Joined BF2s in November 2005
+133|7037|Doncaster, England

Stingray24 wrote:

At least one moderate, the boy's father, has spoken up in condemnation of the acts.
He didn't condemn it, he just didn't condone it.

The Muslims that are like this(I know not all are) will never change.
After all, the rest of us non-Muslims are the scum of the Earth.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

The_Shipbuilder wrote:

Stingray, what is the original point of this thread? What are you trying to express, or what kind of discussion are you hoping to spark?
The point should be obvious from the title.  It informs people of the event and that nobody rioted.  The contrast between the reaction when cartoons are drawn about Mohammed compared to the reaction when the Bible is desecrated states enough in and of itself.  Whatever discussion arises from that is up to the members of this forum.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
What the sensationalist "The Australian" fails to mention is that the school expelled the boys who were responsible for desicrating the Bible and made a statement that the school DOES NOT encourage this kind of behaviour.

But I suppose that doesn't fit in with the "all muslims are evil and want to destroy Australian values" kind of message that The Australian rigorisly promotes in their papers.

BTW Stingray, if you want to get some totally un-biased Australian news try www.theage.com.au

Last edited by TeamZephyr (2006-12-08 16:57:42)

Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

TeamZephyr wrote:

What the sensationalist "The Australian" fails to mention is that the school expelled the boys who were responsible for desicrating the Bible and made a statement that the school DOES NOT encourage this kind of behaviour.

But I suppose that doesn't fit in with the "all muslims are evil and want to destroy Australian values" kind of message that The Australian rigorisly promotes in their papers.

BTW Stingray, if you want to get some totally un-biased Australian news try www.theage.com.au
Thanks for the link.
I do it for the lulz.

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

If the Christian population had as many extremists as the Muslim population, the apocalypse would've already happened.
I concur. Christianity is x10 as fucking INSANE as Islam, but Christians are totally apathetic (Yeah, I love jesus... Pass me that beer, I don't want to drop my cards. I have a flush.) in general.

If you want proof, look back in history a little bit. (And don't give me that "Christianity may have an ugly past but Islam has an ugly present LOZL", because that's not a valid point) Christians went country to country around the world - My example will be the Portugese. They ventured to south america, and encountered the Inca empire. After a long series of events (www.google.com if you want to learn more), the Portugese lured the Inca emperor into a closed plaza. Unknown to him, Portugese riflemen and calvalry were waiting, hidden. A Catholic priest stepped forward, holding a cross, and said that they should join the side of truth, the side of the one true God. The priest then said that the Lord's word was law, and handed a Bible to the emperor. Since the Inca hadn't seen books, the emperor looked at it and said "I do not hear this word you speak of." Then, the riflemen opened fire and the calvalry charged in, killing all the Inca in the plaza, and kidnapping the emperor.

If that isn't the literal definition of extremism, then I don't know what is.
Infantry Whore
+42|6989|Kingswood Country
Yep - one (of a few) direct links here:

http://www.theage.com.au/news/NATIONAL/ … 91079.html
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker

RedTwizzler wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

If the Christian population had as many extremists as the Muslim population, the apocalypse would've already happened.
I concur. Christianity is x10 as fucking INSANE as Islam, but Christians are totally apathetic (Yeah, I love jesus... Pass me that beer, I don't want to drop my cards. I have a flush.) in general.

If you want proof, look back in history a little bit. (And don't give me that "Christianity may have an ugly past but Islam has an ugly present LOZL", because that's not a valid point) Christians went country to country around the world - My example will be the Portugese. They ventured to south america, and encountered the Inca empire. After a long series of events (www.google.com if you want to learn more), the Portugese lured the Inca emperor into a closed plaza. Unknown to him, Portugese riflemen and calvalry were waiting, hidden. A Catholic priest stepped forward, holding a cross, and said that they should join the side of truth, the side of the one true God. The priest then said that the Lord's word was law, and handed a Bible to the emperor. Since the Inca hadn't seen books, the emperor looked at it and said "I do not hear this word you speak of." Then, the riflemen opened fire and the calvalry charged in, killing all the Inca in the plaza, and kidnapping the emperor.

If that isn't the literal definition of extremism, then I don't know what is.
Hmm, that was then, militant Islam is now.  Which are you more concerned about?  Apathetic in general? How does that prove that Christianity is x10 insane today?  I know many Christians who are very passionate about their beliefs, the difference is, modern Christians aren't bend on conquest.   Who said Christians aren't supposed to drink beer?  That isn't in the Bible.  Mmmm, beeeer.
Maintaining My Rage Since 1975
+124|6843|Hillside, Melbourne, Australia
One thing that has really "gotten my goat" about this thread is that it's brought out every single racist anti-muslim dickhead that this forum has to offer. Without even learning all the circumstances and the response from the school people have come out and continued a smear campaign against the general muslim population about being anti-American anti-Western or without anti you can come up with.

As I stated the boys involved were expelled from the school by the school's muslim leaders, leaders who respect the Christian religion by expelling this boys, another was suspended for using the bible as cigarette paper.

The Former President of the Islamic Council Of Victoria stated in the article that "It's very unfortunate and a shock to wake up to something like this, Obviously it's a stupid action of very mischievous boys who've done this, which should not be seen as reflective of the school's larger Islamic population."

Is this the actions of an anti-Australian anti-Western muslim? I severly doubt it. The school even called in a Imam to address the students that the Bible and Christianity must be respected.

Recently I attended the state final of a mock United Nations Security Council competition at the Victorian State Parliament. At the competition were two muslim girls from a Melbourne International school. They were representing the USA (oh the irony). During the break at lunch I started talking to these girls about everything from the Islamic Religion to world politics. It became even clearer to me that these girls were your typical Australians, with a great love for our country.

Are they that different because they wear a hijab and pray to Allah at a mosque? These people's parents may have been born in Lebanon but these girls were as dinky di Australians as you could find, with a great love for Australia and "Australian values."

I am sick of this "Islamic Terrorism" shit that is happening today, all this smear campaign against Muslims is doing is providing politicians a scare campaign to get elected. It's just like Communism is the 60s and the "Asian Invasion" of the 80s. Muslim people are some of the greatest assets to the West that we have, and it's damn time that we stopped selecting a few rotten apples to judge the whole barrel.

We have to ask ourselves, must the actions of a few radicals change our opinions in a whole group of people?

Must we have a fear of muslims because a few of them flew planes into a buildings?
Must we hate Christianity because of radical evangelists?
Must we hate Hinduism because a hindu extremist assassinated Gandhi?
Must we hate Americans because Bush is their leader?
Or British because Blair is their leader?

Every ethnic group or religious group has a few radicals, but that does not mean that we have to hate that entire group or come up with draconian "anti terrorism" laws and it does not mean we have to live in fear or people who are just like us.
Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy
+1,060|6758|The Land of Scott Walker
Fact: Modern Islam has a considerably larger number of radicals willing to smoke people than any other religion, like it or not.  I shouldn't have to constantly repeat the fact that all Muslims are not terrorists simply because the thread criticizes radical Islam. I think the thread has gone very well.  If you want to read between the lines and label those who have posted as racist and anti-muslim, go ahead, your choice.  I choose to find their opinion in the words they chose to post.

EDIT: Christianity has had it's criticism in this thread and I didn't whine and point fingers, instead I debated.  Hence a D&ST thread.

Last edited by Stingray24 (2006-12-08 19:17:47)

O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

TeamZephyr wrote:

One thing that has really "gotten my goat" about this thread is that it's brought out every single racist anti-muslim dickhead that this forum has to offer. Without even learning all the circumstances and the response from the school people have come out and continued a smear campaign against the general muslim population about being anti-American anti-Western or without anti you can come up with.

As I stated the boys involved were expelled from the school by the school's muslim leaders, leaders who respect the Christian religion by expelling this boys, another was suspended for using the bible as cigarette paper.

The Former President of the Islamic Council Of Victoria stated in the article that "It's very unfortunate and a shock to wake up to something like this, Obviously it's a stupid action of very mischievous boys who've done this, which should not be seen as reflective of the school's larger Islamic population."

Is this the actions of an anti-Australian anti-Western muslim? I severly doubt it. The school even called in a Imam to address the students that the Bible and Christianity must be respected.

Recently I attended the state final of a mock United Nations Security Council competition at the Victorian State Parliament. At the competition were two muslim girls from a Melbourne International school. They were representing the USA (oh the irony). During the break at lunch I started talking to these girls about everything from the Islamic Religion to world politics. It became even clearer to me that these girls were your typical Australians, with a great love for our country.

Are they that different because they wear a hijab and pray to Allah at a mosque? These people's parents may have been born in Lebanon but these girls were as dinky di Australians as you could find, with a great love for Australia and "Australian values."

I am sick of this "Islamic Terrorism" shit that is happening today, all this smear campaign against Muslims is doing is providing politicians a scare campaign to get elected. It's just like Communism is the 60s and the "Asian Invasion" of the 80s. Muslim people are some of the greatest assets to the West that we have, and it's damn time that we stopped selecting a few rotten apples to judge the whole barrel.

We have to ask ourselves, must the actions of a few radicals change our opinions in a whole group of people?

Must we have a fear of muslims because a few of them flew planes into a buildings?
Must we hate Christianity because of radical evangelists?
Must we hate Hinduism because a hindu extremist assassinated Gandhi?
Must we hate Americans because Bush is their leader?
Or British because Blair is their leader?

Every ethnic group or religious group has a few radicals, but that does not mean that we have to hate that entire group or come up with draconian "anti terrorism" laws and it does not mean we have to live in fear or people who are just like us.
While I hate the scare tactics of the neoconservatives, I also have to state that Islam is in dire need of a Reformation.  Christianity had one, and now is the time for Islam's.

Despite all the propaganda, despite the agendas of the military industrial complex, and despite what the West has done to countries like Iran that have created some of this extremism, I must say that Muslims certainly aren't helping each other out very much.

Look at Iraq.  It's bad enough that our soldiers are getting killed, but these people are killing their fellow Muslims more than anyone else.  There is so much hate and rage in the Middle East that it is spilling into the West.  I do believe we aren't fighting the War on Terror the way we should be, but these people should help themselves some too.  Instead, they let their extremists hijack the political discourse.  They elect extremists like Hamas and Hezbollah into government.  If there's anyone the Muslims can blame, it's themselves.....
If hes disrespecting Christianity then hes disrespecting Islam; Muslims also follow the teachings of many Christian prophets...
+1,452|6707|The Gem Saloon
ugh, enough with the everyone hates ALL muslims. i dont think anyone has seriously said that they HATE MUSLIMS. now i have stated quite a few times that i think muslim extremists are complete scum, lower than low. and i will continue to say that, because those people want to destroy what i call home. if you take offense to that then i am truly sorry for you. however i will not apologize for it, cause its how i feel. its not wrong, these people kill my fellow americans on a daily basis. they are the enemy of my country, and i love my country. (go ahead and spin that into whatever you feel like). im so tired of this pathetic argument.....1812 in what is now the kingdom of saudi arabia this dickhead named wahabi was born.....hes it, hes the fuckin problem. hes the one that added the jihad as a pillar of islam. until then it only existed as a defense against people trying to repress a religion.
oh well, its just pretty ridiculous that people need to constantly be told that we dont hate ALL muslims, just the extremists........
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

If the Christian population had as many extremists as the Muslim population, the apocalypse would've already happened.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
O Canada
+1,596|6718|North Carolina

Parker wrote:

ugh, enough with the everyone hates ALL muslims. i dont think anyone has seriously said that they HATE MUSLIMS. now i have stated quite a few times that i think muslim extremists are complete scum, lower than low. and i will continue to say that, because those people want to destroy what i call home. if you take offense to that then i am truly sorry for you. however i will not apologize for it, cause its how i feel. its not wrong, these people kill my fellow americans on a daily basis. they are the enemy of my country, and i love my country. (go ahead and spin that into whatever you feel like). im so tired of this pathetic argument.....1812 in what is now the kingdom of saudi arabia this dickhead named wahabi was born.....hes it, hes the fuckin problem. hes the one that added the jihad as a pillar of islam. until then it only existed as a defense against people trying to repress a religion.
oh well, its just pretty ridiculous that people need to constantly be told that we dont hate ALL muslims, just the extremists........
Yep, wahhabism must be eventually eradicated from the planet.  It's gonna take a long time though.
rapes face

Superior Mind wrote:

That is because most of the Christian population (in this day and age) are civilized. The Muslims choose to be dicks, why do the Christians have to be dicks too?
Uh, what about the "extreme" Christians that want the soldiers out there to go to hell?
All religions have stains on themselves, you just can't separate one from all of them to say that they are superior.

I have lots more points, which may seem aggressive, but true..

I would point them out, but I'll be banned to kingdom come.

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