
Macca wrote:

Seriously, the next person that says "It's because of the Convicts" I'm gonna slap them.
Flamesuit essential

Bubbalo wrote:

some_random_panda wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Well, to be fair, it is their fault (the convicts, that is).  We just have to accept that we're all descended from good for nothing low lives and we haven't progressed very far, as John Howard's long stay in office demonstrates.
I'm Chinese, and came a little after the White Australia Policy was abolished (my family, that is).
So what you're saying is we've actually gone backwards?

Well, we never exported our problems overseas, so I'd say we're improving. 
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6874|Sydney, Australia
sorry for my shit spelling, spellchecker is not working...

R3v4n wrote:

I have heard enough of the "Oh they were convicts so thats were it comes from."  My Heritage comes from a stolen piece of bread... Bread to feed his family....  As was about 40% of crim's sent to Australia.  Also to take into account, what if Australia had the most Crim's that threatened to kill your family if you reported it to the cops? 

I cant speak for any other country but here in Aus the life's of your own family come before the material objects.
Also i am friends with a couple of Aboriginals and i can say that most are good people, but there are the Gangs and bad few in the bunch.  Same goes for Lebs etc. Most are good people but the growing hate for there own country is creating more publicity for the "Bad" side of Lebanese culture.
I am descended from a 'bread-theif' too. He came on the first fleet, five generations ago or something like that.

I find it humorus that everyone things being deported to Australia was, in the long run, a bad thing. Many of the convicts only served 5-10 year sentences, then they became free. Do you know how they lived when they got to Australia? On farms or in the town of Sydney. When they became free, they decided it kicked GB's arse so they stayed...

Many of these crime statistics are blown out of perportion, as VinghNigh's post clearly explained. I do think that particular members of society, expecially the xenophobic Fred Niles, are creating the impression that Australia is an unsafe place. FYI, Niles wants an halt to all muslim immigration because some elements of the Lebonnese community take pride in breaking the law. (IIRC, youtube: wogs all ova sydney).

Macca wrote:

Seriously, the next person that says "It's because of the Convicts" I'm gonna slap them.
I'll temp ban them.

Seriously, do you thing it's like:
"You ready to rob the store mate?"
"Fuck mate, if my great great great great great great uncle did it..."

The Lizzard
Oh, sure, ignore me .
Cylons' my kinda frak

R3v4n wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

Well, to be fair, it is their fault (the convicts, that is).  We just have to accept that we're all descended from good for nothing low lives and we haven't progressed very far, as John Howard's long stay in office demonstrates.
I disagree, i fail to se how Stealing bread to feed your family deems you a low life crook, Murder and i could agree with you,  but stealing bread to make sure you family doesn't starve to death, i see otherwise.
Actually, bread was the only piece of food you couldn't be sent to Australia for stealing. Apprently bread was the main staple back then, and it cost the least of all the food in the markets.
Simple...Australia was once a penal colony, so maybe genetics has something to do with criminal behavior?...

CC-Marley wrote:

Simple...Australia was once a penal colony, so maybe genetics has something to do with criminal behavior?...
you haven't read any posts in this thread have you.

I think it because nothing really happens to criminals once they have been arrested for things like car theft, home invasions, assaults.
Whenever I hear of people convicted of murder, rape or street bashings, the punishment or prison time always seems miniscule compared to what the victims and families will go through.

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