Once this guy showed up in a few of my regular IO servers I was pretty surprised to see him doing well considering he had so low infantry kill stats. At first I assumed he was probably just a good player but then he started pulling some really weird shots. It wasnt long before I realized that this guy was killing almost everyone in his sight with 1 burst of the g36e and at any range.  There were plenty of times were I was doing my best to simply hop across the street at karkand only to find myself drop dead either in mid air or shortly after. 

Those that have played with me and know me also realize that my infantry skills are some of the best in pub servers, and I am usually the last one to accuse someone of botting or cheating in some way. But out of the few times were I have accused people, I have been right 100% of the time. Being a long time fpser I know what people are capable of and what feels just plain wrong. With pickle_power I couldn't supress the feeling that there was something just wrong with his playstyle.

When pickle_power appeared in my current favorite server at rubberducky #2, I welcomed his presence and his stupidity. I say stupidity because that server runs battlerecorder and has a working cache of demos. Sure enough when I got on this guy was pulling all sorts of crazy shit and getting ridicolous scores and ratios. He also got me with quite a few of those phantom "where the fuck did that come from" shots. So after the round I disconnect and eagerly dl the demo.

First thing that strikes me as I watch him at the beginning of the round. He lies prone at the corner of the hill at usmc spawn looking down into the karkand street. I pause and zoom in as close to his point of view as possible with free cam and notice that the foliage of the tree at the foot of hill's ledge is blocking his point of view directly in front of him. Then after a couple of 1-2 burst kills on people all the way down below coming from the fenced of front area by the hotel, he kills instantly caps a pkmer prone at the corner of the front building. The funny things is that the tree is blocking his field of view COMPLETLEY.

Next obvious hacking shot. He prones near the fence on the ground defense side of the hotel, you know the spot where support whores chuck nades into the main karkand street to get spawners. After a few quick BS kills on people in the open but way far away, he starts staring at the fenced off front area across the street. In slomo I watch him fire. I think wtf is he firing at? Then I see a kill message and scroll to the victim. It was a sniper who was well within the boundaries of the fenced off area. Can we say hacker. Anyway... im thinking about  reporting him. I heard rumors that his account was on sale on ebay, can anyone confirm this?

Last edited by DivineMomentofTruth (2006-12-15 23:33:45)

lol, yo should do a movie of that for us to see what you describe here. Not that I don't believe you, but just to see how much BS he has.
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6743|MoVal So-Cal
One of the first times anybody has ever had any evidence to backup their claim. Report the loser
yes.....but your still gay
+138|6414|Pittsburgh, PA USA
BattleRecorder shows kill messages?
Say Hello to My 11-87
didnt this guy try to sell or sold his account?
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

I'm pretty sure it's the lamer who bought the account off eBay. He paid for the account, realised he sucked and wasted money so turned to hax maybe.
funny i play a guy named pickle_power on 2142, and hes good. not a hack. maybe the same guy?
Not sure if he hacks if he does his hacks fail i was owning him on Dc1 24/7 karkand server yesterday. And i was getting better ratios than him.
the funny thing is, eating pickles makes me play like a fucking animal

pitty that animal is a blind toad with no arms
+50|6686|Some where near you
it's sad that people mistake skill for hacks

ECH wrote:

it's sad that people mistake skill for hacks
one time i mistook jam for marmalade
here he comes, the inevitable cunt that simply reads the title of the thread and posts with no regard for common sense or courtesy. If you would have read the thread you would know that I NEVER MISTAKE SKILL FOR HACKS

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

here he comes, the inevitable cunt that simply reads the title of the thread and posts with no regard for common sense or courtesy. If you would have read the thread you would know that I NEVER MISTAKE SKILL FOR HACKS
my point exactly
I'm about to do some more viewing of him in action and see how many more shady kills i can find... might post a video.

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

I heard rumors that his account was on sale on ebay, can anyone confirm this?
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=47635 Try using the search button next time.
+917|6661|Atlanta, Georgia, USA

The_Killer wrote:

Not sure if he hacks if he does his hacks fail i was owning him on Dc1 24/7 karkand server yesterday. And i was getting better ratios than him.

he didnt seem fishy to me at all.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal

s()mtingWong wrote:

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

I heard rumors that his account was on sale on ebay, can anyone confirm this?
http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=47635 Try using the search button next time.


i bet he got less than half minimum wage

but as long as he had fun
I Hate Claymores
I played against this dude in a TWL 5 vs 5 infantry match. He was good. Hacks maybe good like Bushviper and Babyspinach also a possibility.

We played against his team twice. However the first time he didnt have the kind of ownage he had our last match so maybe he got some enhancements since.
+16|6529|Hereford,AZ. USA
yeah i agree with you. i played with him once before and i would get killed from miles away with the g36e and he would shoot you once and kill you in mid air its complete BS.
are you guys talking about the guy that sold or bought the account?

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

Once this guy showed up in a few of my regular IO servers I was pretty surprised to see him doing well considering he had so low infantry kill stats. At first I assumed he was probably just a good player but then he started pulling some really weird shots. It wasnt long before I realized that this guy was killing almost everyone in his sight with 1 burst of the g36e and at any range.  There were plenty of times were I was doing my best to simply hop across the street at karkand only to find myself drop dead either in mid air or shortly after. 

Those that have played with me and know me also realize that my infantry skills are some of the best in pub servers, and I am usually the last one to accuse someone of botting or cheating in some way. But out of the few times were I have accused people, I have been right 100% of the time. Being a long time fpser I know what people are capable of and what feels just plain wrong. With pickle_power I couldn't supress the feeling that there was something just wrong with his playstyle.

Until pickle_power appeared in my current favorite server at rubberducky #2, I welcomed his presence and his stupidity. I say stupidity because that server runs battlerecorder and has a working cache of demos. Sure enough when I got on this guy was pulling all sorts of crazy shit and getting ridicolous scores and ratios. He also got me with quite a few of those phantom "where the fuck did that come from" shots. So after the round I disconnect and eagerly dl the demo.

First thing that strikes me as I watch him at the beginning of the round. He lies prone at the corner of the hill at usmc spawn looking down into the karkand street. I pause and zoom in as close to his point of view as possible with free cam and notice that the foliage of the tree at the foot of hill's ledge is blocking his point of view directly in front of him. Then after a couple of 1-2 burst kills on people all the way down below coming from the fenced of front area by the hotel, he kills instantly caps a pkmer prone at the corner of the front building. The funny things is that the tree is blocking his field of view COMPLETLEY.

Next obvious hacking shot. He prones near the fence on the ground defense side of the hotel, you know the spot where support whores chuck nades into the main karkand street to get spawners. After a few quick BS kills on people in the open but way far away, he starts staring at the fenced off front area across the street. In slomo I watch him fire. I think wtf is he firing at? Then I see a kill message and scroll to the victim. It was a sniper who was well within the boundaries of the fenced off area. Can we say hacker. Anyway... im thinking about  reporting him. I heard rumors that his account was on sale on ebay, can anyone confirm this?
Yes..I would like to see the Battlercorder file!?
Just watched a second demo file of him. Theres not even a doubt anymore... botter.

In one part of the demo he was heading towards the hotel on his usual route to the left side (facing hotel) when his character froze, snapped towards a  red tag of sniper hidden out of his view several feet away behind a few hills. I paused, free cam, no UAV... following his point of view I even though the guy might be just around the bordering fence on the left side, but as he ran past the fence straight towards the hidden sniper it was obvious his bot had locked on to him. Whats even more pathetic is that the sniper killed him despite him getting an advantage.

The reason you people are saying that he didnt seem suspicious to you is because this guy or whoever is playing his account is simply not very good. This guy goes straight to prone nearly 90% of the time, never pushes or takes risks. He plays nearly COMPLETLEY defensively, and hides behinds any kind of cover he can to rely on the only real "skill" he may have his aim. Whats more is whenever this dude gets anywhere near the heat of the action he gets owned and simply does some retarded things.

If you guys know anything about bots in bf2 you know that they are no where near perfect but if you spam enough w/ the g36e like this guy did all the time your bound to get a head shot. Here's just a quick summary of the BS this guy pulled in the demo:

-Hit some dude who jumped OFF of the hotel, getting credit for his death when he splatted.

-Was facing towards the front of the hotel fence and did a typical bot snap towards the right to kill me as I was hopping towards the hill he was on and chucking nades.

-Killed some dude through a fence with his face following his movement behind it.

-Various mid air kills

-Various extreme range kills w/ g36e

-Typical bot lock on behaviour such as standing and waiting for a target to reveal himself

- Out of the entire match there was only two times in which he did not immediatley anticipate and fire on a viable target.

If someone can tell me what folder the demo files are in I can zip it and email it to anyone interested.

Last edited by DivineMomentofTruth (2006-12-15 22:38:21)

yes.....but your still gay
+138|6414|Pittsburgh, PA USA
How do you know if there was a UAV if your watching a battlerecorder file?
Upload it to youtube so we cal all see it.
Peruvian Cocaine
+261|6808|Toronto Canada
yo divine i've played you man, its usually a competition between us two for first. i didnt know you were on here.

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