
Should guns be banned in the US?

Yes, ban 'em all14%14% - 15
No, just control them extensively23%23% - 24
No, just control them a little33%33% - 34
No, dont control them at all15%15% - 16
I don't give a shit, I don't live there8%8% - 9
wtf is a gun?3%3% - 4
Total: 102
+69|6541|USA, MICHIGAN
Gun Control Means Hitting Your Target!!!

hate&discontent wrote:

Gun Control Means Hitting Your Target!!!
As opposed to shooting your target.

BigmacK wrote:

Guns should be allowed. The system should stay like it is now. It's the land of the free. Period.
And the land of high school shootings.
+13|6474|South Carolina, US
I'm all for the right to bear arms, but I'm not totally against gun control. After all, a car has a whole lot more regulation and paperwork associated with it. I mean, you have to get a license, registration, insurance, and then there are numerous regulations on how you can use it. The fact that we allow a lethal weapon to have so little restriction does worry me some, but I'm still all for people to carry arms if they can demonstrate that they're able to handle them maturely.

DesertFox423 wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Read these stats and tell me guns are not dangerous:
They're not dangerous, people are. I'm especially upset over that school one. Not 50 years ago, you could still bring a firearm to school (but I doubt actually inside) and not get punished for anything because you have done nothing wrong. Now, they'll expel you if you bring a pocket knife to most schools. That was before you had all this "Guns are evil and will kill everyone in your family if you buy one" like it's a living thing rather than a contraption of metal and/or plastic. Also you had the start of any firearm being called a "gun,"...[ugh of disgust].
I was threatened with suspension in the 80's for bringing to school a keychain shaped like a gun, no bigger than my thumb.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-02-16 07:03:53)

Eat, Lift, Grow, Repeat....
+564|6812|The darkside of Denver
Every american has the right to bear arms....


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