1. Any explosion can be safely avoided if you turn, run away from it and dive at the last second letting the enormous fireball roll safely over head (in slow motion)
2. All vehicles well blow up if hit in the right spot, presumably the gas tank.
3. You can jump from great heights as long as you Swan dive and land in a kneeling position, arms out stretched.
4. Make sure you have a girl to kiss right after a Gun fight is concluded. She won't mind the Bad Breath you will have, The pee spot on your crotch, smell of raw blood. The pendants of hair with scalp still attached, little bits of fat and teeth etc. all over the front of your jacket.
5. Shooting from the hip is the most effective way to employ any one weapon still Most weapons function better if you have one in each hand.
Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2007-04-02 07:22:18)