Just a quick question.  Obviously if you're in a jet and you hit somebody that's a ram.  But what is your opinion on if you're in the jet, you've lost your refueling cap, and you're out of ammo.  You then proceed to aim your jet at a tank, bail, and let the jet hit the tank, is that a ram?  Personally, I would think that in order to be a ram, the pilot should die with the jet, otherwise it's just like dropping bombs, but you give up your plane.  I mean should I have to just bail, if I can use the jet itself as one last weapon?  What do you think?  Also another situation comes to mind.  What if you have them capped out, and the last guy neutralizes a flag in a tank and you don't have any bombs nor time to refuel.  Wouldn't it be a valid tactic at that point?

Obviously it's a less than classy tactic, but should it be a bannable offense?

Last edited by oChaos.Haze (2006-12-16 16:11:53)

less busy
+586|6988|Kubra, Damn it!

Repeated, intentional ramming is kick-worthy, but I don't think it's a bannable offense. Now for your question, in that scenario it's still a ram, but doesn't seem as bad as regular smacktarding. So as you said, it's less than classy, but I don't think it's worthy of a kick/ban.
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6892|Comber, Northern Ireland
i'm going tobed, night night
I would say that Aiming and shooting a jet at somebody isn't a ram since you're not in the jet anymore...

I personnaly do that and people get pissed... Shouting at me.. Rammer rammer... But i think that's okay..! Raming is when you die in the action...!
I would say NO, It is NOT ramming.

You explained it well.  It is your last weapon of attack, at that point.
yes.....but your still gay
+138|6523|Pittsburgh, PA USA
I hate when people ram because it's just gay but in the situations your talking about it's perfectly legitimate. Using your vehicle as a weapon isn't exactly the same as ramming, especially if it's all you have left!

It's your last weapon. I say legit.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

I do that all the time when I run out of ammo. Also in the transport helicopters... if an enemy attack heli comes near, I ram the shit out of them. They then call me a noob/fag/omfguSux!!!1. Yeah, instead I'll shoot you down with my wheels.
AK Whore
+152|6949|Barrington, RI
yeah i may do it as a last resort but only if I know that my team has no chance of re-capping the airfield and i've expended all ammunition and i've run of out air tragets to intimidate with missile locks eevn though i have no missiles
Germans did 911
+427|6834|Disaster Free Zone
Whats wrong with Ramming period? Its a waste of a plane and it most likely hinders the rammer's team the most anyway. Next you'll say Jihad Jeeping is bad to...
who cares, what are they going to do, patch it so you cant ram people anymore. i ram jeeps, jets, and planes all the time. blackhawk(7 kills?) to my 1 death. ill take that anyday.

Last edited by T0rr3nt (2006-12-16 18:02:50)

Lol I do that all the time. Get in an F35 on wake island, and bail over the airfield. But, I can't just waste that perfectly good jet... so, if the tank is around the airfield, I drop from about 400 feet, wait till I'm 20 feet away and drop both bombs, then bail out...rofl
yes.....but your still gay
+138|6523|Pittsburgh, PA USA

DrunkFace wrote:

Whats wrong with Ramming period? Its a waste of a plane and it most likely hinders the rammer's team the most anyway. Next you'll say Jihad Jeeping is bad to...
Jeep Jihading is NEVER bad

Metal Godz
Damn it, this guy beat me to it...

I was going to say..  A 4 legged animal with horns that lives on cliffs.

+106|6534|UMass Amherst
I stated it on another thread, but here goes: using your vehicle as a last-ditch weapon (and surviving) isn't really a ram so much as desperate measures if you want to clinch the match.  Same thing with Jihading: if you bail out then detonate, it isn't so much suicidal as making a remote control car bomb, maximizing enemy casualties and minimizing your own.  People will still say 'omfg u sux fukkin n00b!' but you can laugh at them; if they had been paying attention, they could've blown you apart before you could get close enough to become a threat.  Although in BF2142, the nitro-powered jeeps can become a very cheap-ass tactic to take down walkers, since there is really no easy way to blow the jeep before it gets to you unless you land a lucky hit and kill the driver himself before he bails.

HeavyMetalDave wrote:

Damn it, this guy beat me to it...

I was going to say..  A 4 legged animal with horns that lives on cliffs.

I are winnar!
Former Karkand Addict
+32|6736|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
At the end of a round I will bail out my plane and hit a tank, always funny.  Either that or I will drop my bombs then jump out and then see "Reject_Wolf.V2 [] Soldier12345", always causes a "wtf!?!?!?!?".

Reject_Wolf wrote:

At the end of a round I will bail out my plane and hit a tank, always funny.  Either that or I will drop my bombs then jump out and then see "Reject_Wolf.V2 [] Soldier12345", always causes a "wtf!?!?!?!?".
You're so funny..

On a lighter note, my aunt lives in Windsor..............., UK.
+27|6541|Ottawa, ON
Suicide ramming is lame because it takes no skill. Just aim at your target and fly straight into them.

On the other hand, if you line up the jet and manage to bail without killing yourself, at least that requires some effort. So, if you're completely out of ammo, I don't see any reason not to do it.

RiceKrispie wrote:

Suicide ramming is lame because it takes no skill. Just aim at your target and fly straight into them.
That's like saying sex is lame because it's just pointing and poking.
any ramming on purpose is ramming.. other than that it's an accident.. so to answer you, aiming your jet at a tank and bailing... yes thats ramming.. id even kick someone for attempting that, even if they miss... in fact i have..

Last edited by adv3rsary (2006-12-16 22:52:30)

Metal Godz


+140|6640|Armidale, NSW, Australia
I'd say ramming is when a fast moving vehicle hits a slower moving or stationary vehicle; whether it be intentional or accidental. But until I read this thread I never even considered that someone might think there was something wrong with it (like it being a kickable 'offense').
+52|6644|Perth. Western Australia
Staying in jet and hitting tank= Ram/Kamikazi
Jumping and hitting tank= Ram

Jumping and hitting is still better then doing a kamakazi

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