Sgt.Zubie wrote:
agwood wrote:
Major.League.Infidel wrote:
We really do have a knife problem though, all of my friends carry them "for defense", even though the average income of our community is like $100,000+ (probably a slight exageration...).
$100,000 + is just above the poverty line in most cities in Kalifornia.
What is lacking in todays youth is a good STRONG parental hand, when I was growing up my father would whip my ass if I got out of line and it sure as hell didn't mean I was going to call the cops on him or cry to my school counselor.
Don't even get me started talking about the boots we get these days.. Jesus Christ you would think they are all freaking Colonels they way they carry on....
WOW...100,000 is plenty where I live, providing of course you don't live above your means. But you can get by quite well here on 100k.
Do a real estate check and you will find that in most Major Cities in CA, appropriate housing starts high as hell.
SF Bay Area median home price = $560,000
Los Angeles area median home price = $438,000
San Diego area Median Home price = $550,000
Do the math, with even 10% down you are looking at huge mortgage payments, and then property taxes and mortgage insurance.
Oh, did you want to heat or cool that house, you'll be paying some of the most expensive utility bills in the nation.
Add in a couple of car payments, insurance, outrageous registration fees and some of the most expensive gas in the country. (seems like every other person drives a damn Benz or BMW)
Even though most of Ca is agricultural land, by the time it makes its way to the stores the price is jacked so high it costs a fortune to feed an average sized family.
Everyone counts their income as gross wages.. so lets break this down.. $100,000 per year - ( I am guessing the numbers here) what $20,000 in Federal Taxes and say $6,000 in state taxes, leaves probably just enough to cover all the bills and buy Jr some new Computer crap or that new Xbox every once in a while.
I feel bad for the younger generation of Californians who may NEVER be able to afford a home, when monthly rent for 1 bedroom apartments is over $1000.00 per month in many places, how in the hell do you expect someone with an average job to ever save for a down payment or afford to buy anything without carrying a huge amount of credit card debt.
food for thought..
Last edited by agwood (2007-02-04 03:38:35)