
Mad Ad wrote:

there is a built in pause preventing macro abuse.

The book ROF of both weapons is 15 rounds/sec (900/60) so 30 rounds should take 2 seconds but it actually takes 2.8 seconds (+/- 0.1s) to fully discharge a clip of 30 from either weapon, thats with the button being pressed faster than physically possible.

So out of the leftover time, split over 10 bursts thats 80ms pause per burst.  Or another way if we add the pauses per shots its an adjusted ROF of 643 rpm. (1000/(80ms+(3*66.667ms)/3)x60
another good post, thanks for the info.  I guess I was wrong, you cannot come close to the 900 rpm continuously (what is your source for the 2.8 second magazine fact, btw?) . You can probably approach 600 though. With fast accuracy and this rate of fire, the m16 still has great potential matched against other weapons. And keep in mind that the first 3 bullets, the most important ones, do come along at 900 rpm which could be just the smattering of gunfire your target needed. i apologize for having speculated about the rate, however my experience with assault rifles tells me that a BF2 player can coax a very high fire rate out of the m16 and g36e simply by clicking fast. i am positive as a musician that i can tap at 220 beats per minute. if there was no delay, then this means my clicking could produce a 660rpm stream. if i can click that fast, then what is keeping me from getting the full 643 rpm?
Real Хорошо
+826|6833|Adelaide, South Australia

Kamikaze17 wrote:

i still love my G36C
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6878|Area 51
What about the M95..95% damage shot

Marinejuana wrote:

The G36E isn't the ultimate pwner???????

In skilled hands, the m16 or AK have the potential to deal accurate damage faster than the g36e. Isnt it funny how people complain about a gun that isnt actually better? the g36e just rewards slow careful shooters (noobs). if u play as fast as possible with the g36e, it will randomly come up with crap accuracy when u need it most. u can come closer to trusting an ak, m16, mp5, or m4 to lands its very first shots in the moment of a spin-around snap shot.  sure if the g36e hit, it would probably kill faster, but if u move first your bullets will land, while the g36e noob fails to keep up with you. hence, using the g36e holds u back from a faster and more effective rate of play. On the other hand the L85 builds skill because it forces u to aim more carefully due to crap accuracy while encouraging full speed play.
meh well ever since i have had this gun i have been getting alot more kills and alot are from sniping with it.
i find this gun good for all ranges of combat.
Death by Sh4dow
+0|6633|Up yer' arse!
shock paddles own all!

if u can get close enough that is.........
l85a1 is an auto sniper, one shot to the head and ur dead, but thts the same with most guns

Last edited by Death by Sh4dow (2007-01-07 07:24:15)


weasel_thingo wrote:

meh well ever since i have had this gun i have been getting alot more kills and alot are from sniping with it.
i find this gun good for all ranges of combat.
i hope my post helped explain why. the gun DOES have accuracy and fast damage. so if u carefully aim, it definitely kills. my post was made to point out that other weapons have a little less potential while carefully aiming but possibly more when aiming reflexively. So even good players talk about it being the pwningest weapon, but its because they cautiously judge the weapon when they sit in almost controlled conditions shooting an enemy that doesnt see them, and notice that one burst does in fact kill much more frequently than one from the m16. they dont judge (and arent capable of judging) the weapon for failing in frantic situations, they blame themselves (if anything) because in these situations too much is going on to make any fair judgements of the weapon. this is logical yet decieving because these weapons behave critically different with respect to movement so the average seemingly fair judgement is completely false from a practical standpoint.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia

Robbie77 wrote:

ak-101, i dont care what the rate of fire or dmg per shot is on that thing because all i no is when i have that thing i own
it owns because only people who have skill can use it .. any randy can go 30 - 0 with a g36e it takes a real man with real skill to use a weapon like an ak101 (or m16) and come out on top

I.M.I Militant wrote:

Robbie77 wrote:

ak-101, i dont care what the rate of fire or dmg per shot is on that thing because all i no is when i have that thing i own
it owns because only people who have skill can use it .. any randy can go 30 - 0 with a g36e it takes a real man with real skill to use a weapon like an ak101 (or m16) and come out on top
Thats awsome, and so correct. +1
Cereal Killer
+145|6969|The View From The Afternoon

xintegrityx wrote:

The G36C is the most accurate non-sniper weapon in the game. It's insane.
That is very much true. G36C is the best.
Hockey Nut
+243|6843|Boston, MA

Zulu_Soldier wrote:

I.M.I Militant wrote:

Robbie77 wrote:

ak-101, i dont care what the rate of fire or dmg per shot is on that thing because all i no is when i have that thing i own
it owns because only people who have skill can use it .. any randy can go 30 - 0 with a g36e it takes a real man with real skill to use a weapon like an ak101 (or m16) and come out on top
Thats awsome, and so correct. +1
How is that correct? Somebody please explain to me how the G36e is a noob gun, I really want to know!!!
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

Zulu_Soldier wrote:

I.M.I Militant wrote:

it owns because only people who have skill can use it .. any randy can go 30 - 0 with a g36e it takes a real man with real skill to use a weapon like an ak101 (or m16) and come out on top
Thats awsome, and so correct. +1
How is that correct? Somebody please explain to me how the G36e is a noob gun, I really want to know!!!
its way to overpowerd... way to accuret specially at long range 1 burst to the head cya later if not the newbs just click like crazy an it dishes out 6 bullets in under 1 second.. its pathetic
The G36E is a point and click weapon it just hits targets, I dont like it very much, however if im having a tough round I will use it to get a decent K/D ratio.

Maybe its just my style of play but I find it easy to point and click, 2-3 bursts, targets dead, thats without careful aim and with a moving target. Yeah it doesn't always work, but as a rule I find it alot easier to kill with the G36E, and seem to be killed most by it as well.

If you put the time into aiming it then its silly. For that reason I dont use it. Theres not so much fun in knowing you owned someone because you have a better rifle.

Last edited by Slickfish (2007-01-08 08:36:50)

Again with this g36 bullcrap.
At long range it's too accurate, compared to other weapons, I agree on that.
But in close quarter it's way harder to use a g36 than an ak. Ak user vs g36 user in close quarter=ak always win, if both players have the same skill.

So I agree on calling Karkand g36e'rs noobs, because the ak is way more effective in cqb.

And btw, what about usmc medics who insta-pick up the first ak on the floor?
Aren't they noobs because they don't use their stock weapon?

Really, get over this unlocks=noobs BS, the vast majority of the players don't give a fuck about clan wars.
Hockey Nut
+243|6843|Boston, MA

I.M.I Militant wrote:

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

Zulu_Soldier wrote:

Thats awsome, and so correct. +1
How is that correct? Somebody please explain to me how the G36e is a noob gun, I really want to know!!!
its way to overpowerd... way to accuret specially at long range 1 burst to the head cya later if not the newbs just click like crazy an it dishes out 6 bullets in under 1 second.. its pathetic
So let me get this straight, if I use a gun that's too powerful and too accurate? I'm a noob. Wow! Great analysis! I think I'm never going to use a gun that is better than the other guns just so I can be called good! What the fuck? Are you high? You're basically saying, it's a better gun, but if you use it, you suck. I can kill just as good with one gun over the other. I don't see why I would be called a noob because I prefer one gun over the other. What about calling people who use the AK-101 in Karkand a noob? Seriously, last time I played Karkand I was MEC as medic with the AK-101. I was first on the server and I remember having 50+ points when the next closest person had 20ish. I was 20-3. You know how easy it is to kill with the AK-101? I'm way too sick of this bullshit, "if you use this gun you're a noob." By that logic everybody should be waiting in line at Wake Island to be able to drive one of the only two NJ 2046s because that is by far the worst vehicle in the game imo. And as we all know, you're a noob if you use the best items you have at your disposal.

Oh ya, and uhh, I don't know if you noticed this, but 1 shot to the head with ANY gun is a fucking kill. Oh wait, but I know what you're going to say, "but the g36e has better accuracy." Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. I'm not going to go out and use a fucking pea shooter just to prove how good I am. Why don't you ask snipers t snipe with pistols instead of sniper rifles because sniper rifles are too accurate!? None of this post makes any sense and I will hate anybody who hates others who use unlocks. Especially when they can't even come up with a decent excuse for hating unlocks!!!

And then this post:

Slickfish wrote:

The G36E is a point and click weapon it just hits targets, I dont like it very much, however if im having a tough round I will use it to get a decent K/D ratio.

Maybe its just my style of play but I find it easy to point and click, 2-3 bursts, targets dead, thats without careful aim and with a moving target. Yeah it doesn't always work, but as a rule I find it alot easier to kill with the G36E, and seem to be killed most by it as well.

If you put the time into aiming it then its silly. For that reason I dont use it. Theres not so much fun in knowing you owned someone because you have a better rifle.
Yeah, apparently you shouldn't use the G36e unless you are sucking too bad. How about you use it all the time so you will absolutely rape the other team? I guess people just don't enjoy killing people in a war game...
Its still a noob weapon.
Your angry and overblown post has not changed my mind on unlocks.
french canadians suck
AK in BF2pro > All
Hockey Nut
+243|6843|Boston, MA

Zulu_Soldier wrote:

Its still a noob weapon.
Your angry and overblown post has not changed my mind on unlocks.
Your stubborn bs post doesn't make it a noob gun. All I want is a legitimate reason as to why it's a noob gun compared to the AK-101, or any other gun for that matter...
Im not going to explain, from what ive read you seem to be very emotional over the subject and i dont feel like making you post again, when i know you are going to cry about it.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Very interesting. But you also need to factor in other things when judging the guns, like the pkm can sustian fire for very long, the G36C being a sniper rifle (and it's worse than it was in 1.12, DAMN), and the M16 and G36 are burst so they can be tough to use in CQC especially agaist a foe with a G3 or AK. Also these times are extremely, almost negligibly low, the longest difference is less than 1/5 of a second.

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

Oh ya, and uhh, I don't know if you noticed this, but 1 shot to the head with ANY gun is a fucking kill.
Oh wait, you're wrong. Maybe before (repeatedly) flaming someone with "facts", you should check your so-called "facts", hmm? (Don't take me too seriously - after all, wrong > right.) Any gun with a damage of 100/3 or more  will kill in a single shot to the head. In other words, the...

Type 85


HK21E not kill in one shot to the head.
Hockey Nut
+243|6843|Boston, MA

Zulu_Soldier wrote:

Im not going to explain, from what ive read you seem to be very emotional over the subject and i dont feel like making you post again, when i know you are going to cry about it.
I'm not even passionate about the G36e. I'm just sick and tired of assholes like you who criticize players who don't play the same style you do. I'm passionate about calling these pricks out because nobody else is going to stand up and say something. You won't give me a legitimate excuse as to why it's a noob gun either... I just think you don't have one, that or you're just stalling until you come up with one. Oh, and it being "too good" of a gun, is not a legitimate excuse either. You could call the tv missile a noob weapon since it's one hit kill, but you don't, why is that?
Hockey Nut
+243|6843|Boston, MA

k30dxedle wrote:

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

Oh ya, and uhh, I don't know if you noticed this, but 1 shot to the head with ANY gun is a fucking kill.
Oh wait, you're wrong. Maybe before (repeatedly) flaming someone with "facts", you should check your so-called "facts", hmm? (Don't take me too seriously - after all, wrong > right.) Any gun with a damage of 100/3 or more  will kill in a single shot to the head. In other words, the...

Type 85


HK21E not kill in one shot to the head.
Alright sorry, I didn't know that, but at th same time, G36e is right up there listed with the guns that don't get 1 shot kills then... Also, the AK-101 isn't up there. Therefore the AK-101 has a bigger advantage at all times. So wouldn't that make the AK-101 a noob gun? At least by this guy's standards it does...
AK-101 just seems to me the most balanced assault rifle when considering both accuracy and damage, thats why I always use it when I have the chance. The G36E and the M16A2 are also very similar, but in the end, the G36 comes out on the top. And no, the g36E is not a "noob" gun, fuck you.

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

Zulu_Soldier wrote:

Im not going to explain, from what ive read you seem to be very emotional over the subject and i dont feel like making you post again, when i know you are going to cry about it.
I'm not even passionate about the G36e. I'm just sick and tired of assholes like you who criticize players who don't play the same style you do. I'm passionate about calling these pricks out because nobody else is going to stand up and say something. You won't give me a legitimate excuse as to why it's a noob gun either... I just think you don't have one, that or you're just stalling until you come up with one. Oh, and it being "too good" of a gun, is not a legitimate excuse either. You could call the tv missile a noob weapon since it's one hit kill, but you don't, why is that?
Im sick and tired of people like you, insulting somebody for voicing an opinion, i could have called you an unlock using wanker but i didnt.
Ill tell you why its a noob gun, becuase anybody can use, it takes so little skill to use in comparison to the M16. By all means use the gun but i dont respect anyone who does and nor do many other clan players.

FrankieSpankie3388 wrote:

You could call the tv missile a noob weapon since it's one hit kill, but you don't, why is that?

Last edited by Zulu_Soldier (2007-01-08 18:10:16)

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