
<SharpShot> wrote:

final proof that most americans are stupid … are_stupid

please no flaming i said "most"
Wow... not this dumbass video again. If they had any common since at all, they would realize that you can not base the whole intelligence of America, by asking a bunch of stupid hillbilly ass rednecks questions about the world.

Last edited by Sgt.Gene (2007-01-08 19:00:18)

+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

Mr.Dude2 wrote:

I knew that was coming ...I dont care were it was made....EA Games USA  Microcrap USA  Nvidia USA ..I could go on ..but you get my point ...the rest of the world needs us.
BF2 was developed in Sweden, EA just published it. nVidia's chips are probably made in Asia, MAYBE assembled in the US. Most likely just distributed from the US. Microsoft? Most of their tech support eat curry chicken every day for lunch.
+13|6477| Bay Area Calif. USA
It did ...I dont post on here at all ..but I do read a lot of it ...It get sooo old reading all this American put down.Fuck that ...enough is enough.By the way I am not even American. I just try and be fair.
Stop calling American's stupid. You must be the stupid one for basing the intelligence of an entire country on a couple of rednecks. kthxbai
+1,153|6783|Washington, DC

Mr.Dude2 wrote:

It did ...I dont post on here at all ..but I do read a lot of it ...It get sooo old reading all this American put down.Fuck that ...enough is enough.By the way I am not even American. I just try and be fair.
So by USA you mean United States of Armenia?
Those people make america look really bad.

Hurray for biased people manipulating hours and hours of video from the streets. That was smooth going to Texas to interview people on camera about bush supposedly saying something about a war with some country. Texas is well, Texas, not much to say there except their egos are as big as their 10 gallon hats and they wear big belt buckles. Not much brains though.
+13|6477| Bay Area Calif. USA
Not sure what the fuck is in Armenia besides a few hot chicks that would love to be in the United States of AMERICA !!!  god bless them
Dutch Delight

Sgt.Gene wrote:

<SharpShot> wrote:

final proof that most americans are stupid … are_stupid

please no flaming i said "most"
Wow... not this dumbass video again. If they had any common since at all, they would realize that you can not base the whole intelligence of America, by asking a bunch of stupid hillbilly ass rednecks questions about the world.
well the same stupid hillbilly ass rednecks voted for Bush!!!!!!!!!!!
I was in the mid US not long ago and got into a fight over currency, they said the US $ was worth the most sighhhhh...

I'm in Virginia now and its not much better here.... Next week ill check Salt lake City...
but I think I already have lost all hope.

The USA has the lowest level of global awareness and average IQ of all western countries.

Last edited by delta4bravo*nl* (2007-01-08 19:12:49)

+13|6477| Bay Area Calif. USA
Next week ill check Salt lake City...

Sorry dude...your fuck.
Cylons' my kinda frak

Chief_(OwNaGe) wrote:

Stop calling American's stupid. You must be the stupid one for basing the intelligence of an entire country on a couple of rednecks. kthxbai

Fist off: CNNNN is News PARODY from The Chaser crew.

Second: Most of the stuff they do is intentional, and edited just for a laugh.

And lastly: You definately must be the stupid one if you believe statistics compiled from an Australian comedy show.

Jesus, grow up.
The World comes up with one American joke and you all go into this Patriotic syndrome. Now you probably know what the Jewish Community, The African-American community, people from Australia, England, New Zealand feel like when you make piss-poor jokes about them.

Last edited by Macca (2007-01-08 19:14:05)

Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6616|Tyne & Wear, England

Mr.Dude2 wrote:

It did ...I dont post on here at all ..but I do read a lot of it ...It get sooo old reading all this American put down.Fuck that ...enough is enough.By the way I am not even American. I just try and be fair.
Then why does it say in your 'from' section that you are from the USA, and why have you been referring to the USA as 'us', meaning yourself.  I can smell fish.

Last edited by KILLSWITCH (2007-01-08 19:21:53)

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
Russell Crowe's Loin Cloth
+49|6866|Philadelphia, PA
ask anyone from the south and youll get those answers.  and i wanna see all the video of all the ppl that knew the right answers. dumbass brits
+13|6477| Bay Area Calif. USA
Look Killswitch..Iive in the USA so what !!  Just because i live here dont mean I argee with everything that happens here...By the way I hope England loses the next Euro Cup ...Im sure they will choke like they always do!!   
Cylons' my kinda frak

Gladiator08 wrote:

ask anyone from the south and youll get those answers.  and i wanna see all the video of all the ppl that knew the right answers. dumbass brits
Shows how smart you are...

CNNNN is actually an Australian television series...

Like I've said, most of their stuff is edited, just to produce a few laughs.
Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6616|Tyne & Wear, England

Gladiator08 wrote:

ask anyone from the south and youll get those answers.  and i wanna see all the video of all the ppl that knew the right answers. dumbass brits
Dumbass Brits, hmmmm, are you from the south???  Because the people responsible for that piece of media clearly were not British.  More like Australians or those from New Zealand.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.

Macca wrote:

Chief_(OwNaGe) wrote:

Stop calling American's stupid. You must be the stupid one for basing the intelligence of an entire country on a couple of rednecks. kthxbai

Fist off: CNNNN is News PARODY from The Chaser crew.

Second: Most of the stuff they do is intentional, and edited just for a laugh.

And lastly: You definately must be the stupid one if you believe statistics compiled from an Australian comedy show.

Jesus, grow up.
The World comes up with one American joke and you all go into this Patriotic syndrome. Now you probably know what the Jewish Community, The African-American community, people from Australia, England, New Zealand feel like when you make piss-poor jokes about them.
One american joke, bullshit. I see so many threads about how stupid Americans are. It's just a little frustrating.

Edit: I've never insulted Jews, African Americans, you cant really accuse me for that.

Last edited by Chief_(OwNaGe) (2007-01-08 19:24:05)


Haha, pretty funny video. But I doubt (or at least hope) that most Americans are that stupid. Besides, the show is biased since they only show the negative results (but that's their object since it's comedy). And lastly, these idiotic strangers on the street aren't running the world. Ask American politicians the same questions and they'll get them all correct; they're the ones running the world.
Dutch Delight

Mr.Dude2 wrote:

Look Killswitch..Iive in the USA so what !!  Just because i live here dont mean I argee with everything that happens here...By the way I hope England loses the next Euro Cup ...Im sure they will choke like they always do!!   
oh boy your IQ is lower than that of the people in the movie..

Last edited by delta4bravo*nl* (2007-01-08 19:29:05)

Knee Deep In Clunge
+489|6616|Tyne & Wear, England

Mr.Dude2 wrote:

Look Killswitch..Iive in the USA so what !!  Just because i live here dont mean I argee with everything that happens here...By the way I hope England loses the next Euro Cup ...Im sure they will choke like they always do!!   
yeah we are pretty shit as a footballing nation aren't we, I guess irony suggests that I can laugh at jokes made about my own country.  So then where are you originally from??
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
+13|6477| Bay Area Calif. USA
h boy your IQ is lower than that of the pople in the movie..

Its spelled PEOPLE Damn ass
+13|6477| Bay Area Calif. USA

Mr.Dude2 wrote:

h boy your IQ is lower than that of the pople in the movie..

Its spelled PEOPLE Dumb ass
+13|6477| Bay Area Calif. USA


Mr.Dude2 wrote:

Look Killswitch..Iive in the USA so what !!  Just because i live here dont mean I argee with everything that happens here...By the way I hope England loses the next Euro Cup ...Im sure they will choke like they always do!!   
yeah we are pretty shit as a footballing nation aren't we, I guess irony suggests that I can laugh at jokes made about my own country.  So then where are you originally from??
Canada  Go easy on me !!
Dutch Delight

Mr.Dude2 wrote:

Mr.Dude2 wrote:

h boy your IQ is lower than that of the pople in the movie..

Its spelled PEOPLE Dumb ass
so you can read, good for you.
Cylons' my kinda frak
Before this thread gets delete/locked or whatever.

I'm just going to say: Wow, The Chaser crew have done it again. Comedy at it's best.

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