Hooray Beer!
+94|6612|United States
I understand his fear of the loss of power. Muslims go in and take over. Just look at what Amsterdam has become. It's not even the same place anymore. Why? Muslims came in, decided they didn't like what was going on, and had the country change everything. And why would a country do such a thing? Because if they had pushed the Muslims out it would have been religious persecution or racism. Muslims love playing the 'Stop labeling me as a terrorist and change your ways to suit ours or we'll be very upset and tell everyone you think we're terrorists.' I'm tired of it. Removing the political cartoon was absolute bullshit. Freedom of speech completely washed down the drain. Let our press bash every other religion in a political cartoon, but the Muslims... omg, no no no no. They might get mad. It's bad enough that they're seriously discussing adding religious Muslims temples in every airport to allow Muslims a place to meditate, relax, or whatever they do. WOW. Where's my Christian relaxing temple-lobby at? Where are the Buddhists temples? How about the Jewish ones? Why don't airports include those as well?

Our country has ENOUGH problems with illegal immigrants as it is, and we don't need anymore. The fact that we **LET** illegal Mexicans into our country, and give them **FREE** health care that **WE** pay for with taxes makes me want to personally deport everyone of their sorry asses back to their shit hole. Not to mention that they aren't bound by as many laws as we are, they don't have to pay social security, they don't need a drivers license.... the list goes on. How DARE illegals sneak into our country illegally and then start demanding that they should have this and that. Did anyone watch the immigrant rally in NY? Pathetic. How stupid are these illegals. This is YOUR country. I snuck in via evading your countries citizen policies. I don't pay taxes. So yeah... you need to give me free health care, you need to let me drive without a license, you need to give my children scholarships to go to school, and you need to give me that without me contributing anything in return... except maybe some cleaner pools or nicely cut lawns.

I don't have ANY problem with people that move to America and actually take the steps necessary to become a citizen. I understand that America is seen as a place of refuge or a place to start over for many many people. However, this is OUR country, and if you want to live here then you sure as shit better live here by OUR rules. You have no place to demand a single damn thing. Deal with it or get the fuck out.
O Canada
+1,596|6447|North Carolina

BeerzGod wrote:

I don't have ANY problem with people that move to America and actually take the steps necessary to become a citizen. I understand that America is seen as a place of refuge or a place to start over for many many people. However, this is OUR country, and if you want to live here then you sure as shit better live here by OUR rules. You have no place to demand a single damn thing. Deal with it or get the fuck out.
Well, I can definitely agree with that.  It's just that dealing with the current situation is difficult.

Ultimately, this should be a situation where the illegals are at our mercy, but unfortunately, political correctness has moved things in the opposite direction....
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6722|Colorado Springs, CO

RedTwizzler wrote:

arabeater wrote:

RedTwizzler wrote:

Whoa, hold on. I'm not gonna "open that bag of shit", but did you seriously just say that people on welfare should be FORCED into taking jobs? Isn't that the essence of slavery?
Well tell me this do you wanna have these lazy ass people who are for the most part capable of working but are just too goddamn lazy to get off of their ass's and enjoy having hard working citizens (me and you) pay their bills? I sure as shit dont. Also its not slavery, its forcing them to get a job for a change and pay their own bills. These people would be taking jobs that the illegals wouldve otherwise took. We can knock out 2 birds with 1 stone here ( get rid of illegals taking jobs from legal citizens and get lazy ass people off of welfare). Damn I need to call my congressman immediately.
Well, of course I don't want to pay for them to sit on their asses, per se, but I also think that forcing a person into working in order to pay off their bills is eerily similar to the indentured servidtude systems of old America, where immigrants would come from Europe, then work for the person who paid for their trip, in exchange for food and clothes.

I don't think that the average working-class citizen should be taxed to fund welfare, but that's not my decision. Maybe if the government wasn't so concerned with giving tax breaks to the rich, they could put the welfare system on their shoulders.
Ok, fair enough. Thats your opinion and you know mine. I just feel that their needs to be something done.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6722|Colorado Springs, CO

Turquoise wrote:

BeerzGod wrote:

I don't have ANY problem with people that move to America and actually take the steps necessary to become a citizen. I understand that America is seen as a place of refuge or a place to start over for many many people. However, this is OUR country, and if you want to live here then you sure as shit better live here by OUR rules. You have no place to demand a single damn thing. Deal with it or get the fuck out.
Well, I can definitely agree with that.  It's just that dealing with the current situation is difficult.

Ultimately, this should be a situation where the illegals are at our mercy, but unfortunately, political correctness has moved things in the opposite direction....
Yes, we need to put a stop to this shit before it gets outta hand. We cant have illegals telling us how to run our country, thats complete and utter bullshit.
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6722|Colorado Springs, CO

BeerzGod wrote:

I understand his fear of the loss of power. Muslims go in and take over. Just look at what Amsterdam has become. It's not even the same place anymore. Why? Muslims came in, decided they didn't like what was going on, and had the country change everything. And why would a country do such a thing? Because if they had pushed the Muslims out it would have been religious persecution or racism. Muslims love playing the 'Stop labeling me as a terrorist and change your ways to suit ours or we'll be very upset and tell everyone you think we're terrorists.' I'm tired of it. Removing the political cartoon was absolute bullshit. Freedom of speech completely washed down the drain. Let our press bash every other religion in a political cartoon, but the Muslims... omg, no no no no. They might get mad. It's bad enough that they're seriously discussing adding religious Muslims temples in every airport to allow Muslims a place to meditate, relax, or whatever they do. WOW. Where's my Christian relaxing temple-lobby at? Where are the Buddhists temples? How about the Jewish ones? Why don't airports include those as well?

Our country has ENOUGH problems with illegal immigrants as it is, and we don't need anymore. The fact that we **LET** illegal Mexicans into our country, and give them **FREE** health care that **WE** pay for with taxes makes me want to personally deport everyone of their sorry asses back to their shit hole. Not to mention that they aren't bound by as many laws as we are, they don't have to pay social security, they don't need a drivers license.... the list goes on. How DARE illegals sneak into our country illegally and then start demanding that they should have this and that. Did anyone watch the immigrant rally in NY? Pathetic. How stupid are these illegals. This is YOUR country. I snuck in via evading your countries citizen policies. I don't pay taxes. So yeah... you need to give me free health care, you need to let me drive without a license, you need to give my children scholarships to go to school, and you need to give me that without me contributing anything in return... except maybe some cleaner pools or nicely cut lawns.

I don't have ANY problem with people that move to America and actually take the steps necessary to become a citizen. I understand that America is seen as a place of refuge or a place to start over for many many people. However, this is OUR country, and if you want to live here then you sure as shit better live here by OUR rules. You have no place to demand a single damn thing. Deal with it or get the fuck out.
Yea we are on the same page here my friend. Deport illegals for well being here illegally, its not really that hard to figure out.
The Octagon
+18|6454|da ville, va
That's my congressman. He's a douche. Never liked him. If I only knew where he lived.

I agree. We need to stop illegal immigrants.
+105|6673|Lexington, KY

evilcartman99 wrote:

That's my congressman. He's a douche. Never liked him. If I only knew where he lived.
Here is a start for you, Rocky Mount, VA.  That is at least where he works.

arabeater wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Yea I agree with punishing people that break the law and they should be no different. So what your saying is by enforcing our immigration laws and punishing the employers that are knowingly hiring illegals, would be a bad thing? Who cares about an outlashing, these people are here illegally! As long as you are here legally and can prove it to your employer you should have nothing to worry about.
Well, normally, I'm staunch about enforcing the law myself, but an outlashing against legal Hispanics is a bad thing.  The reaction would likely extend to legal Hispanics for multiple reasons....

1) people would group all Hispanics together as a liability, because identity theft is relatively easy (and already practiced by many illegals)

2) employers would have misplaced hate toward Hispanics for being the reason why hiring would suddenly be a lot more complicated and dangerous process for them

3) people are stupid, especially when acting on prejudice
Well then if they feel like that they are being treated unfairly as a whole race then they need to tell their illegal comrades to stop fucking up and either stay in their own country legally or get a permanant visa and become a legal citizen.
haha illegal do know that just because you speak spanish doesn't mean you some how know everyone from the South American continent and or Mexico
dosen't the christian religon say that god made all men eqauls so wtf is with
"this i believe in god, scru muslims as they are below me" - hes contradiciting his own religoin, what an excocentric prat
Do you have any idea how fooking busy I am?
+49|6722|Colorado Springs, CO

Fen321 wrote:

arabeater wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

Well, normally, I'm staunch about enforcing the law myself, but an outlashing against legal Hispanics is a bad thing.  The reaction would likely extend to legal Hispanics for multiple reasons....

1) people would group all Hispanics together as a liability, because identity theft is relatively easy (and already practiced by many illegals)

2) employers would have misplaced hate toward Hispanics for being the reason why hiring would suddenly be a lot more complicated and dangerous process for them

3) people are stupid, especially when acting on prejudice
Well then if they feel like that they are being treated unfairly as a whole race then they need to tell their illegal comrades to stop fucking up and either stay in their own country legally or get a permanant visa and become a legal citizen.
haha illegal do know that just because you speak spanish doesn't mean you some how know everyone from the South American continent and or Mexico
I'm sorry that you didnt sense my sarcasm their. No, but they can spread word to each other through friends and family and so on, that if your gonna come to America please do it legally. Is that too much to ask seriously?

RedTwizzler wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

RedTwizzler wrote:

You realize how many business owners, big and small, would be in jail, or fined (depending on the sentence for employing an illegal)? It could very well screw over the economy. Plus, there would be a foreseeable outlashing against employing hispanics, legal or not, since it would become a liability.

I actually agree with the guest worker idea.
I disagree.  It would screw with the pockets of those business owners.  Illegals don't do jobs American's won't do, they do them for a lot less money.  Don't fool yourselves, these business are just lining their own pockets because they can pay someone illegal a lot less money than an American.
From a business standpoint, you are correct. However, arabeater said that all employers who employ illegals should be prosecuted. There's no telling how many businesses employ illegals, and therefore there is no telling how many CEOs would end up in prison.
Who cares how many of them go to prison if they are criminals? Business execs are very replaceable in a population of 300,000,000. There could easily be warnings.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2006-12-20 22:34:59)


SenatorMendoza wrote:

arabeater wrote:

I agree. We have enough people here. Stop all immigrants illegal and legal. We have enough people seriously.
China has more people (about 4 times as many as the USA)
They bred way too much before, ever heard of one child policy?
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6716|Canberra, AUS

dubbs wrote:

Fen321 wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

What's wrong?
Aside from the obvious racism....alot
Nothing in the letter said anything about race.  It talked about any certain race.  He did talk about people entering teh USA, but he did not say anything about race. 

Just so everyone understands, being a Muslim is not saying you have a DIFFERENT RACE.  I have a cousin who is Muslim, does that mean that he is a different race then me? NO, it just means that he has a different religion.

If anything, he does not have any religious tolerance. wrote:



5. any people united by common history, language, cultural traits, etc
So technically it IS racist, but religious tolerance is fine enough.

Carry on.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+11|6857|California, USA

Spearhead wrote:

SlightlySto0pid wrote:

Spearhead wrote:


Who gives a shit where they are in the country...... AMERICA, LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT.  He can go become a representative for the god damn Vatican if he wants to.
I believe he represents his district in Washington but I COULD BE WRONG I DO NOT HAVE A COLLEGE DEGREE ON THE SUBJECT!
Who cares?  If he's going to represent ANY religion, why not at least make an EFFORT to be understanding of other religions.  His actions are blatantly racist, and people like him should be shunned by our society and the media.
It be easier if the muslim religion was understanding and compassionate towards "non-beleivers"

Blatant Racist.
Government, politics and religion are not supposed to be tied together in America, no?
Scratch where it itches

JahManRed wrote:

Blatant Racist.
Government, politics and religion are not supposed to be tied together in America, no?
The separation of church and state in the US only means that the government cant interfere in the business of the church. Not the other way around!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6716|Canberra, AUS

rawls wrote:

Spearhead wrote:

SlightlySto0pid wrote:

I believe he represents his district in Washington but I COULD BE WRONG I DO NOT HAVE A COLLEGE DEGREE ON THE SUBJECT!
Who cares?  If he's going to represent ANY religion, why not at least make an EFFORT to be understanding of other religions.  His actions are blatantly racist, and people like him should be shunned by our society and the media.
It be easier if the muslim religion was understanding and compassionate towards "non-beleivers"
Ever been to Bali? How about Phuket?

Both are very, very popular tourist resorts in areas which are predominantly Muslim. But you wouldn't know it.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

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