Squirrel, you are wrong apart from a standard shock allergic reaction X deaths are due to dehydration or over indulgence of water whilst under its effects. the drug itself does not kill. it is also the ineptitude of people surrounding a person on X that can affect the outcome of a user. if drug education was taught properly this would not happen.
the new ratings are taking several things into effect. namely for hallucinogens such a LSD and shrooms that addiction is almost impossible. after shrooms for instance are imbibed there is little to no point or urge to take them again. LSD itself has no effect once used roughly twice in a short period of time. a week is a good distance for "vunerability" to take affect again.
the physical affects are also unknown. as with many drugs on the market today little to no good science research is done. but it is suspected that seratonin is messed with. however to a larger affect than alcohol for instance? its debatable
however i would like to quote this article
http://sulcus.berkeley.edu/mcb/165_001/ … /_278.html"This debunks the myth that LSD stays in your body forever. The main thing that keeps these rumors circulating the is fact that some people (though very few) experience "flashbacks" (generally within a few months after a hallucinogenic experience). It is generally accepted, however, that these flashbacks are not the result of LSD remaining in the system. Flashbacks are psychological phenomenon, and are in no way related to deposits of LSD in the body. LSD may cause what a person thinks is a flashback, which is really just state-dependent learning. Users sometimes can get themselves into a slightly shifted perspective when a stimulus is similar to one experienced while on LSD, or if one is familiar enough with the LSD state they can sometimes create this mild perspective shift themself. Also, LSD does not cause chromosome damage. Extensive research was done in 1972 by Norman I. Dishotsky, and with 68 studies and case reports, the conclusion was that “From our own work and from a review of literature, we believe that pure LSD ingested in moderate doses does not damage chromosomes in vivo, does not cause detectable genetic damage, and is not a teratogen or carcinogen in man.” Jay Stevens performed an experiment in which he surveyed five thousand individuals who had taken LSD twenty-five thousand times. His findings were that there were 1.8 psychotic episodes per thousand ingestions, 1.2 attempted suicides, and 0.4 completed suicides(WWW3). He stated, “Considering the enormous scope of the psychic responses it induces, LSD is an astonighingly safe drug.”"
much much safer than other illegal drugs and also legal drugs.
even heroin or meth users dont die "after one hit" to presume X does its daft and scientifically untrue. personally i encourage the new system although i doubt the government will listen to its own advisors. i have focused on hallucinogenics as this is were i believe the current system a uttler failure.
Last edited by Toxicseagull (2007-03-22 21:10:22)