$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Ok, what happens when you take a blackhawk, a 6 person squad, one kick ass squad leader (me), and a little bit of luck... yea, you got it, it's called ownage.

Ok let me explain the technique real quick. First, I convinced 5 people to join my squad and to listen to me if they wanted to get the best scores of their life in Wake. Next, I got into the blackhawk at carrier and ascended to about 200ft before moving forward to where enemies can engage us. A semi-long trip to the airfield had 2 guys get antsy and bail on my in the middle of the ocean, but when we finally got to the airfield, the rest bailed out. We were at about 375 feet at that point so no AA site could possibly target us, and planes have a hard time flyinig up that high so they don't even bother.

Why was this so sweet? Well the reason I was a kick ass squad leader is because all I did for that whole round was hover over the airfield (and other flags as needed), and served as a mobile spawn point. At first my clan mates were kinda doubtful about my ideas, but after the first jump, they quickly seemed to enjoy falling from high up. We literally took over the airfield within the first wave of attacks, and quickly spread out to the other flags. The baddies never knew what hit them. They would kill all 5 of us trying to take over the flag, only to have us reappear 15 seconds later out of nowhere.

I loved it because it felt like actual teamwork! We had a routine going, they would listen to me about when to bail and when to wait. Commander was really good so he'd let me know where he wanted me to go protect/attack constantly. It was just sweet.

I had a medic kit which was good since as soon as a squad member died, I would see the heart symbol appear indicating that they were gonna spawn on me soon. This gave me the heads up to level up and stop maneuvering (because otherwise when they jump you might hit them with the chopper and lose points). After a while, my team got the hang of it and they would spawn and jump out immediatelly.

Anyway, I had a good time doing this so I wanted to share, and please, I beg of you, if you ever play with me in a Wake server, and I have a squad called "Paratroops", please join: I promise you won't regret it and you will help me not feel like an idiot flying up there for no frickin reason.
Sounds like a damn good tactic.... I'm in
+25|7080|Yorkshire, UK.
I was one of the HALO para's for Wake. It worked a treat. Didn't get my best ever score but got massive teamwork scores. Intruiging tactic...
Yep, I'm a HALO jump junkie too--though I usuially have to go it alone.

Also, if you're a really good shot, try sniping someone on your way down...
Ach du Sheisse!!!!
Ya, if I'm a squad leader, I got a helocopter, I don't have much lag, I'm a spawn point...
It's really fun
+28|7061|Germany, Berlin
yeah, sounds like a kick-ass idea......teamwork to its fullest
Sounds like a fantastic idea, i want to join too, what server you usually play on?

GotMex? wrote:

and planes have a hard time flyinig up that high so they don't even bother
lol. then the pilots dnt knw how to fly. i live in the clouds. you wouldnt last a min up there in my clans server
(-DoD-) just incase you wanna try it. but......if your in a server with crap pilots its a great idea
Horseman 77
a helio so high that it can't be engaged by AA or Fighters? sounds like an expliot. patch 1.04 please.
+0|7047|Hannover, Germany
Great, that's some cool teamwork stuff.
But where do you get your points from then?
noob on tour

Hidden&Aiming wrote:

Great, that's some cool teamwork stuff.
But where do you get your points from then?
Nowhere as he has to fly the chopper all the time.
+0|7047|Hannover, Germany
Well, isn't that a little disgusting? No effort for such a pretty team action?
its unfortunate that no one really does this any more since 2 patches ago. its a very good, very devistating tactic. they all stopped and started heli capping. now i rarely see a heli squad. this is exactly what you're supposed to do. hell i still jump out of the attack chopper gun to help cap the flag faster. once you clear it out you got 15 secs to drop the flag, and ones its neutral it an assist point for you. now imagine that with 4 people dropping the flag, 3 of which are your eyes on the ground, and 2 gunners for support.

good job man. we need more team players like you.
+1|7075|Nellis AFB
Sounds like an awesome tactic.
AK Whore
+152|7116|Barrington, RI
This tactic works on Mashtuur City as well.  my clan was split between MEC and US and the MEC pilot was on TS telling me to join his squad saying I was missing out on all the fun not realizing that I was on the US.  the MEC just kept raining down from their helo onto the US main base where the BH spawns, and they would toss C4 on the way down, and they just overwhelmed the defenders.  we never knew where they were they were coming from.  we figured they had a squad leader on the ground but we couldn't find him, instead he was in the MEC helo just hovering.  he was flying high enough that he was out of visual range, and they kept destroying the AA on the roof.

Last edited by sewermasta324 (2005-11-27 11:53:06)

Renagade Warrior
Reminds me of Desert combat. Whenever there was a heli that counted as a spawn point on a map the pilot would fly high as possible and people would just spawn in it a nd make helo jumps.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Count me in. I loved this tactic in DC, yet to see anyone do this in BF2
177th Field Artillery
+39|7061|In your head
Hey man what server you play on? Let me know and I will come kick some ass with ya bro!
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|7130|Marathon, Florida Keys
this was popular in bfv also, as the whole team spawned in the transport helo, looked like d-day all over again
Sleep Deprived

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

this was popular in bfv also, as the whole team spawned in the transport helo, looked like d-day all over again
Exactly.  But those BFV helos could really fly higher than anything else. 

The ones in BF2 have a pretty low ceiling so I agree with the other poster, that where there are semi-competent jet pilots, this is an easy 6 kills for them. 

On Mashtuur however, it would work fine.  In fact this could finally even up the absolutely outclassed MEC helo with some functionality as long as a pilot is willing to get no points for the greater good of the team.
+8|7075|Ontario, Canada
I was in on this last night too. It was a great tactic for getting troops to a tactical point all together and quickly too. Above all else, it was great teamwork and a load of fun.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

Sweet, I'm glad everyone seems to be a fan of this technique. Quick notes on what I read: First off, yes I didn't get any points for being the pilot of such chopper, however my fun came from seeing my team take over flags that would've been hard to take, and keeping the chopper steady was a bit of a challenge there too. However, when I do this with my friends (we're all in the same room, easy to communicate), we just take turns piloting. So as soon as one of my teammates spawns in the chopper, the pilot bails out and the new teammate assumes piloting position. This way everyone gets a turn at parachuting and getting points.

Second, AA site will definatelly not be able to target you, but planes and choppers could take you down if they decide to bother with it. However, it takes a skilled pilot to target a chopper so high up (I believe your plane might start shaking and be hard to control), just like it takes a skilled chopper pilot to stay put up there. As for attack choppers, it's a long climb up there, but once they do, a TV-missle or some well placed bullets/missles will quickly waste the chopper away. So basically, I don't think this is really an exploit, just takes different techniques to deal with this threat. I found that the pilots sometimes don't bother because the most points you'll get by taking the chopper out is 4, because at most you'll have the pilot and one teammate. It's not that lucrative of a target.
i try to do that as much as possible, but hard to find a decent squad to do it with
Acctually, i beleive on Fushe pass the usmc team can accquire 3 black hawks with relative ease.
So once we had 3 diffrent para squads all assulting diffrent bases.
Well it worked great and we didnt even bother going high since one man ussually stayed on a minigun.
If you are a good pilot you just circle the base slowly so that the one minigun can cover your troops.

A word of warning though never have 3 low flying HALO groups attack the same base........ at first it works but once you start your holding pattern things get a little funny. I think i clipped someone tail they smacked the other squad and then crashed the other squad pulled up straight into my chopper as some guys where jumping out. Funniest thing i saw in a while.
I did this on Mashtuur, and it was heaps on fun, knowing that the n00bs below couldn't figure it out (or if they did, know what to do about it). And although I didn't get any points, I did get my basic heli badge. w00t

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