Fix the goddamned TV missile!  It's next to worthless.  Has anyone ever been killed by it?  I know that I have fewer than ten kills with it, and most of them were because I had a good pilot that lined me up when he ran out of missiles!

It takes TWO hits to kill a tank with the TV missile.  It takes around 2.5 hits to kill a walker.  They get to hear the alarm tone, and have the opportunity to raise their shields.  FAVs are so fast that it's nearly impossible to even engage one.  It's absolutely worthless against anything that flies, unless your pilot lines it right up point blank like.

I say this: make it exactly like the laser guided missile in BF2--or make it so you can vary its velocity, and extend the range to 5000m so you can have a chance of hitting something.
has joined the GOP
honestly? porn.

2142 would be worth my 50 if they advertised some porn.

straz_mataz wrote:

MuseSeeker wrote:

I would like to see no more BS losing connection, maps come last imo.
i have had no problem

i want the walkers to have 1000 more hit points
AA needs to be tweaked so you can fire an emp every half a second
AR rockets splash damage increased 10 fold
tv missle in the gunship is too easy to control... needs to be more sensitive and it does too much damage
more textures in the titan its to BLAH looking..... maybe make a disco in the cargo area with flashing lights and a disco ball
titan guns splash damage increased
and make it so you can shoot into the other titan's hanger with the titan AA.... so you can rape the infantry when they spawn
oh and more ads and i want them to come online..... i want to see some tampon ads and ads for some useful magazine like vanity fair or something
my god, i thought you were serious until i got about half way down, i agree with all of your "points"
Flamesuit essential

daffytag wrote:

If youve ever been to the eden project (a huge fucking green house) then im pressume somthing like it would be used in the future in an Ice age.

Maybe they could have a map with one in it. It would allow for some green plants and make the maps more colourful. Would need to be I/O I guess.
Don't know...
In the Eden project (yes, been there...), true, one side is green.  However, the other (mediterranean) dome is yellow and brown, and is rather bland at best.

But yes, the structure of the domes is amazing.

Last edited by some_random_panda (2006-12-07 22:56:03)

Make the knife an unlock, perhaps after X-amount of dog tags collected. But instead of just a new skin, make the knife have a longer reach, bigger hitbox, and more damage so it can own the stock knife and be worth-while.
more dmg? wtf the stock knife is 1 hit 1 kill so what sould the unlocked klife have? anyways poor idea and noobs would get it nerfed 1 patch later

Last edited by [n00b]Tyler (2006-12-07 23:58:26)

+231|6691|Kyiv, Ukraine
Neural feedback loop on titan guns!  Blow up a turret, kill the gunner...and possibly the engineer standing over his shoulder.

Nobody else thinks this is a game breaker that it's possible to sit and kill someone completely risk free?
Another jeeplike vehicle. A little bigger one.

Well that's it.

Also I think the Titan Gun user should get like 20-30 points of damage or something. Because that cloud of lightning doesn't look healthy.

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

more dmg? wtf the stock knife is 1 hit 1 kill so what sould the unlocked klife have? anyways poor idea and noobs would get it nerfed 1 patch later
The current knife hitbox sucks. If a guy is prone, you have to prone to knife him, if he's up, you have to be up also. I'd like an unlock knife that has more reach to it and is a little more dangerous. I don't know what you mean by noobs getting nerfed. It wouldn't be free, like anything else it has to be earned.
Chicken wing?
+49|6766|Newcastle NSW Australia
The tag knife seems to have a bit of a longer reach but hit rego is still shit with it.

You dont have to go prone to kill a guy thats prone. Crouching is enough. And how do you expect to reach a guy on the ground if you are standing. You are not wielding a Katana, its a knife.

I like the idea of titan guns whores getting killed.
Pfc. Leemus
Ownerer via the strategic use of bullets
+20|6925|N.S.W, Australia
Fixed PDS-1
Biggest bug this game has at the moment.
Doesnt work on 50% of surfaces.
Place it ANYWHERE on the map and it screws over all UAV's making hem only see vehicles too.
Re-Incarnation. You mean re-spawn right?
+44|6963|Cardiff - Wales - UK
I'd like to see the option of disabling a spawn beacon as squad leader if its being camped
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
- being able to place a spawn beacon without destroying the old one first, let it work like the HUBs.
- add mounted LMGs.
- make APCs float in water.
- replace the APCs on maps like Fall of Berlin with a heavy transport vehicle, like the vodnik or hummer.
- get rid of PDS-1 bug
- if they make larger maps add some sort of jet or transport plane.
- Titan gun destruction kills the gunner, but guns are made harder to destroy, maybe with the inclusion of an AA gun underneath the titan?

- Knife unlock enables user to throw it at the enemy, but it is then lost unless you go and reclaim it from the victim.

- Active Camo should not have to be continually held, you should be able to press the button and it last less time but enables you to use weapons.

- The SAAW locking-on bug fixed

- Active Countermeasures kill anything they touch (just like the titan shield).  This would be a good defence against those infantry trying to place RDX or shooting the vents on a Walker.
An American Army!!!
Cool member
I would like to see some more aditional weapons. Maybe not unlocks though, sort of the same idea that they had in POE 2. It would be nice to have armouries on the maps with other weapons in them, so that you can actually swap your weapon during the game without having to pick up another kit.

Also it would be cool if the supply crate had weapons in it also, so you could change weapon at the supply crate.
I would like all the BF2 maps in 2142, there, in titian will be nice...but need to fix the lag FIRST!  The squad leader toys should be able to use even with (1) person team, because he is the leader of the team! :-)
Quakecon Attendee
+17|6977|SLC, Utah, USA
How about you make the sentry guns stop firing at enemies through the walls?  They do no damage, and cause wierd glitches when a guy is "getting hit" by the bullets, cringes, but is taking no damage.

I'd like to place the SL beacon when one's already out there.  Heck, what happened to before, where you could take out your beacon but not deploy it if there's another?  Why can't I even take it out anymore?

Where's the anti-infantry base defenses? (mounted machine guns.)

PDS's that don't look like a UAV and cause the UAV to not work.

And if most of these sound familiar, it's because I got inspiration from Superior Mind.
I'd like to see Jets and one or two colorful maps.
+116|6942|Cherry Pie
Realism.  2142 <> the tech in 2142.
Krylov Whore
+35|6876|AK101 Factory

RoofusMcDoofus wrote:

Fix the goddamned TV missile!  It's next to worthless.  Has anyone ever been killed by it?  I know that I have fewer than ten kills with it, and most of them were because I had a good pilot that lined me up when he ran out of missiles!

It takes TWO hits to kill a tank with the TV missile.  It takes around 2.5 hits to kill a walker.  They get to hear the alarm tone, and have the opportunity to raise their shields.  FAVs are so fast that it's nearly impossible to even engage one.  It's absolutely worthless against anything that flies, unless your pilot lines it right up point blank like.

I say this: make it exactly like the laser guided missile in BF2--or make it so you can vary its velocity, and extend the range to 5000m so you can have a chance of hitting something.
1100 TVM kills and counting; you just need finesse with it - best way to use it is from 250-300m then pilot swoops in and missile spams to finish target off. FAVs are so weak you can chaingun them.

Back on topic - I'd like to see the African army; which will no doubt be an expansion not a patch idea.

More importantly, I'd like to see the knife hit rego fixed as even on stationary prone targets; it's a joke.
Mounted machine guns
Cool member

wrx_sti wrote:

I would like all the BF2 maps in 2142
That would be pretty cool. not all the maps, but even karkand just to see what it would be like in the future. It would either be very similar but with snow, or it would be a really futuristic karkand with new buildings.

GorillaTicTacs wrote:

Neural feedback loop on titan guns!  Blow up a turret, kill the gunner...and possibly the engineer standing over his shoulder.

Nobody else thinks this is a game breaker that it's possible to sit and kill someone completely risk free?
i agree with you in a way. i think it's bull when the titan moves into the middle of the map and the guns can blow up anything they want but if the titan didn't move at all i think it would be better because then they would only be used for defence purposes.

Pfc. Leemus wrote:

Fixed PDS-1
Biggest bug this game has at the moment.
Doesnt work on 50% of surfaces.
Place it ANYWHERE on the map and it screws over all UAV's making hem only see vehicles too.
the PDS should have a different colour to the uav, like red or somthing so people can tell the difference between them. the squad helmet (can't remember its name) should also have different colours when an enemy is spotted so you know if it's infantry or vehicles waiting round the corner

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