
chuyskywalker wrote:

Col.Vind wrote:

I wish chuy were making our games..
No, no you don't. Chuy can't program 3d -- you'd end up with this.
bah ... its much easier than pushing sprites (besides with more persistence there will be more of a need for people who can thoughtfully work with data)

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-12-22 17:47:47)

umm...yaa..i worked hard for my rank.....and then i got bored cuase of all the haxors above me

so i went back to bf2 becuase it wasnt that bad with all the glitches and problems
EAs stats implementation sucks. most noticably, awards. bf2s has the best system i've used for viewing achieved awards and requirements for new ones. theirs is also incomplete; incomplete stats. you can see this by how much info they store for each bf2 player, and how little is shown on the 2142 site. its a joke, seriously. Everyone involved in the statistic feed needs to wake up and listen to what people want, what the community should have at it's disposal to entice more people to buy their product.
Sniper / End-Runner / Wedge
+5|6904|Behind your front lines...
+3|6883|Coeur D' Alene, ID
So after reading through about four pages worth of of posts, I have decided on how I feel:  Not one person that has replied to this understands or knows what they are talking about.

A)  EA owns not only the licensing to the game, but they own how and when any information should be let out.  In respect to them, we receive the stats feeds as a privilege, it is not a right that they release that information.  Not only does it take time and money to make sure everything goes smoothly and is maintained, but it costs them thousands of dollars in advertising hits that go to a slew of other sites.  Bottom line is; EA is a business set up to make money...while you have a *gasp* whopping 50 dollars invested into the game...they have millions of dollars in the games.  If they want to run everything through them...that is their right.  At first glance it isn't the best decision they could make, but most gamers that buy EA games buy them to play them...not to be a "couch" programming manager.  As much as the truth will hurt most of us on here....we are the minorities in the gaming world.  I work amongst 500 young people, which a good portion of them game....but I would say only about 5% of those gamers have concerns about the little details.  They just like playing and as much the small portion of hard core folks love the details, they just love punching buttons.  *I.E.  superman on the 360 actually sold copies...a lot of copies...and it was one of the worst games I have ever put my fingers around

B)  If all of you are so good at what you do, and if you are as smart as you claim to be, then what you need to do is join together with all your brethren in these forums and cure cancer while programming the perfect next gen game.  It seems it is possible for all of you judging by your opinions.

C)  If any of you were working in a corporate office you would know that it is imperative to keep tight lipped.  I have watched entire companies fall on their face, some of them never getting back up from the damage, because they reported or started reporting to soon and couldn't back their claims to fame.  It is far less risk to make sure you have all your ducks in a row and piss some people off because of delays, then it is to tell folks what's coming and not follow through.  *Fable for XBox was a good example of this to give you an example in the gamers world.

D)  How to get things changed......STOP BUYING AND PLAYING THE GAMES!  As long as EA is in the black, and they are selling their products...which they do, most of the time better than any competitor....they will not change their stubborn way....no matter how many 24 year olds living with their parents whine and snivel and take their "i hate the world and want to complain about everything" attitude out on a forum because they dream of kissing a human girl but haven't grasped that dream yet.

I want to see bf2s up and running with 2142 as much as the rest of you; this site is amazing and can't be topped by many stats sites.  But in corporate world, companies see numbers not people.  They could have 13 million pissed off customers, but as long as it doesn't effect their profit margins, they could give a rats A$$ about those customers.  If those customers stop using their product/service...that is when revolutions happen.

Flame me all you want, and I know a lot of this is could be brought up into a debate.....but if you look at it from outside of the box and really figure out what you KNOW IS HAPPENING FOR SURE, and what is assumptive, you will be shocked.


p.s.  The person that said that the programming supervisors letter was unproffesional needs to get hit in the teste.  What the letter said....very diplomatically was.....STOP PULLING STATS FROM US SO THAT WE CAN ACTUALLY DO THE WORK WE NEED TO WITHOUT THINGS LEAKING!  If we are ethical gamers we would side with the company and not or friends that are compromising the integrity of the system.

p.p.s.  They may have gone through another outsourcer for all their stats rendering, or they could have restructured, or they could have rebuilt the system to allow for more games to run through similiar feeds.  Who knows why they are holding the information....because I'm pretty sure nobody knows here...we might have guessed it, but we didn't know.  Until we find out, all we can do is make sure they don't forget we are waiting for it.  If we are aggressive or make it non profitable or worth the trouble, they won't focus on BF type games, and they will focus more on console games where it is easier to please most of the people.  Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Bob Saget is my karkand..
+14|6516|Smurfvillage, Gotland

chuyskywalker wrote:

Col.Vind wrote:

I wish chuy were making our games..
No, no you don't. Chuy can't program 3d -- you'd end up with this.
Then learn it damnit!!
This will be in DICE/EA's head sooner or later is they don't get into ship-shape.
+27|6824|Mashtuur Boulevard
I agree with many of your points Fuzzy, but if EA realised they could make MORE money if they simply listened and worked with the community, why dont they?

Look at Epic Games and Unreal Tournament for example... they ENCOURAGE users to play with their stuff.  Have they gone under yet?  Far from it.

The bottom line is to work together with the community and not very plainly use it as a means to an end.  Fair enough you are in the gaming business and do it for money.. where is the passion?  Why make it solely business?

Its the constant spoonfed bullshit and failure of EA / DICE to release a quality product that I simply wont support the BF franchise anymore.  You have to realise that there are people that wont draw the line their.  They see potential for co-operation with the community and why not have that sort of hope?  Why just bite your tongue and fail to speak up on something you are truly passionate about?

I say let them.. and for what its worth, I hope everyone here gets their wish and EA pull their thumbs out of their asses.  Their little monetary empire wont last forever and it will eventually cave harder and faster if they shit on the public enough.
+12|6598|Virginia, USA
I think that most of the conversation here is right on...EA is a company and their motive is profit. When I finish college, I'll probably end up in the business world and I have no problem with that whatsoever. However, I also agree that the only way to get EA's attention is to affect their profits. I've done my part! I bought BF2 and didn't buy 2142. I think that if they see a wide disparity in sales between the two games, that is one thing that might get their attention.

If they ever have data that suggests that gamers are fed up to the point where they won't buy BF2143 or BF3 or whatever other BF2 Mod they try to sell next, that will get their attention REAL fast. A few e-mails won't have that kind of effect I'm afraid (a few thousand might get their attention...if anyone wants to organize that, count me in). Maybe we should start a group on Facebook and get a few hundred thousand people in it. All of you Facebookies remember the War of the Mini-Feed, right? That got a response in days (but that's from a much smaller and more nimble company) I actually think that I might get on Facebook right now and LEAVE the EA Games group because of all of this crap with 2142.

EA struck out big time and now they're trying to stick it to the community. That's just sad.
+1,153|6804|Washington, DC

mad_jester, Facebook is run by a person with a soul and a brain. EA's BF franchise leader is soulless and as dumb as a stick.
I see everyone here flaming EA and all and i guess they do have a reason for it.
I also see ppl saying that some other company should have made it, and i don't know the reliability of those companies since i havn't played much of their games but i do know one thing.
For better or for worse bf2 / bf2142 wouldn't be the same if they did.

mad_jester813 wrote:

I actually think that I might get on Facebook right now and LEAVE the EA Games group because of all of this crap with 2142.
wow....you fucking rebel, that sure would be a smack in the nuts to EA, one person leaving their facebook group....


get a fucking life
Goodbye :)
+399|6653|Somewhere else

chuyskywalker wrote:

Col.Vind wrote:

I wish chuy were making our games..
No, no you don't. Chuy can't program 3d -- you'd end up with this.
Well, then we wish EA/Dice gave an honest shit about thier customers like Chuy does...
#fuck_ea/dice @ quakenet
Bob Saget is my karkand..
+14|6516|Smurfvillage, Gotland

KORdaemon wrote:

I see everyone here flaming EA and all and i guess they do have a reason for it.
I also see ppl saying that some other company should have made it, and i don't know the reliability of those companies since i havn't played much of their games but i do know one thing.
For better or for worse bf2 / bf2142 wouldn't be the same if they did.
No, no it wouldnt.. It would probally be better.. and I might be able to revive people in the titan and check my stats and sit in a walker that wasnt floating across the map ay..
I know why i haven't bought 2142 it's sucks big time !!!

We're all behind you Chuy. Good luck!
+8|6843|Grammar Land

Hurricane wrote:

mad_jester, Facebook is run by a person with a soul and a brain.
It is?

http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/art … 76,00.html
+3|6741|Czech Republic (Prague)
Any news about EA response to this subject?
+125|6751|Rochester NY USA

jamiet757 wrote:

mad_jester813 wrote:

I actually think that I might get on Facebook right now and LEAVE the EA Games group because of all of this crap with 2142.
wow....you fucking rebel, that sure would be a smack in the nuts to EA, one person leaving their facebook group....


get a fucking life

MikesonCZ wrote:

Any news about EA response to this subject?
for some odd reason yesterday and today my stats didnt update, or better yet, I got my points but yesterday I was up for promotion, but it never happend...still waiting...and the points keep coming in I am now 200 over the required limit, and it says so in BFHQ, still no promotion after two days...any help?
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6920|The United Center

joviaaldreetje wrote:

for some odd reason yesterday and today my stats didnt update, or better yet, I got my points but yesterday I was up for promotion, but it never happend...still waiting...and the points keep coming in I am now 200 over the required limit, and it says so in BFHQ, still no promotion after two days...any help?

ThomasMorgan wrote:

joviaaldreetje wrote:

for some odd reason yesterday and today my stats didnt update, or better yet, I got my points but yesterday I was up for promotion, but it never happend...still waiting...and the points keep coming in I am now 200 over the required limit, and it says so in BFHQ, still no promotion after two days...any help?
You were right, problem solved thanks for the creative input, this must have taken some effort....
grandmaster league revivalist

joviaaldreetje wrote:

for some odd reason yesterday and today my stats didnt update, or better yet, I got my points but yesterday I was up for promotion, but it never happened...still waiting...and the points keep coming in I am now 200 over the required limit, and it says so in BFHQ, still no promotion after two days...any help?
If you´re still interested, it happens every damn Tuesday, cause it is EA´s so called "Maintenance Day". Sure you heard of that, cause it was stated here about a hundred times, plus a sticky Thread right in the 2142 section....

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