I thought I will be the most hated person here, as I am from the most hated country! . Though in my college most ppl likes me. THANX god!
*huggles*rabee2789b wrote:
I thought I will be the most hated person here, as I am from the most hated country! . Though in my college most ppl likes me. THANX god!
<3 rabee, and his ub3r A level maths skills...!
jeeeez, out of 9 pages i havent been mentioned, i better get out there and flame some more
Where are you from?rabee2789b wrote:
I thought I will be the most hated person here, as I am from the most hated country! . Though in my college most ppl likes me. THANX god!
IRAQ, lol But I live in the UK, been here for almost 5 years
hating would mean i spent time thinking about people from the bf2s community outside of the bf2 world.. some do come off as rather pathetic but thats ok ... the internet breeds awesome
Obviously I'm not working hard enough.
I don't really hate anyone here, as even the most angry and abrasive ones make me laugh my ass off at their ridiculous behavior.
I don't really hate anyone here, as even the most angry and abrasive ones make me laugh my ass off at their ridiculous behavior.
you forgot me you bitch. I pick on you more than I pick on Archer these daysEntertayner wrote:
lolol... I hate:
And all of the rest of the IRC whores...
I lub you all really..
No one hates people from Iraq! Maybe they hated Sadam, but not the civilians. America is by far the most hated country.rabee2789b wrote:
I thought I will be the most hated person here, as I am from the most hated country! . Though in my college most ppl likes me. THANX god!
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
i almost forgot to mention planewhore
You forgot me.Cougar wrote:
I forgot Prodie. I wub's me some Prodie.
I don't hate anybody here. It might be because I've never set...foot?...inside IRC. I dunno.
lol im on a network at my uni that shares 3 Terabytes of stuff... you couldnt be more wrong.AchangelTyreal wrote:
/agree with all{XpLiCiTxX} wrote:
Fancy - Annoying, too many threads about useless shit. Makes me laugh on occasion. (Rare.)
Spawnofthemist - You all know why.
Boomheadshot - Yep.
Cougar and stryyker -- Too many personal arguments. Hate? No. Find annoying, but sometimes helpful? Yes.
Edit: More names.
Add in Vilham becasue he hasn't joined the 21st century and can't comprehend filesharing.
The mod that closed my thread because I posted a pic of a pooping penguin.
I changed my mind...I now hate...
Anyone that hates WoW.
Anyone that hates WoW.
yay, i'm hatedMacca wrote:
I changed my mind...I now hate...
Anyone that hates WoW.
Mason4Assassin444---We have never gotten along.
Des.Kmal---Because he's a fucking idiot.
lowing---Too stubborn.
Xietsu---Total cocksucker.
UnknownRanger---Some people you just don't like, and you don't really know why.
Bubbalo---Hated him for the longest time, but he is growing on me.
TriggerHappy---Long story, but I guess he doesn't really count anymore.
And all the idiots that think that, just because I have a lot of karma I care about it, or that I'm a mod, or that I'm their friend, or that I give a rats ass what they think about "stuff" and "things".
Des.Kmal---Because he's a fucking idiot.
lowing---Too stubborn.
Xietsu---Total cocksucker.
UnknownRanger---Some people you just don't like, and you don't really know why.
Bubbalo---Hated him for the longest time, but he is growing on me.
TriggerHappy---Long story, but I guess he doesn't really count anymore.
And all the idiots that think that, just because I have a lot of karma I care about it, or that I'm a mod, or that I'm their friend, or that I give a rats ass what they think about "stuff" and "things".
QFTCougar wrote:
For a reson like that im glad im hated.Macca wrote:
I changed my mind...I now hate...
Anyone that hates WoW.
QFTx1weasel_thingo wrote:
For a reson like that im glad im hated.Macca wrote:
I changed my mind...I now hate...
Anyone that hates WoW.
QFTx2Sl4y3r wrote:
QFTCougar wrote:
Hate you too.Macca wrote:
I changed my mind...I now hate...
Anyone that hates WoW.
Now run along and kill some dwarfs and loot there bodies for the ever precious blood diamond of azerothz!
Everyone who has ever given Chuy, the admins, or the mods, karma without good reason. (Brown noses)
You areusmarine2007 wrote:
Yes, this is a piggy back to D-Eagal's thread.
So you hate yourselftheDude5B wrote:
Everyone who has ever given Chuy, the admins, or the mods, karma without good reason. (Brown noses)