
Which map sucks most?

Zatar Wetlands42%42% - 53
Songhua Stalemate24%24% - 30
Fushe Pass15%15% - 19
Wake Island17%17% - 22
Total: 124
+119|6418|Floodsville, TN, (UK really)

1. The fog on Songhua gets my goat, that'll boost that one
2. A lot of people will try and defend Wake Island
Cheeseburger Connoisseur
I reckon Songhua and Fushe are 2 of the two best maps....but everyone has a different opinion.

Wake island isnt bad, and Zatar can be a real bitch if stuck without transport - although the large scale infantry battles can be interesting (a lot of room to flank and move)

So based on this, for this poll - Zatar
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6640|Gogledd Cymru

zatar is good occasionally, fushe is awesome, wake used to be good in noob days, still is now though , songhua played it like a few times, found an awesome clan member whilst on it so thats good map.

therefore zatar loses
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6731|Melbourne, Australia.
Zatar...much too big
Real Хорошо
+826|6670|Adelaide, South Australia

Zatar. If you're not in the chopper, you're not going to win. Anyone who votes Songhua will incur my e-wrath, because its the best map of all.
=VTA= Muncan
Venting That Aggression
Zatar Wetlands ftl
Wake > Fushee > Zatar > Songhua imo
+119|6418|Floodsville, TN, (UK really)
imho Any other map>Wake=Fushe=Zatar>Songha.
Big Mouth Prick
+219|6681|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
Zatar, its waaay too big for armor, your a sitting duck for jets and heli's.
Aiming for the head
+88|6700|EUtopia | Austria
Songhua is the most balanced map together with Mashtuur, it's great for REAL combat. Heck, did you even notice that the fog on Karkand is as bad, if not even worse?
+70|6466|Newcastle UK
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6454|The | Netherlands
Wake IMHO, there is a J-10 so it sucks automatically.
+2,382|6829|The North, beyond the wall.
The first 2 are equally shit in my opinion.

Then Fushee isn't too bad.

Then Wake is good.
+15|6798|Apeldoorn, Holland
Wake sucks the most! But Zatar isn't that great with the giant gaps between the flags and only 1 attack chopper...Whats sucks the most of Zatat that there don't spawn any planes at the first cappable flag of the USMC. U know how long i've been waiting on that airfield for a plane to spawn.
M24 Abuser
+99|6651|Valley of the Dragons

Sandriatinhi wrote:

Wake sucks the most! But Zatar isn't that great with the giant gaps between the flags and only 1 attack chopper...Whats sucks the most of Zatat that there don't spawn any planes at the first cappable flag of the USMC. U know how long i've been waiting on that airfield for a plane to spawn.
I only play 64 maps, but I can imagine that on either the 32 or 16 maps there will be planes. Anybody?

EDIT: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=68277 for those of you that want a 24/7 Songhua

Last edited by Jemme101 (2007-04-02 04:26:26)

of those 4, i vote zatar. songua and fushee are fun 16 player maps and even though wake is pitifully balanced, it can still be fun.
Roflcopter Pilot
Wake sucks really bad, at least with the other ones (xept Zatar) the US uncap still has a chance of getting a flag if they lost all theirs already
Aiming for the head
+88|6700|EUtopia | Austria

Marinejuana wrote:

wake is pitifully balanced
After yesterday's war (or rather the round we played due to connection problems, c2d, etc.) I have a different opinion on this one. And organized team of USMC players can toss the PLA around pretty a lot. Especially most J-10 Pilots are scared to death as soon as they notice a missile lock on them, which does not seem to end after circling tighter than the F-35B could do... F-18 ftw ^^
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|6889|Great Wall
I don't like Zatar, no matter which class or vehicle I play
None I like em all.
they are all at least average maps. the real shit maps being operation clean sweep and kubra dam

on that list zatar probably.
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6614|Tyne & Wear, England
Null vote, Karkand is my least favourite map.  Seriously.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
...is a potty mouth

twiistaaa wrote:

they are all at least average maps. the real shit maps being operation clean sweep and kubra dam

on that list zatar probably.
How dare you call Op Clean Sweep shit
For me it has to be Stalemate I just never got the feel for that map.
Ready for combat
+211|6746|Belchertown Massachusetts, USA


Null vote, Karkand is my least favourite map.  Seriously.
QFT, i hate that it has became my stats favorite map because thats wrong. Songhua or Sharqi.
Zatar wetpants

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