
Acromos wrote:

I truly don't give a s*** about the fact that I'm new to the community.

I absolutely cannot see how the f*** my stats would tell you anything about my ability to discern cheating and skill.
I asked a question. You can go to the first post and read it. But hell, I'll be helpful and explain it to you right here.
Why are you ragging on me dude? In case your memory doesn't stretch back that far maybe you should re-read the damned thread yourself and see I was one of the people who didn't immediately dismiss your story as being the whining of some 14YO who got owned (since I'm realistic about the fact that there is plenty of cheating going on).

I also asked which gun it was, since you'd neglected to mention it in your first post in case you've forgotten, so there wasn't enough detail for people to make any kind of real judgement... it might have been an SVD you were facing. That plus some exaggeration (again, no way for guys to know if you're prone to this or not) or a particularly skilled player on the other side, could equate with exactly what you related in the first post.

Acromos wrote:

But people who are magically able to fire single, killing shots at extreme ranges without sniperrifles, from standing position while moving .... I mean come on, how dense do you insist on being here?
I presume you just segued into a general rant to some of the others posting in the thread toward the end.
I think that BF2's Population of cheaters is WAAAY smaller than CSS's is. Honestly, I've never seen aimbot in BF2. Ever. CS? That's another story. I've played on servers with OBVIOUS aimbotters and even speedhackers!They twitch and kill every single person with a headshot. BF2? Never seen that.

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Why are you ragging on me dude?
I presume you just segued into a general rant to some of the others posting in the thread toward the end.
I 'rag' on you because you obviously miss the point.

Let me put it this way. If my stats were visible on the forum - and I have no clue how to make them so, cause I never checked, and I'm not going to - you would see that for you, I'm presumably free points.

That fact does nothing to detract from my intelligence, or my ability to discern when an impossible shot just hit me right between the eyes. From a guy who's done that exact same thing 5-6 times in a row.

But anyways, I'm not directing this at you at all. You made a post stating my credibility would somehow increase if you could see my stats, and that I should maybe make a vid to document my statements. I have no intention, inclination nor reason to do so - I am not accusing anyone (aside from accusing cheaters of being halfwit retards), and I have no need to prove anything to anyone.

There's a post and a vid there from Genepool. I watched it, and while I would hate to be on the receiving end of that, there are things I consider noteworthy. All the most spectacular shots are done with a sniper rifle, prone on the ground, with a scope. This I have NO quarrel with. It is a level of skill I will never attain - maybe because I'm 35, maybe because I have a job and a life, or maybe simply because I suck. But it's all beside the point.

I see no reason to claim Genepool cheats - so I have nothing against him. Might I claim he was cheating if I met him someday? Possibly, but I doubt it. He doesn't at any time do anything I've not done myself at some point. And while I was partly just lucky, he has the skill to do it without divine intervention.
just my two peices of worthless copper...

i think it would be easy to see, from someones stats, who blatantly haxx (aimbot or otherwise) there are certainly talented players out there, no doubt, but you can check out pretty much anyones stats by remembering their name and checking them this not true?  somone who was mediocre for the longest time (check the graph) suddenly becomes a killing machine, might be teh haxxor.  someones stats may show that he has been a stone cold killer from day one.  it does happen, as much as i hate to admit.  i have been killed many times, by sketchy means and yah, i have cried hacks a time or two when it is really obvious. 

so now i have aimbots come in various shapes and sizes?  can punkbuster detect them all the time?  things i dont know would fill up a big list, so i ask them here.

It's very hard to tell an aimbotter, the only easy way to tell is if they're popping headshots off with every single bullet of the SVD, with super-fast target changes, the only surefire way of telling they're hacking.
meh I walked up the new karkand hotel glitch 4 times before i dared insult him lol...

if you run into hackers, and no there are not THAT many.... i've never seen the cartillery one when it was there, i've met one glitcher so far (no i dont play that much but 350h nontheless) even if, just swap the server if it bugs you that hard

when 90% of the team waits for 2 planes to spawn that bugs me much more than one aimboter on the other side and that idiot last night who kept blowing up snipers on sharqi tv station roof to get an m95 of a friendly because he didnt have the unlock

let people do what they want, if they feel so leet bout having a good bf2 stat let them (if it bothers you find an other server), i dont care, only thing which realy bothers me are intentional teamkillers

but seriously dude, you're pissed of this guy? why do you again and again try to shoot em? bf2 maps are big find an other route. you wont meet the same guy more than 5-6 times if you dont try too

Acromos wrote:

KardiacKid wrote:

.... be another explanation or blind luck but there was a game when the person had to be using a cheat. I was on Karkand as MEC and ....
I know my blind luck when I see it. I get lucky myself from time to time, one-shotting some poor unfortunate. I also know that skill makes luck more likely - for instance, up close I always seem to lose, because I tend to aim for the chest, so the guy who aims for my head wins. Because he is more skilled than I - and afterwards I curse myself, not him.

But blind luck does not happen consistently, over and over again. This is where the word 'blind' comes in.

Even skill doesn't allow you to consistently pull of impossible shots over long rang while moving. I've actually played some tournament teams, and what I find is - I do better against those guys, provided I'm in a decent squad, than I do against useless random twats on too-loosely admin'd servers.
i have had some real lucky shots like at kubra dam and just firing in to the supervisor base from the top of the dam and getting a kill. or a few times ive got 2 kills with one bullet from the m95. i dont cheat my stats will show that. my rank would be much higher if i did
There are weapons that can kill with one shot...
All sniper rifles, the G3, the AK-101, the M11-87 and some more.
And if G36E doesn't kill with one shot, a burst aimed at your neck will do the same.
(Weirdly it sometimes sounds like just one shot)

Come on!
Everyone got hit by incredible shots.
But nearly everyone made incredible shots himself, most time it's just coincidence.

You never had a lucky minute when you erased a whole squad with a sniper rifle?

If I remember occasions on which I was killed by one shot it was always one of the guns above...

So nothing special, all just coincidence...

Acromos wrote:

I 'rag' on you because you obviously miss the point.
I'm afraid you should be directing most of what you're saying to a few others posting in the thread, but I'm sure you've realised the futility of that.

Acromos wrote:

That fact does nothing to detract from my intelligence, or my ability to discern when an impossible shot just hit me right between the eyes. From a guy who's done that exact same thing 5-6 times in a row.
See the point is nobody knew whether you were in any position to make that determination early on (even an experienced gameplayer, but new to this game, wouldn't). Plus, as covered, you didn't mention it was an AR to begin with.

But anyway, since you posted reasonably let me give you an example; it's an exaggeration but you'll see what I was getting at. Two guys join the forum to complain about someone aimbotting, one is this guy the other is this guy . The simple truth is that the first player is going to be taken more seriously than the second, really no matter how well the second guy comes across (good spelling and grammar, seems mature and intelligent).
On the subject of cheating generally, it's very likely true that there are less users of hacks in BF2 than in other games because the cheats cost money, instead of being downloadable for nothing.

But they may not be as easy to spot either, making it hard to gauge their prevalence. Because the gun's physics are controlled server-side an aimbot is restricted (always?) by the inherent deviation of the gun. I don't know if there are no bullet physics in CS:S but if it works like in UT you aim right you hit, simple as that (excluding lag).

So in other games with a one-shot-kill weapon an aimbot makes you Godlike. But here, the bullet might deviate from the point it's aimed at, and as well as that the hitbox may not be aligned with the visible player model either (aimbots aim at the model or the hitbox?) The player might move and there is bullet transit time. Plus of course there are the infamous puffs of dust, whatever causes them. Combine those and you get the level of killing ability that we've seen in some of the vids showing the hacks in use, so they're inherently not that easy to be sure about. Plus a smart user (they can't all be idiots) might make it a point to use a cheat sparingly so it's not instantly obvious: turn on, own a bit... turn off, accuracy goes down, you get killed... enemy players don't get suspicious. Rinse and repeat. I don't think we should forget too that there are also the stats/awards/unlocks that someone might want to hold on to, that'll make some of them more careful than in other games.

The other cheats like the wall hacks just give a leg-up to the player; and since these guys might suck (lots of those who cheat seem to be terrible players to begin with) this may give them the edge to just about hold their own against legit players with more practice and experience. And if you take any really good players they may play at a level that's high enough that they can see, react to and kill faster than the cheat they're facing... the aimbots may be aiming for you but you still have to push the mouse button yourself. That may be the key reason that superior players so often say they've never noticed cheats in XXX hours of play; it's not that they're not there and they've never faced one, they're just better than some schlub using a cheat!

Well, last night, I finally saw the twitching gun aimbot in action.  As he fired, gun and arm was flailing all over the place.  Zulu Jalalabad IO, MEC guy with AK101.  This was the only player on the other team getting more kills than me, yet he had very little deaths.  While he was shooting the AK101 from the Outpost to the Lake, I was at the ramp sniping.  To bad I didn't take names.
You will pay the price for your lack of vision.
+26|6772|Land of Cotton
If the aimbot usage has really increased, then it really disappoints me. I can not tell anymore. I am a casual player than enjoys the game. I do see impossible things every now and again. And I know my "skills" are not on par with the guys who have played a lot more than I. So I get owned and frustrated. I just have to adapt or exit the server. I have never accused someone of cheating because I can't tell! I'd hate to be called a cheater just because I was having a good round.  In the earlier days of the game, I could tell it was skill.  There were better players than me. Just try to have fun.
16 more years
+877|6805|South Florida

david363 wrote:

cMD-RR wrote:

i cheat, i got a msx
"MSX is teh pwnzor"

Last edited by Dezerteagal5 (2007-02-20 10:54:12)

15 more years! 15 more years!
16 more years
+877|6805|South Florida
If you can't beat em, join em.
Considering over 100,000 people use MSX alone, compared to the community that still plays bf2, there should be roughly atleast 2 hackers per 64 people. Thats just a guess.
15 more years! 15 more years!
Sorry, kind of noob question, but what is MSX?
Is it that cheat which spots enemies through walls and stuff?

I read that you have to pay for that shit, is that true?

Who takes this game serious enough to spend money on a cheat?

I mean; How poor is that?!?!?
BF2S Resident Bass Player
+45|6711|Washington State, USA

d-Raven-b wrote:

Sorry, kind of noob question, but what is MSX?
Is it that cheat which spots enemies through walls and stuff?

I read that you have to pay for that shit, is that true?

Who takes this game serious enough to spend money on a cheat?

I mean; How poor is that?!?!?
why dont you get with the program and search on google or something, i couldnt give a damn about hackers. even if i get raped thats probably because they are better han i am.
Link Removed.

One of my more technically savvy friends, a programmer, told me he usually programmed his own aimbots - back in the days before he got girlfriend, kids, and a real life, and had to hang computer gaming on the wall.

**** clearly removes ... lets say 90% of the dangers in the game - or rather, 90% not counting other players using ****.

From this thread alone I suppose **** is the prevalent (am I using the word right?) cheat in BF2. And yea - it's looks like it could do the trick. Hell, you might not even need the aimbot, simply giving enemies an obvious color scheme makes them far easier to hit.

Sux to be me I guess.

Dezerteagal5 wrote:

If you can't beat em, join em.
Considering over 100,000 people use MSX alone, compared to the community that still plays bf2, there should be roughly atleast 2 hackers per 64 people. Thats just a guess.
That's a pretty scarily big number, actually.  I've got nearly 400 hours in the game, I've seen wall-glitchers and I've seen the vehicle-drop hack/glitch/whatever, but I've not yet seen anything I was 100% convinced was a hacker along the lines of an aimbot.  I think at this stage, if the numbers were anywhere near as high in 1/30, I'd have spotted something.

The more I play, the more I see how those shots can be made, since I make them.  I play mostly as infantry, and I'm reasonably accurate (just over 24% overall).  Yes, it's very hard to take a single shot from across the bridge at Karkand and head-shot someone with an AK-101.  What's a lot easier is to spray a few rounds towards them, and maybe one of them will hit.  A nice, tight burst of fire with a weapon that can kill in one hit is well worth the attempt.  Remember, as the victim, there's a good chance that you won't hear the other shots, you'll just die, and it'll feel like the first bullet.  If they're using something like a G3, or maybe the L85A1, which are powerful enough for one-hit-kills and are also quite accurate, their chances of making that hit go up.

Experience really does matter in judging these things.  If you don't have a lot of time ground-pounding yourself, you're less likely to be able to tell what's feasible and what's not.  (This is why Todd was looking for your stats, I believe.)

On the original question:  Personally, I don't think that hacking happens a lot.  I've seen a lot of stuff I'd attribute to macros, but that's not really the same thing.  When I get owned by someone with an amazing shot, and they're on a streak, they usually turn out to be a Colonel or something, someone who's obviously got a lot of time under their belt, and the skill they display is just a reflection of that.

That said, I'm a fairly casual player.  I don't know what life's like at the top of the big clan leagues, maybe it's riddled with hackers.    I'd like to think I'm right, and that the games I play on random public servers are fairly honest.  Maybe that's just wishful thinking, but I've yet to see proof to the contrary.
Tactical Specialist
If you can kill me you must be using an Aimbot.
From my experience there are three kinds of BF2 players

Those that suck – tend to whine the most about hacks.
Those that suck and hack – tend to attack / ridicule the aforementioned the most.
Those that fuck up the above / get even …. (If it bleeds, you can kill it)

Doesn't  Spy bot stop all cheets/ hacks / aim bots???

Iv never suspected people of cheeting + just realise about  99% of people are a better shot than me.
Since day One.
Sometimes its also luck...
And then there are the times where there is just no way that skill or luck could explain repeated phenomena.
I've played against some incredibly skilled and / or lucky opponents over the years, but there are just times where it’s blatantly obvious that one is hacking.

As Plato stated once, “Phenomena perceived by the senses are mere impure copies of the perfect reality of eternal fact”. I think some may need to acknowldge the facts of the matter.

+632|6895|do not disturb

You deserve to have your hands cut off if you hack. I don't think very many people do though.

Last edited by =ST6=Phrozenbot (2007-03-08 16:22:37)

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