Does anyone else feel that the Anti-Tank kit is the least well-equipped in the game? No grenades, a somewhat passable shotgun (the unlock, of course) and what should be the crown of the class -- a mediocre anti-tank weapon. Easily third best in the game at destroying tanks (C4 and AT mines being better -- primarily due to their instant-kill nature). What are your thoughts?

Not to mention no SF unlock either, kind of disappointing. (Although the grappling hook is a welcome addition for fighting armor)

Last edited by Banthur (2005-11-24 18:46:59)

Yeah, I somewhat agree.  I hate playing AT on the ground, because even with the DAO I have trouble maintaining a good K/D ratio, and it never seems like I encounter tanks enough.  Not having grenades really annoys me sometimes too
+0|7087|Columbus, Ga.
i happen to like it more than any of the other classes.  My main reason is the rocket/shotgun combo.  Whether fighting soldiers or vehicles, the anti-tank handles nicely.  I'm not the greatest 1 on 1, but i usually only lose if i'm reloading.

if you are having that much trouble taking down vehicles, you sir are simply not shooting them in the right places.  I know ppl on here have mentioned in many different threads the best places to shoot the different vehicles, just search for them.

of course this is just my opinion, however i pretty much only play Anti-tank at this point and really dont' see any other reason to play a different class.

lol i had to edit, Slidero, your K/D ratio is sick, what do you mean you have trouble keeping a nice

Last edited by [CPD]588 (2005-11-24 18:56:21)

I like playing AT too, I just feel that the weapons/kit needs tweaking. Grenades would be a huge bonus and higher damage on AT rockets also (it takes min. 2 hits to kill a tank - whereas a jackass spec ops guy can just run up and C4 him before you even get a chance to reload). I would also like the DAO's reloading to be interuptable. The most frustrating part of playing AT is furiously clicking while reloading hoping my guy will snap out of the reload coma he went into when I hit R.
I love the AT kit. The DAO is jesus in gun form, but it would be nice if the reload were interruptable though. As for the Rockets, it's point and click destruction, and if you can't kill a tank with a SRAW, Eryx, or RPG-7, you're not playing it right. Rockets are also great for taking out infantry, especially the SRAW and Eryx. There's nothing more satisfying than taking out a sniper with an anti-tank kit.
I think they should actually make it realistic, as the Rear of the tank is weakest point 1 shot 1 kill, or atleast make it cloes to blowing up (smoking but bad enough for driver/copilot to bail before it blows in 3 seconds) and the side armor should take 2.5 shots depending where you hit the first time.

One cool feature if you hit it in the Tracks, the tracks will fly off disabling the movement

ApathyCrusade wrote:

There's nothing more satisfying than taking out a sniper with an anti-tank kit.
It's just silly when the tank named "Anti-Tank" isn't the best equipped to take out a tank. The AT rockets are better at killing infantry than fighting a tank. Another thing I find sad is that if a tank has a supply crate he can handle an infinite number of AT rockets. I wish they would put in diminishing returns to repairs, like they can only repair up to X% of their health each time. Kind of dumb to watch as an engineer wrenches away all your hard work. (Not to mention you'll run out of ammo before you kill the tank)

Banthur wrote:

ApathyCrusade wrote:

There's nothing more satisfying than taking out a sniper with an anti-tank kit.
It's just silly when the tank named "Anti-Tank" isn't the best equipped to take out a tank. The AT rockets are better at killing infantry than fighting a tank. Another thing I find sad is that if a tank has a supply crate he can handle an infinite number of AT rockets. I wish they would put in diminishing returns to repairs, like they can only repair up to X% of their health each time. Kind of dumb to watch as an engineer wrenches away all your hard work. (Not to mention you'll run out of ammo before you kill the tank)
I suggest you shoot the supply crate first.
+1|7046|Orlando, FL
Ok obviously you haven't played antitank long enough to realize how powerful that kit really is.
First off, the DAO-12 is wicked in close combat, a good player knows how to take out armor and helos without dying, and you have BODY ARMOR. The only weakness antitank has is ranged combat, and if you're good enough you can compensate with the pistol or even the SRAW/Eryx as a rocket kill prevents medics from reviving.
The new RPG in SF kicks ass too. You cant control the shot but it reloads FAST.  I can't turn a corner driving a tank without hearing the annoying buzzer of the antitank punks that keep wearing me down till I have to bail. So yeah, tell me again how far behind antitank is. Noobs.

Last edited by warco3 (2005-11-24 19:43:02)

Well no shit. That isn't always an option and will usually earn you a tank shot to the face since he saw an eryx fly at him.

warco3 wrote:

Ok obviously you haven't played antitank long enough to realize how powerful that kit really is.
First off, the DAO-12 is wicked in close combat, a good player knows how to take out armor and helos without dying, and you have BODY ARMOR. The only weakness antitank has is ranged combat, and if you're good enough you can compensate with the pistol or even the SRAW/Eryx as a rocket kill prevents medics from reviving.
The new RPG in SF kicks ass too. You cant control the shot but it reloads FAST.  So yeah, tell me again how far behind antitank is. Noob.
you're the noob, nub
I love the anti tank kit. Don't mean to offend anyone but, if you can't keep a good kill death ratio with this kit then you need to revise your tatics. Nothing can beat the kits close combat advantages (armor and shotgun that mows down 4 guys in one pass ) and you are armors worst enemy IF you are very sneaky. If your out looking for armor than you asking for death to come to you. Instead try looking for opportunities to slip past a teams defense and pop up behind enemy lines. NOTHING and I mean NOTHING will prevent you from taking down half a squad before you are blown away by a grenade ( or M203 ) or multiple guys aiming for you.

I learned how to manage the sprint using this method. Hide and surpise.
As for long range, the pistol is as good or better than an AK if you have the element of surpise, or good accuracy.

warco3 wrote:

You cant control the shot but it reloads FAST.
It doesn't matter how many shots you get off if you can't hit with any of them (I haven't used the RPG much yet though). The DAO is a good weapon but has bugs. Ever notice you reload more bullets than the clip size is? Or the already mentioned reload problem (not essentially a bug, though). Also, please try to argue without just flaming.
+1|7046|Orlando, FL
Well calling someone a noob isnt really flaming, and Slidero, I was only reffering to the people who think its a weak kit. ITS NOT. Shooting at a tank with it's gun facing you is just ASKING to get shot in the face. Like I said, a good player knows to seek cover and wait until the tank turret faces away before making his shot. And if you add another antitanker in the mix no crate or wrench will be able to keep up. Play the kit for a while and you'll see what I mean.

Last edited by warco3 (2005-11-24 19:49:04)

Expendable Miracle Worker
no, AT rocks if you know how to use it...i do agree though, grenades would be nice
Semper Fi!
press 2 during the middle of the reload, i usually drop behind cover when I do.  2 and 3 and you have a half clip or so, jump out and boom boom the guy
I just wish they had their set of bugs fixed and that there was a higher incentive to kill armor -- ie: 2 points for a driver kill. (Thus leading to 3 points per tank, 2 for driver 1 for copilot or 5 for full HMMWV) However this would encourage snipers with M95's to hose choppers like they try to do. I always think it's kind of sad when I'm flying the attack chopper and constantly hear/feel M95 shots plinking the chopper.
I'd really appreciate greandes for them too -- or some other kit item (all the other kits have more items but hey someone has to be least right? )
Grenades would be the best ever--great way to compliment your arsenal, and (with a little skill) not have to waste whole rockets on buggys. (Though it is satisfying to go buggy poping when they're speed freaking through your squad)
AT with the unlock is pretty fun, but it's a rarity when i actually take a tank out with my rockets (unless the armor is already substantially damaged or the driver doesn't move after he's shot).  Most of the time i will make one hit and the tank will blow its smoke and quickly back up across half the map and repair himself, before my next rocket has loaded.

the DAO is great against targets that are not moving, but whenever i encounter an intense bunnyhopping and dolphin diving madman, then the DAO is pretty worthless.

oh well... it's a pretty good kit, but there's always room for improvement *thinks about hand grenades*
I think it would be nice if the RPG's damage was much larger (due to lack of control) and it was the SF unlock. Thus giving AT another item (the ability to swap 2 unlocks) and a way to vary their play style.

DeltaForceWarrior wrote:

AT with the unlock is pretty fun, but it's a rarity when i actually take a tank out with my rockets (unless the armor is already substantially damaged or the driver doesn't move after he's shot).  Most of the time i will make one hit and the tank will blow its smoke and quickly back up across half the map and repair himself, before my next rocket has loaded.

the DAO is great against targets that are not moving, but whenever i encounter an intense bunnyhopping and dolphin diving madman, then the DAO is pretty worthless.

oh well... it's a pretty good kit, but there's always room for improvement *thinks about hand grenades*
Hrm. I find the DAO especially good at taking out bunnyhoppers. It's really a weapon of patience for being a shotgun. Don't spray all your shots quickly -- take a space between each one and think them out. You'll find that you're not only more efficient with ammo but you can kill quickly also.\

Also, you are aiming for the treads right? 2 Tread shots will kill immediately.

Last edited by Banthur (2005-11-24 20:16:22)

+1|7046|Orlando, FL
I'll say it again. The antitank kit is fine as is. If anything they should REMOVE the body armor and leave it for assault and support since they're the ones that fight infantry primarily. Antitank is for TANKS. Body armor does you no good against tanks and you would be able to sprint further without it anyway. LEARN TO PLAY THE KIT and you will realize how poweful it is.

Banthur wrote:

.. hoping my guy will snap out of the reload coma he went into when I hit R.
Erm, you can interrupt by pulling out your pistol if a enemy appears when you are reloading the DAO.

That said, I love the AT too, esp when DAO. Got 2 ribbons and a badge the first nite I used the DAO.

Agrees, with everyone, grenades would be a real gift. Afterall the guy could carry 5 of those tubes, whats a few grenades?

Hit point distribution is pretty decent now, if a tank can be killed in 1 shot, it would be way too unbalanced.
meh I only started this argument to pass time cause I'm on dial-up at home for thanksgiving. I'm going to bed now.

Heretic wrote:

you are armors worst enemy IF you are very sneaky.
pfft. Spec Ops is the tank worse enemy if they are sneaky. They kill you witout any warning (Buzzer) and instant death. For AT there is buzzer (which warns driver) and usually driver bails out before destorying the tank (Which is VERY annoying)

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