No what has no relevance is that you would fight to defend anything. From your posts you would simply "understand" your enemy, "reason" with your enemy and if that didn't work, cower to your enemy.Bubbalo wrote:
I'm niether Christian nor Muslim, so the statement had no relevance.lowing wrote:
Oh no, I meant that YOU, would actually defend somethingBubbalo wrote:
So you think Christians would just lay down and die?
Yes, that's exactly what I'd do. I don't know why I even bother speaking when you know me so well you could do it for me lowing .
Seriously, though, why admit that you made a statement that has no relevance?
Seriously, though, why admit that you made a statement that has no relevance?
The strangest and most untrue thing that can be said about Islam is that it is a Religion of Peace. If every standard by which the West is judged and condemned (slavery, imperialism, intolerance, women's rights, warfare...) were applied equally to Islam, the verdict would be absolutely devastating.
Islam never gives up what it conquers, be it religion, culture, language or life. Neither does it make apologies or any real effort at moral progress. It is the least open to dialogue and the most self-absorbed. It is convinced of its own perfection, yet never open to critical examination.
Islam never gives up what it conquers, be it religion, culture, language or life. Neither does it make apologies or any real effort at moral progress. It is the least open to dialogue and the most self-absorbed. It is convinced of its own perfection, yet never open to critical examination.
Are you talking about Islam in general or jihaddists? There is a big difference. One of by good friends is Muslim, he acts totally like a normal person. He doesn't require a 5 prayers a day reigime. He couldn't give two shits about what people thought about Islam (in fact we joke about it quite often)fadedsteve wrote:
The strangest and most untrue thing that can be said about Islam is that it is a Religion of Peace. If every standard by which the West is judged and condemned (slavery, imperialism, intolerance, women's rights, warfare...) were applied equally to Islam, the verdict would be absolutely devastating.
Islam never gives up what it conquers, be it religion, culture, language or life. Neither does it make apologies or any real effort at moral progress. It is the least open to dialogue and the most self-absorbed. It is convinced of its own perfection, yet never open to critical examination.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
Then he is truely in the minority, because the MAJORITY in the middle east think this way (as it is demonstrated by their leaders and general populace).Spark wrote:
Are you talking about Islam in general or jihaddists? There is a big difference. One of by good friends is Muslim, he acts totally like a normal person. He doesn't require a 5 prayers a day reigime. He couldn't give two shits about what people thought about Islam (in fact we joke about it quite often)fadedsteve wrote:
The strangest and most untrue thing that can be said about Islam is that it is a Religion of Peace. If every standard by which the West is judged and condemned (slavery, imperialism, intolerance, women's rights, warfare...) were applied equally to Islam, the verdict would be absolutely devastating.
Islam never gives up what it conquers, be it religion, culture, language or life. Neither does it make apologies or any real effort at moral progress. It is the least open to dialogue and the most self-absorbed. It is convinced of its own perfection, yet never open to critical examination.
There have been recent polls done in the UK where 49% of the muslim population support the radical ideology!!
You live in Australia. . .I live in the USA, I have buddies that are Iranian, and they think the Ayatollahs are nuts and the current president is a fucking lunatic!! Of course there are going to be people who arent wrapped up in their religion. . .I am Christian, and I dont go to church or blow up abortion clinics. . .
I speak and write mostly of the jihaddists, but its more about the tolerance that the so called "moderates" allow this to go on in their religion!! Its almost like they are afraid to speak out against radical muslims. . .
Hence my thought on moderate muslims not allowing constructive critical examination to go on about their religion.
But the majority of Muslims don't live in the Middle East. (edit: The actual figures are: about 12.4% of all Muslims in the Middle East. The region hat has the most Muslims is South Asia - India and Bangladesh mainly)fadedsteve wrote:
Then he is truely in the minority, because the MAJORITY in the middle east think this way (as it is demonstrated by their leaders and general populace).Spark wrote:
Are you talking about Islam in general or jihaddists? There is a big difference. One of by good friends is Muslim, he acts totally like a normal person. He doesn't require a 5 prayers a day reigime. He couldn't give two shits about what people thought about Islam (in fact we joke about it quite often)fadedsteve wrote:
The strangest and most untrue thing that can be said about Islam is that it is a Religion of Peace. If every standard by which the West is judged and condemned (slavery, imperialism, intolerance, women's rights, warfare...) were applied equally to Islam, the verdict would be absolutely devastating.
Islam never gives up what it conquers, be it religion, culture, language or life. Neither does it make apologies or any real effort at moral progress. It is the least open to dialogue and the most self-absorbed. It is convinced of its own perfection, yet never open to critical examination.
There have been recent polls done in the UK where 49% of the muslim population support the radical ideology!!
You live in Australia. . .I live in the USA, I have buddies that are Iranian, and they think the Ayatollahs are nuts and the current president is a fucking lunatic!! Of course there are going to be people who arent wrapped up in their religion. . .I am Christian, and I dont go to church or blow up abortion clinics. . .
I speak and write mostly of the jihaddists, but its more about the tolerance that the so called "moderates" allow this to go on in their religion!! Its almost like they are afraid to speak out against radical muslims. . .
Hence my thought on moderate muslims not allowing constructive critical examination to go on about their religion.
Plus, it is becoming more and more apparent that the majoirty of Iranians do not agree with the government's hardline policy. Government actions do not necessarily represent the wishes of the people (I point to the war in Iraq. Whatever your opinion you cannot deny that the majority of the public in the UK, Australia and Spain did not agree with their government's decision to go to Iraq.
Last edited by Spark (2007-02-02 01:00:15)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
So fadedsteve now talks for a large ethnic and religious group half a world a way. Stay tuned next week, when Spark will inform us how the Martians feel.
Which channel am I on?Bubbalo wrote:
So fadedsteve now talks for a large ethnic and religious group half a world a way. Stay tuned next week, when Spark will inform us how the Martians feel.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
The Christian religion is all but dead, not many people are willing to fight for it. Muslims (some) will for their cause. What makes an infidel?
Me I'm atheist so most religions will try and condemn me to hell for it. I thought it was God's job to do that.
These people are sick (extremists of all kind) and need to be stamped out. What is wrong with that? I am (as most Americans would call me) a liberal, I believe in freedom but I will not tolerant anyone who will deny me that. A few hundred years ago it was Christianity that would wanted to curb freedom of the mind. During early and mid part of 20th century it was fascism, after the second world war it was Communism and now we have (extremist) Islam. Mark my words things will get worse, you only have to look on the Internet, read the media (yeah I know they blow things out of proportion, sometimes). The Extremist element is growing. Why because liberal Islam is not doing much. It is appeasing too much, It needs to SHOUT more. Let us hear of Muslims protesting against terrorism. That is all I ask.
And yes I know that they were going to kill a British Muslim soldier, so why aren't the mainstream Muslim community, saying this wrong. they aren't, they are complaining for being targeted for arrested.
Me I'm atheist so most religions will try and condemn me to hell for it. I thought it was God's job to do that.
These people are sick (extremists of all kind) and need to be stamped out. What is wrong with that? I am (as most Americans would call me) a liberal, I believe in freedom but I will not tolerant anyone who will deny me that. A few hundred years ago it was Christianity that would wanted to curb freedom of the mind. During early and mid part of 20th century it was fascism, after the second world war it was Communism and now we have (extremist) Islam. Mark my words things will get worse, you only have to look on the Internet, read the media (yeah I know they blow things out of proportion, sometimes). The Extremist element is growing. Why because liberal Islam is not doing much. It is appeasing too much, It needs to SHOUT more. Let us hear of Muslims protesting against terrorism. That is all I ask.
And yes I know that they were going to kill a British Muslim soldier, so why aren't the mainstream Muslim community, saying this wrong. they aren't, they are complaining for being targeted for arrested.
Dont give me that crap. . .Bubbalo wrote:
So fadedsteve now talks for a large ethnic and religious group half a world a way. Stay tuned next week, when Spark will inform us how the Martians feel.
I forgot. . .your the authority on all the issues right??
You got it all figured out bubbs. . . .all wise and all knowing huh buddy. . .nice!
my I again refer to the Reagan quote in my sig to refer to Mr. Bubbalo. . . .
I'm not the one claiming to know the desires of a huge religious group.
Seriously, though, do you worhsip Reagan as a god or something?
Seriously, though, do you worhsip Reagan as a god or something?
then why every muslim dont act like people in these video? in the days muslims control the world,things were much more better. all the bad things come from misunderstanding.ATG wrote:
Islam is a religion hell bent on world wide domination. Thanks for asking me nicely, but no, I can't help you as things stand now.Ottomania wrote:
next time please dont blame all for the actions of some supercharged ignorants.ATG wrote:
These are things being said in mainstream mosques in England Cameron.
This is the mainstream thinking of Islam.
Why deny the obvious?
Muslims must be pretty damn dumb then because I see a lot of "misunderstanding" going on in that religion and it is accepted by a great number more of the Muslims.Ottomania wrote:
then why every muslim dont act like people in these video? in the days muslims control the world,things were much more better. all the bad things come from misunderstanding.ATG wrote:
Islam is a religion hell bent on world wide domination. Thanks for asking me nicely, but no, I can't help you as things stand now.Ottomania wrote:
next time please dont blame all for the actions of some supercharged ignorants.
And then they cry foul... … opsky.html … opsky.html
I have watched Blair make specific comments ensuring the public understands that most Muslims are decent law abiding citizens. Not Exactly what Hitler was saying mid century.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I remember Bush saying the day of or the day after 9-11, something about a independent Palestinian state. It was a real head scratcher at the time. I wanted revenge and he was talking about giving them something.Kmarion wrote:
I have watched Blair make specific comments ensuring the public understands that most Muslims are decent law abiding citizens. Not Exactly what Hitler was saying mid century.
I see it now.
Don't know where that site gets it's info but i noticed some big differences between the BBC version which I'm more inclined to trust.
Goddamn violent Muslim religious leaders .Your source wrote:
But Mohammad Naseem, chairman of Birmingham's Central Mosque, urged Muslims to show restraint following the raids, in which nine suspects were arrested over allegations of plotting an "Iraq-style" kidnapping and filmed beheading.
"The country is moving toward a police state. That's not right. We have to change this," he said inside the mosque, where some 2,000 Muslims gathered for weekly Friday prayers.
"We can change this for the better by coming together, not by coming apart. .. Remain calm, don't get angry. Anger is a natural emotion, but Muslims should control it. We must never give way to anger," he said.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Scary! The eyes of the world may be watching this debateKmarion wrote:
SHOUT ! SHOUT ! LET IT ALL OUT ... i hate radicals ! Vaporize them !
R.I.P. You Disgust me !
R.I.P. You Disgust me !
OMG! I'm gonna be on TV!!!crimson_grunt wrote:
Scary! The eyes of the world may be watching this debateKmarion wrote:
unfortunately...Major_Spittle wrote:
Muslims must be pretty damn dumb then because I see a lot of "misunderstanding" going on in that religion and it is accepted by a great number more of the Muslims.Ottomania wrote:
then why every muslim dont act like people in these video? in the days muslims control the world,things were much more better. all the bad things come from misunderstanding.ATG wrote:
Islam is a religion hell bent on world wide domination. Thanks for asking me nicely, but no, I can't help you as things stand now.
Pathetic – you want revenge for something that your own government was responsible for? You need to get out more.ATG wrote:
I remember Bush saying the day of or the day after 9-11, something about a independent Palestinian state. It was a real head scratcher at the time. I wanted revenge and he was talking about giving them something.Kmarion wrote:
I have watched Blair make specific comments ensuring the public understands that most Muslims are decent law abiding citizens. Not Exactly what Hitler was saying mid century.
I see it now.
You say my government was responsible?Whiser wrote:
Pathetic – you want revenge for something that your own government was responsible for? You need to get out more.ATG wrote:
I remember Bush saying the day of or the day after 9-11, something about a independent Palestinian state. It was a real head scratcher at the time. I wanted revenge and he was talking about giving them something.Kmarion wrote:
I have watched Blair make specific comments ensuring the public understands that most Muslims are decent law abiding citizens. Not Exactly what Hitler was saying mid century.
I see it now.
The ignorance your post implies is frankly staggering, no offense.