+145|6458|Keller, Tx

Teebaggs1 wrote:

too_money2007 wrote:

worst. thread. ever.

Yet another thread bashing America. It seems that this is all the D&ST section has become. Worthless.......
I agree.  It's become "mainstream" to america bash and all the kewl kids are doing it.
That, and for some reason, it makes them feel bigger to go to a game's forums and post to little kids their views on the war. Sure there are some older fellas that are hermits here, but most are kids. Who really cares anyways? We're the most powerful country in the world and we'll protect ourselves no matter what.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

PluggedValve wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

Wow, you guys are sick, saying this guy is acting with fucking HONOR!?!?!?!?
The americans have snipers too "Mr. Holier than thou".  And they use the same tactics.  How do you think Juba learned???
The tactics we use are completely different.
Malloy must go

too_money2007 wrote:

worst. thread. ever.

Yet another thread bashing America. It seems that this is all the D&ST section has become. Worthless.......
Sucks eh!  Its discussion, argue a point if you want.  Its for everyone to maybe see where the other side is coming from.  Which is good, healthy debate.  Seems like the ppl that just think its USA bashing just dont have any counter points because they're uninformed. 

I like talking to people who dont agree with me because i want to know why they disagree.  And maybe im wrong and maybe im right but the only way to make an informed decision is to talk about it.

deeznutz1245 wrote:

PluggedValve wrote:

Commie Killer wrote:

Wow, you guys are sick, saying this guy is acting with fucking HONOR!?!?!?!?
The americans have snipers too "Mr. Holier than thou".  And they use the same tactics.  How do you think Juba learned???
The tactics we use are completely different.
For Example......
+48|6565|new york

Kukulcan wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

You can't complain them for defending for themselves.... then you should have not attacked first.
How about they build a good country instead?
Who are to judge which country is good or bad? The civilians did not rebel and you are trying to do that for them?
When we toppled Sudhaim, almost every Iraqi citizen was happy. They do have a government, and these insurgents are not following their government. Do I like the way the war has gone? No. Do i think it will get better? No. Why, because "all the blame is on America". Bullshit, but that is what everyone says as a reason why their country shouldn't help. Yes, WE wanted to take SH out. Why, lets count the reason. WMD, never found, but can NOT be argued he HAS had them, and even used them on his own country.Supported terrorists? He openly stated he would fund them.....Oil? NOPE, sry but we have actually been subsidizing all of irags oil needs, AND US AMERICANS pay $0.22 cents a gallon for every gallon THEY use.
The insurgency is not the Iraqi army (BTW Iraqs army was the 3rd largest army at the time of our invasion). They are NOT fighting to defend their country. You really think that if America pulls out, Iraq will be peaceful? They never were! Stop bashing America, maybe we made a mistake by invading Iraq. Maybe we made a mistake by not invading Iraq and toppling that regime when they invaded Kuwait. Doesn't matter now. We are where we are. And as far as this sniper, he would NOT classify as a SOLDIER according to the Geneva Convention.
X-LG Member
+25|6900|Maine, MA, and PJ concerts

nlsme wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

How about they build a good country instead?
Who are to judge which country is good or bad? The civilians did not rebel and you are trying to do that for them?
When we toppled Sudhaim, almost every Iraqi citizen was happy. They do have a government, and these insurgents are not following their government. Do I like the way the war has gone? No. Do i think it will get better? No. Why, because "all the blame is on America". Bullshit, but that is what everyone says as a reason why their country shouldn't help. Yes, WE wanted to take SH out. Why, lets count the reason. WMD, never found, but can NOT be argued he HAS had them, and even used them on his own country.Supported terrorists? He openly stated he would fund them.....Oil? NOPE, sry but we have actually been subsidizing all of irags oil needs, AND US AMERICANS pay $0.22 cents a gallon for every gallon THEY use.
The insurgency is not the Iraqi army (BTW Iraqs army was the 3rd largest army at the time of our invasion). They are NOT fighting to defend their country. You really think that if America pulls out, Iraq will be peaceful? They never were! Stop bashing America, maybe we made a mistake by invading Iraq. Maybe we made a mistake by not invading Iraq and toppling that regime when they invaded Kuwait. Doesn't matter now. We are where we are. And as far as this sniper, he would NOT classify as a SOLDIER according to the Geneva Convention.
+1.  Good Points and well put together.
+48|6565|new york

Kukulcan wrote:

hate&discontent wrote:

I didn't vote for GW you incontinent ass, and if you don't like what i said fuck off, i dont care.  shooting AMERICAN troops is easy, because of the uniform.  We could shoot some insurgent, with a weapon in his hand in plain clothes just after he detonated a bomb, and we still be the bad guy.  FUCK IRAQ, make it a parking lot, next stop iran.   alot of people dont agree with me, and some might,  but that is what makes this COUNTRY great, the FREEDOM to say what we want.
Iran... in iran the usa will lose , they are advanced military. Not some civs in arms.
LOL just LOL, we will see. We WILL see.
+145|6458|Keller, Tx

nlsme wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

hate&discontent wrote:

I didn't vote for GW you incontinent ass, and if you don't like what i said fuck off, i dont care.  shooting AMERICAN troops is easy, because of the uniform.  We could shoot some insurgent, with a weapon in his hand in plain clothes just after he detonated a bomb, and we still be the bad guy.  FUCK IRAQ, make it a parking lot, next stop iran.   alot of people dont agree with me, and some might,  but that is what makes this COUNTRY great, the FREEDOM to say what we want.
Iran... in iran the usa will lose , they are advanced military. Not some civs in arms.
LOL just LOL, we will see. We WILL see.
smart bombs... USA wins. yayz!1
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

PluggedValve wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

PluggedValve wrote:

The americans have snipers too "Mr. Holier than thou".  And they use the same tactics.  How do you think Juba learned???
The tactics we use are completely different.
For Example......
I am not going to bother with all tactics. We will discuss a few, not to flame you, just to discuss. For one, a Marine sniper is never seen and would not use a video camera to record his kills. A Marine sniper will only pull the trigger when he is absolutely positive he is going to hit what he is aiming for, and what he is aiming for is the head or throat. We have all heard the expression "one shot, one kill" and it is true. A sniper is sent into battle with specific orders, a primary objective and possibly objectives of opportunity, which means " he isnt the mission but we want him dead as long as the primary objective is not comprimised. What you see on these videos is what we would call a "designated marksman". A regular soldier or Marine who is an exceptional shot within his infantry unit, used to engage snipers or concealed enemies. A Marine sniper will wait days if necessary to engage his objective and would not waist a round on the objective's stomach or leg. Also, snipers are usually armed with a Beretta 9mm in addition to their m-95 (or m-24 for army) so they are not prepared to engage in close quarters combat and would not risk getting caught by an enemy in fear of being tortured for crucial intelligence they have gathered. Snipers are well out of the enemies range within minutes of them realizing what just happened and would not take a shot if additional enemy troops could comprimise the snipers position before his evacuation. I left the Marine Corps in weapons company, but when I started my tour with the MEU I was in SSC. In other words if you are not familiar with USMC units. 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, 1st Batallion 8th Marines, Scout Sniper Company.....later to weapons Company. I am not a sniper though, I was a field interrogator and part of a sniper extaction team.
Malloy must go

Love BF2 though, great fkn game...

Last edited by =*RSA*=SiKFuK_187 (2007-02-01 13:37:08)

GOP Sympathizer
+266|6641|Menlo Park, CA
I REPORTED THIS THREAD. . .totally unacceptable.

Disent for the war is fine. . .I understand people disagree with the war.  But glorifying some terrorist taking pot shots at my troops cause he knows he will get killed if he tries any other method is BS.  This "Juba" terrorist is dead BTW!! US Marine snipers took his ass out two years ago. . . . recovered the rifle he was using and saved it. . .This is old news, and this thread should be shut down for inappropriate video content.
"When we toppled Sudhaim, almost every Iraqi citizen was happy." 
So says the propaganda, but the sniper bullets and suicide bombings speak more truth.

"Do I like the way the war has gone? No. Do i think it will get better? No. Why, because "all the blame is on America". Bullshit, but that is what everyone says as a reason why their country shouldn't help."

Nobody "likes" the way its gone, that much is pretty obvious.  It will probably get worse before better.  IMHO.
The blame is on america because: 1) Their justifications for war did not add up.  First it was WMD's(not there) then it was because the Iraqi's had to be able to vote, then because Saddam gassed the kurds(before the gulf war mind you), 2)  The world warned you it was a quagmire, and that USA's justification was not enough.  3)Since they unilaterally went against the UN's recommendation(whether you like it or not the UN is the largest governing body over international affairs)  4)  The results are not better than before they are worse.

"They are NOT fighting to defend their country. You really think that if America pulls out, Iraq will be peaceful? They never were! "
It WAS more peaceful.  But thats besides the point.  Why do you guys have to "liberate" them??  There was only ever a small portion of the population asking the US for help.  I never saw any Iraqis waving US flags sending messages that they needed help, certainly not en mass.

"Maybe we made a mistake by not invading Iraq and toppling that regime when they invaded Kuwait."
Yup!!!!!!  Too bad so sad.  Do it right if youre going to do it.

"And as far as this sniper, he would NOT classify as a SOLDIER according to the Geneva Convention."
Neither does your war, so i guess thats even.
+122|6691|Omaha, Nebraska!
this thread needs to be closed.

deeznutz1245 wrote:

PluggedValve wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

The tactics we use are completely different.
For Example......
I am not going to bother with all tactics. We will discuss a few, not to flame you, just to discuss. For one, a Marine sniper is never seen and would not use a video camera to record his kills. A Marine sniper will only pull the trigger when he is absolutely positive he is going to hit what he is aiming for, and what he is aiming for is the head or throat. We have all heard the expression "one shot, one kill" and it is true. A sniper is sent into battle with specific orders, a primary objective and possibly objectives of opportunity, which means " he isnt the mission but we want him dead as long as the primary objective is not comprimised. What you see on these videos is what we would call a "designated marksman". A regular soldier or Marine who is an exceptional shot within his infantry unit, used to engage snipers or concealed enemies. A Marine sniper will wait days if necessary to engage his objective and would not waist a round on the objective's stomach or leg. Also, snipers are usually armed with a Beretta 9mm in addition to their m-95 (or m-24 for army) so they are not prepared to engage in close quarters combat and would not risk getting caught by an enemy in fear of being tortured for crucial intelligence they have gathered. Snipers are well out of the enemies range within minutes of them realizing what just happened and would not take a shot if additional enemy troops could comprimise the snipers position before his evacuation. I left the Marine Corps in weapons company, but when I started my tour with the MEU I was in SSC. In other words if you are not familiar with USMC units. 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, 1st Batallion 8th Marines, Scout Sniper Company.....later to weapons Company. I am not a sniper though, I was a field interrogator and part of a sniper extaction team.
Ok.  True I think.  But, war is war right.  Did the sniper target any civilians??  So whether he shoots in th head or the abs does that really matter??  Other than it shows this guy really doesnt like americans(why he wants them to feel pain before death i guess).  I dont mean to be cold hearted but didnt said soldier sign up for the risk of injury or death(usually includes pain).

P.S.   I appreciate the constructive conversation by the way, especially from someone with experience.  Thanks!

SoC./Omega wrote:

this thread needs to be closed.
Stop reading if u want, just an idea.  I am enjoying this intelligent debate with some.  Your comment is one of the only ones that dont ned to be here.
X-LG Member
+25|6900|Maine, MA, and PJ concerts

PluggedValve wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

PluggedValve wrote:

For Example......
I am not going to bother with all tactics. We will discuss a few, not to flame you, just to discuss. For one, a Marine sniper is never seen and would not use a video camera to record his kills. A Marine sniper will only pull the trigger when he is absolutely positive he is going to hit what he is aiming for, and what he is aiming for is the head or throat. We have all heard the expression "one shot, one kill" and it is true. A sniper is sent into battle with specific orders, a primary objective and possibly objectives of opportunity, which means " he isnt the mission but we want him dead as long as the primary objective is not comprimised. What you see on these videos is what we would call a "designated marksman". A regular soldier or Marine who is an exceptional shot within his infantry unit, used to engage snipers or concealed enemies. A Marine sniper will wait days if necessary to engage his objective and would not waist a round on the objective's stomach or leg. Also, snipers are usually armed with a Beretta 9mm in addition to their m-95 (or m-24 for army) so they are not prepared to engage in close quarters combat and would not risk getting caught by an enemy in fear of being tortured for crucial intelligence they have gathered. Snipers are well out of the enemies range within minutes of them realizing what just happened and would not take a shot if additional enemy troops could comprimise the snipers position before his evacuation. I left the Marine Corps in weapons company, but when I started my tour with the MEU I was in SSC. In other words if you are not familiar with USMC units. 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, 1st Batallion 8th Marines, Scout Sniper Company.....later to weapons Company. I am not a sniper though, I was a field interrogator and part of a sniper extaction team.
Ok.  True I think.  But, war is war right.  [bold]Did the sniper target any civilians?? [/bold]  So whether he shoots in th head or the abs does that really matter??  Other than it shows this guy really doesnt like americans(why he wants them to feel pain before death i guess).  I dont mean to be cold hearted but didnt said soldier sign up for the risk of injury or death(usually includes pain).

P.S.   I appreciate the constructive conversation by the way, especially from someone with experience.  Thanks!
Another poster/former soldier stated that these snipers would have helpers that would blow IED's to cover their escape and in the process, civilians became casualties.  Can't confirm but something to think about.

Last edited by Teebaggs1 (2007-02-01 13:57:25)

We shall beat to quarters!

Some of your own country men are dieing here, and you appear to honor the Killer then the Victum
~ Do you not know that in the service … one must always choose the lesser of two weevils?
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

Teebaggs1 wrote:

PluggedValve wrote:

deeznutz1245 wrote:

I am not going to bother with all tactics. We will discuss a few, not to flame you, just to discuss. For one, a Marine sniper is never seen and would not use a video camera to record his kills. A Marine sniper will only pull the trigger when he is absolutely positive he is going to hit what he is aiming for, and what he is aiming for is the head or throat. We have all heard the expression "one shot, one kill" and it is true. A sniper is sent into battle with specific orders, a primary objective and possibly objectives of opportunity, which means " he isnt the mission but we want him dead as long as the primary objective is not comprimised. What you see on these videos is what we would call a "designated marksman". A regular soldier or Marine who is an exceptional shot within his infantry unit, used to engage snipers or concealed enemies. A Marine sniper will wait days if necessary to engage his objective and would not waist a round on the objective's stomach or leg. Also, snipers are usually armed with a Beretta 9mm in addition to their m-95 (or m-24 for army) so they are not prepared to engage in close quarters combat and would not risk getting caught by an enemy in fear of being tortured for crucial intelligence they have gathered. Snipers are well out of the enemies range within minutes of them realizing what just happened and would not take a shot if additional enemy troops could comprimise the snipers position before his evacuation. I left the Marine Corps in weapons company, but when I started my tour with the MEU I was in SSC. In other words if you are not familiar with USMC units. 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, 1st Batallion 8th Marines, Scout Sniper Company.....later to weapons Company. I am not a sniper though, I was a field interrogator and part of a sniper extaction team.
Ok.  True I think.  But, war is war right.  [bold]Did the sniper target any civilians?? [/bold]  So whether he shoots in th head or the abs does that really matter??  Other than it shows this guy really doesnt like americans(why he wants them to feel pain before death i guess).  I dont mean to be cold hearted but didnt said soldier sign up for the risk of injury or death(usually includes pain).

P.S.   I appreciate the constructive conversation by the way, especially from someone with experience.  Thanks!
Another poster/former soldier stated that these snipers would have helpers that would blow IED's to cover their escape and in the process, civilians became casualties.  Can't confirm but something to think about.
Im not understanding, he asked me to explain how our sniping tactics were different than an insurgents......and I did.
Malloy must go
It pains me to watch those videos, hurts to watch them die by a sniper.  I have friends over there and I hope they don't get hit like that.
+48|6565|new york
Is every Iraqi sniping or placing IEDS?Dude how would they beg for help? Every corner had Saddam's police waiting to torture any opposition. I do know for a fact, that the Iraqis that now live in the U.S. SUPPORT our war. Do they like how it has gone, no. Do they blame America? No. More peaceful my ass. Before the invasion there were prisons FILLED with people that spoke out against the government. Were they just imprisoned for treason? No they were fucking TORTURED. How could they speak out "en mass". You do realize Saddam thought nothing of KILLING anyone who he didn't  agree with him "en mass".  As far as the U.N.. Even though we front most of the bill and most of the troops for it to even EXIST, They don't do shit EVEN when the world does agree. They write resolution after resolution, but NEVER act. BTW their "resolution" did say that they would be dealt with militarily(before we even invaded) but that date came and went. They decided to write another resolution. Do I like Bush? FUCK NO! Did I like his dad, well more then his son so just a NO.
"Our war" does not violate the Geneva Convention. And I really like how it is now Americas war, seeings how so many of the countries that were with us, have since pulled out. Like I said, we are where we are. As far as the Iraq is concerned, we might hold some blame, BUT NOT ALL. Maybe if the U.N. would be what it is suppose to be, and not some resolution writing organization that does nothing more, the world would be a better place. The U.N. is a failure, and nothing they say holds NO merit to who they say it too. Look at Iran now for example, Are they worried about the U.N.? Don't think so.

Last edited by nlsme (2007-02-01 14:16:54)

+374|6517|Columbus, Ohio

Kukulcan wrote:

I'm talking about things like these :
This is what I'm talking about...

+6|6451|The Battlefield

usmarine2007 wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

I'm talking about things like these :
This is what I'm talking about...

I already had this between my preferites.. i like military actions.
+6|6451|The Battlefield

R3v4n wrote:

Some of your own country men are dieing here, and you appear to honor the Killer then the Victum
I'm italian not american... i mean : either iraqi and americans are soldiers from another nation for me.
+6|6451|The Battlefield

too_money2007 wrote:

nlsme wrote:

Kukulcan wrote:

Iran... in iran the usa will lose , they are advanced military. Not some civs in arms.
LOL just LOL, we will see. We WILL see.
smart bombs... USA wins. yayz!1
Bombs are never smart.... it's smarter not to launch them. You should hope not to enter in war against iran .
+374|6517|Columbus, Ohio

Kukulcan wrote:

R3v4n wrote:

Some of your own country men are dieing here, and you appear to honor the Killer then the Victum
I'm italian not american... i mean : either iraqi and americans are soldiers from another nation for me.
Insurgents have no nation...well, except the ones that support them.

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