J-10 whore
I have got one more thing to add.

Fourthly, I have noticed bf2142's FPS in crowded areas and BF2's one in crowded areas, I can say that BF2 has better FPS, most of the time hitting the 40-60fps range, even if an arty just struck. However, in 2142, when i am alone in an area, the fps is 40-50? Wtf? Bf2 has 90-100fps. I bet its the poor coding.

Ayumiz wrote:

I have got one more thing to add.

Fourthly, I have noticed bf2142's FPS in crowded areas and BF2's one in crowded areas, I can say that BF2 has better FPS, most of the time hitting the 40-60fps range, even if an arty just struck. However, in 2142, when i am alone in an area, the fps is 40-50? Wtf? Bf2 has 90-100fps. I bet its the poor coding.
Huh? The opposite happened to me.
J-10 whore
Whats your specs? I have the same vid settings in both games and i get BETTER fps in Bf2.
+7|6603|New York
I can play (well) in BF2 on high settings (medium lighting no AA of course) but I need medium to make 2142 playable and I like to keep settings on low just so that I can shoot better / switch targets faster / etc

Ayumiz wrote:

Whats your specs? I have the same vid settings in both games and i get BETTER fps in Bf2.
Both games all on low.


768MB RAM (1x512, 1x256 sticks)
80GB HD (backup 40GB)
ATi Radeon 9600 GPU
Pentium 4 2.4GHz
The New Johnnie Cochran
I would honestly not care about the jets except for the fact that 1 missile should = 1 jet kill.
Metal Godz
2142 is awesome...

There are no planes....

That is awesome...

All about squad work....

That's awesome..

Did I mention awesome?
Aspiring Objectivist
Because it's a cheap copy of bf2. Answer to main question
No need to add stuff or the bugs will multiply!
Exploit/Glitch "Tester"
+49|6529|Inside the AR Rockets.

k30dxedle wrote:

Ayumiz wrote:

Whats your specs? I have the same vid settings in both games and i get BETTER fps in Bf2.
Both games all on low.


768MB RAM (1x512, 1x256 sticks)
80GB HD (backup 40GB)
ATi Radeon 9600 GPU
Pentium 4 2.4GHz
80 GB HD doesnt count for shit when you're talking about FPS.

TrollmeaT wrote:

Because it's a cheap copy of bf2. Answer to main question
No need to add stuff or the bugs will multiply!
Cheap copy? um they changed EVERY skin, EVERY animation and gave us several new maps. New game mode to. Changed most weapons on how they are used.
Cheap copy my ass.

The Suez Canal is pretty colouring imo, the other maps have ice theeme and you shouldn't really expect rainbow colours in those maps. But Karkand is like a big mud city so don't say all BF2 maps are colourfull.

The gameplay is way better than BF2 imo and I'm not sure I will go back to
+3,611|6774|London, England

jsnipy wrote:

I like the game, but I agree with what you are saying. Its because form a creativity standpoint, it nothing more than a hack, popular elements from other games.

2142 is a missed opportunity to do something good and original.

First i didn't want it becuase i don't like EA, then i thought i'll try it out. I played the demo, read up on unlocks and stuff and realised just how un-original it is. I mean for fuck sake, walking vehicles? Hover Tanks? Wow i've never seen that before in futuristic themed games. DICE have 0 imagination. Nothing.

Mekstizzle wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

I like the game, but I agree with what you are saying. Its because form a creativity standpoint, it nothing more than a hack, popular elements from other games.

2142 is a missed opportunity to do something good and original.

First i didn't want it becuase i don't like EA, then i thought i'll try it out. I played the demo, read up on unlocks and stuff and realised just how un-original it is. I mean for fuck sake, walking vehicles? Hover Tanks? Wow i've never seen that before in futuristic themed games. DICE have 0 imagination. Nothing.
What about having a BIG TITAN on the map?
Plus I would like to see you create something ORIGINAL. As for now we have used 95% of the stuff and we are running out of original ideas. The other 5% would most likely be shit games that no one wanna play and will generally suck ass.

Most games have problem with being original nowdays.

SargeV1.4 wrote:

If I were in bf2142, I'd rob an arms museum and own your faces with an AK-47.
straight-up gangster. plus one.

Zefar wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

I like the game, but I agree with what you are saying. Its because form a creativity standpoint, it nothing more than a hack, popular elements from other games.

2142 is a missed opportunity to do something good and original.

First i didn't want it becuase i don't like EA, then i thought i'll try it out. I played the demo, read up on unlocks and stuff and realised just how un-original it is. I mean for fuck sake, walking vehicles? Hover Tanks? Wow i've never seen that before in futuristic themed games. DICE have 0 imagination. Nothing.
What about having a BIG TITAN on the map?
Plus I would like to see you create something ORIGINAL. As for now we have used 95% of the stuff and we are running out of original ideas. The other 5% would most likely be shit games that no one wanna play and will generally suck ass.

Most games have problem with being original nowdays.
erm wtf?
the wonderful thing about an infinite imagination is that it is infinate
there are any number of people out there with original things for futuristic games, but noone every asks them
heres one for starters (not quite original in one respect but i've not seen it in a game)
a vehicle with the ability to go underground, not drill a hole as such but simply phase through things
It could be anything FAV, APC, tank, walker, whatever, you press a button it shimmers and then will phase through anything for a short period of time (but find yourself inside something when the timer runs out and your dead)
for an example, your in your FAV cruising along nicely then you see an enemy walker round a corner looking right at you, hit your boosters quickly, and phase through the nearest building out the otherside and out of harms way (well actually probably theres 2 tanks and an APC waiting on the other side of the building, but thats just sods law :p)
i thought that up in the minute it took me too write this post, it is not hard at all to think up any number of new ideas for games, developers just never ask people for them thats all.
I suspect something is amiss

sfarrar33 wrote:

Zefar wrote:

Mekstizzle wrote:


2142 is a missed opportunity to do something good and original.

First i didn't want it becuase i don't like EA, then i thought i'll try it out. I played the demo, read up on unlocks and stuff and realised just how un-original it is. I mean for fuck sake, walking vehicles? Hover Tanks? Wow i've never seen that before in futuristic themed games. DICE have 0 imagination. Nothing.
What about having a BIG TITAN on the map?
Plus I would like to see you create something ORIGINAL. As for now we have used 95% of the stuff and we are running out of original ideas. The other 5% would most likely be shit games that no one wanna play and will generally suck ass.

Most games have problem with being original nowdays.
erm wtf?
the wonderful thing about an infinite imagination is that it is infinate
there are any number of people out there with original things for futuristic games, but noone every asks them
heres one for starters (not quite original in one respect but i've not seen it in a game)
a vehicle with the ability to go underground, not drill a hole as such but simply phase through things
It could be anything FAV, APC, tank, walker, whatever, you press a button it shimmers and then will phase through anything for a short period of time (but find yourself inside something when the timer runs out and your dead)
for an example, your in your FAV cruising along nicely then you see an enemy walker round a corner looking right at you, hit your boosters quickly, and phase through the nearest building out the otherside and out of harms way (well actually probably theres 2 tanks and an APC waiting on the other side of the building, but thats just sods law :p)
i thought that up in the minute it took me too write this post, it is not hard at all to think up any number of new ideas for games, developers just never ask people for them thats all.
Do you have any idea how hard that would be to code? First of all to make every building/obstacle penetrable.. That´s sick.. It would only turn out be completely worthles.
+85|6541|Manchester, UK
Lol, EA and DICE cant even code a game like 2142 properly where every element of gameplay is taken from some other game and everything has been done before.  Dont ask them to do something new, you might as well ask a goldfish to do a bunjee jump.

adam1503 wrote:

Lol, EA and DICE cant even code a game like 2142 properly where every element of gameplay is taken from some other game and everything has been done before.  Dont ask them to do something new, you might as well ask a goldfish to do a bunjee jump.

Buy me a bungee cord.
Knowledge is power, guard it well
+126|6749|Michigan, USA
I love how the classic music, is seen as stupid.  A games calling card(you know its Battlefield from the music) is deemed old, guess running the remixed version of the Halo theme in Halo 2 was retarded, as well as doing it in countless other games.
+85|6541|Manchester, UK

k30dxedle wrote:

adam1503 wrote:

Lol, EA and DICE cant even code a game like 2142 properly where every element of gameplay is taken from some other game and everything has been done before.  Dont ask them to do something new, you might as well ask a goldfish to do a bunjee jump.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v724/ … een860.jpg

Buy me a bungee cord.
I'll give you that, the titans were a good idea.
Metal Godz
Final fantasy used the same music over and over also...

I just cant understand how people bitch about these games, yet your still hangin at a site about the game, and still playing...

If the game sux so bad , then tell me what game is better, AND WHY YOUR NOT PLAYING IT...

BF2 rules...

BF 2142 rules...

nuff said.
+85|6541|Manchester, UK
Nobody ever said they dont rule (at least I never said that), we just said that they have room for improvement, like everything else in the world.
+65|6846|las vegas
2142 is what it is, nothing new or groundbreaking

titan is  a fun idea, i personally like the music for 2142.

it would be nice if they had jets from the start, but i wont be paying for a booster pack just for a couple of jets which im sure will come soon enough.

it's ok, i stopped playing at 7000k lol, just kinda of bored with the franchise for now.

lots of good games comin out q107, and if i feel like it ill jump into some bf here and there

2142 is a mod, and a good one at that..that is all
Zee Tank Skank
+80|6854|MoVal So-Cal










Game still on my HD

Metal Godz
I like the muliplayer engine for this game, It would be nice to see a new setting....

I dont care what....anything...

D and D....
Civil war...

Just a new setting...
Mass Media Casualty

The music in BF2 was shitty and repeditive. The music in BF2142 is very suitable for the scenario, it's the one thing I think that the developers got perfect. BF2 style music, or more rock-like music wouldn't be appropriate by any means. Just because it isn't rock(ish) doesn't mean it's not 'energising', I find the Verdun music in particular quite energising, (if staring at a screen, moving a mouse and tapping keys requires energy.)

BF2's loading music was just remixed 'chinese-ified' and 'arabic-ified' versons of the original BF1942 music, and I must say, it was annoying as Hell.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

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