Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|7032|Sydney, Australia
-   -   -   -   LETS ALL HAVE A MOTHERFUCKIN' TIME OUT   -   -   -   -

lowing wrote:

Vilham wrote:

fine then let me correct my words. Islamophobic. Which is just as bad...

Im glad to see ATG finally changed the topic name. Shame its too late for him and Usmarine to take back the fact that they hate Muslims.
Islamophobia would imply a "fear" of Muslims. Hating Muslims isn't fearing them. So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance. Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
Lowing. Have you ever been to an islamic country?

I doubt it.

Those who occasionally pull their heads of of their arses might have noticed I have been away for the last month. During that time I spent 2 weeks in Morocco. An Islamic country.

Your comment is the most disgraceful thing I have read in a very long time. Now I understand that you have no fucking clue as to what the religion is about. It's a shame that so many people are uneducated in this area. If they were, this viewpoint might not exist and the world would be a better place.

Did you know that Muslims not only believe in their religion, but all others before it. Islam was founded about 600 AD. It is believed that Islam is in improvement on the older religions, so they must believe in them as well. So part of their "bullshit ideology" is to believe in Christianity?

You also wrongly believe the religion itself says to badly treat women. That is utter bullshit. It is said, on the topic of dress, that both men and women shall dress in a modest sense. What you see in the news, from countries like Afghanistan where women are fully covered up, is part of LOCAL TRIBAL CUSTOMS.

The stuff I see on the news was a far cry from what I saw in Morocco... oh my god, they are both Islamic. Ergo, it is not the religion that treats women like that, but the local customs.


EDIT: Humor me lowing.. truthfully, how old are you?

crimson_grunt wrote:

lowing wrote:

Yes, punish anyone who has a belief system that sets out to deny you of YOUR right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and HAPPINESS and actually acts on it..
So in a nutshell your saying that if someone is Muslim they are trying to kill us all if we don't convert to their beliefs?
Nice selective reading pal. I said "AND ACTS ON IT"
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

lowing wrote:

Muslim isn't a fuckin' race. It is a religion, a ideology that beleives I have no right to exist or be free if I do not convert to Islam. I am after all, an infedel remember? Pardon me if I hate the idea of being killed for not participating in their bullshit.
sounds like your saying them all.  Many Muslims i know don't give a shit what i believe.

Last edited by crimson_grunt (2007-01-26 16:34:33)

+5,233|6839|Global Command

mcminty wrote:

-   -   -   -   LETS ALL HAVE A MOTHERFUCKIN' TIME OUT   -   -   -   -

lowing wrote:

Vilham wrote:

fine then let me correct my words. Islamophobic. Which is just as bad...

Im glad to see ATG finally changed the topic name. Shame its too late for him and Usmarine to take back the fact that they hate Muslims.
Islamophobia would imply a "fear" of Muslims. Hating Muslims isn't fearing them. So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance. Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
Lowing. Have you ever been to an islamic country?

I doubt it.

Those who occasionally pull their heads of of their arses might have noticed I have been away for the last month. During that time I spent 2 weeks in Morocco. An Islamic country.

Your comment is the most disgraceful thing I have read in a very long time. Now I understand that you have no fucking clue as to what the religion is about. It's a shame that so many people are uneducated in this area. If they were, this viewpoint might not exist and the world would be a better place.

Did you know that Muslims not only believe in their religion, but all others before it. Islam was founded about 600 AD. It is believed that Islam is in improvement on the older religions, so they must believe in them as well. So part of their "bullshit ideology" is to believe in Christianity?

You also wrongly believe the religion itself says to badly treat women. That is utter bullshit. It is said, on the topic of dress, that both men and women shall dress in a modest sense. What you see in the news, from countries like Afghanistan where women are fully covered up, is part of LOCAL TRIBAL CUSTOMS.

The stuff I see on the news was a far cry from what I saw in Morocco... oh my god, they are both Islamic. Ergo, it is not the religion that treats women like that, but the local customs.


EDIT: Humor me lowing.. truthfully, how old are you?
Islam, on its basic princibles is not the problem, Its the extremist in Islam that are the problem. Sadly, they are the vocal majority.

I am aware of the fact that Islam respects Jesus as a prophet, many do not know or care.

The point of the thread is not to engage in an orgy of Muslim bashing, it was to comment on the growing extremist movement in England, and the denial of its people to see it.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

ATG wrote:

The point of the thread is not to engage in an orgy of Muslim bashing, it was to comment on the growing extremist movement in England, and the denial of its people to see it.
As has seen before we know the problem exists and are confident it is being dealt with.  Because it's not been dealt with in the manor you prefer does not mean it is being ignored.

mcminty wrote:

-   -   -   -   LETS ALL HAVE A MOTHERFUCKIN' TIME OUT   -   -   -   -

lowing wrote:

Vilham wrote:

fine then let me correct my words. Islamophobic. Which is just as bad...

Im glad to see ATG finally changed the topic name. Shame its too late for him and Usmarine to take back the fact that they hate Muslims.
Islamophobia would imply a "fear" of Muslims. Hating Muslims isn't fearing them. So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance. Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
Lowing. Have you ever been to an islamic country?

I doubt it.

Those who occasionally pull their heads of of their arses might have noticed I have been away for the last month. During that time I spent 2 weeks in Morocco. An Islamic country.

Your comment is the most disgraceful thing I have read in a very long time. Now I understand that you have no fucking clue as to what the religion is about. It's a shame that so many people are uneducated in this area. If they were, this viewpoint might not exist and the world would be a better place.

Did you know that Muslims not only believe in their religion, but all others before it. Islam was founded about 600 AD. It is believed that Islam is in improvement on the older religions, so they must believe in them as well. So part of their "bullshit ideology" is to believe in Christianity?

You also wrongly believe the religion itself says to badly treat women. That is utter bullshit. It is said, on the topic of dress, that both men and women shall dress in a modest sense. What you see in the news, from countries like Afghanistan where women are fully covered up, is part of LOCAL TRIBAL CUSTOMS.

The stuff I see on the news was a far cry from what I saw in Morocco... oh my god, they are both Islamic. Ergo, it is not the religion that treats women like that, but the local customs.


EDIT: Humor me lowing.. truthfully, how old are you?
Nope never been to an Islamic country.

You going on a vacation as a tourist hardly makes you a expert on Islam

I have a clue as to what is being done in the name of their religion, and that the Muslim community ISN'T doing anything about it. Christianity has its radicals as well, it is called the KKK and the "moderate level headed Christians, stomp a mud hole in the KKK's ass every time they stick their heads out. They have been completely disarmed by moderation. If the radical belief is sooooooo small, why is it not being stomped out by the so called moderate Muslims??

This world would be a better place without Islamic terrorists.

I couldn't care less about the history of Islam, it has no bearing on current events

Are you going to tell me that women in Islamic nations are not treated as second class citzens and have very few rights as compared to the men??

If it matters, I am 40. Now what?

crimson_grunt wrote:

lowing wrote:

Muslim isn't a fuckin' race. It is a religion, a ideology that believes I have no right to exist or be free if I do not convert to Islam. I am after all, an infidel remember? Pardon me if I hate the idea of being killed for not participating in their bullshit.
sounds like your saying them all.  Many Muslims i know don't give a shit what i believe.
When did I say that??........I clearly spell out that I will not tolerate anyone and their beliefs that impose on my right to life liberty and happiness. I really have no opinion on individuals one on one. If that individual acts on their belief that do not have the right to exist except as a Muslim, then I have a problem. If that is not palatable to your sensibilities too bad.
Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

lowing wrote:

crimson_grunt wrote:

lowing wrote:

Muslim isn't a fuckin' race. It is a religion, a ideology that believes I have no right to exist or be free if I do not convert to Islam. I am after all, an infidel remember? Pardon me if I hate the idea of being killed for not participating in their bullshit.
sounds like your saying them all.  Many Muslims i know don't give a shit what i believe.
When did I say that??........I clearly spell out that I will not tolerate anyone and their beliefs that impose on my right to life liberty and happiness. I really have no opinion on individuals one on one. If that individual acts on their belief that do not have the right to exist except as a Muslim, then I have a problem. If that is not palatable to your sensibilities too bad.
The thing you don't seem to understand is that people can be Muslim without hating you.  Ok thats not true, they would probably think you personally were a racist twat and despise you, what I mean is many Muslims do not hate everyone who isn't Islamic.  quote below for the inevitable "when did i say that?"

lowing wrote:

Muslim isn't a fuckin' race. It is a religion, a ideology that believes I have no right to exist or be free if I do not convert to Islam
And thats an important distinction you don't seem to be able or willing to make.  I guess It's easier to assume all are bad and have done with it.

crimson_grunt wrote:

lowing wrote:

crimson_grunt wrote:

sounds like your saying them all.  Many Muslims i know don't give a shit what i believe.
When did I say that??........I clearly spell out that I will not tolerate anyone and their beliefs that impose on my right to life liberty and happiness. I really have no opinion on individuals one on one. If that individual acts on their belief that do not have the right to exist except as a Muslim, then I have a problem. If that is not palatable to your sensibilities too bad.
The thing you don't seem to understand is that people can be Muslim without hating you.  Ok thats not true, they would probably think you personally were a racist twat and despise you, what I mean is many Muslims do not hate everyone who isn't Islamic.  quote below for the inevitable "when did i say that?"

lowing wrote:

Muslim isn't a fuckin' race. It is a religion, a ideology that believes I have no right to exist or be free if I do not convert to Islam
And thats an important distinction you don't seem to be able or willing to make.  I guess It's easier to assume all are bad and have done with it.
Actually I have a ton of friends. What you don't seem to be able to grasp about me is. I have not one politically correct bone in my body. I don't care that my opinion on radical Isam offends you or that THEY may hate me for having it. 

Are you telling that Islam does not preach death or convertion to Islam for infidels??
Say wat!?

lowing wrote:

mcminty wrote:

-   -   -   -   LETS ALL HAVE A MOTHERFUCKIN' TIME OUT   -   -   -   -

lowing wrote:

Islamophobia would imply a "fear" of Muslims. Hating Muslims isn't fearing them. So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance. Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
Lowing. Have you ever been to an islamic country?

I doubt it.

Those who occasionally pull their heads of of their arses might have noticed I have been away for the last month. During that time I spent 2 weeks in Morocco. An Islamic country.

Your comment is the most disgraceful thing I have read in a very long time. Now I understand that you have no fucking clue as to what the religion is about. It's a shame that so many people are uneducated in this area. If they were, this viewpoint might not exist and the world would be a better place.

Did you know that Muslims not only believe in their religion, but all others before it. Islam was founded about 600 AD. It is believed that Islam is in improvement on the older religions, so they must believe in them as well. So part of their "bullshit ideology" is to believe in Christianity?

You also wrongly believe the religion itself says to badly treat women. That is utter bullshit. It is said, on the topic of dress, that both men and women shall dress in a modest sense. What you see in the news, from countries like Afghanistan where women are fully covered up, is part of LOCAL TRIBAL CUSTOMS.

The stuff I see on the news was a far cry from what I saw in Morocco... oh my god, they are both Islamic. Ergo, it is not the religion that treats women like that, but the local customs.


EDIT: Humor me lowing.. truthfully, how old are you?
Nope never been to an Islamic country.

You going on a vacation as a tourist hardly makes you a expert on Islam

I have a clue as to what is being done in the name of their religion, and that the Muslim community ISN'T doing anything about it. Christianity has its radicals as well, it is called the KKK and the "moderate level headed Christians, stomp a mud hole in the KKK's ass every time they stick their heads out. They have been completely disarmed by moderation. If the radical belief is sooooooo small, why is it not being stomped out by the so called moderate Muslims??

This world would be a better place without Islamic terrorists.

I couldn't care less about the history of Islam, it has no bearing on current events

Are you going to tell me that women in Islamic nations are not treated as second class citzens and have very few rights as compared to the men??

If it matters, I am 40. Now what?
sorry how many times have you been to Muslim areas of Britain.... Time for you to shut the fuck up i believe.

Vilham wrote:

lowing wrote:

mcminty wrote:

-   -   -   -   LETS ALL HAVE A MOTHERFUCKIN' TIME OUT   -   -   -   -

Lowing. Have you ever been to an islamic country?

I doubt it.

Those who occasionally pull their heads of of their arses might have noticed I have been away for the last month. During that time I spent 2 weeks in Morocco. An Islamic country.

Your comment is the most disgraceful thing I have read in a very long time. Now I understand that you have no fucking clue as to what the religion is about. It's a shame that so many people are uneducated in this area. If they were, this viewpoint might not exist and the world would be a better place.

Did you know that Muslims not only believe in their religion, but all others before it. Islam was founded about 600 AD. It is believed that Islam is in improvement on the older religions, so they must believe in them as well. So part of their "bullshit ideology" is to believe in Christianity?

You also wrongly believe the religion itself says to badly treat women. That is utter bullshit. It is said, on the topic of dress, that both men and women shall dress in a modest sense. What you see in the news, from countries like Afghanistan where women are fully covered up, is part of LOCAL TRIBAL CUSTOMS.

The stuff I see on the news was a far cry from what I saw in Morocco... oh my god, they are both Islamic. Ergo, it is not the religion that treats women like that, but the local customs.


EDIT: Humor me lowing.. truthfully, how old are you?
Nope never been to an Islamic country.

You going on a vacation as a tourist hardly makes you a expert on Islam

I have a clue as to what is being done in the name of their religion, and that the Muslim community ISN'T doing anything about it. Christianity has its radicals as well, it is called the KKK and the "moderate level headed Christians, stomp a mud hole in the KKK's ass every time they stick their heads out. They have been completely disarmed by moderation. If the radical belief is sooooooo small, why is it not being stomped out by the so called moderate Muslims??

This world would be a better place without Islamic terrorists.

I couldn't care less about the history of Islam, it has no bearing on current events

Are you going to tell me that women in Islamic nations are not treated as second class citzens and have very few rights as compared to the men??

If it matters, I am 40. Now what?
sorry how many times have you been to Muslim areas of Britain.... Time for you to shut the fuck up i believe.
What does a muslim area in Britain have to do with this post and my needing to shut the fuck up??

Instead of trying to censor yet another person you disagree with, how about you address the post?

Last edited by lowing (2007-01-26 17:54:56)

Shitty Disposition (apparently)
+214|6965|Teesside, UK

lowing wrote:

Are you telling that Islam does not preach death or convertion to Islam for infidels??
I admit i haven't read the koran so can't answer that fully.  Have you read it? if so what language and how many translations had it gone through before it got to your language?  From what i understand there's different ways of interpreting their belief same as the bible.

As far as i can tell there's debate on that death issue.  Some says it's kill others say it translates as fight.  Jehovah's witnesses preach conversion does that mean one day they will snap and c4 your door it's you refuse to open it?

crimson_grunt wrote:

lowing wrote:

Are you telling that Islam does not preach death or convertion to Islam for infidels??
I admit i haven't read the koran so can't answer that fully.  Have you read it? if so what language and how many translations had it gone through before it got to your language?  From what i understand there's different ways of interpreting their belief same as the bible.

As far as i can tell there's debate on that death issue.  Some says it's kill others say it translates as fight.  Jehovah's witnesses preach conversion does that mean one day they will snap and c4 your door it's you refuse to open it?
I can also admit, I have never read it, I have read quotes posted from it, which pretty much matchs the behavior seen in their actions around the world.

This site will be condemned as biased, of course but hey, you asked.

( of course it is biased, is there a unbiased opinion on abortion?)
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

ATG wrote:

The point of the thread is not to engage in an orgy of Muslim bashing, it was to comment on the growing extremist movement in England, and the denial of its people to see it.
I would like to say as an American I see very little if any "Muslim Bashing" other than these forums. Most Americans can differentiate between the whackos killing in the name of Islam and the peaceful members. I would hate for all non-Americans to get an impression that we go around wishing hate on the decent law abiding Muslims. In my personal experience in our society we respect all religions and races.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

Kmarion wrote:

ATG wrote:

The point of the thread is not to engage in an orgy of Muslim bashing, it was to comment on the growing extremist movement in England, and the denial of its people to see it.
I would like to say as an American I see very little if any "Muslim Bashing" other than these forums. Most Americans can differentiate between the whackos killing in the name of Islam and the peaceful members. I would hate for all non-Americans to get an impression that we go around wishing hate on the decent law abiding Muslims. In my personal experience in our society we respect all religions and races.
Yup I agree.  I respect EVERYONE'S right to life liberty and happiness. I have no right to infringe on anyone's beliefs in this country. But you damn sure better respect the reverse.
+276|6965|United States of America

lowing wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

ATG wrote:

The point of the thread is not to engage in an orgy of Muslim bashing, it was to comment on the growing extremist movement in England, and the denial of its people to see it.
I would like to say as an American I see very little if any "Muslim Bashing" other than these forums. Most Americans can differentiate between the whackos killing in the name of Islam and the peaceful members. I would hate for all non-Americans to get an impression that we go around wishing hate on the decent law abiding Muslims. In my personal experience in our society we respect all religions and races.
Yup I agree.  I respect EVERYONE'S right to life liberty and happiness. I have no right to infringe on anyone's beliefs in this country. But you damn sure better respect the reverse.
I do look at the world and see Religious hate and violence following the Muslim population where ever it goes.  It spread to Africa, Europe, and is building up in the US.  This does concern me.  Islam seems to lend itself to some very violent, dedicated, hateful, suicidal, and ignorant people. 

I personally would rather live in a society filled with Christians, Hindus, Jews, or the 3 combined.  Mixing Islam with other religions just seems explosive.  Islam by itself seems to be violent enough.

Call me a racist if you will, but I am not blind.  Sure their are nice people of all religions, but look at the big picture.  Look at what happens to countries with large Islamic/Muslim populations. 

Does this mean I could never be friends with a Muslim? No. Does this mean I think all people who believe in Mohamad as a prophet are evil? No. But unfortunately I can't type and comment on each person individually so don't start with the personal BS.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6848|Long Island, New York
My stepmom's muslim and my dad's jewish. I have a bunch of Muslim friends around school. They don't go shouting "ALLAH HU AKBAR" and "DEATH TO THE KUFFAR" at me. I've been at a party with many muslims. They didn't devise plans to blow up the building. Sure, there's a bunch of silly people who think they're scaring people, but in reality they're all bark and no bite. They'll never do anything. Islam is violent....if you expose it to an uneducated moron who doesn't know the history of his religion. Mohammed's probably turning in his grave right now.
+5,233|6839|Global Command

Poseidon wrote:

I have a bunch of Muslim friends around school. They don't go shouting "ALLAH HU AKBAR" and "DEATH TO THE KUFFAR" at me. I They didn't devise plans to blow up the building. They'll never do anything. Islam is violent....
+276|6965|United States of America

Poseidon wrote:

My stepmom's muslim and my dad's jewish. I have a bunch of Muslim friends around school. They don't go shouting "ALLAH HU AKBAR" and "DEATH TO THE KUFFAR" at me. I've been at a party with many muslims. They didn't devise plans to blow up the building. Sure, there's a bunch of silly people who think they're scaring people, but in reality they're all bark and no bite. They'll never do anything. Islam is violent....if you expose it to an uneducated moron who doesn't know the history of his religion. Mohammed's probably turning in his grave right now.
You have to admit that some of the most intolerant and violent countries in the world are ruled by Islamic law.  The region of the world with the greatest following of Islam is the most violent region of the world throughout history.  These facts are what lead me to my conclusions.  Whether or not it should be practiced the way it is or used as a tool for violence and hate does not change the fact that many people interpret it in such a way that it is violent and hate ridden.  If 99.9% of Hindus can be peaceful, one must conclude that the Hindu religion is peaceful. 

Maybe Islamic people need to be less tolerant of the radical clerics and groups and weed them out to take back their religion.  Murder in the name of Christ seems to get Christians pretty fired up in a hurry and they seem to have little problem with making sure those people are exposed and the followers are dealt with.
+35|7067|UK - England

ATG wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

I have a bunch of Muslim friends around school. They don't go shouting "ALLAH HU AKBAR" and "DEATH TO THE KUFFAR" at me. I They didn't devise plans to blow up the building. They'll never do anything. Islam is violent....
Inside job you freak
Δ > x > ¥

lowing wrote:

What does a muslim area in Britain have to do with this post and my needing to shut the fuck up??

Instead of trying to censor yet another person you disagree with, how about you address the post?
Read the fucking title of this thread.  It's about Great Britain - if you haven't been to this sceptered isle, if you haven't seen a muslim area in Britain except on a television screen, shut the fuck up because you obviously know nothing about the subject except what your media has seen fit to tell you.

Instead of trying to derail yet another thread, how about you address the topic at hand?

EDIT for the sake of proving a point.  The thread title has been edited.  It started out as Great Britain has a Muslim problem.  I guess someone had a problem with that title and I would bet money they aren't a follower of Islam.

Last edited by aardfrith (2007-01-29 17:05:44)

+5,233|6839|Global Command

aardfrith wrote:

lowing wrote:

What does a muslim area in Britain have to do with this post and my needing to shut the fuck up??

Instead of trying to censor yet another person you disagree with, how about you address the post?
Read the fucking title of this thread.  It's about Great Britain - if you haven't been to this sceptered isle, if you haven't seen a muslim area in Britain except on a television screen, shut the fuck up because you obviously know nothing about the subject except what your media has seen fit to tell you.

Instead of trying to derail yet another thread, how about you address the topic at hand?

EDIT for the sake of proving a point.  The thread title has been edited.  It started out as Great Britain has a Muslim problem.  I guess someone had a problem with that title and I would bet money they aren't a follower of Islam.
It's because there was a number of complaints. In fact, I believe there has been a concerted effort to get me banned over some racially charged things I have said.

I certainly didn't request the change, and I wasn't exactly thrilled about it, but Youtube also took down the links to the videos I had posted.

Bottom line; there is a lot of denial going around. It's a disease. Like religion.
Say wat!?
There is no denial going on, yet again ill say this again...

sorry how many times have you been to Muslim areas of Britain.... Time for you to shut the fuck up i believe.

I would say your hate is more of a disease.

Last edited by Vilham (2007-01-29 19:03:10)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6985|Canberra, AUS

lowing wrote:

mcminty wrote:

-   -   -   -   LETS ALL HAVE A MOTHERFUCKIN' TIME OUT   -   -   -   -

lowing wrote:

Islamophobia would imply a "fear" of Muslims. Hating Muslims isn't fearing them. So you can add me to the list, I will tell you right now I can't stand them and their 5000 year old bullshit ideology for the modern world. They are animalistic in their beliefs period. I hate the way they treat women. I hate their intolerance of others. and before some smart ass says it. No, it isn't being a hypocrite to NOT tolerate intolerance. Their belief system in its truest form has no place in a modern, western society by its own nature.
Lowing. Have you ever been to an islamic country?

I doubt it.

Those who occasionally pull their heads of of their arses might have noticed I have been away for the last month. During that time I spent 2 weeks in Morocco. An Islamic country.

Your comment is the most disgraceful thing I have read in a very long time. Now I understand that you have no fucking clue as to what the religion is about. It's a shame that so many people are uneducated in this area. If they were, this viewpoint might not exist and the world would be a better place.

Did you know that Muslims not only believe in their religion, but all others before it. Islam was founded about 600 AD. It is believed that Islam is in improvement on the older religions, so they must believe in them as well. So part of their "bullshit ideology" is to believe in Christianity?

You also wrongly believe the religion itself says to badly treat women. That is utter bullshit. It is said, on the topic of dress, that both men and women shall dress in a modest sense. What you see in the news, from countries like Afghanistan where women are fully covered up, is part of LOCAL TRIBAL CUSTOMS.

The stuff I see on the news was a far cry from what I saw in Morocco... oh my god, they are both Islamic. Ergo, it is not the religion that treats women like that, but the local customs.


EDIT: Humor me lowing.. truthfully, how old are you?
Nope never been to an Islamic country.

You going on a vacation as a tourist hardly makes you a expert on Islam

I have a clue as to what is being done in the name of their religion, and that the Muslim community ISN'T doing anything about it. Christianity has its radicals as well, it is called the KKK and the "moderate level headed Christians, stomp a mud hole in the KKK's ass every time they stick their heads out. They have been completely disarmed by moderation. If the radical belief is sooooooo small, why is it not being stomped out by the so called moderate Muslims??

This world would be a better place without Islamic terrorists.

I couldn't care less about the history of Islam, it has no bearing on current events

Are you going to tell me that women in Islamic nations are not treated as second class citzens and have very few rights as compared to the men??

If it matters, I am 40. Now what?
And you view Muslims as SECOND CLASS HUMANS? You are, to be perfectly honest, not far from being a neo-Nazi.

And have you fucking EVER fucking heard of Indonesia? Have you heard of how THEY'RE dealing with the terrorist problem? How they've done it QUITE SUCCESSFULLY? And that they fucking treat women as equals (hell, the last Indonesian president was female, albeit quite a lazy one AFAIK)? And how they're the fucking biggest Islamic nation in the world?

Ignorance must truly be bliss for this attitude to run through.

EDIT: Damn. In hindsight, the last time I exploded like this is when I went off at Jamdude... (see sig)

Last edited by Spark (2007-01-29 19:25:35)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+25|6962|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
what did they call this documentary anyway, i have to know since i have a project about terror in about a week.

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