a distinct small town feel, ports, buildings for infrantry combat cover, a large iron cable bridge that extens 3 miles, several lookout towers, and even a decomissioned fort facing the Pacific Ocean that was used in the Civil War and WWII that has very large cannon batteries and enforced concrete walls that would make for intense infrantry and armor combat.
Edit:Here's a link to an image of Astoria:
The fort is not in the picture as well as the rest of the town that climbs up the hills to the left but it's the best image I could find.

I'm somewhat partial to the West Coast since I have lived in the Pacific Northwest most of my life, but it's also a matter of convenience. If I'm going to try to recreate a real town/city for a game then I will want to have it located near enough that I can map it out correctly.

Last edited by LG-MindBullets (2005-12-08 12:16:28)

Jeepers Creepers
+136|7044|Peoria, Illinois
Recreate Norfolk Naval Station

+10|7034|Kirkland, WA

M1-Lightning wrote:

Recreate Norfolk Naval Station
Wow! That would be a huge task, but would be extremely cool. I count at least 3 aircraft carriers and several battleships and destroyers. I think creating all of the static meshes alone for the ships, docks, and buildings could take me 9-12 months. I guess if the map was restricted to just one area it could work. I think at this scale though, even on a 64 player map it would be hard to find anyone. Is there any elevation at Norfolk or is it fairly flat?
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7044|Peoria, Illinois

LG-MindBullets wrote:

M1-Lightning wrote:

Recreate Norfolk Naval Station
Wow! That would be a huge task, but would be extremely cool. I count at least 3 aircraft carriers and several battleships and destroyers. I think creating all of the static meshes alone for the ships, docks, and buildings could take me 9-12 months. I guess if the map was restricted to just one area it could work. I think at this scale though, even on a 64 player map it would be hard to find anyone. Is there any elevation at Norfolk or is it fairly flat?
The land is flat. The only elevations is the rooftops and the height of the ships. I wouldn't expect the whole map to be created. It would be too big even for 64 player and too much walking. You could section it off with about 1/4 of the pier making half the map and then the land itself making the other half. It would be fun to have ship to ship firefights. You could make one ship for 16 player, 2 ships for 32 player, and 3 ships for 64 player.

Mayport Naval Station may even be more fun since it has a square-like harbor. If you made just the peir around the water with the ships and maybe one street into the land part with a few buildings it would be quite the linear map making great firefights. One could take a rhib boat from a ship and cross the harbor or snipe the people on the other boats.


Last edited by M1-Lightning (2005-12-08 12:28:28)

Pawtucket Patriot
+0|7064|Cohog, RI

LG-MindBullets wrote:

I thought maybe I should specify the type of feedback I'm looking for. Here's some questions:

What size maps do you most prefer; 16, 32, 64?

LG-MindBullets wrote:

What setting do you think there is a demand for; urban, rural, open battlefield?

LG-MindBullets wrote:

What environment do you think would be a good addition; desert, forest, jungle, arctic?
Snow/Artic would be nice since there isnt any currently in the PC version of BF2.

LG-MindBullets wrote:

What aspects of combat should be emphasized by the map; small arms combat, armor, helicopters, jets?
Well it is BF2 and the whole concept is "battlefield" not just one aspect like troop movements that so many other games do.  I would say for your idea to include everything except jets, too small of a map for them to do any real good anyway.

LG-MindBullets wrote:

Another idea I had was an urban level in a high desert/forested setting with a series of rivers and waterfalls running through the city with over passing bridges and towers. I think it would be great for small arms conflicts and snipers, as well as provide interesting terrain and obstacles for helicopter pilots to avoid. It would probably be somewhat of a pain for armor to navigate and I don't think I would include jets.  I was inspired to consider this concept when I recently visited Spokane, Washington a couple months ago. Thoughts?
HOLY CRAP!  I live like 20 min away from Spokane on Fairchild AFB.  Spokane is really cool, dont know about a map though, you could use the water fall from FuShee.
Pawtucket Patriot
+0|7064|Cohog, RI

M1-Lightning wrote:

LG-MindBullets wrote:

M1-Lightning wrote:

Recreate Norfolk Naval Station
Wow! That would be a huge task, but would be extremely cool. I count at least 3 aircraft carriers and several battleships and destroyers. I think creating all of the static meshes alone for the ships, docks, and buildings could take me 9-12 months. I guess if the map was restricted to just one area it could work. I think at this scale though, even on a 64 player map it would be hard to find anyone. Is there any elevation at Norfolk or is it fairly flat?
The land is flat. The only elevations is the rooftops and the height of the ships. I wouldn't expect the whole map to be created. It would be too big even for 64 player and too much walking. You could section it off with about 1/4 of the pier making half the map and then the land itself making the other half. It would be fun to have ship to ship firefights. You could make one ship for 16 player, 2 ships for 32 player, and 3 ships for 64 player.

Mayport Naval Station may even be more fun since it has a square-like harbor. If you made just the peir around the water with the ships and maybe one street into the land part with a few buildings it would be quite the linear map making great firefights. One could take a rhib boat from a ship and cross the harbor or snipe the people on the other boats.
Problem with the Naval stuff is that BF2 hasnt focused much on Naval warfare or ships like it did back in the 1942 days.  The only ship in the games is the essex so he would have to basically create new ships and then you are looking at more of a mod than just a new map.
what abouth a PLA vs USMC map, where the terrain is not good for car but greath for infantry, one with a lot of breaks in the terrain (like big trenchs)so  the only way to cross it is on foot, and also grass, rocks, and trees (some bamboo) at the midle of the map could be a small marsh with water to the knees and flag in there
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center
i like 64 or 32 player maps.  16 is just too small.

urban maps are my favorite and seem to be the favorite of most people.

i like the idea of forests or jungles.  arctic would be cool, but it would be really, really easy to spot people and vehicles as there would be little to no camouflage.

i really like your idea of incorporating nature/terrain into an urban environment.  it would make for a fun map as you'd have wide open spaces such as streets and parks, but also places for close quarters combat and where people could hide and set up traps.  if that could be done decently, it'd probably become one of my favorite maps.
The bf2s eunuch
^^ I agree mostly with what Morgan said.

I would like to see a map where boats play a direct part in the gameplay, cause i feel the maps in BF2 dont emphasize the use of amphibious assault enough.

Good ideas though.
I think a great SF map would be Disneyland... Terrorist have taken over the park and the Seals have to get them out...Flag points could be Space mountain, Matterhorn, It's a small world, Pirates of the Carribean, Sleeping beauties castle, Haunted mansion... Seal jump off point would be the main gate, No armored vehicles... just golf carts and maybe a FAV or 2... only problem is that it doesn't look as if SF has any facility to deal with hostages...but that could just be explained in the desciption as they took it over when it was closed.
+10|7034|Kirkland, WA

maton wrote:

what abouth a PLA vs USMC map, where the terrain is not good for car but greath for infantry, one with a lot of breaks in the terrain (like big trenchs)so  the only way to cross it is on foot, and also grass, rocks, and trees (some bamboo) at the midle of the map could be a small marsh with water to the knees and flag in there
An interesting idea that would add an non-urban infantry map to the game, but I think this is already somewhat represented by Zatar Wetlands. Granted, Zatar Wetlands has a heavy emphasis on armor, helicopters, and jets and overall I don't really care for its design. Personally, I think it's kind of bland and boring. I think I could definetely create a more interesting natural environment map than Zatar Wetlands or Songhua Stalemate, I just don't know if the demand is there. It seems that most players prefer urban maps, that's why I'm hoping to create a map that combines urban and military elements in a natural setting.

SGT_Squirtle wrote:

I think a great SF map would be Disneyland... Terrorist have taken over the park and the Seals have to get them out...Flag points could be Space mountain, Matterhorn, It's a small world, Pirates of the Carribean, Sleeping beauties castle, Haunted mansion... Seal jump off point would be the main gate, No armored vehicles... just golf carts and maybe a FAV or 2... only problem is that it doesn't look as if SF has any facility to deal with hostages...but that could just be explained in the desciption as they took it over when it was closed.
LOL, I don't know if you're actually serious or not, but that would be pretty funny and would provide some interesting and humorous gameplay/situations. Edit: Plus I could use making the level as an excuse to make road trips to Disneyland.

ThomasMorgan wrote:

i really like your idea of incorporating nature/terrain into an urban environment.
Yeah, I'm kind of leaning in that direction, but I'm still open to suggestions.

So far I think Norfolk Naval Station and Bonneville Dam are the two most plausible maps in terms of realistic targets that an invading force would attack, but I don't know how fun they would be just because they are so dam  huge (weak pun, I know). Bonneville for instance, produces almost 8x the amount of electricity that Hoover Dam generates and provides a significant percentage of electricity to the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, and Nevada. Definetely a prime target for anyone wanting to attack the West Coast. The importance of Norfolk Naval Base is quite obvious. However, I'm more inclined to weigh the fun and gameplay factors over the realism factor. However, if only a section of Bonneville or Norfolk was focussed on I think it could be fun, but it would definetely take some work.

dobbs wrote:

The only ship in the games is the essex so he would have to basically create new ships and then you are looking at more of a mod than just a new map.
I don't mind creating custom static meshes and textures. As long as I don't actually change the gameplay through scripting I'm hoping that Dice/EA will consider a map submission process that allows maps with custom art content. However, the less custom meshes I have to model in Maya, the easier my job will be and the quicker I'll be able to get the map out. Creating all of the ships and structures for Norfolk Naval Base would certainly prove to be an intense task though.

Last edited by LG-MindBullets (2005-12-08 13:40:52)

+10|7034|Kirkland, WA
I quickly put together a basic level concept based on the city center area of Spokane, Washington. I placed a few potential flag locations and labeled them as best I can. I kind of assigned arbitrary names and I can't say that they're all accurate labels, but it really doesn't matter. I also drew in the out of bounds area for the 64 player version of the map. Obviously the 32 and 16 player versions would be confined to a smaller space, perhaps just the island area. Since dobbs lives near Spokane, maybe he can correctly identify some features that would be of interest.

Edit: It appears that this level wouldn't support jets in any version but it could have helicopters. I was thinking of having the main starting bases at the Stadium and the East Hotel. Maybe have a heli pad off to the left of the stadium and another one to the right of the hotel in the parking lot. Even though I haven't played SF yet, I can imagine that this level would be a grappler and zip line users paradise. It surprisingly would be a better infantry map than I first thought. Many of the bridges, roads, and trails leading to and around the island can only be taken on foot or by small vehicles. Tanks would still be able to patrol the city, but would have to take detours in many cases.

Anyway here's the link to the image:
http://www.badongo.com/pic.php?file=A+l … lconce.jpg
Sorry, I don't have webspace of my own right now.
I might try creating concepts like this for Norfolk, Astoria, and Bonneville as well.
I'm also still looking for other suggestions, whether they are locale replicas or completely fictional original ideas.

Last edited by LG-MindBullets (2005-12-08 17:13:20)

+85|7065|good old CA
+1|7060|Muncie, IN
Map looks awesome!  That'd be fun to play in.

I had a thought... from a historian's side... why not a modern recreation of a battle like the Alamo or Gettysburg?  The terrain data you can grab easily from a USGS map of the area, and there are plenty of historic surveys that show structures that existed at the time.  They'd be more rural-ish, but Gettysburg would make a good 32 or 64, and the Alamo would be great for eventual close-quarters combat.
Pawtucket Patriot
+0|7064|Cohog, RI
Phookin awesome,

The map is a little old, there have been some addtional buildings built (big ones) and some demoed.  But that is the focal point of spokane and i would have a definite advantage of being able to find my way around!   I would put a helipad on the mall and one on the ground by the stadium.  One thing i know thousands of people have asked for was that for all the buildings to be accessable.  as at least be able to enter the bottom floor and every building with a ladder for roof access (snipers).  If you need any help i am here until mid january then i head to the desert to fight some real MEC!   later
3 ideas all for 64 player maps

first and easy one that is not really for ranked play. an all jet map with lots of high columns i mean 400m high spikes to the sky and a forest of them and deep steep valleys and maybe some caves/tunnels to fly through. it would have no infantry support whats so ever. and all jet spawns would be covered and camp proofed by caves to fly out of. but this is a specialty request.

2nd is a deep urban downtown map with skyscrapes hundreds of feet tall. hopefully low detail on most buildings but some would have interiors also with very low detail. (if you have special forces you know the high detail of the interior of the palace and the carrier or DEATH to many computers)

keep the interiors of the skyscrapers relatively bleek and of course have only a few floors renderd for each but defintely several ledges and broken windows to enter and exit. also i think using the blackhawk to do roof insertion would finally be used. that is one thing is see alot in moves and rarely in BF2. and use the BF2:SF mod so that you can zipline between buildings. the map would have some armor and ground units and some helis of course. but it would be a vast landscape not like karkand. closer to songhue stalemate in size. oh and a highway to fight around  would be awesome. highways are like modern castle walls. also no arty. you dont arty skyscrapers.


the 3rd idea is like the previous naval base ones but the inside of a nimitz class aircraft carrier would be cool (for those of you who dont know that is our flagship giant aircraft carrier that are atleast twice as large the essex)

ONE THING I HATE WHEN BOTH TEAMS DONT GET A MAIN BASE THAT IS UNCAPABLE. please make sure both teams get a main uncapable base.
+10|7034|Kirkland, WA

benben10 wrote:

ONE THING I HATE WHEN BOTH TEAMS DONT GET A MAIN BASE THAT IS UNCAPABLE. please make sure both teams get a main uncapable base.
Yes, whatever map concept I intend to create their is a 90% chance that I'll make both teams have at least one uncappable base. Not having a uncappable base for each side is a HUGE pet peeve of mine.

Anyway, you had some interesting ideas, though I think I want to stick with a concept that Dice/EA would potentially allow to be used on ranked servers. If done right, I think the skyscraper setting could work and would definetely provide some dramatic vertical attacks.

dobbs wrote:

The map is a little old, there have been some addtional buildings built (big ones) and some demoed.  But that is the focal point of spokane and i would have a definite advantage of being able to find my way around! smile  I would put a helipad on the mall and one on the ground by the stadium.  One thing i know thousands of people have asked for was that for all the buildings to be accessable.  as at least be able to enter the bottom floor and every building with a ladder for roof access (snipers).
Yeah, I remembered that they were renovating the downtown area including some of the bridges when I visited and have added some larger buildings and complexes that aren't shown in the image. Google Earth unfortunately has images that are 3-4 years old. In my area alone there are entire blocks of developed commercial and residential areas that don't show up on Google Earth. Anyway, if I did choose Spokane as my concept or inspiration I did intend to make many of the buildings accessible. Certainly not all of them, but many of the most important and strategically positioned ones. The inside of the mall would provide a dramatic setting for example since it's 3 stories with several esculators and elevators.
I want maps to fit into the general storyline. If you do't think it's plausible for MEC troops to ferry their soldiers - in whatever navy forces they may have - to N.Y. to occupy it, dont do a N.Y. map. Pick a scenario that have at least a small chance to happen. It's cooler if the place actually exists, instead of some anonymous durka durka village.

The reason many players like urban maps are probably that they are infantry friendly, so I like your idea of an infantry friendly jungle/forest map. It would also be cool if it was a MEC vs PLA map. How about putting it in Xinjiang in west China? It would fit in very well in the BF2 setting.

Some links about the current conflict between muslim separatists and China
http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.c … c+Movement
Member 5307
yeah, a MEC vs PLA infantry 64 player map would be awesome.

would a three team map work??? that would be chaos!
Umbra Acciptris

SGT_Squirtle wrote:

I think a great SF map would be Disneyland... Terrorist have taken over the park and the Seals have to get them out...Flag points could be Space mountain, Matterhorn, It's a small world, Pirates of the Carribean, Sleeping beauties castle, Haunted mansion... Seal jump off point would be the main gate, No armored vehicles... just golf carts and maybe a FAV or 2... only problem is that it doesn't look as if SF has any facility to deal with hostages...but that could just be explained in the desciption as they took it over when it was closed.
That is a great idea.  I looked up on it, actualy it would be a great map.  Here is a basic interactive map where all the areas are labled


Also I made a sat image of disneyland, hotell and parking areas.  Please note, this is a LARGE map

W: 1197px
H: 1620px
File size 3.5MB

If any one is interested just PM me for the satalite image (yes it is just a compliation of google maps sate image overlayed perfectly so you see the whole park.)
+10|7034|Kirkland, WA

voltage wrote:

I want maps to fit into the general storyline. If you do't think it's plausible for MEC troops to ferry their soldiers - in whatever navy forces they may have - to N.Y. to occupy it, dont do a N.Y. map. Pick a scenario that have at least a small chance to happen. It's cooler if the place actually exists, instead of some anonymous durka durka village.
As far as I can tell their really isn't a storyline to BF2, just a basic premise that there are three world powers engaged in conflicts in the Middle East and Asia. If there is a story I obviously haven't noticed or paid attention to it. However, I do want my map to fit with the already existing maps. Many are adaptations of real world regions such as the Gulf of Oman, but some are more fictitious and just provide the general feel of the conflicts between the three armies. As I already said though, if it comes down to two map concepts that I like and one is more realistic and the other is more fun and balanced I will probably favor the map concept that is more fun. Ideally, I'm hoping to find a map concept that is both plausible and fun. Let's face it, there's already a great leap of faith in the imagination that China, the US, and a Middle East Coalition will engage in a series of world conflicts. It's possible yes, but not very probable, so what's to say that with a little stretch of the imagination that a battle couldn't occur in the states?

I think basing the map concept off of a real location would definitely be an added benefit, but I don't think I should make it a requirement when choosing my criteria for what would make an enjoyable map.

voltage wrote:

The reason many players like urban maps are probably that they are infantry friendly, so I like your idea of an infantry friendly jungle/forest map. It would also be cool if it was a MEC vs PLA map. How about putting it in Xinjiang in west China? It would fit in very well in the BF2 setting.
This may prove to be a promising concept. Do you know where I might be able to find any satellite images or geographic topography information on this area? I'll try checking Google Earth, but for many geographic regions in rural areas the resolution is very poor and difficult to extract any useful details from.

Last edited by LG-MindBullets (2005-12-09 10:23:24)

Pawtucket Patriot
+0|7064|Cohog, RI

LG-MindBullets wrote:

benben10 wrote:

ONE THING I HATE WHEN BOTH TEAMS DONT GET A MAIN BASE THAT IS UNCAPABLE. please make sure both teams get a main uncapable base.
Yes, whatever map concept I intend to create their is a 90% chance that I'll make both teams have at least one uncappable base. Not having a uncappable base for each side is a HUGE pet peeve of mine.

Anyway, you had some interesting ideas, though I think I want to stick with a concept that Dice/EA would potentially allow to be used on ranked servers. If done right, I think the skyscraper setting could work and would definetely provide some dramatic vertical attacks.

dobbs wrote:

The map is a little old, there have been some addtional buildings built (big ones) and some demoed.  But that is the focal point of spokane and i would have a definite advantage of being able to find my way around! smile  I would put a helipad on the mall and one on the ground by the stadium.  One thing i know thousands of people have asked for was that for all the buildings to be accessable.  as at least be able to enter the bottom floor and every building with a ladder for roof access (snipers).
Yeah, I remembered that they were renovating the downtown area including some of the bridges when I visited and have added some larger buildings and complexes that aren't shown in the image. Google Earth unfortunately has images that are 3-4 years old. In my area alone there are entire blocks of developed commercial and residential areas that don't show up on Google Earth. Anyway, if I did choose Spokane as my concept or inspiration I did intend to make many of the buildings accessible. Certainly not all of them, but many of the most important and strategically positioned ones. The inside of the mall would provide a dramatic setting for example since it's 3 stories with several esculators and elevators.
Holy crap, if you did the inside of the mall that would freaking rock.  Could you graph all the signs and logos too or would that be copyright infringement?  iT would be awsome to be blasting someone right infront of AMC20!   man the sniper spots on that map would rock!  you got to do the park reall well too, the ice rink and the imax building, and dont forget the carosel!

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