HAHAHAHAHA I didn't see any Asian in that movie
Horseman 77

nzjafa wrote:
check out this video.
when people confuse north korea with australia, i'm surprised they remember to breathe.
Clinton and Kerry supporters each and every one
Horseman 77

{DsM}SongofWar[BoC] wrote:

chitlin wrote:

that godwins law is funny

seriously though i dont think i said anything that bad about the netherlands ^^ i mean you did let the nazis occupy you without fighting thats not an insult .. being judgemental of that fact or not its just factual =p i suppose i could have said it nicer

only things truly offensive was the dick sucking and that was directed only at his mom =0

also people are people so if its arrogance its of a nature of national pride not that an american is a more worthwhile human being but that america as a whole country has contributed more to the world than say ..the netherlands .. sorry and im sure had i been from the netherlands i might not like hearing that or even take offense to it ... but i belive that and if that makes me an asshole then so be it.. but when an asshole from said lesser contrbuting nation comes out with the bashing of a nation say oh i duno the united states ^-^ its assbackwards IMP
YOu want to see some idiots? Try and find a TV special called "talking to americans". Was done a couple of years ago when a Canadian news crew went down to the US. Its pretty funny. The Governor of Iowa is even on there .

And before we go onto the whole america is better than everyone else thing, lets not forget that just because you have fewer people, or got knocked out of the war early, you are not a lesser contributing nation. If hitler had decided to attack the USA in 1939, you'd all be speaking german right now. If Britain, Canada, France, and many other nations hadn't of put up the fight that they did, there wouldn't have been a war to get involved  in.

And the only reason the united states of america even exists is because the british couldn't be bothered to get off their asses and do something about it.

Not to be offensive, but I am sick of all this americanocentric BS. I have nothing against americans except that I don't like the attitiude that many of them have.
Prove it by stop playing BF2,  our game! play your own faggot ass game, You  ca make one called
"Lets Blow the USSR while they fuck our girlfriends in the ass while we sit and watch"

You gotta admit it would be realistic.
wait dude they cant blow and watch at the same time .. pay attention

i had to reread this as i found it halarious
If Britain, Canada, France, and many other nations hadn't of put up the fight that they did, there wouldn't have been a war to get involved  in.
i got a real kick out of this and have no doubt whatsoever from this statement that you sir are from canada
+19|7145|Toronto, Canada
Canada did have the third largest navy in world war 2, thats not bad . Not to belittle what the americans did, but it wasn't them single handedly is my point.
+19|7145|Toronto, Canada

chitlin wrote:

my comment wasnt really conflict based .. i mean as a nation with americas gdp constituted by systems and effort we contribute from research and devlopment of medical and technological sciences beyond that of any other country im just not fellin judgmental attitudes and advice ..i dont think mike tyson takes boxing advice from pee wee ^^

i respect other countries and not acknowledging our important role in the world is fine and great but the judgemental bs just isnt cool really seems alot of people in eurpoe want to only focus on the bad things america does.

also america won many battles against the best ss troops germany had to offer with great success so saying that the united states had no chance is really unfounded. also the british never had succes in north africa untill we showed up and wouldnt attempt the normandy landing unless we initiated it becuase they lacked the ability .. and canada and france are not even worth mentioning about battle contribution ..very little .. if you wanted to bring up a more significant factor i would have said the russians ..they did more than the united states or anyone else did to the germans..

also the british tried in 1776 and 1812 with all thier might and lost .. it had nothing to do with lack of effort and everything to do with the fact that they lost ...after 1812 they conceded that they in fact didnt have the ability to pacify america ..its a fact ..
In 1776 the French (yes, the French) entered the war on the american side and tied up british logistics (All troops and supplies had to be shipped over 3000 miles of ocean). Fighting a maritime war against a foe not tied up with a war in europe really hampered the british.

In 1812 the British were fighting Napoleon. Enough said. They committed their best troops to the napoleonic wars. If you look it up, when the british sent a few regiments of European veterans over later in the 1812 war, the americans very nearly lost.

In the second world war, the canadians, the british, the free french (not the collaborating ones) and a number of other countries (not the russians, the russians were allied with the germans until hitler broke the truce and attacked them.) Fought off the germans for years until the americans jumped in and turned the tide. The Russians fought tooth and nail to defend their homeland, and tied up vast numbers of german troops, yes. The Americans won many battles through weight of numbers, their training and equipment were inferior to that of the germans in many cases. But they won, that is what counts.

Without the british and the canadians organizing and escorting the atlantic convoys the british AND the russians would have been out of the war before the americans could get involved in any great numbers.

I am not anti-american by any stretch of the imagination, I merely don't like ignorance. If any of the things I said above are incorrect, please prove me wrong.

And horseman, try adding something constructive.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Prove it by stop playing BF2,  our game! play your own faggot ass game, You  ca make one called
"Lets Blow the USSR while they fuck our girlfriends in the ass while we sit and watch"

You gotta admit it would be realistic.
Ok that's exactly what I wanted to prevent but now there's no going back. This is not much of an argument but rather each side, europeans and the (u.s.) americans (I am generalizing quite a bit here), throwing their "arguments" at the other side and not listening what the other side is saying back. What are words like "faggot ass game" good for in this context? It just angers everyone and this thread will end in a total flamewar and it will have to get shut down.

I find this rather ironic. The whole Battlefield Series of computer games was developed by Dice - which is a swedish company (NOT swiss mind you ) - and published by EA. This is a big difference! So if you wanted to make such an analogy you could say because EA is a US company do it without EA. What we would end up with is everybody in Sweden playing the game because it would not have been published worldwide.

So take this as an example how EVERYTHING is intertwined and we depend on eachother. If Dice didn't programm the game there would be no BF2, but if EA would not have signed them up for publishing then nobody except a couple guys in Sweden would play the game.

The USA is of course the leader in many areas but - and this is a big one - you have to understand that the US would not be able to exist without the rest of the world. That's where a big part of the problem lies. It seems to me that many people in the US believe:"We don't care about the rest of the world because we are No.1 and can do everything on our own". Let's take China for example. What do you think would happen if China stopped their Exports to the US (or any other western country for that matter). Prices for a lot of consumer products would skyrocket etc and the whole world economy would collaps.

Anyways I guess what I am trying to say here is that you should listen to eachother and not just disregard what the other person has to say. And of course it helps the argument to use cusswords carefully

On a sidenote: I have no choice in following the spirit of my country and being neutral about everything

--EDIT:hm... spelling is a bitch (I hope this doesn't offend anyone ) - maybe chuy could integrate a spellchecker? *hehe* Well ok I think he's got enough to work on already

Last edited by AD_Kensan (2005-12-03 17:53:25)

lol, they all pretty much put the flag thingy on austrialia thinking "oh this might be a trick question, it must be that big island down there on the right".
Get C4, here!

There was a show up here called "TALKING TO AMERICANs" where a local comedian/news caster went down to the states and asked the americans/american politicans some questions.

Needless to say our american friends made complete idiots of themselves and didn't even know it.
sry but your attempt at a history lesson was misleading ...

napoleon attempted an invasion of britain in 1805 and failed then attempted to invade prussia and was beaten so badly that he never recovered ... by 1812 the napoleonic army was nearly destroyed by the prussians with no invlovement whatsoever by the british,  in 1813 at the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig a coalition of Austrians Prussians Swedes and Russians NOT british finshed off napoleon 1814 british sent the bulk of thier most experienced and skilled and while they had sucees and managed to burn the white house they lost in new york lost in chesapeake bay and lost the battle of new orleans ..while nothing was gained from the conflict england thereafter left america ceased attracking merchant ships and conceded that they could not pacify the united states ...

we fought germany and japan at the same time at a magnitude of a thousand times the british involvment on the napoleonic wars in 1812 and had no problems .. make exscuses if you want but the british simply could not defeat america... you think they lost thousands of men and called it a wash becuase they got bored or something ?? give me a break ....

in world war 2 the united states had 500,00 casualties while canada had 40.000 and britain had 380,00 i would not seek to trivialize englands involvment however canada's was very limited and while worthy of merit also deserving of criticsim consideing thier potential compared to thier commitment they were very apprehensive and after landing at the softest beaches in normandy they never really engaged the enemeny at any level comparable to the big three ...

also americas economy and gdp is not dependant whatsoever with china ...while we can get electronics very cheap from china attributing a complete collapse based on that its ridiculous ...

also while dice may be a swedish comapny, the little mod desert combat saw much more support from the fanbase than 1942 did and subsequesntly dice hired almost all of the desert combat team and based thier sequel from thier modification battlefield 2 while not entirely being american with the involvement of the desert combat team and ea is very much american ..

chitlin wrote:

also americas economy and gdp is not dependant whatsoever with china ...while we can get electronics very cheap from china attributing a complete collapse based on that its ridiculous ...
So why is everybody cutting great deals with China then and not doing anything about human rights (Tibet amongst many other things) etc etc etc? I am really sorry and I won't bother arguing if you just bounce back my arguments and not even considering what I am trying to say here. Guess what would happen if the OPEC and other oil exporting countries decided to use the Euro as trading currency instead of the $? What would happen if there was a political turnover in Saudi Arabia and they would stop exporting oil? There are so many more examples of how this world is not simply a couple countries drawn on a globe but actually all interconnected societies and economies that truly depend on eachother.

also while dice may be a swedish comapny, the little mod desert combat saw much more support from the fanbase than 1942 did and subsequesntly dice hired almost all of the desert combat team and based thier sequel from thier modification battlefield 2 while not entirely being american with the involvement of the desert combat team and ea is very much american ..
I think you got the right idea what I wanted to say but you are emphasizing the wrong point here. My point was that BF2 would not be possible on the premises that just "american" or european or any other continent/nation's companies worked on it and it was therefore american (etc). Only by different people around the globe working TOGETHER was this project finished and put on our desks.

Last edited by AD_Kensan (2005-12-03 20:31:27)

i thought we were having a civil conversation really not an argument persay .. and really i never said america rules, fuck everyone else we dont need you ... just that were not reliant on china for our gdp ...

if opec shut out the usa then we'd take a pretty good hit, our reserves would run out and our gas prices would jump high as shit ...thats not the same thing as china cuz we dont rely on them at all ... dont say i dont consider your point of view cuz that isnt true

i form my opinions based on facts and my own analyses but when theres an opposing opinion i look at it and comapare it to my own. we probably dont see eye to eye on everything but i wouldnt refute anything you have  said had said had i not considered your opinons.
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7148|Bryan/College Station, TX

nzjafa wrote:
check out this video.
when people confuse north korea with australia, i'm surprised they remember to breathe.
I wonder how many people on this forum if they did not see this video would do the same thing? I would venture to guess quite a few actually.

How many completely ignorant people are there who know nothing or very little about world geography, world cultures and different natioanl philosophies?

In mirroring your comment I wonder often how some people remember to breathe.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
that was my initial beef that every eurotrash asshole will jump on this saying america is so stupid like every other asshat not accepting the fact that anyone could do this no matter where youre from since there are stupid people everywhere..

btw im in houston and i saw youre in college station killroy so i guess you might be an aggie fan ? they suck and fuck cows ^^ lots of aggies here but ut is of course the shit as of late did you see that colorado shalacking ?

chitlin wrote:

thats not the same thing as china cuz we dont rely on them at all ... dont say i dont consider your point of view cuz that isnt true
Do you really believe your economy does not rely on China? What's the "ressource" China has the most of in the whole world? Cheap labour (besides many other things but cheap labour is the top) and every larger corporation is using this ressource and profiting from the "globalization" (which is a not very well defined term but I hope it is clear what I mean). How many things have a tag on it that says "Made in China"? Many many more things that you would believe. Nike for example is producing many of its products in China and so do many other Companies. It is not just electronics believe me. There's more than 10 products on my desk right now that were produced in China! Just look for the "Made in China" sig. Amazing how many things get produced (or rather assembled) there.
Anyways, my original point was that all the different countries depend on eachother and need eachother. There's not one single nation, not even the USA, that could survive if it would shut down it's borders and keep everybody and everything else out.

i form my opinions based on facts and my own analyses but when theres an opposing opinion i look at it and comapare it to my own. we probably dont see eye to eye on everything but i wouldnt refute anything you have  said had said had i not considered your opinons.
Then I apologize for accusing you of not doing that and say thank you for considering my opinion.

Now that we have behaved so civilized I think I need a change... maybe I should go and try for my Expert Knife badge *hehe*

Last edited by AD_Kensan (2005-12-04 07:49:44)

i dont disagree that the united states benefits greatly from china however i definately disagree that if we shut down relations with china then out economy would collapse .. in fact during the korean war and vietnam we did just that with little to no ill effects .. i think most of our outsourcing goes to india first china second ..and there are lots of other asian manufacturers that would gladly takes the us's busniness from the chinese
Horseman 77
Prove it by stop playing BF2,  our game! play your own faggot ass game, You  ca make one called
"Lets Blow the USSR while they fuck our girlfriends in the ass while we sit and watch"

You gotta admit it would be realistic.

I find this rather ironic. The whole Battlefield Series of computer games was developed by Dice - which is a Swedish company (NOT Swiss mind you ) - and published by EA. This is a big difference! So if you wanted to make such an analogy you could say because EA is a US company do it without EA. What we would end up with is everybody in Sweden playing the game because it would not have been published worldwide.

Wow that would make them a lot of money huh and Everyone would want to play a game about the Swedish army fighting   um. Wherever whoever whenever they did. Once.

I think one Swiss guy threw a Snowball at a Russian once right? That would make a good game.

I tried not cursing I gave up

The USA is of course the leader in many areas but - and this is a big one - you have to understand that the US would not be able to exist without the rest of the world.

I would gladly give it a try as would many others here.

On a sidenote: I have no choice in following the spirit of my country and being neutral about everything ;

This neutral crap was OK when you could travel only 12 miles a day on horseback and a mountain was an obstacle to an Army. Now we can ( and Terrorists too ) Circle the world with an Army in Hours and Communication can reach anywhere instantaneous. The notion of neutrality is Reckless as it is naive.
A neutral country lets others do the dirty work that must be done. Neutrality  ( during WWII and Now ) is bullcrap in my opinion. I feel a new post ?

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