Bringin' Sexy Back!
+581|6863|Southeastern USA
honestly in everyday life they don't phase me, but going all out and purposefully making a spectacle of themselves like this they got exactly what they wanted. and yes i did see muslims and sikhs (i know they're not the same, but they do have the turbans and it can create a stir) last time i was in Hartsfield international, and didn't see anyone giving them a second thought. one even had his prayer rug with him, noteworthy in that:
A) Hartsfield is the busiest airport in the world
B) it's here in georgia, you know where all us dumb, ignorant, racist, bigoted southern people live.

jsnipy wrote:

if(person.Name != "Cat Stevens")
    karma++; /* hehe */

lowing wrote:

and I can't help but wonder how many times the pilots of AA and United flew their routes before 911, or how many times the passengers on the train in Spain and London road the rails, or how many times the workers in the US embassies showed up for work, or how many times the resort in Bali was enjoyed. Your notion of putting your hands over your eyes and your fingers in your ears and just playing the odds that they won't blow you up, as the solution to solving the terrorist problems in the world is ridiculous.
Where did 'me going about my daily life' amount to my recipe for getting rid of the world terrorist problems?

You CAN'T regulate your life for the extremely unlikely situation of you being in the exactly wrong place at the exactly wrong time. It's sad that fear of something so unlikely would regulate someone's life. Let the homeland security officers/police worry about your wellbeing - that's their job.

usmarine2007 wrote:

"Witnesses said the men prayed in the terminal and made critical comments about the Iraq war, according to the police report, and a US Airways manager said three of the men had only one-way tickets and no checked baggage." … %2F+Nation

Now, if I were waiting to board my flight, and a few arab dudes started praying, I would NOT get on that flight.
Say what you want, but I would not be going.
I'd ignore them and get on the plane without giving the slightest s**t.

Most likely I wouldn't even notice them as I'm not in the habit of sitting around in airports looking for people who might look a bit like a terrorist I saw on the tv a few weeks ago.

CameronPoe wrote:

lowing wrote:

and I can't help but wonder how many times the pilots of AA and United flew their routes before 911, or how many times the passengers on the train in Spain and London road the rails, or how many times the workers in the US embassies showed up for work, or how many times the resort in Bali was enjoyed. Your notion of putting your hands over your eyes and your fingers in your ears and just playing the odds that they won't blow you up, as the solution to solving the terrorist problems in the world is ridiculous.
Where did 'me going about my daily life' amount to my recipe for getting rid of the world terrorist problems?

You CAN'T regulate your life for the extremely unlikely situation of you being in the exactly wrong place at the exactly wrong time. It's sad that fear of something so unlikely would regulate someone's life. Let the homeland security officers/police worry about your wellbeing - that's their job.
I am not afraid Cam, I am pissed and I want those that commit such acts hunted down like dogs.

I want the Department of Homeland Security/ Police to "Worry about my well being". That is why I want them to have every tool available to do so. PATRIOT ACT, PROFILING, WIRE TAPPING...etc.....

Or do you think the Dept. of Homeland Security's job is EASIR with people like you screaming about your rights and profiling and printing warplans in the newspapers.

If you insist that the govt. provide security for you ( which I do ) then let them do it., by adapting as they need to, to every situation.

You are totally oblivious to the fact that a terrorist COULD blow up your flight from GB to the US, and could care less, but are completely PARANOID that the govt. is listening in on YOUR phone calls and tracking YOUR internet activities. Just doesn't make sense.

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

"Witnesses said the men prayed in the terminal and made critical comments about the Iraq war, according to the police report, and a US Airways manager said three of the men had only one-way tickets and no checked baggage." … %2F+Nation

Now, if I were waiting to board my flight, and a few arab dudes started praying, I would NOT get on that flight.
Say what you want, but I would not be going.
I'd ignore them and get on the plane without giving the slightest s**t.

Most likely I wouldn't even notice them as I'm not in the habit of sitting around in airports looking for people who might look a bit like a terrorist I saw on the tv a few weeks ago.
This is complete bullshit. You would notice them, whether or not you would say anything is another matter, but you would notice them and you would wonder.

lowing wrote:

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

"Witnesses said the men prayed in the terminal and made critical comments about the Iraq war, according to the police report, and a US Airways manager said three of the men had only one-way tickets and no checked baggage." … %2F+Nation

Now, if I were waiting to board my flight, and a few arab dudes started praying, I would NOT get on that flight.
Say what you want, but I would not be going.
I'd ignore them and get on the plane without giving the slightest s**t.

Most likely I wouldn't even notice them as I'm not in the habit of sitting around in airports looking for people who might look a bit like a terrorist I saw on the tv a few weeks ago.
This is complete bullshit. You would notice them, whether or not you would say anything is another matter, but you would notice them and you would wonder.
I can't recall anyone I've ever seen on any flight I've been on.

I flew from NY to London 7 days after 9/11 and didn't notice who was on the flight. I did notice that the plane was half empty because I got a whole row of seat to myself so I could get a good nap in.

I was mid-flight from Vancouver to Dusseldorf during the latest bomb scare and happily flew the next morning after my connecting flight that day was cancelled and didn't notice who was on the flight.

You may care who's on your flight, but it doesn't mean that everyone else does.
+102|7015|New York
It was the right call, For they either planned on doing something or they were useing the procedures and the parinoia to there advantage so they could sue if they did get hasstled.

They got on the plane, and sat in seats of strategic locations(that were not there seats) They got on with the first class passengers, 3 of them asked for seatbelt extenders(they didnt need them) and they prayed and then made threatening comments and talked of support for saddam and about bringing harm to the US.

I think the passengers and others made the right decision, and possibly thwarted an otherwise bad day for the rest of the people. Thats MY opinion, and im sticking to it.  I say, GOOD JOB!
Δ > x > ¥

usmarine2007 wrote:

"Witnesses said the men prayed in the terminal and made critical comments about the Iraq war, according to the police report, and a US Airways manager said three of the men had only one-way tickets and no checked baggage." … %2F+Nation

Now, if I were waiting to board my flight, and a few arab dudes started praying, I would NOT get on that flight.
Say what you want, but I would not be going.
Fuck me.  Americans are really fucking stupid these days.

When I travel by plane, I try to pack sensibly and avoid checking any baggage.  Does that mean I'm a terrorist?  No, it means I don't want to wait an hour for baggage to come through at the other end, or go off to some other destination because baggage handlers can't fucking read.  Hand luggage allowances are big enough that if you're only going for a few days, you don't NEED checked baggage.

Also, when I travel by plane, I fucking pray.  Not loudly and my religion doesn't mean I need to set up a prayer mat, gesticulate or genuflect or anything like that, but goddamn, I pray that nobody's going to do anything to my plane and that I will arrive on time at my destination without hassle.

One-way tickets are often cheaper than returns.  I know that when I fly to Amsterdam, it's cheaper for me to buy two outward tickets - one from the UK and one from Schipol - than it is to buy a return.  Something about the taxes, but it makes a small difference that I would rather spend on beer than give to the airline.

So, does using hand luggage only, praying and not having a return ticket make me a terrorist?  I don't think so.  What I think is that Americans are sub-conciously racist and stupid.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

aardfrith wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

"Witnesses said the men prayed in the terminal and made critical comments about the Iraq war, according to the police report, and a US Airways manager said three of the men had only one-way tickets and no checked baggage." … %2F+Nation

Now, if I were waiting to board my flight, and a few arab dudes started praying, I would NOT get on that flight.
Say what you want, but I would not be going.
Fuck me.  Americans are really fucking stupid these days.

When I travel by plane, I try to pack sensibly and avoid checking any baggage.  Does that mean I'm a terrorist?  No, it means I don't want to wait an hour for baggage to come through at the other end, or go off to some other destination because baggage handlers can't fucking read.  Hand luggage allowances are big enough that if you're only going for a few days, you don't NEED checked baggage.

Also, when I travel by plane, I fucking pray.  Not loudly and my religion doesn't mean I need to set up a prayer mat, gesticulate or genuflect or anything like that, but goddamn, I pray that nobody's going to do anything to my plane and that I will arrive on time at my destination without hassle.

One-way tickets are often cheaper than returns.  I know that when I fly to Amsterdam, it's cheaper for me to buy two outward tickets - one from the UK and one from Schipol - than it is to buy a return.  Something about the taxes, but it makes a small difference that I would rather spend on beer than give to the airline.

So, does using hand luggage only, praying and not having a return ticket make me a terrorist?  I don't think so.  What I think is that Americans are sub-conciously racist and stupid.
Can any of you fucking foreigners reply without calling American's stupid?  Go to a website in your own fucking country if you can't.
The Lizzard
Oh, yeah.  Totally not biased against non-Americans.

usmarine2007 wrote:

Can any of you fucking foreigners reply without calling American's stupid?  Go to a website in your own fucking country if you can't.
I can try.

Stupidity is not tied to a nationality. Generalizations lead to ethnic groups and nationalities being characterized as stupid, lazy, narrowminded, cheap etc. In other words: Not all Americans are stupid. Some are, but that goes for all nationalities.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's apply the same hypothesis on Muslims.

Oh, and btw, I hope you refer to "us foreigners" as "fucking" because of the significant amount of intercourse we engage in. Yes. I do fuck.

Last edited by DonFck (2006-12-05 04:59:26)

I need around tree fiddy.
+7|6763|New York
You guys are honestly just putting up a show if you think these guys weren't out of line.

I think it's pretty obvious that they simply wanted to create a comotion and they sure as hell did it.

The things to look out for in the guide for airport security is no return tickets and I'm not sure but probably no checked luggage.

Obviously, they weren't terrorists because they were creating a huge show to bring attention to them, but that doesn't mean we can't ask them to GTFO, what if terrorists simply had to put up a huge show and we didn't do anything about it anymore because it could be a normal Muslim and they would create lots of problems post fact.

Look, they sat far away from eachother, prayed loudly before, criticized the U.S. or whatever so that people could hear (otherwise how do we know about it), asked for seat belt extenders then just put them under their seat...they got 1 way tickets and had no checked luggage. It looks suspicious as hell and the fact is that Americans do get nervous at this kind of shit so if they had legitimate reasons to do it they shouldn't've been fucking retarded numbskulls just like the rest of the muslims/arabs that get in trouble in airports. Honestly, you don't hear about the guy with a family going on a plane and being asked to get off (because it doesnt happen), but you hear about the guy who wears a shirt that says WE WONT BE SILENCED or something and refuses to cooperate.

If you want to fly, don't send political messages. THE END CASE CLOSED. Fuck all you hoes

Last edited by SlightlySto0pid (2006-12-05 05:00:08)

The Lizzard

SlightlySto0pid wrote:

If you want to fly, don't send political messages.
What about freedom of speech?

Bubbalo wrote:

SlightlySto0pid wrote:

If you want to fly, don't send political messages.
What about freedom of speech?
HA! HA! Denied!
I need around tree fiddy.
+7|6763|New York
"Don't scream fire in a crowded theatre"


Last edited by SlightlySto0pid (2006-12-05 05:01:34)

The Lizzard
Which can cause a situation dangerous to the physical health of others.  Now, how does expressing political views do this?
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

DonFck wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

Can any of you fucking foreigners reply without calling American's stupid?  Go to a website in your own fucking country if you can't.
I can try.

Stupidity is not tied to a nationality. Generalizations lead to ethnic groups and nationalities being characterized as stupid, lazy, narrowminded, cheap etc. In other words: Not all Americans are stupid. Some are, but that goes for all nationalities.

Now that we have that out of the way, let's apply the same hypothesis on Muslims.

Oh, and btw, I hope you refer to "us foreigners" as "fucking" because of the significant amount of intercourse we engage in. Yes. I do fuck.
Fuck that.  Most people from other countries talk down to the US on this forum.  You know it, the mods know it, so just admit it.  And I stand by what I said, if you do not like Americans or America, go to a British, German, Swedish, or whatever website and bash America all you want.  You expect us to just sit here and watch post after post of either America complaining, or talking down to Americans.  Ain't gonna happen.

Bubbalo wrote:

SlightlySto0pid wrote:

If you want to fly, don't send political messages.
What about freedom of speech?
Denied. Based on the Patriot Act the gov can do anything to anyone they think are suspects.
The Lizzard

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:

Bubbalo wrote:

SlightlySto0pid wrote:

If you want to fly, don't send political messages.
What about freedom of speech?
Denied. Based on the Patriot Act the gov can do anything to anyone they think are suspects.
I thought the US constitution was un-shakeable.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

Bubbalo wrote:

SlightlySto0pid wrote:

If you want to fly, don't send political messages.
What about freedom of speech?
What?  I can't watch South Park without the swear words being bleeped out, where is that freedom?
Δ > x > ¥

usmarine2007 wrote:

Can any of you fucking foreigners reply without calling American's stupid?  Go to a website in your own fucking country if you can't.
I could...  if you demonstrated a lack of stupidity.

For fuck's sake, saying "if I saw a bunch of 'arabic men' praying and talking about current affairs, I'd report them" is stupid.

usmarine2007 wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

"Witnesses said the men prayed in the terminal and made critical comments about the Iraq war, according to the police report, and a US Airways manager said three of the men had only one-way tickets and no checked baggage." … %2F+Nation

Now, if I were waiting to board my flight, and a few arab dudes started praying, I would NOT get on that flight.
Say what you want, but I would not be going.
Fuck me.  Americans are really fucking stupid these days.

When I travel by plane, I try to pack sensibly and avoid checking any baggage.  Does that mean I'm a terrorist?  No, it means I don't want to wait an hour for baggage to come through at the other end, or go off to some other destination because baggage handlers can't fucking read.  Hand luggage allowances are big enough that if you're only going for a few days, you don't NEED checked baggage.

Also, when I travel by plane, I fucking pray.  Not loudly and my religion doesn't mean I need to set up a prayer mat, gesticulate or genuflect or anything like that, but goddamn, I pray that nobody's going to do anything to my plane and that I will arrive on time at my destination without hassle.

One-way tickets are often cheaper than returns.  I know that when I fly to Amsterdam, it's cheaper for me to buy two outward tickets - one from the UK and one from Schipol - than it is to buy a return.  Something about the taxes, but it makes a small difference that I would rather spend on beer than give to the airline.

So, does using hand luggage only, praying and not having a return ticket make me a terrorist?  I don't think so.  What I think is that Americans are sub-conciously racist and stupid.
Can any of you fucking foreigners reply without calling American's stupid?  Go to a website in your own fucking country if you can't.
Out of the 14 relpies from people that are obviously non-americans, only one said americans are stupid.

So to answer you question, yes fucking foreigners can relpy without calling American's stupid.

Interestingly you get annoyed when you, as an American, are being treated differently because of where you come from. I guess profiling is ok except when you're on the crappy end of it.

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

usmarine2007 wrote:

aardfrith wrote:

Fuck me.  Americans are really fucking stupid these days.

When I travel by plane, I try to pack sensibly and avoid checking any baggage.  Does that mean I'm a terrorist?  No, it means I don't want to wait an hour for baggage to come through at the other end, or go off to some other destination because baggage handlers can't fucking read.  Hand luggage allowances are big enough that if you're only going for a few days, you don't NEED checked baggage.

Also, when I travel by plane, I fucking pray.  Not loudly and my religion doesn't mean I need to set up a prayer mat, gesticulate or genuflect or anything like that, but goddamn, I pray that nobody's going to do anything to my plane and that I will arrive on time at my destination without hassle.

One-way tickets are often cheaper than returns.  I know that when I fly to Amsterdam, it's cheaper for me to buy two outward tickets - one from the UK and one from Schipol - than it is to buy a return.  Something about the taxes, but it makes a small difference that I would rather spend on beer than give to the airline.

So, does using hand luggage only, praying and not having a return ticket make me a terrorist?  I don't think so.  What I think is that Americans are sub-conciously racist and stupid.
Can any of you fucking foreigners reply without calling American's stupid?  Go to a website in your own fucking country if you can't.
Out of the 14 relpies from people that are obviously non-americans, only one said americans are stupid.

So to answer you question, yes fucking foreigners can relpy without calling American's stupid.

Interestingly you get annoyed when you, as an American, are being treated differently because of where you come from. I guess profiling is ok except when you're on the crappy end of it.
+374|6680|Columbus, Ohio

.:XDR:.PureFodder wrote:

Out of the 14 relpies from people that are obviously non-americans, only one said americans are stupid.

So to answer you question, yes fucking foreigners can relpy without calling American's stupid.

Interestingly you get annoyed when you, as an American, are being treated differently because of where you come from. I guess profiling is ok except when you're on the crappy end of it.
You want to go thru the whole forum, not just one thread.  Saying the word stupid, or talking down to are the same thing.

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