+240|6975|Austin, TX

jonnykill wrote:

Fucking troop signed a contract to protect the country. He is not fufilling
the contract.
"I, [state your name] do swear/affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will bear true faith and allegence to the same, and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniformed Code of Militay Justice (so help me God.)

Last edited by imortal (2007-01-04 22:41:01)

+231|6683|Kyiv, Ukraine
What happens when the President IS the enemy of the constitution?

I guess this is the crux of the matter.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

It amazes me to see that there are so many here that can't understand what would happen if soldiers were allowed to make policy individually. I'm sure there are many soldiers who see Iran as a threat. Does this mean that they should take actions on their own? Screw what our leaders tell us to do, let's drive our division over the border into the real source of the problem. People see things as ok when it suits their needs. Pure fucking hypocritical.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Should have ducked
+394|6797|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
This man, I use the term liberally, is a pussy. When you join the military...... wait, MILITARY IE war fighting force. Oh wait, he just joined for the college money. He should be stripped of his bars and sent to prison and get a dishonorable discharge. I didn't want to go to Iraq but I followed orders and went.

Edit: If he didn't want to fight, then why did he join the Infantry???

Last edited by SgtHeihn (2007-01-05 02:10:13)

As wrong as the war in Iraq was/is it has to be said: don't sign up for the military if you think you are going to get to exercise your own free will. A strong army doesn't have room for such things. The guy only has himself to blame. Having said that, it is scary to think that American society is so polarised and the military has been misused so much that one has to think twice about joining it on the grounds of 'Will this adminstration just send me into another pointless war or war fought on false pretences?'. You should almost be allowed to resign from the army repercussion-free depending on what party is in power and your own political leanings!!

Last edited by CameronPoe (2007-01-05 02:25:36)

Should have ducked
+394|6797|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
Also I i hear one more person say their were not WMD in Iraq, I'm going to flip: … estruction

Nuclear, Biological or CHEMICAL............
We found stock piles of Chemical weapons, IE WMDs, and who knows if their are nuke their or not, there are alot of holes in the desert, and alot of problems get buried in those holes.

We are still finding things today.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.

BN wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Fucking troop signed a contract to protect the country.
How was invading Iraq protecting the USA? They didn't have the weapons the government spoke of.

This is an occupation now.
Um news flash, they kinda did have them. Oh wait thats right, the news didnt want you to know that so therefore you dont. It must be a nice sheltered feeling, living off of what your TV and your PC tell you. If that was my source to the outside world (a computer), I would think the world was nothing but porn and hot pockets.
Malloy must go
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
This lil' girlie man is an embarassment to the other soldiers. He just doesnt want to redeploy and thats all. Im glad we dont have pussies in the Marines like this.
Malloy must go
+231|6683|Kyiv, Ukraine
It amazes me to see that there are so many here that can't understand what would happen if soldiers were allowed to make policy individually. I'm sure there are many soldiers who see Iran as a threat. Does this mean that they should take actions on their own? Screw what our leaders tell us to do, let's drive our division over the border into the real source of the problem. People see things as ok when it suits their needs. Pure fucking hypocritical.
That soldier didn't make policy, he refused to participate in something he saw as anti-ethical to being a good American, namely participating in an illegal war that was propogated by purely manufactured reasoning.  There is a precedent for this, but only a few cases in the American military dating back to the Civil War.  In the IDF, there has been many cases where highly trained and decorated pilots have refused unethical orders in the heat of battle.  There have been MANY cases in history where a soldier would have easily been considered a hero for refusing an immoral order, why is it different when it is a US soldier?

Besides, not all of us can get ourselves assigned to glamour units like the Texas Air National Guard in order to avoid wartime service.

Oh wait, he just joined for the college money.
Believe it or not, some of us join out of a sense of public service.  I had scholarships and parent's money coming out my wazoo when I signed up, I've never collected on my college benefits and don't plan to do so, and it wasn't even a distant consideration when I joined.  I don't believe I was alone in this, nor do I believe it was a dumb choice. At no point in this man's testimony did this man state that he joined "for the college money."  This particular talking point that keeps getting brought up is null and void.

As wrong as the war in Iraq was/is it has to be said: don't sign up for the military if you think you are going to get to exercise your own free will.
The only sure things in life are death and taxes.  In an "all volunteer" army, you do have some free will.  You are not a slave in a free society, military member or not.  As an officer though, this man should have resigned his commission out of protest, which has been the classical way to handle this, not wait until deployment time...this is where he screwed up.

That being said, there are a few tricks that are being pulled right now that I became a victim of personally and I'm sure many others have.  It's called "Stop Loss", aka, the "Back door draft".  My voluntary contract ran out in 2002, but I was kept in for another 18 months against my will.  If I had allowed them to promote me, I would have been involuntarily extended for life (to the 20 year mark).  Now, after 3 years of being out, my parents back in the US have recieved notice that I am to report again.  I did nearly 9 years already, but I only volunteered for 7 of them.  I will happily go back though when Jenna Bush goes in uniform.

I still can't figure out what the hate is for.  If you are in the military, are you jealous that he is doing what you didn't have the balls to do?  Do you not realize that his actions have a minute chance of saving the life of a fellow soldier by underscoring and bringing to light the BS reasons why we are there and went there in the first place and putting on political pressure to end it?  Of 150,000 troops or so, he certainly won't be missed by not being there, especially as a grunt LT.  Of those without the balls to sign up yourselves, I can't even begin to imagine the problem...because you feel that he is defying an extension of your own power?  That he won't be a good tool and go kill bad brown people?  Do you feel so strongly about American Empire that this man is such an affront to what you hold dear about your superiority or manhood?  Do you believe that by throwing enough American lives into the meat grinder that it will make everything better in a war against people that you only know by 15 second blurbs on FoxNews?

I digress, bottom line is this man is doing what he feels is right and may sacrifice up to 6 years of his life for it.  There's all kinds of ways to game the system if you don't want to go to war out of cowardice, but he didn't choose any path like that.  If you can't respect that, what can you respect?

Um news flash, they kinda did have them. Oh wait thats right, the news didnt want you to know that so therefore you dont.
Just because a single neo-con Senate member (Santorum) wishes it were true and said so on Fox, doesn't make it true.  His wonderful memo he wrote up himself was more or less total fantasy magically produced but failed to rally his electorate last election year (poor guy lost his seat).  If it was, I'm sure Tony Snow would be singing it from the WH podium and rafters.  From 97 to 99 I was personally on the large team that made the real assessments (one every two years) as a translator, and believe me, we were thorough.  In 2002, Saddam gave inspectors carte blanche to go running around and served up a completely unedited 10,000 page doc of the disposition of everything he had weapons related.  There were no suprises on that report, nor were there any omissions.  We did find a small cache of rusty artillery shells, which could theoretically be chemically armed leftover from the early 80's Iran-Iraq War, as well as a single shell that had definitely buried from before '87 containing a trace of Sarin, but nearly all of the 8 shells never had been filled and no traces of chemical existed in any but the one.  Nothing on the scale that would justify going to war over, and all evidence points to a simple hasty and failed disposal, not storage or intention to ever use them again.

And personally, Deeznuts, I'll let you in on a little secret...your chain of command will LIE to you.  They have done so in the past, and they will again.  For military expediency it happens for good or bad, whatever it takes to motivate you.  When I was deployed I just finally gave up trying to explain reality to my soldiers, as what they believed from the unit rumor mill and what was put out in briefings and what I actually saw come through on the computers for intel assessments in the G/S-2 were nearly always two different things.  I'm not saying it was right or wrong, but it does lead to some pretty fucked up mentalities and some dangerously silly judgment errors ("Noooo, don't shoot the sheep, they really aren't strapping bombs!")

Last edited by GorillaTicTacs (2007-01-05 03:47:35)

lol if he did that in the WW 2, he would be shoot down by an execution squad, for beeing a coward and traitor.

ok ok ! you can discus of iraq war is justified or not, but if he had been a memeber of a conscript army like in some countrys then i would say ok, they signed him up without to ask him, BUT here he is a member of a profesional army, it means he entered a recruitment office free, took informations, asked to enter that army and did everything its needed to enter it, from his own will !  and now after beeing in all the training and education its asked him to do his job ..... he say .... no !
its... i cant explain it.

ok he dont have to go in iraq, but i want him to pay back all the money (sold) it was payd to him, all the material he used, all the education bills, pay for all the building/water/electricity/food/..... he used for free, that he pay all the hours (years) to instructors who spend time with him to teach him the soldries job, all the administrativ and medical bullshit/services that were made for him.

well add all that and you get a few million dollars ( maybe even more ... ), ok when he pay all that he can go to hell, till that moment he have to serve and obey to finish his contract or =>jail
smells like wee wee

deeznutz1245 wrote:

BN wrote:

jonnykill wrote:

Fucking troop signed a contract to protect the country.
How was invading Iraq protecting the USA? They didn't have the weapons the government spoke of.

This is an occupation now.
Um news flash, they kinda did have them. Oh wait thats right, the news didnt want you to know that so therefore you dont. It must be a nice sheltered feeling, living off of what your TV and your PC tell you. If that was my source to the outside world (a computer), I would think the world was nothing but porn and hot pockets.
Um news they did not.

NO WMD's, NO links to Al Qaeda, NO mobile weapon labs, NO buying yellow cake uranium from Niger.

If they have WMD'S Fox News, Republican Propaganda Machine, would have been dancing in the streets.

US found some weapons but not the ones mentioned in the cases stated before the UN & Congress.

If you are going to make a comment at least be informed of the facts.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

GorillaTicTacs his right to refuse service was given up when he enlisted. It is his own fault. I have no problem with a person disagreeing with the war. You obviously have no idea how the military works.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+231|6683|Kyiv, Ukraine
It's not about the military.  It is about free will which all of us can excercise, which was the point.  I can put a gun to your head and tell you to strangle your wife and kids, but it is still your free will whether you do so or not.  A man ALWAYS has a choice in what he does, unless some mental condition or programming forces a pre-determined course of action.  He's chose between being principled and going to jail, or continuing to be a cog in a machine which he knows in his heart is going the wrong way.  Other choices would have been to dishonestly game the system, claim he was gay, and kiss his commander, or eat his way to freedom, or break himself, and if he was doing this purely out of cowardice that would have been the way to go.

Now, in nearly every legal system, given the example above, no court would find you guilty of killing your wife and kids under such circumstances...but how well would you sleep at night after that?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

It is about the military, the one he joined. That is the entire point. No one has a problem with free will. No one is being forced to join the military and fight. It is no secret to anyone that when you sign up you lose some rights. There was no gun held to his head to make him sign up. If you would like to hold those rights close to you don't join. How much simpler can it be?

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-01-05 04:45:51)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+231|6683|Kyiv, Ukraine
So by signing up to do your patriotic duty you immediately lose your ability to make ethical and moral judgments if a situation arises later that calls them into question?  This line of reasoning was debunked during the Nuremburg trials.  "I vas only followink orders" was not a defense then and it won't be later.

lol if he did that in the WW 2, he would be shoot down by an execution squad, for beeing a coward and traitor.
Guess it depends whose side you were on.  If he was German and didn't do that, he would have been dangling from a rope after a military tribunal lead by a fat russian and some Jewish lawyers.  I'd rather the Jewish lawyers and fat Russians be on my side.

ok he dont have to go in iraq, but i want him to pay back all the money (sold) it was payd to him, all the material he used, all the education bills, pay for all the building/water/electricity/food/...ok when he pay all that he can go to hell, till that moment he have to serve and obey to finish his contract or =>jail
First off, infantry training and about 3 months of OCS is roughly only $50,000 or so in real dollars.  My 2 years of language school was the civilian equivelent of $160,000, while basic pilot training for any service might hit the $500,000 mark.  That's all besides the point...why don't we instead have the corporate masters of the neo-con movement re-imburse the American taxpayer every dime we spent on this military misadventure and put about $10,000 back into the pocket of every middle-class taxpayer?  Or we could even call it a day, send every soldier in Iraq home, and divvy up this year's Iraq war budget amongst them and put an extra few $1000 in their pockets with an apology signed by Bush and a "thank you" note...I'm all for that.  OR we could take all that money and invest in alternative energy and domestic energy projects, make them work, and never have to mess with the middle-east again.  OR we could take all that money, buy every Iraqi and Palestinian and Israeli family a 3-bedroom/2-bath home on an acre of land or more each, rebuild their infrastructure with competent contractors, buy them all an XBox, and call it a day.

If you're concerned about money, you obviously don't support this administrations policies.  This is called Real Politik, and it doesn't fit the neo-con agenda.

Last edited by GorillaTicTacs (2007-01-05 05:41:51)


GorillaTicTacs wrote:

So by signing up to do your patriotic duty you immediately lose your ability to make ethical and moral judgments if a situation arises later that calls them into question?  This line of reasoning was debunked during the Nuremburg trials.  "I vas only followink orders" was not a defense then and it won't be later.

lol if he did that in the WW 2, he would be shoot down by an execution squad, for beeing a coward and traitor.
Guess it depends whose side you were on.  If he was German and didn't do that, he would have been dangling from a rope after a military tribunal lead by a fat russian and some Jewish lawyers.  I'd rather the Jewish lawyers and fat Russians be on my side.

ok he dont have to go in iraq, but i want him to pay back all the money (sold) it was payd to him, all the material he used, all the education bills, pay for all the building/water/electricity/food/...ok when he pay all that he can go to hell, till that moment he have to serve and obey to finish his contract or =>jail
First off, infantry training and about 3 months of OCS is roughly only $50,000 or so in real dollars.  My 2 years of language school was the civilian equivelent of $160,000, while basic pilot training for any service might hit the $500,000 mark.  That's all besides the point...why don't we instead have the corporate masters of the neo-con movement re-imburse the American taxpayer every dime we spent on this military misadventure and put about $10,000 back into the pocket of every middle-class taxpayer?  Or we could even call it a day, send every soldier in Iraq home, and divvy up this year's Iraq war budget amongst them and put an extra few $1000 in their pockets with an apology signed by Bush and a "thank you" note...I'm all for that.  OR we could take all that money and invest in alternative energy and domestic energy projects, make them work, and never have to mess with the middle-east again.  OR we could take all that money, buy every Iraqi and Palestinian and Israeli family a 3-bedroom/2-bath home on an acre of land or more each, rebuild their infrastructure with competent contractors, buy them all an XBox, and call it a day.

If you're concerned about money, you obviously don't support this administrations policies.  This is called Real Politik, and it doesn't fit the neo-con agenda.
its simple : you against war ? => dont join army
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden

SgtHeihn wrote:

Also I i hear one more person say their were not WMD in Iraq, I'm going to flip: … estruction

Nuclear, Biological or CHEMICAL............
We found stock piles of Chemical weapons, IE WMDs, and who knows if their are nuke their or not, there are alot of holes in the desert, and alot of problems get buried in those holes.

We are still finding things today.
yes and we all know that wikipedia is a really good source for solid facts! gooooood job!
+231|6683|Kyiv, Ukraine
Again, not so simple.  Obviously if you are against "war" as a concept, you don't belong in the military.  These people are called "conscientious objectors", and it is a valid discharge from the military if you take this path.  To get that status, you must be against ALL WAR.  Obviously, he believes as many others do, that war is perfectly ok if it is a JUST WAR as defined by well-established parameters (see several posts back).  Being a cheap corporate mercenary just doesn't suit some soldiers.

Damn, I should be this Watada dude's defense lawyer...

SgtHeihn wrote:
Also I i hear one more person say their were not WMD in Iraq, I'm going to flip: … estruction

Nuclear, Biological or CHEMICAL............
We found stock piles of Chemical weapons, IE WMDs, and who knows if their are nuke their or not, there are alot of holes in the desert, and alot of problems get buried in those holes.

We are still finding things today.
Sgt.Heihn, FROM THE ARTICLE YOU POSTED...let me point this out.  You should probably read the whole thing before you try to back up a statement with it. … l_politics
More recently, the threat of potential WMD in Iraq was used by George W. Bush to generate public support for the 2003 invasion of Iraq ([18], [19], [20]). Broad reference to Iraqi WMD in general was seen as an element of Bush's arguments ([21]). The Iraq Survey Group found no WMD stockpiles or programs in Iraq. On June 21, 2006, United States Senator Rick Santorum claimed that "We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons." According to the Washington Post, he was referring to 500 degraded shells "that had been buried near the Iranian border, and then long forgotten, by Iraqi troops during their eight-year war with Iran, which ended in 1988." That night, "intelligence officials reaffirmed that the shells were old and were not the suspected weapons of mass destruction sought in Iraq after the 2003 invasion." The shells had been uncovered and reported on in 2004.[22].
Also try the next section which basically says "only idiots watch Fox News", based on independent study groups. … age_of_WMD

Last edited by GorillaTicTacs (2007-01-05 06:23:22)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

GorillaTicTacs wrote:

So by signing up to do your patriotic duty you immediately lose your ability to make ethical and moral judgments if a situation arises later that calls them into question?  This line of reasoning was debunked during the Nuremburg trials.  "I vas only followink orders" was not a defense then and it won't be later.
Genocide and war are not the same. When we start putting civilians on buses to be gassed maybe then you will have a valid point. To pretend it's the same is not rational.

Also take note, he is not a conscientious objector. He believes the war to be illegal.

Last edited by Kmarion (2007-01-05 06:25:10)

Xbone Stormsurgezz
+231|6683|Kyiv, Ukraine
Only a small fraction of the different Nuremburg trials involved the charge of genocide against civilians.  A majority of the charges were based on Count #1, Waging a War of Aggression.
"Being a cheap corporate mercenary just doesn't suit some soldiers." ?

well it dont have to suit them, its not supposed to suit them.

The word soldier is derived from an Old French word, itself a derivation of Solidarius, Latin for someone who served for pay, as opposed to warriors in tribal society where every grown man is automatically a member of his clan's fighting force. Solidare in Latin means "to pay"; Roman soldiers were paid in solidi, so-called because they were a new type of solid gold coin brought in after a reform of the Roman money system. The common origin for the words soldier and payment survives not only in French (soldat and solde) but also in other languages, like German (Soldat and Sold), Spanish (soldado and soldada) and Dutch (soldaat and soldij).

its like that, you are a soldier , you get payd to do something, you do it ( IT DONT HAVE TO SUIT YOU ! )
and if definitely it dont suit you , stop being / call your self a soldier.

ok we live today, not in the time of roman empire, and when you join military you sing up a contract ( a lawyers  knows importance of legaly established contracts ) for a few years, as long as contract is valid, he have to do what is asked for him, in exchange he gets his sold

Last edited by Mogura (2007-01-05 06:35:37)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6911|132 and Bush

I have a question for those who have served also. Don't they ask you before you enlist if you are a "Conscientious Objector".
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+231|6683|Kyiv, Ukraine
Actually, they do, but they don't care at the time.  I actually had a soldier come in to my shop with mild Down's Syndrome (he got out on medical discharge after I dragged him through the process, he kept destroying computers and it wasn't really his fault), so recruiters aren't that picky.  You can have a fruitful, albeit limited, career as a peacenik and you will be restricted to basically "female" jobs, no front line combat jobs and no deployments where combat is a possibility (really hampers your awards file).  It is easy to get it if you list yourself as such when recruited, getting that status later in your career though requires quite a few things, like a questionaire and a letter from a chaplin, as well as a military review board.  It helps a lot if you are also a Quaker, but I believe a few other odd religious sects can get you that status more easily.

Basically, you need to be against killing of any kind AND war as a concept.

Here's the regulation -

Last edited by GorillaTicTacs (2007-01-05 07:03:26)

+86|6706|Indianapolis, IN

I_invented_BF2 wrote:

he is a damn pussy.

the war is NOT illegal. even if the offial reason to go to war was chemical weapons plants, and they didn't find any, it isn't illegal. a nation does NOT need to file any reason, why they would want to declare war against another country. that is their right as an independant nation. the only thing they need to go to war, is the WILL to do so..

he has brought shame to the US military, and I hope he get treated according to that.

+18|6852|Outer Space

Mogura wrote:

its like that, you are a soldier , you get payd to do something, you do it ( IT DONT HAVE TO SUIT YOU ! )
and if definitely it dont suit you , stop being / call your self a soldier.

ok we live today, not in the time of roman empire, and when you join military you sing up a contract ( a lawyers  knows importance of legaly established contracts ) for a few years, as long as contract is valid, he have to do what is asked for him, in exchange he gets his sold
Yeah, I love it how people like you think.

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

Let me pose a hypothetical question to you:

Your country is involved in a war. You are winning and a number of enemy troops surrenders to your unit. They are disarmed and handcuffed when a superior officer comes, and orders you to shoot them. Do you obey the order?

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