Yes, because 1 billion people is such an insubstantial number.BeerzGod wrote:
Fuck all this Muslim back-bending. Anyone else hear in the news that the government is trying to get Mosque-type temples added to all airports so Muslims have a place to meditate and pray?
Why this country is trying to be so understanding is completely beyond me. The prime minister of Iran sat there on national tv in an interview saying he wouldn't rest until all Jew's were killed. And we have to "understand their culture." We allow Muslim protestors gather in New York for a "Kill-all-Jews-rally" and do nothing about it, but if you try to protest a political figures decision on something within four miles of where he is you get thrown in jail. What makes sense there? So I could get a massive rally going to kill all Jewish people, but I can't publically disagree with someone like the President. Amazing. What happened to Freedom of Speech in this country? These radical Muslims kill and kill and kill and kill. They say they won't stop and nothing will stop them, but yet we sit back and TRY to understand them. WWII... the Germans were slaughtering Jews and other countries by the millions. Where was our attempt at understanding there? Exactly. We did what needed to be done and we solved the problem. All we're doing now is trying to figure out this culture and down right giving up our American rights to please them.
The only way you're giving up rights is through this attitude and its crazy side-effects.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman