+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio
This guy made a speech at UC Irvine and was interrupted by angry muslims.  All I hear is how we should "accept" their culture, well how about for starters YOU accept other people as well.

So, here is the story... … &hl=en

Why is stuff like this not talked about?

"anti-Israel, anti-occupation" and "Allah akbar" while marching out.

"the state of Israel will be wiped off the face of the earth."

This fellow continues by telling the crowd that their weapon in jihad is their tongues and speaking out, and that's the best they can do right now. Other Muslims around the world are struggling in their own ways, may Allah give them strength.

Last edited by usmarine2007 (2007-02-07 06:36:52)

+5,233|6681|Global Command
This is exactly why I sometimes feel we need mass deportations.

They just can't behave, no matter how much you try to accommodate them.
© 2009 Jeff Minard
o 4 sure ?
The guy that made the speech is a cock.
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

Jihadi_Power wrote:

The guy that made the speech is a cock.
Fair enough, I know little about him.  But shouldn't the people who want acceptance show acceptance?  They were not required to go, they just went to cause trouble.
Pony Slaystation
+343|6861|Charlie One Alpha

ATG wrote:

This is exactly why I sometimes feel we need mass deportations.

They just can't behave, no matter how much you try to accommodate them.
SOME of them just can't behave. The same goes for any other group of people.
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine SecuROM slapping your face with its dick -- forever." -George Orwell

Jihadi_Power wrote:

The guy that made the speech is a cock.
Plus the mentioned article is 3 years old.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6733|SE London

ATG wrote:

This is exactly why I sometimes feel we need mass deportations.

They just can't behave, no matter how much you try to accommodate them.
That's a bit of a generalisation. Not all Muslims are bad. In fact it's definately a minority. Just a case of a few cunts fucking it up for the rest of them.

I can't agree with any policy ideas which would lead to deporting people just because they're Muslims. A zero-tolerance policy for people inciting racial hatred would be a perfectly sensible alternative.

Although, after reading the story I have to say this Pipes character sounds like a prick and I'm not suprised that he got booed off stage. This sort of ill thought out provacative speech making is foolish and insensitive and best and downright dangerous at worst. Alienating the Muslim community in the US is the exact opposite of what should be being done. This Pipes idiot is creating exactly the sort of racial/religious tension that everyone should be working to avoid.

I have to say well done to the Republican/Conservative right for finding yet another way of creating more terrorists. What's next, painting targets on schools and hospitals?
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:

Jihadi_Power wrote:

The guy that made the speech is a cock.
Plus the mentioned article is 3 years old.
Fixed.  Thanks.
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

Bertster7 wrote:

That's a bit of a generalisation. Not all Muslims are bad. In fact it's definately a minority. Just a case of a few cunts fucking it up for the rest of them.
That was an old story, which was my bad.  Please watch some of the recent video.  This is not a minority, this is happening all too often on American university campuses.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|6993|Cologne, Germany

I'll have a look when I am home. Some people at work get suspicious when I play videos on my office PC..
its like the irony that was the cartoon debacle not too long ago.  if you want to change people's minds about your religion being a violent one, i probably wouldn't suggest rioting and lighting stuff on fire over a political cartoon that probably wasn't seen by many people (until the rocks and molotov cocktails started flying)
The Lizzard
It wasn't about the cartoons portraying them as violent, it was about the cartoons insulting their most revered prophet.
that's exactly what the cartoons were portraying...

yah and there has never been any cartoons about Jesus/Buddha/Yahweh/Vishnu


Last edited by Chappy556 (2007-02-07 07:14:12)

The Lizzard
How many of them portaryed Jesus as a murderer, and his followers as acting purely in furtherance of their own interest, whilst defying a long held tenet of Chrisianity?
does it matter?  this isn't the 14th century anymore.  you don't like seeing your prophet bashed in the morning paper?  don't buy the paper.
The Lizzard
Some Americans want to go to war over comments made by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or Hugo Chavez.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6733|SE London

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

That's a bit of a generalisation. Not all Muslims are bad. In fact it's definately a minority. Just a case of a few cunts fucking it up for the rest of them.
That was an old story, which was my bad.  Please watch some of the recent video.  This is not a minority, this is happening all too often on American university campuses.
If someone came to your university and gave a speech demonising Americans and the American way of life, I'm pretty sure (based on your responses in other threads when certain people start America bashing) you would respond in almost exactly the same way as those Muslims did.

Why should they have to put up with someone slandering them in that fashion?
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

Some Americans want to go to war over comments made by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or Hugo Chavez.
Did you watch the video?  Would you support Jews going to the UC Irvine campus and rioting?
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

Bertster7 wrote:

Why should they have to put up with someone slandering them in that fashion?
They did not have to go is my point.  What do you mean "what if" someone spoke on a university slandering on now.
Dropped on request

Bubbalo wrote:

How many of them portaryed Jesus as a murderer, and his followers as acting purely in furtherance of their own interest, whilst defying a long held tenet of Chrisianity?
I don't know if you know this, but Mohamed actually killed people. And even if they did show Jesus as a murderer people in the country are smart enough to know that a cartoon isn't real. There's also the hysterical Jesus on a dinosaur picture we all laugh at.

Bubbalo wrote:

Some Americans want to go to war over comments made by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or Hugo Chavez.
Standing at the podium of the UN in New York City and calling the US President a "demon" is a little different than a political cartoon.  Not to mention the repeated rants from Tehran that Israel and the US must be wiped from the planet.

how many american's or israelites protested with violence following these?  zero
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6733|SE London

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Why should they have to put up with someone slandering them in that fashion?
They did not have to go is my point.  What do you mean "what if" someone spoke on a university slandering on now.
That's not what I mean at all. I mean that Americans present when America is getting slandered tend to be quite vocal about it. When Muslims are vocal about being slandered people all go nuts. There is little difference.
+374|6519|Columbus, Ohio

Bertster7 wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

Why should they have to put up with someone slandering them in that fashion?
They did not have to go is my point.  What do you mean "what if" someone spoke on a university slandering on now.
That's not what I mean at all. I mean that Americans present when America is getting slandered tend to be quite vocal about it. When Muslims are vocal about being slandered people all go nuts. There is little difference.
Not sure I follow you.  I have yet to see a vid of college students marching around yelling "anti-islam" and "death to allah" and shit like that.  Maybe there is one, but I have not seen it.  Besides, this happens very frequently, you just down see it because the liberal media does not report on it.

Last edited by usmarine2007 (2007-02-07 07:44:37)

Confused Pothead
+1,101|6733|SE London

usmarine2007 wrote:

Bertster7 wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

They did not have to go is my point.  What do you mean "what if" someone spoke on a university slandering on now.
That's not what I mean at all. I mean that Americans present when America is getting slandered tend to be quite vocal about it. When Muslims are vocal about being slandered people all go nuts. There is little difference.
Not sure I follow you.  I have yet to see a vid of college students marching around yelling "anti-islam" and "death to allah" and shit like that.  Maybe there is one, but I have not seen it.  Besides, this happens very frequently, you just down see it because the liberal media does not report on it.
Not so often, but you do see it. There's less mob mentality to it though.

I am quite aware of how often these sorts of protests go on. Almost as often as Muslims speak out against terrorism.

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