LOL good one-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote: … igsFly.jpg
It is the year of the pig you know.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I did not know that.. I think im a Rat tho.. 1983..
Yea, eating pork this year will give you testicular cancer I think.. or bad luck... I forgetThe Bartenders Son wrote:
I did not know that.. I think im a Rat tho.. 1983..
Xbone Stormsurgezz
damn.. im @#$@#$ then because i just has some pork
I like your answer .. +1 for you and Free Beer @ The Bar.. with ID...Des.Kmal wrote:
neverThe Bartenders Son wrote:
When will the US fail?
Your cool man.. you understand the joke! ha haFredrik wrote:
Hei dude, i think you are funny as hell. What`s up with people? Some people just don`t get irony man.The Bartenders Son wrote:
I made a topic so we can further discuses your option on how a individual in the Military would sound.
Everyone who says US might fall some day are terrorists, LOL! Cheers!
Free Beer for you! with ID..
you made the list my Friend ..........#12Poseidon wrote:
You know what they say...nothing lasts forever.
EVENTUALLY we'll fall, but not for a very VERY long time.
I'd see a Civil War in this country before anyone attacks us....but i'd say that if we were to fall the global economy would collapse. But that's a pretty big if. Trying to cover my ass so I dont wind up branded as #13...everyone seems to be a terrorist to you if they're not patriotic enough....I love my country to death and I thank whatever higher being you believe in that people would sacrafice their lives for me/this country so i can have the freedom to say whatever the hell I want and not get shot for saying it.
no.The Bartenders Son wrote:
Setting at The Bar one night @ on Vent... Someone was talking about how we are like The Romans and we are going to fall...
What's your take.. Do think that we are following in the foot steps of the Romans?
Amen to that post.. your all good man.. no terroist here just a joke.. a on going joke that some people dont get or dont want to play...{DGC}{jr.}Blitzkrieg wrote:
I'd see a Civil War in this country before anyone attacks us....but i'd say that if we were to fall the global economy would collapse. But that's a pretty big if. Trying to cover my ass so I dont wind up branded as #13...everyone seems to be a terrorist to you if they're not patriotic enough....I love my country to death and I thank whatever higher being you believe in that people would sacrafice their lives for me/this country so i can have the freedom to say whatever the hell I want and not get shot for saying it.
Last edited by The Bartenders Son (2007-01-10 18:14:29)
the uzi is an amazing peice of israeli engineering.Parker wrote:
I have faith in my country.....however if something was to happen, im ready. … era066.flv … uzi009.flv
god help a motherfucker that gets in front of me trying to bring down my country...............
actually, we will fail. when the pussification of america becomes so fucking great that people wont even want to defend our country anymore... oh wait... on our way... fuck.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
cool nice stuff man
Your 1st answer was better.... #13Des.Kmal wrote:
actually, we will fail. when the pussification of america becomes so fucking great that people wont even want to defend our country anymore... oh wait... on our way... fuck.
Well... I can see your immaturity then.The Bartenders Son wrote:
Terrorist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found one!!!!!!!!joker8baller wrote:
10 years. Give or take 3.
LOL i can live with that.. if you can live with not taking a joke...joker8baller wrote:
Well... I can see your immaturity then.The Bartenders Son wrote:
Terrorist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found one!!!!!!!!joker8baller wrote:
10 years. Give or take 3.
U.S. owns! nuff said bitches
FREEEEEEEEE BEER 4 LIFE wooooooooo and all American here people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thareaper254 wrote:
U.S. owns! nuff said bitches
2nd Tuesday of next week
That's no good, how about weds?smtt686 wrote:
2nd Tuesday of next week
Xbone Stormsurgezz
lol ya weds are good for me lolKmarion wrote:
That's no good, how about weds?smtt686 wrote:
2nd Tuesday of next week
America would be death if it wasn't for china.
China is the land who are buying dollars all the time. with out china the world would have an economy crisis
the sides already changed, because iran has there valuto to euro's now instead dollars
China is the land who are buying dollars all the time. with out china the world would have an economy crisis
the sides already changed, because iran has there valuto to euro's now instead dollars
I have an 11yr old, and a 5 yr old...both boys...
My opinion is that by the time they are my age (39)...the US wont exist as we know it. The Roman Empire lasted some 800+ years, I fear we wont come even close.
My opinion is that by the time they are my age (39)...the US wont exist as we know it. The Roman Empire lasted some 800+ years, I fear we wont come even close.