I don't know how much of you know of this song but the actual name of it is Lilly Marleen. It was very popular around the time of WW2 loved by Allied troops and used by Axis troops, for it is a story of a woman who loses her lover in a war. This was used by German forces when invading cities occasionally, I believe the song however originates from about WW1 and was only sung by the said singer. So what does this song mean to you? Does it share any significance in your life or a person you knows life? When I was young and growing up I used to get told by my grandparents all about it, (WW2) their stories etc. One story that was told to me by my grandmother and her sister was when they were in school and had to host a formal. This being in Serbia the Germans being the enemy and my grandmother having lived in Australia for a while before didn't know that this song was disallowed to be played. She ended up getting busted by the principle big time, she ended up being a teacher ha. Other then that to me the song with the video in the background shows the German troops being just like any others. The SS were at the beginning of the war the elites, they were supposed to protect Hitler. As it went on the SS just turned out to be another failure of ground infantry as they started cramming everyone in there. It also shows that the Germans/Nazi's that we all think were mindless murderers there is something behind them made of flesh and bone. Note im talking of the troops which didn't massacre civilians those that did deserved what they got and I am fully aware that the Germans massacred the Jews. This however cannot be blamed on every single troop... I guess this is the point im trying to get across. Most people which I would consider ignorant quickly boycott anything that has to do with Nazi's/Japanese/Axis powers in general before even thinking of it. IE all the troops deserve to die yada yada, what we must remember is that most of these troops thought that they were doing their country service and time and that it was a respectable war... not quite respectable at the end. In my country the Germans imposed a rule, for every Nazi killed on our soil they would murder 100 civilians. They did so, this is the more darker aspect of the war I guess not all troops participated in this. Not saying that it has 100% relevance but this can quite relate to the war in Iraq (minus the intentional civilian killing) but the US is seen as the bad guy and the ignorants are those saying that the Government and the Troops are to blame.

What does this video or this song make you feel? Does it make you think about the war? Does it make you see in different perspectives? This is not a boycott the army thread this is not a bash the French thread this is not the who won the war thread so please keep that to your respective areas and I will be happy. Also I am not a Neo Nazi i'd just like to think I have viewed the topic from more then 1 perspective a little too many times. Thanks guys.