lowing wrote:
i am leaning toward agreeing with you both. But suppose the scam victim rendered aid without knowing? Wouldn't be a very good scam if your victim KNEW he was being scammed.
Without knowing what? That sending bribe money to help get some cash out of one country to somebody who can't go through official channels is illegal? That using a personal bank account to relay funds to persons unknown for a fee is a crime? By the time anyone ever hands over the cash, they know they are taking an illegal risk, and they do it because they believe they will get a payoff.
I admit the scammers are quite clever... I've had some where they've got my real name and sent emails claiming that they are lawyers for someone who shared my name who died in a plane crash, and that they couldn't find any living relatives so picked me to have the cash instead of giving it to the government, complete with links to articles about the crash. But I knew it was a scam by the first line, and only read it for amusement value. If I'd responded, I would be knowingly assisting in defrauding the government of whatever country this guy claimed to be from.
If they rendered aid without knowing
it was illegal, then they have too much money and too little sense, and should definitely get a big fine or do some time which should also rectify the cash to brains ratio a little.