Ah Xietso I remember you so well. From our Splinter Cell days, I remember you used to exploit it's glitches as well. For instance, there was a glitch in which the people running the server could auto launch a ranked game repeatedly so that he could get some cheap points. But when he lost some, boy did you hear about it. He bitched and bitched and bitched it was ALWAYS someone else's fault. And you make say i was a noob Xietsu but i'm at 1st place for Splinter Cell so stfu. Now I know all this superiority bullshit and all these fancy words you use to lengthen your waffle and make it sound intellectual but as most people pointed out you've used a lot of words in the wrong context so there we have it. And I know your sort, I know you're probably going to reply with another long speech about how petty I am and how I'm supposed to be wrong in every way. But I know that you=noob and maybe you will look at my stats and say hmm yeah well i got more points and my K ratio blah blah blah is rubbish but at least i make a contribution to my team and have a blast playing the game. Not just statspadding with tanks.

That's my two cents.

=NAA=TheTaxidermist wrote:

if you make the game unenjoyable for him... you are doing the same thing he is doing.  So in all reality, you are complaining about yourself.
standing up for a tank whore like yourself...

Kriznik wrote:

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Report him to EA immidiately. He will get his account banned.
tell me one thing : what do you give when you report EA this guy? will you masturbate for hours? ....

come on! everyone plays as he wants, so let him alone and take care about yourself

he pay for this game and plays as he knows ... when he is satisfied with score which he have .. OK who cares?
wow you sound like a padder yourself
The Kid
"idiocy of inference"

Wow.  You just lost the fight, and it was in your opening paragraph, too!  So... let's break this down:

idiocy - Extremely stupid
inference- Adept at observations


We are being retarded by actually taking a deeper look into what he says, not just the big words?

Sorry, but I like to express my opinion.

The_Razgriz wrote:

what u mean with stats padders??? cant find that part.

But rank doesnt really reflect ur skills, some ppl start new accounts!!
I hate that...

Everytime I get a game, I keep my main account. This one, for example, has a below 1.00 K/D ratio, because when I first played, I thought flag caps were more important than kills. Then later I realized that two kills account for the same amount of points as flag caps, so I started killing more. Now, my K/D ratio is at .94 and QUICKLY climbing.

But, my friend who has the same problem, just makes a new account. Then he has a 1.80 ratio, and people praise his stats, even though I'm probably getting a K/D ratio of 2.50 per game right now.  

Why can't people just keep their original stats, for better or worse?

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:


People like Kniero play Karkand because they want to feel superior by having a high SPM and K/D ratio whilst doing the obvious tankwhoring.

Let me give you an example of the daily routine of these types of players.

1) Log in
2) Choose a 24/7 Karkand server stacked high with unsuspecting noobs.
3) Assess the team makeup: Clans on one team and shiny gold ranks = good stuff.
4) Join that team, spawn at the nearest tank or APC. If none is available, go steal theirs.
6) Proceed to spawncamp while calling for supplies, becoming an engineer and/or applying as a commander.
7) Rack up a bunch of points that don't mean shit, then come on the boards and spew pseudo-intellectual banter.

Don't forget to only post your stats and not your awards btw. This is important. Would be a shame for people to figure out what a one-hit wonder you are.

These are sad, selfish, and talentless players. Don't let their "holier than thou" attitude fool you.
When will they ever learn that waiting with a light machine gun at the Hotel, looking for a giant pack of enemies, is WAY more fun than tank whoring on karkand?

Just five minutes ago, I happened to turn the corner into a crowd of weak enemies. Thanks to my LMG, and the two medics who kept trying to revive, I got 8 kills, until I finally got through to the medics. 8)

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

There is an account called "Xietsucriesalot" on the leaderboards in the game.

Pretty funny.
Holy shit. XD

It's funny because it's true.
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
Uh... dude I play Karkand alot, and it's not because of what you say. I play that map because of the balance and the firefight, it is one to the best maps. I would go into detail but this Karkand stuff has been in numerous posts. I also like Wake, it's the first flag thing when you are US, that's another reason I play US alot to get to the firefight and get that first flag. Don't put ALL of us in your post. Of course I am not the player Kniero is, nor do I care about shiny unrealistic playground medals and such, I wouldn't mind if EA gives us real ones that way I can at least put them on the mantle.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7122|Marathon, Florida Keys
Yes i used to play karkand alot, but i hardly use armor (only 23 hr, like 1/25th of my total time) but im sick of it now and only play it once in a while, cant stand the grenade launchers.
Paulos, I never glitched in Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. If you consider having someone rapidly change teams on and off while I attempted to launch the server so that we could all play one side (in order to test jumps and strats.) a glitch, then you're a dumb fuck because that helped your points in no way whatsoever. Redfiercare, you too, as sorrowful as this may sound, are also a dumb-fuck. When you make an inference you assume something that isn't known. In many cases (excluding scientific, most of the time) relying on guesses is grounds for the description of DUMB-FUCK. And, to Agamemnar's new squabble over me, all I have to say is this: go check out my stats page. This is the type of ignorance I speak of when I talk about those who assume.


(P.S. Paulos is an annoying idiot)

(P.S.#2. I don't steal an "enemy" tank unless I cap the flag that spawns it.)

Scharfschütze [GeR] wrote:

A good player always respect his oponnent or teammate, don´t matter if he´s a n00b or a 2nd Leutnant. But some people can´t understand that simple thing...Unfortunately.
i totally agree with you
Sounds like a job for the TKer from hell to pay him a little visit. Landmines,AT's and C4 the little spawncamping bitch.
+6|7047|In a van down by the river

Anima05 wrote:

standing up for a tank whore like yourself...
As hard as it may be to believe... my tankwhoring helps the team.  I clear out flags for infantry to capture.  I shoot down helicopters to help the other groundpounders and helo pilots.  Most tank whores whore mainly to get points.  I whore to help the team.  Which in most cases I shouldn't help the team because they suck and don't know how to play like a team, but I do anyway.
+0|7033|Wherever I may roam

AFlyingNun wrote:

The_Razgriz wrote:

what u mean with stats padders??? cant find that part.

But rank doesnt really reflect ur skills, some ppl start new accounts!!
I hate that...

Everytime I get a game, I keep my main account. This one, for example, has a below 1.00 K/D ratio, because when I first played, I thought flag caps were more important than kills. Then later I realized that two kills account for the same amount of points as flag caps, so I started killing more. Now, my K/D ratio is at .94 and QUICKLY climbing.

But, my friend who has the same problem, just makes a new account. Then he has a 1.80 ratio, and people praise his stats, even though I'm probably getting a K/D ratio of 2.50 per game right now.  

Why can't people just keep their original stats, for better or worse?
I hear ya. I have a friend who has reset his account twice..
The Kid

Kniero wrote:

you assume something that isn't known
God damn you must be in the 4th grade.  With inference, you make a conclusion on something that IS FACTUAL KNOWLEDGE OR ASSUMED TO BE TRUE.  AKA, you looked at and got the definition backwards.
Friendly community we have here...
Armour whoring sucks, you want to know how really want to enjoy a good game of Karkland? Get that assualt rifle, Carbine whatever you fancy and fight on the ground! That's where the teamwork is. None of this "I'm helping my team by spawn killing people in an APC, aren't I pro player?" Toss.

There's nothing more rewarding in BF2 than capping flags and working together on the ground with a squad by your side. Then you'd learn how to cope with bunny hopping, dolphin diving and other tactics that are used. Or is it the fact you CAN'T cope with that you have to use armour to get the advantage over that guy with the nade launcher?

If they took out the tanks and APC's out of karkand, we'd soon find out who are the better players.

Last edited by Esker (2005-12-12 10:57:41)

No no no Xietsu, I mean when you'd get a full server going, there'd be a pro there and then a noob would join. LAUNCH GAME! 10 9 8 7 6 and the pro would say "hey stop a sec my mate wants to join dont start the game I'll lose for sure" 4 3 2 1. The pro would lose points for losing but he'd lose points for leaving, you would repeat this gesture multiple times to get some nice points. Also, all you could say to counter my attack on you was "Paulos is an annoying idiot". That's very lame, as is only playing one map, the same way.

Want my advice? Give up now, don't reply or you'll get flamed...a lot.

Kriznik wrote:

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

Report him to EA immidiately. He will get his account banned.
tell me one thing : what do you give when you report EA this guy? will you masturbate for hours? ....

come on! everyone plays as he wants, so let him alone and take care about yourself

he pay for this game and plays as he knows ... when he is satisfied with score which he have .. OK who cares?
"Some people live to crush other people's dreams..."
Teargas wh0re
Let's see what we got here:

tank whoring = no skill
blackhawk whoring = no skill
medic whoring = no skill
n00b tube using = no skill
plane whoring = no skill
helo whoring = no skill
bunny hopping = no skill
spawn camping = no skill
playing 1 map all the time = no skill

Let's sum it up: Everyone who gets more kills or points than me got no skill, aight?

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

1) Log in
2) Choose a 24/7 Karkand server stacked high with unsuspecting noobs.
3) Assess the team makeup: Clans on one team and shiny gold ranks = good stuff.
4) Join that team, spawn at the nearest tank or APC. If none is available, go steal theirs.
6) Proceed to spawncamp while calling for supplies, becoming an engineer and/or applying as a commander.
7) Rack up a bunch of points that don't mean shit, then come on the boards and spew pseudo-intellectual banter.
Hey that's what I do!  Sort of.  Except tanks aren't my thing.  I guess it means I suck at this game

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